Women hate thread go go go

women hate thread go go go

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All because I want women to be women,doesn’t mean I hate them.

I am truly sorry that Covid-19 is not much more deadly, deadly enough to break the system instead of bringing us another financial crysis.

society must suffer so that womanchildren may feel important

Large enough crysis would delete feminist agenda and rest of them from existence as they are imaginary problems that exist only because we have enough resources for basic needs

Women don’t want to do these friggin courses in the first place. It’s basically pushing unsuitable, uninterested candidates into things to will fail at

Feminists used to know that protective law is by it's nature unequal. The problem isn't feminism, the problem is whatever made people forget that equality and self determination is the goal.

>equality is the goal
kys commie

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Requesting female engineer death bridge pictures

Dont fuck a girl if you dont want her to be the mother of your children

isn't this literally sexism?

it is but leftists say you cannot be a sexist against women just like you cannot be racist against whites

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lmao I'd just 'identify' as a woman
like what can they do? either they let me in or I'll sue them for transphobia

they brought it upon themselves, they literally invite shitlords doing stuff like that

stfu you naive, queerbait bacci boi cocksucker

university is a business. retarded professors need to make a living too by spreading their quackery.

Nice cherry picking if that’s even true which I HIGHLY doubt it is. In general women attend university more, graduate high school more and get higher grades.

I'm going to tell you something very important that you should know.
People can and will say something and not mean it.
Feminism, in particular, knows damn well that it doesn't want equality, but it will screech in period blood all day every day that that's everything that what it wants and lack of equality is whats wrong with the world.
Equality is actually absolutely abhorrent to feminists. Imagine women competing directly with men and held to the same standards as men and being as disposable as men. It's not going to happen.
The equality rhetoric sounds pretty sweet to young and dumb children who don't know any better but will be able to vote eventually so they push that anyway.

>t. virgin
i dont even have to point that out, your flag says it all

Is this your gameplay?

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it's true and happening all over Aus

what are you fags so butthurt about?

*against men

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>women hate thread go go go
Why do women hate thread?

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Unis in straya are all asians anyway. If you want equality then make it easier for low IQ whites... oh wait they did that and now we have heaps of dumb cunts in uni when they shouldn't be,

Well I don’t think that’s good then.
Finland is handling it WAAAY better than Sweden is which is lead by men. Also Sweden is literally the only Nordic country who’s still lead by men yet it’s the country that’s failing the most so it seems that your silly theories about women not being able to lead is just wrong.

They're applying a different overview of grades in school and college admissions in all of the west and this is nothing new. I'd wager it was the (((americans))) who came up with it.

Females should have stricter rules on the internet, as too many wimps/simps are helping them get rich and famous.

Females shouldn't be allowed to vote, work in most of the physical jobs.

And here is why:
Most of voters have no idea on what they're voting, especially females.
Women are submissive and follow most of the time, therefore will vote based on emotions.
Bitches should't work in most production/warehouses/construction etc. jobs.
They slack off, use man to do stuff for them.
Simps in these job places are going to actually defend a bitch hoping to get laid with her, while you have to do her work.
Trust me I've witnessed it so many times.

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So do you want women to do less unpaid housework and less time raising their kids and more time in the office??
No they aren't.

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Did you guys ever see lolcow?
The women there have some funny views of the reality.

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fuck off ignoramus. it's a fact.

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Shut up.

This is a perfect example of how subservient women are if you're smart, confident and/or you put a camera in their face.

You can smash them in the fucking face and they will drink the beer straight from your hand.

just wait, this thing has only just began

Everyone is handling everything better than Sweden, that's not a metric that can be relied upon. The only country worse than Sweden might be China.

you women have everything and all you do is complain

i want women to stop expropriating me and taking away me freedom



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Fair enough I guess, but still.
you men have everything and all you do is complain
Wait what??

Lol, I love pewdiepie

Ye olde classic

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Engineering is important for having a civilization dumb fuck. It’s not for having tea parties.

pretty much its like a last ditch attempt begging women and lowering the bar so they will even consider it. the few women that are interested and can actually deliver results in these fields are already there.

Lol @ womens rights.

We must restore order

i dont want my tax dolar go to single mothers

female doctors are a danger to society, you can become a vet for horses for the sake of humanity

You're not wrong.
I have literally cucked women before and it was easy.

I agree. Have a look user

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>western women

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this shit is why I want to quit college so badly

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I think that you should take care of the disenfranchised in society. Also the kids didn’t chose to be born from a single mom and tons of dads leave their kids too so it’s wrong to just blame the woman and make life as hard for her as possible.
No they aren’t.

But that's obviously a joke page.

That was going do good until i read "I like guys and girls and i'm pregnant"
I saw this fat bitch on tinder who was like 35 and i added her on snapchat and just sexted her for ages because i'm a dirty boy, and blocked her, and saw her on tinder a few months later with her bio saying "Currently single and pregnant :)"


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chinese women arent promiscuous and this is why china is the future

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Goddamn it is not that hard to fire a fucking shotgun
I know girls that can shoot better than this dumb bitch

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It's amazing what you'll see when you don't have a bullwhip handy.
It would be awesome to see a strip of skin peeled off that flapping ass.

Dutchy here. Do you think that (girls shoot shooty webm) would happen if i were to try it the first time?

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