Why won't zoomers go into trades?

Why won't zoomers go into trades?

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I know two, and they are

The guys at least

The women usually graduate from.college with a degree in watching paint dry, and languish in some shitty retail job

It's too hard for their soft little hands and nerves

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how reasonably quick can I enter a trade and start making a living?

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Does the US even have apprenticeship programs?

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Trades are for stupid losers. Learn to program

Won't happen, it takes years to learn enough to be trusted to not fuck it up.

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Should I do hvac? 2 years school then I can make up to 80k a year. Or should I do electrical engineer technician? 4 years school more pay on the long run I think

Need to pay for trade school.

You know, there probably isn't that much poo in those sewers if they are all just shitting in the street instead of toilets.

It's hard to break in with out knowing anyone to teach and train you (nobody want wants to pay someone who can't do anything and had no experience)

Electricians take 4 years school. Welders die at 50 from the fumes and plumbers have shitty jobs but really easy and lots of pay

Coding is for chumps, learn a real job.

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Can't you go to a union and enroll in one of their paid apprenticeships?

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You think there isint 100 other guys already on the wait list?

Because Zoomers have rightly figured out that the trades (at least in the States) are filled with some of the lowest ranks of society, and have absolutely no prestige. The pay is shit, the physical toll is horrible, and the educational requirements are steeper. This just isn't my opinion: this is the opinion of every tradesman I've had in my house. The self-hatred is unbelievable.

Ok I'll bite.

What'll they trade?
Kikes, boomers and germonkeys have destroyed the european economy.
Why would a zoomer learn to weld when there are no constructions to go around? Why would an inexperienced zoomer be hired over the literally thousands of genXers(and some rare early-millenials) with decades of work who need to support their families? Who would tutor a zoomer or even a millenial, when there are no jobs around to fund even those dozen few willing to tutor a new generation?

Riddle me this.
I'll wait.

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Here in Canada the pay for trades is great. And there's always demand for trades because we are constantly expanding our cities, and most people are too gay to do trades so there's less competition

Become a lineman. Solid union jobs. Good money and benefits.

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Here in Canada trades are paid very well, and there's always work for them. Even during a fake pandemic

Working outdoors all the time has its perks but really sucks sometimes. Do they take winter off or do they work in dangerous snowstorms in the air attached to a live and dangerous electrical line. No thanks

Lucky you, mate. But that's only the case in your country. What about everywhere else?

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I just want a job that will pay good enough for me to fucking leave my parents house
I'm 22 years old it shouldn't be like this

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On the other hand, plenty of tradesmen struggle to find apprentices that will just show up on time, the few they get just dgaf.

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Just enlist in a mos where they'll teach you a useful job for 4 years.

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I dont want more schooling
I dont want more spending
I want to work and make money god damn it
I'm fucking tired of it

Sounds like you just answered your own question OP

>Get a career where your physical health will be in jeopardy and surrounded by retarded working ants

No thanks I'll take a pencil pushing job where I sit on my ass and AC/Heater is on and I get plenty of days off like a teacher

>Hurdur no job is easy

No fucking job is fun unless you're a pornstar and even then your dopamine shouldn't be relient on what you do for money that's what whores do and look at their state of mind. With a job where my body doesn't suffer and need a replacement by age 30 I can indulge in bodybuilding on my spare time and do whatever the fuck else I want.


Not like I ever was born into a middle class or above area to know what that feels like materialistic faggot

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Because zoomers are getting outbred by Paco, Pajeet, Jamal and Xing.

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Because all they they can conceive of anything between being a neet and being a social media star

It takes 3½ years to become a mason in my country.
Might as well become a Mechanical Engineer.

They are, but they ruin it with their entitlement and lack of constitution

to be quite honestly family, I doubt zoomers know that trades exist. they are told throughout their whole life to "go to college" and probably think you need a college degree to become an electrician or plumber.
that and they think the work is "beneath them."

Not here as far as I know. And not without some (((union))) involvement. How about these fucking tradesmen migrate to countries with actually useful youths willing and eager to learn, instead of festering shitholes????????????????

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I've spent over a decade in the trades, split between Texas and New England
>If you're white with even a mildly above average IQ you will come to hate it. Your coworkers are mostly literal retards, increasingly of the brown variety.
>The work is monotonous
>Physical injury is a very real concern, wether acute or chronic, your paycheck and thus ability to have a home and life is dependent on your physical ability, if you get hurt you no longer get paid. Do you want to be in a situation like that?
>Once you're 30 or older, getting out of bed at 5am and 15 degrees outside to go to the jobsite with a stiff back is fucking awful
>Pay is not that great, every single LARP you see online about these lofty salaries is omitting the fact that they're either working 80 hours a week, live in an extremely high COL/unionized area, or both.

