Are you tired of the nothingburger yet?

> not allowed to sunbath
> keep to your home
> can't do group meetings
> work from home
> your rights slowly being taken away
> can't post about the corona on social media
> government cracking down over a flu
> economy tanking
> people losing jobs over a flu

The "solution" to this flu is worse than the flu.

Attached: 1584915183504.png (1242x723, 51.35K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Seems I remember Trump saying we don't want the cure to be worse than the disease.

Everyone criticized him for it.

> The "solution" to this flu is worse than the flu.

Oh the solution is waaay worse than meme-flu. Check this out.

> We could make a simple estimation of the IFR as 0.26%, based on halving the lowest boundary of the CFR prediction interval. However, the considerable uncertainty over how many people have the disease means an IFR of 0.26 is likely an overestimate. In Swine flu, the IFR ended up as 0.02%, fivefold less than the lowest estimate during the outbreak (the lowest estimate was 0.1% in the 1st ten weeks of the outbreak). In Iceland, where the most testing per capita has occurred, the IFR lies between. 0.01% and 0.19%.

> Taking account of historical experience, trends in the data, increased number of infections in the population at largest, and potential impact of misclassification of deaths gives a presumed estimate for the COVID-19 IFR between 0.1% and 0.26%.*

It’s fucked up. But the situation in Germany is getting real ugly right now with tons of deaths and no end in sight.

They already speak of this shutdown lasting until 2021...

Tons of deaths? Where? No, a dozen 95-year-olds in a nursing home don't count.

You get enough vitamin D being in the sun for 15 mins. Sunbathing as a hobby is just begging for cancer.


> Tons of deaths? Where? No, a dozen 95-year-olds in a nursing home don't count.

Oh but you see it all feels very scary and the news even said it's getting really ugly so go hide under your bed like a good little sheep.

kek death rate is literally .1 percent retard for a hike under 79

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Complete bullshit. We evolved to be in the sun longer than 15 minutes. If you really believe the sun gives you cancer you're a fucking retard. If you eat right you can sit in the sun for hours no problem

We went to close to 2k in a week from 200. When that happened in Italy everyone was saying “it’s incredible”... now in Germany it isn’t?

Yes, if you are healthy and below 45, you aren’t dying of the virus. You have a chance of 1 in 20,000 to die. But nobody cares about that and they don’t want to open the country for the healthy and younger like Sweden. They want to keep this stuff on for a year.

Italy has already flattened their deaths. This will be over by July the latest.

It’s a 10 percent death rate for people above 75 here.

The crisis, the deaths or what? Korea continues to register deaths all the time, a small number but still.

Yes and Korea is fully operational. Schools are open, people are going to work, and only a few thousand are under a lockdown of any kind. A “few” deaths is negligible, as long as hospitals are overflowing then it’s not a concern.

Do what I do - I don't give one flying fuck.


really need to stay on top of the science you smoothbrained faggot

Dear Diary,
Today OP was not a faggot.

Yeah, guess what, they were masks and have a disciplined population. Western countries don’t wear masks and have 0 discipline.

end of month more like at this rate

>citing a review article, in other words, a literal op-Ed

You are illiterate

Me too, I want them to end the lockdown so I can see more people die.

No, US cases are still increasing rapidly. And that’s mainly in New York, other regions will be hit soon.

>It’s a 10 percent death rate for people above 75 here.

which is irrelevant as they die from everything anyway. If they don't die from corona, they die from flu, or the common cold, or the other 2-5 other diseases they have.

Not to mention.. here our "corona victims" are counted with the method: "if you have it, and you die, you died from corona"
>Have terminal cancer
>only 1 week to live
>get corona
>die from cancer
>be a corona victim

Attached: 20200405173731.jpg (936x72, 21.25K)

I was about to fug my dream girl in another country
now I am officially an incel confined to my home, unironically and unbasedly
all because of a few dead boomers

Open the country goy

Right like Italy. Which has decreased their deaths already. This’ll be over soon

you reference a study from 2001 and
>cleveland clinic jew shop
>asds jew shop

heres a better study you faggot

Stay in your house all day goy

The way they are starting to explain shit here is they are too afraid to make the choice who lives or dies when health system is overwhelmed. Thing is people who get really sick now would have also gotten really sick from regular flu, but covid spreads a lot faster and is harder to treat because its new. Other than that it is the same as any other flu. If you usually can handle the flu you can handle covid.

its even worse when you look at the normal death rats... they are below the normal average, since everything is on lock down.

Corona is a nothing burger... shit it even saves lives.

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You are young, right?
Why you so worried about this?

Trump is retarded enough to do it.

Italy hasn’t decreased their newly infected despite 3-4 weeks of lockdown.

Think about that, a country locks down all its people 3 times longer than the average incubation period... infected numbers still don’t reduce significantly.

>American Cancer Society

You didn’t even open the links, and base your info on URLs. You’re hopelessly retarded.

Every article you link is based on observational evidence. There’s a reason no reputable organization has adopted those guidelines, because they’re bullshit.

kek imagine using s. korea stats for the american fatass population

I am in my mid-30s and will have to job hunt soon as my old job “runs out”. And the economy is pretty much shutdown. My savings will likely be used up end of this year when I’ll be living on the street. There is no gibmees here for whites like me.

stay inside for all i care. getting skin cancer and dying is a meme disease and youre a shill rat spreading disinfo

also if the 10 or even 20 million is true, this shit is the biggest nothing burger ever.

>0.1% death rate

Why does flu season happen in the summer in australia? Or are you guys about to get extremely fucked?

forgot pic

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Yeah skin cancer is totally a major disinfo campaign ffs how schizophrenic are you.

Good news: the more deaths, the more vacancies for you to take.

