He's got a point, you know

“This country is re-learning what it understood during the Cold War — we don’t elect presidents for the good days, we elect them to handle the bad days. Donald Trump is incapable of handling a bad day, let alone a protracted pandemic.” — Rep. Eric Swalwell

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(But the opposite)
Trump is doing fine considering the circumstances and significantly better than his republican competition and Clinton all of whom would have let Chinese to pour into the country

He's better than any covid cucked democrat right now, who sold out your freedoms to save some boomers that were gonna die anyway

bet that butt pirate red faced farting on live tv said it was a nothing burger up until March

Eric Shartwell is a fool, a tool, and an abject liar.

He's doing fine and the general public remembers dem shit from a month ago. Pic related.

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You are very confused. This is exactly why Trump was elected.

Fuck you chinc!!

If he doesn't have the balls to lift this lockdown bullshit at the end of April, I'm not voting for him

Any American who doesn't support President Kikesucker is anti-Semitic. Trump needs anudda four years so he can keep doing wonderful things for Israel and let more Jew criminals out of prison.

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>He's better than

No he’s not and you know he’s not. You’re making a fool out of yourself.

ok. So go get *coof*d on and end your misery

>Trump is doing fine considering the circumstances and significantly better than his republican competition and Clinton all of whom would have let Chinese to pour into the country

Wow, that's stupid.

The US has the highest death rate in the Western world, and you still refuse to believe your God has failed you.

Instead, you're clinging to a fantasy. You've created a fiction in your head that, as horrifyingly bad as things are, they would have been even worse had the winner of an election thirty years ago still been in power.

You drank the kool-aid. You're not in a political party, you're in a cult.

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>I'm not voting for him

Good...now go out and lick doorknobs for the remainder of the day.

eat shit you faggot, you can suck his knob all you want no matter what he does, but I actually want him to earn my vote

>literally larger country than most the western world
>stating things statically obvious

Hurrr number bigger

and you're clinging to the delusion that it would be better, so drink bleach

>Wearing a bow-tie in 2020

Trump is an ass clown.

Trump will be re-elected in a landslide, because your party's America-hating antics won't be soon forgotten.
Fuck you, nigger.

It's a scam. The first rule of running a confidence scheme is to get your mark emotionally invested. Dumpy cultists worship him because he makes them feel good. He tickles their amygdalas with anger and spite; coddles their fragile egos and reassures their delicate senses of self.

or maybe its because burgers are fucking retarded

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“The next week is going to be our Pearl Harbor moment. It’s going to be our 9/11 moment. It’s going to be the hardest moment for many Americans in their entire lives.”


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still better than hillary would've been
suck it leftie

this, so much this

I would argue with you on that point, but we elected Donald fucking Trump president.

amierica will never be a socialist country, xirs

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>muh white fragility
Found the nigger/roastie/redditor

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A great many white people aren't fragile at all. Yet others absolutely are. Do you remember when a bunch of American whites were losing their minds over some black guys kneeling during the national anthem? I don't even mean finding it distasteful. They were just off their rockers, and calling it NFL the Nigger Football League and all this total chimpout shit. If that isn't fragile, I don't know what is.

rekt. They are totally fragile. The weakest will pull out a gun to fake it.

He's a dumb nigger that throws a ball around for a living "protesting" a non-existent problem.

Oh, the whole gun fetishism thing is its own example. Sure people who hunt, or work in agriculture or the like have plenty of reason to have a firearm. For many of those roles guns are useful tools. The fucking LARPers though. All bedecked in their shitty tacticool gear running around talking about how they're going to use their second amendment rights to fight the federal government and their latent homosexuality … it's fucking pathetic.

Yes. So then why care about it unless you're a delicate little snowflake? If all you're doing is tuning in to watch people throw a ball around, why all the pearl clutching about the kneeling shit? Unless of course you're fragile as fuck. Like a lot of these little queens are.

did it upset you that people didn't take your child game playing and overpaid uppity niggerball niggers seriously?

That's rich coming from a group of "people" who chimp the fuck out if someone so much as utter the word "nigger"

Yeah he is.

"scheme" is a big word for a nigger.

The biggest fags have custom 1911s

Because morons wouldn't shut the fuck up about how brave and amazing he was. The whole thing was retarded.

you faggots have got stop using that word wrong.
lemme give tell you what it means so you can tell all your gay socialist friends:
We call you snowflakes, not because you're "fragile or melt easy" or whatever stupid shit you retards think, but because you all think you're unique and special and you deserve the world.

Do you have trouble with reading comprehension? I know room temperature IQ is often a feature of the antiquated industrial equipment that worships Dumpy, but I was citing an example of 'white fragility.' I.E. a bunch of mouth breathers getting buttmad over a bunch of pro football players kneeling at the wrong time.

Is that why the post was over your head?
As long as the 1911 has a scope and a laser sight attached.
Yes, and it's funny to call right wingers snowflakes for being delicate and melting easily.
I.E. it triggered you. Because you're fragile and can't handle someone talking about something you don't like that makes you feel insecure. I bet you vote Trump, don't you?

>The US isn't an authoritarian or sparsely populated nation? The US values individual liberty over collective action?
It's almost like you're selling the systems that never designed the cures in the first place?