Find a job where you get paid for using your brain not your back, something that is scalable or transferrable. "Trade" skills are valuable and all men should know them, that does not mean you should base your entire career/life around slaving away like a nigger

Electrician...plumber...steel worker...sheetmetal worker...heavy equipment operator

i hate this so much, witch is why i had to fake myself in

It's a big nepotism wank, is the truth of it.

I just googled electrian American average salary and it says 50k American which is like 70k Canadian. Not too bad if you ask me. Trades people keep our cities running, and it's not always pretty, of course they get paid good

Just pick a sewer hole and start at it. Be quick though, the good ones are already picked out.

Just like everyone else. School is an investment, if you drop 10k on school the stay making 50k out of school you'll make your money back in like a year or 2 of work

Most certainly. Available during high school. But most people I know, myself included, just sort of meandered into the trades, and middle class life.

>Do they take winter off or do they work in dangerous snowstorms
The whole gig is repairing electrical lines in the worst snowstorms.

>50k American
>of course they get paid good
Do you know how pitiful $50k AFTER tax is? Have you not noticed the increasing disconnect between the costs of literally everything and stagnant wages?

ZOG has a bunch of jobs with a civilian equivalent. It's not the worst thing you could do.

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There is no lack of tradesmen. There is a lack of top tier tradesmen because boomers refuse to train.

I got tricked into welding school, top of my class. Landed job at major plant near me and was only the English speaker. Thought it was just there. 6 years later every place I have ever been in has been Juans and Jesus's by the dozen. Welding or dirt work. I worked in heavy equipment too. Big D9+ dozers, the real expensive ones, all ran by pablo


My dad is a construction contractor and being around the trades was absolutely soul destroying.

Constant self hatred and self loathing. Mood swings, bad attitudes, tough guys, etc....

>tfw on my states IT apprenticeship wait list for over six years
Suicide=right around the corner

I dont have the right shit colored skin color for that vocation in the current year.

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Pencil pushers aren't healthy either. Being indoors and sitting down your entire life if bad for you. You've never had a fun job? You've probably never had a real job then. Doing manual labor getting exercise hanging out with the boys all day and getting paid good is really fun to me

This guy is full of shit

Because we do fag

Why don't millennial's an hero

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Prestige and social class.
Even though working a trade would give them a higher quality of life, they would rather endure as a barista.
Also it’s difficult for a nu-male to interact and work with more masculine men in the trades.

You sound like a bitch and I work with drywallers who are 50 and have no problem waking up at 5 am every day. This guy hates taking time off work. What trade are you in?

>Doing manual labor getting exercise hanging out with the boys all day and getting paid good is really fun to me
This is the exact bullshit i fell for close to 15 years ago

Those of you on the fence, dont make the same mistake

Yeah I've worked outdoor jobs in the winter in Canada. It's not something I like doing, and it's not something I can do when I get older

Sounds like adventures.

Why do you have these saved on your computer? It's not the best sight to see. A fetish of yours?

You're taking to a canadian about taxes retard. If I make 150k I get taxed 40k on income taxes alone. I would love getting paid 50k American a year

Oy vey those jobs are reserved for immigrants who can do it cheaper than you, why don’t you follow your passion in media studies and go to university? Don’t forget to take out that loan

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I was in the military dude, hanging out with bros doing heavy shit is a nice memory to have but you cannot convince me to go back and do that kinda lifestyle again

You sound like a shill needing people for your job

>Solid union jobs
hahaha you are a fucking lazy moron

You sound like the average tradie whose life is just one big cope and they are forced on a daily basis to justify to themselves why their shitty existence is somehow "noble".

I did home construction summers during high school (uncle is a GC), electrical work in the Texas Oil&Gas industry, and then as an equipment operator in the same industry. Aside from my personal experience, a good chunk of my family is in various other trades so i've been exposed to this shit my whole life

It's all a cope. Mike Rowe is brainwashing a generation to take pride in doing nigger tier work for $20/hr

Because you boomer fucks gave all the trades to spics and niggers

>it takes years to learn enough to be trusted to not fuck it up.
This. My dad is 55 and has been working non stop since he was 15 and it's still not ez for people to trust you as a contractor. plus the fact that it doesn't pay well in the end. I was working with my mad construction for about 7 years and literal everyone told me to get out. You can't start a family or make a steady living. It doesn't pay well enough to handle downtimes with no work.