We’ll know next week, Austria is doing a random 2000 people sample of the population. At 12k positive tested we should expect 3 infected (or more like 0 to 5) from the sample. If your results show 25 and more infected, we know that official numbers are 10-20 times off and Italy likely has millions of infected.

Why aren't you essential?

>> can't post about the corona on social media

>white skin
>evolved to be in the sun

Are you a nigger really?

Doesn’t work like this. Nobody is hriring here and millions are laid off. I have already checked my camping gear to see if I have stuff to rough sleep on the streets.

And I won’t be the only one, America is looking at 60-70 million unemployed. Guess how many of them will be homeless, likely half.

Nah it's based
>faggots crying about losing their jobs
>faggots insulting neet chads are now meets themselves
>no drunk fuckwits and drug fucked cunts roaming around
>no parties, no socializing
>normies going crazy
>double neet bucks
>mutual obligations canceled
>boomers losing their life savings
>house market crashing
>material shit society worships is now meaningless while every cunt reassesses their lives

>Government locks down population
>A week after new cases start dropping off
>Claim is a "nothingburger"

Can you not see how fucking stupid you are?

What happens if we just let this happen, millions get infected, tens of thousands at least need ventilators that dont exist and fill up every hospital. Then you have a car crash and need to goto hospital adn the ICU, but wait theres no room so you die. What happens when any routine medical issue occurs that we can treat but now we can't because the hospitals are all full for months?

Fuck off, fuck off with your insane disinfo shit.

It's even worse when you realise Euro MOMO is manipulating their own numbers.

pic related.

Attached: Pooled-number.png (780x936, 89.93K)

>There is no gibmees here for whites like me.
What the hell you talking about, google tells me otherwise.

If flu season happens in winter months... and cases will drop as weather warms with summer... why the fuck does australia have so many cases? Surely they should be good for now and the upcoming winter will be bad.

Nah we have a massive welfare net, and this all depends on how long a lockdown lasts. I’m not too worried but then again I’m in healthcare.

Imagine having this simple a view on life.

My shares are up, my super is up since this started.
Families all actually spending time together now after decades of hiding from each other at work or school or whatever, forced to connect.
Just sold my house made $100k since 3 years ago.
Bunch of no life complete fucking useless laughable shitkicker bottom of the shit tank cunts think they've somehow come out ontop of the shit barrel because they get still a quarter of a decent wage.

This is hilarious please post more jokes.

This is Yas Forums what else do you think. Everyone has a PHD in statistics and is at the source knowing everything.

Good luck lifting the lockdown and restrictions in western countries. This shit will come back in even worse waves.

That's because lockdowns only reduce cases by about 20 to 50%.

This can be shown by comparing data of other infectious diseases.

There is no gibsmee for me, I work contract freelance and you don’t get gibmees. I can’t even claim the lowest type of gibmees because I am white European and have no German passport.

In other words, I’m screwed. Best I could do is ask my sister for help, but I doubt she could as they are struggling as well.

All I can do is get work and there is none.

I don't expect them to release any numbers that show higher results.

Our medical personal isn't tested regularly, From the 60k working in the KAV something like 2-3k where tested.
I work in the largest prison in Austria, so far 6 people have been tested since the end of February.
The personal union was asking for mass test since the 10th of march, nothing happened until now, we might get tested next week... with the shitty quick test.

For me its pretty clear why they don't test (that much) if they get back the results and 20% of the people working in this institutions get tested positive, you have to quatrain them at home, meaning the collapse of said institution.

They dug their own grave with making this none issue into the second black plaque. You suddenly can't tell the people to still work when they have it, when they said everyone should remain at home.

So once again our lives are controlled by boomers.

Imagine thinking you were the rule and not the exception
Also you sound upset

No one seems to talk about this and its spot on.

All the cases so far, at least 90% have been from overseas or directly linked to overseas. There is fuck all community spread at the moment.

Give it a couple of months when our cold/flu season starts and unless strict lockdown is adhered to we will see community spread take off like other countries.

The government is fucked though and keeps cycling this idea of a "slow burn" through the community and allowing this to happen to a degree. Instead right now they could lock things down hard for a few weeks, TEST everyone around those people and areas infected, isolate all current cases and then phase back a return to normality and keep the borders closes with a week lockdown or until a test confirms if they have corona.

hahah neat, i haven't seen it from last week

The best countries here (Iceland, Austria, Norway) look at normalizing by July/August. The worst (Italy, Spain, UK, France) face bankruptcy, economic depression and no end to this shit this year.

>I am an expert on virology
Ok coofer.

Maybe, but it feels nice

>which is irrelevant as they die from everything anyway

While that is true these people don't get "everything" all the time and thus get to live another decade or two. Having millions of boomers die in a year because they will actually catch this doesn't sound appealing to me.

>That's because lockdowns only reduce cases by about 20 to 50%.

If that were true we are all screwed. Well, measures can work if people are compliant. Most societies aren’t.

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Man, it sure is a mystery why so many hospitals are saying they're overwhelmed

>The "solution" to this flu is worse than the flu.

if its so bad shut everything down!
close all remaining workplaces, supermarkets and hospitals now.
nobody is safe, so we the people demand everything to shut to protect the workers.

lets see how you wriggle out of this one politicians.

Italy just reported 525 deaths today. It was 900 per day last week. It’s falling rapidly. It’ll be over very soon.

Based PCR is fake and gay poster

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So what happens to the R number when everyone goes back to life as normal?

but even when they catch it, they don't die.
If they don't have any other "serious" disease, this not worse than the flu.

You are on the media hype train, believing if you average boomer gets it, he dies a 100%. while its something like 10%

Enjoy it while it lasts for you shit human.
Your death is within 3 years, horrible death by cancer. Don`t ask how I know, pic related for a clue. Enjoy.

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What the fuck is their endgame?