Besides, you really don't know which genomes are actually effected by this virus, AND you ignore that North America has the HIGHEST AVERAGE LONGEVITY of all. The US is full of people who are well past 80 years old, and it is US tech that got them there.

>I.E. it triggered you
People wouldn't shut the fuck up about this and the nonexistent problem he was protesting. Expect pushback.

As long as you're admitting it was nothing more than a chimpout over a guy kneeling.
Exactly. It triggered you and you and a whole mess of other antiquated industrial equipment threw tantrums over it. Stop using faggot terms like 'push back.' It was a tantrum.

>leftist comic providing non argumented criticism of the Trump administration, comedic effect based purely in ad hominem ridicule of Trump and/or a hyperbolised version of characteristics he supposedly possesses
>followup quote by political opponent, same sophist methodology as used by the cartoonist

And then -
Licking orange butt vs-
Dem demetia.

Yas Forums is dead
All hail the new Yas Forums

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Your nigger idols were kneeling because they were lead to believe "institutionalized racism" is a thing and cops are shooting at them for no reason. This has been statically proven false, and whites are actually shot by cops more often than niggers, and yet you don't see whites chimping out cuz the popo is raycis, do you?

Even though I am fully in the first group in the sense that the only guns i own are for hunting and a .22 for pest control andthe youngest gun in my safe is getting close to 50 years old, you have to be retarded to not see the value and power of the second amendment. The Japanese never invaded because "theres a gun behind every blade of grass" for example. The second amendment keeps both our government and foreign governments from going a step to far cause when shit kicks off no one wants some sheep farmer from Nebraska taking shots at his family with an old Enfield.

>Exactly. It triggered you
No, I was confused at first and didn't really care. I started getting annoyed when people wouldn't shut the fuck up about this.

>don't see whites chimping out
I'd call a national tantrum over a guy kneeling a pretty big chimpout. Remember when the Orange One would use it to whip them up at his group therapy rallies? That was pretty pathetic, even for the typical subjects employed for the mouth breathing Q-tards.

What part of "Fuck the gun-free open borders welfare state" don't you faggots understand? Your party has nothing good to offer. Absolutely fucking nothing. Trump will win in November because the alternative is unthinkable, and for no other reason. You leftist assholes made Trump what he is, you dumbfucks.

this, whites btfo

Oh my no. There's nothing wrong with the amendment. There is something wrong with the pot bellied militia LARPers. Though Japan's view of the threat those weapons posed was based on their flawed understanding of our nation. At the outset of the war? The War Department's planners were fairly certain a Japanese invasion could be stopped before they overwhelmed the country. The expected depth of penetration was Chicago before the military could throw them back.
>I GoT aNnOyEd OvEr PeOpLe TaLking …
Sure thing you fragile little thing you.

Nice meme, shitposter. Jews are fleeing Trump's GOP for the Democratic Party.

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>The US has the highest death rate in the Western world

Factually incorrect, 1; 2, systematic issues you're lamenting extend further than 1 Presidency.

The other poster is correct in that he's handling it fine, but it could be better -- and part of the reason it could be better are... systematic issues out of his control.

>orange mad bad and forget all the stupid shit democraps said in January February March
I see that faggot's still passing gas

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Ah yes election year. I remember fondly the Hilldawgs of 2016. The best part about leftys spending countless hours here is when they realize it was all for nothing. The salt from election night and weeks afterwars, was a haze of hilarious salt mining glory. Liberals don't take defeat graciously. The funny thing is that most here aren't republican. Many are disillusioned by the jewish subservience of both parties. That said, they will vote Trump specifically because of insufferable faggots like you. Thanks for wasting your time, hardening your enemies resolve and remember, you're here forever.


- Rep. Eric Fartwell

Eh. He won't get the House back even if he does, and so the your favorite Pony, Tangerine Sparkle Fatass won't actually get legislation through. Maybe they'll impeach him again for lulz? Point being, no one thinks you're worth paying $80 an hour plus benefits to stand in a line gluing a thing to another thing. That isn't going to change no matter how many idiots you guys elect.
It's not even whites. It's the room temperature/magical thinking/antiquated industrial equipment demographic still whining about JERBS rather than accepting the 'ebil gubermint' is the only thing standing between them and being rendered for McDonald's gutter oil to fill the deep fryer.

Shill more mother fucker. I'm off the fence and all in on MAGA.


"I'll nuke all middle-Americans" — Rep. Eric Swalwell

>Point being
That was your point? What the fuck are you even talking about? I'm sorry, I didn't know you were retarded. I'll quit berating your stupid ass.
Go see Mommy so she can give you a cookie.

You're probably memeing but name a better candidate.

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It's going to be funny when Texas flips. You guys get permanent minority status in all national elections.

At this rate a used crash test dummy would be a better candidate.

We'd be in the same situation with Hillary except we'd be at war with Russia now. It's pretty rare I get to say this, but we did a pretty good job choosing the lesser evil.

>pulling your hair out over a black person doing something out of your control but i not harmful, the post.

You are the snowflake, begging to have your safe space respected.

Hahah. Nice try schlomo.

this. we are narrowly dodging more dangerous timelines now

Trump knows better than to tell the truth about the corona virus. The sheep are already convinced it's deadly so he is going to play along and when summer is over and everyone is alive, he is going to get credit for saving everyone.

>The US has the highest death rate in the Western world,