Jewish advertising racemixing to children

Look at these ads in a recent Kohls/Macy’s catalogue. Virtue signaling or pushing Jewish propaganda on our kids?

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show flag.

Another one

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I did you kike

>da joos
Neck yourself kankermof

all jews are faggots

Buying white pants for a kid...

Kys yourself kike

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The following is a list of public relations, propaganda, and marketing campaigns orchestrated by Edward Bernays (22 November 1891 – 9 March 1995).

Bernays is regarded as the pioneer of public relations. His influence radically changed the persuasion tactics used in campaign advertising and political campaigns.

Bernays was the nephew of Sigmund Freud. His early adoption of Freud's psychoanalytic theory was instrumental in defining the goals and strategies of public relations. Freud theorized that people are motivated by unconscious desires. To develop public relations, Bernays synthesized elements of Freud's work with Gustave Le Bon's researches into crowd psychology, and Wilfred Trotter's theories of herd instinct.

Is this news for you? Welcome to fourchin

the closest apostles of jesus were jews; that means whatever you're talking about is something good

>da joos

Zionist here : yes

You laugh but once society breaks down enough from corona, ur gonna get fucked.

The whole point of jesus coming back is to literally kill da joos. Jews are the antichrist.

Only white girls with other races. This is so obviously an act of war. This is what armies did to lands they conquered. They raped the women. Jews just skip the Em whole army thing and make people breed themselves into mutts to make it safer for themselves to fit in.

Show your nose you faggot subhuman kike.

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maybe other ethnicities want to buy clothes too
you ppl here really need to take some meds


>he thinks that the jews need propaganda to make white women racemix

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Even with the propaganda over the last few decades white women are the least likely to be race traitors. White men are more likely to than white women. Now when you look at shitskins, they ALL want to be race traitors lmao. Everyone wants to be white. Who wants to look like the fat dump they just took? Imagine looking down in the toilet bowl and it's like looking in the mirror...must suck huh?

They all look old enough to not be shitting or pissing themselves


every. fucking. time.

Open up any social media or go to any party and tell me with a straight face what you said to me.You wont instead you will post some 2014 dating graph done by ONE company.

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It's always the fucking nigger and redhead lmao

Imagine thinking you were on the level of white peoples, why do niggers, spics, kikes and zipper heads bother? Race mixing should be outlawed.

don't forget about the [[[chinks]]]

OP is an actual schizo who should take his meds
i'm not denying there is jewish trickery going on in the upper echelons of society but do you really think it's that implausible that advertising is heading in the direction of what the population actually looks like, which is not your fantasy white ethnostate

LOL dude theres been plenty of studies showing the preference for white men across many different dating apps in many different countries

Yes goy, look at our media and believe us! Hate your own women goy, do it! Do it!!!

You can use social media which is a more correct approach to reality than TV or some agency.You can extrapolate the data from it and see I am correct.

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Looks like my first girlfriend ;she would never touch a nigger.

No white kids. They want to exterminate us and impregnate white women to produce mutts. Fuck them all. Fuck lefties, fuck basedbois, fuck gays, fuck jews.

Diversity means no white males or the ones that are have to be queer.

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toothpaste nigger. neck yourself


Seriously who cares?

You’re not going to be able to control women again and you’re certainly not going to be able to stop racemixing.

In this day and age if you oppose race mixing then you’ll be labeled a racist forever and you’ll never get a good job and if you DO have a good job, coming out publicly about how you feel about this will get you fired.

Is your white pride really worth destroying your life just because two people of a different race love each other?


Imagine using social media in 2020. What a shitskin faggot you are. If you arent fat, ugly, stupid, or poor you date whites. If you are trailer trash you weed yourself out of the gene pool. Now go take a shit and look in the mirror...then kys.

Post Modernity.

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You are a 60 IQ shitskin that still uses social media have you not killed yourself yet?

>imagine using the only thing used by the youth and the only way they meet and fuck
I wish you the best of luck in your crusade to defeat your own stupidity.

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Demoralization tactics don't work. Truth will set us free. Niggers and kikes will pay for their treachery.

We will rise again, Italybro. This time, together.

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That is a jew

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I promise you if you look up whatever advertising company made these you will find a kike leading it.

You will probably find a kike leading the clothing brand too lmao. Get fucked homo jew

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well thats a retarded fallacious argument. what does a social media reaction have to do with the truth?

Asian and white isn't race mixing

Simple you can do a data analysis on what white women like in terms of music,news articles,games, etc. And from it you can determine if I am right or I am just a ebil jew that is promoting some kind of ideology.

hapa cope

>social media is real life

>race mixing isn't race mixing

My people are already a minority, and propaganda is trying to eradicate the last of the pure red-folk.

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Didn't Mic go out of business?

Macy's is going out of business soon, removed from S&P 500 recently.

Good thing 99% of psychology is bullshit or else people wouldnt prefer white men over any other sexual partner

An overzealous persecution complex is typical jewish behavior... but I'm sure you're already well aware of that.

I'm sure Goldenstein is employed. I wonder if she's in New York now

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