Chimp Out!

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Shut it, wh*toid..

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Whatchu just say, wh*tboi??

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Why do finnish women love the bbc so much?

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post webm

They don't

Yes. Mentally ill people have always existed and zoophilia is a mental illness. You're posting images of women with that fetish.

Wow, government dependent pigs losing their shit. So unexpected.

hahahahahahahahahahahaha look at the nigger monkeys acting like the animals they are. Wow how can one race be so intellectually inferior. Damn no wonder the famous niggers want to have white babies and voluntarily bleach themselves

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Chimps out.

your life must be so pathetic if youre saving these on your phone........keep posting these. your life is the funniest thing ive seen today

Why is the infection rate among blacks so high?

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I just kept on waiting for "HE NEED SOME MILK" soundbite to pop during the video.


Um, is this the mighty "BIG" BLACK COCK all the mutts keep lusting about to keep their girlfriends, wives and waifu pillows satisfied? Holy fuck, how small ur dicks are!?

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COPE harder. You know your women want the dark chocolate.

Most black celebrities have black spouses, kek you're delusional

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Shut up and fill that cotton bag, boy.

>looking at the bulge

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Yeah the ugly fat one mostly.

You know, I'm not surprised about it being a Canadian poster who defends bestiality. It's part of your culture after all.
But in civilized countries only mentally ill people want to fuck animals like dogs and niggers.

fens halp
what is “is coffee good for you” I don’t like not being in on the joke.

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Lol, Sheboons really do look like gorillas with a wig on!

Wtf is a mausoleum? When you speak English, don't add in your fucking subhuman gypsy vocabulary and expect us to understand.

yeah, women want that "chocolate brain", that melts when dipped into milk at room temperature

Finnish pple are liars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mup da doo didda po mo gub bidda be dat tum muhfugen BIX NOOD cof bin dub ho muhfugga

If that helps you cope than be it friend :)

Savannah GA is going to burn. It is ~57% black. I moved from there a few years ago to the comfy white mid-west. Sometimes people call me racist for the things I say about niggers, but they haven't been outnumbered and surrounded by them like I have been.

>posting the bulge
Double faggot

go back to esl, muhammad

these niggers are chimping out

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The comments are gold lol
> Why are all these future doctors and astronauts fighting?
> so selfless. look at all these doctors and astronauts hotly debating how best to save humankind from covid-19. true passion right here..

Why is this young man talking to his underwear?

her senpai doesn’t look happy at all

go back


Maybe you should consider finishing primary school.

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Well, you see, each one of those sheboons uses 5 rolls of toilet paper a day...

they're behaving almost as bad as chavs

I need more chimp outs, these are hilarious


Guaranteed she had a shitty father.

Look at her arms and hands. Makeup and flattering outfits can make obesity less obvious, but the arms and hands will always betray the landwhale. She is like the normal white woman that goes for black men. Too fat to gain the attention of white men.


no you shut it retard.

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Come on Jamal...

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Was just sayin' I bet on big nigga...

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Drakes is just like Colin
Still needs time to find his true roots

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How can anybody allow themselves to get that fat?

>dark chocolate
You're funny Jamal
-dark sludge-

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Imagine the smell

you have an extremely shit taste in niggers
can you be less of a faggot and post normal, good looking black people and not these abominations?

Can someone translate this into Pidgin for me?

Will Colin lead the nigz in that Bane Coat? Would be pretty based to watch that from 2000 miles away.

About time we had some sauce

I imagine having to see all the white girls you’ve ever crushed on choose black studs over you must’ve hurt pretty badly

This is what i am wanting see Nationwide Coast to Coast

Nig nogs