In my dad's time, you could more or less pick up a chainsaw and get going on a trade like tree cutting
Nowadays, you need like 6 years worth of registered courses to do trade work, which all cost several hundred to a thousand or more each and take day/sweeks/months/years AND you'll need to transport yourself there if they're somewhere across the country

So you admit that work can be fun right? Do you wanna sit in an office chair while your micromanaging asshat boss breaths down your neck and all the office girls gossip?

Or work fun jobs doing cool shit all day with the boys? Especially if you're on trades open your own company pay less taxes and only hire you're friends

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I'm sure military was a lot harder than most of my jobs. I'm not shilling for anything I'm just sitting facts

Hvac takes 2 years school costs about $2000 and you can make 80k a year working indoors resedential or construction. Open your own company and you pay less taxes

pussy deleted his insta and left his thicc wife

I'm almost done with my STEM degree and realized too late that modern STEM jobs are mostly filled with weak pathetic annoying söyboys.
Choosing an office job was a mistake.

Is it too late to learn another trade as a craftsman?
I'm 25 and learned a trade before going to uni but that's another fucking office job...
I'm sick of being surrounded by these "men".

The trades are just a microcosm of the entire US economy. Boomers destroying it, thinking in short term shekels and not generational. They'll hire spics because they can pay them half as much which means they can buy an extra beach house and Corvette.

Most contractors charge absolutely exorbitant rates so the natural reaction from consumers is to go with the cheaper option

>my parents wanted a basic concrete back patio slab poured
>got quotes from a few local contractors
>quotes started at $6k to literally lay down some gravel and pour concrete
>I could (and did) the same job in a weekend for under $1k

And yer everyone wonders why people hire mexicans on the cheap. Because these greedy fucks think their generic skill set entitles them to surgeon pay.

You're a little bitch who can't wake up at 5 am, meanwhile I know 50 year olds who did drywall all their life , love putting up full sheets by themselves and has no problem waking up at 5 am. Drywallers can make really good money too if they do piece work

Rate my work situation

>Work in general building maintenance
>Do various jobs in carpentry, plumbing, plastering, decorating, tiling etc
>Employer is local government authority
>Paid £30k per year, earn more for working on call
>Get 29 days paid holiday, as well as paid bank holidays
>Allowed to drive work van home, the council pays for the fuel, saves me a good £40 per week
>Have to work in the homes of some of societies biggest degenerates. Not all are like this though
>Local government can be frustrating to work for because they are so incredibly disorganised, inefficient and incompetent at absolutely everything they do.

If you want a job lie more than the other guys. 99% of hires dont know what they're doing first day

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The only trade I would want to get into is restoring old cars (paint and body work) and that’s only if it is on my free time and I had my own shop.

Fuck working for someone else

Zoomers were brought up being taught that unless they go to college and get a degree, they won't "make it" and will be burger flippers for the rest of their lives. What they didn't anticipate was that people with degrees are forced to be burger flippers anyway because boomers refuse to fucking retire and you need ten years of experience for entry-level jobs.

>be pipeline welder
>away from home 50-70% of the year living out of hotels or man camps
>make tons of money when oil is up, immediately get laid off when things get dicey
>breathe in toxic welding vapors 12-16 hours a day
>while you destroy your health and make money, your children are growing up without you and your wife is fucking her personal trainer on your dime

Why? IT is a meme job full of uppity pajeet retards.

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Is truck driving a trade?

Excellent choice user. I have no idea how financially viable it is, but it is highly creative/artistic elements, and independent.

Someday i hope to have enough money to have a decent shop and just restomod old trucks

You sound like a little bitch
I used to be an accountant and now i'm a plumber
Plumbing is way more fun and rewarding than staring at spreadsheets all day
Fuck your whiny faggot ass

Trades don’t pay shit respectively. While you’re almost guaranteed a job for little to no effort or brain power, the reality is that you’ll make between 14$/17$ an hour for three years apprenticeship to be stuck making 25-60$ an hour for the rest of your life without the guarantee of paid sick leave, paid vacation time, retirement benefits. Your only chance would be to start your own business as a licensed master then you set your own prices but have to hire bottom of the barrel felons and drug users for employees to make your dream come true. Take out FAFSA loans and bartend on the weekends while going for a STEM degree and you’ll make anywhere from 100k/200k a year depending on your ability to problem solve.