Is there anything scummier than wearing an N95 or medical mask in public when doctors are dying right now because of...

Is there anything scummier than wearing an N95 or medical mask in public when doctors are dying right now because of shortages?

I mean, you don't even need an N95 mask to go to the grocery store. On top of that, they really only work for doctors who are LITERALLY using them to save lives. Selfish mask hoarders are just making this whole thing worse. The same applies to gloves and hand sanitizer. If you have them, you're part of the problem.

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Obama did this

I have a pile of n95 masks that I roll in like a dog on a dead junebug.

I wear one 24/7 even when I'm at home alone and I put on a new one every 30 minutes.

>Is there anything scummier than wearing an N95 or medical mask in public when doctors are dying right now because of shortages?

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Yesterday I yelled at some old bitch at the park for wearing an N95. My brother is wearing a napkin and hair ties on his EMT patrol right now, fucking hoarding whore.

Thanks for reposting this pasta OP, it makes for a good mask general thread.

So what do you guys have? I got p100s but I haven't seen them mentioned in a single article.

I don't have a stockpile of n95 masks, but it's not our fault that hospitals weren't prepared
also if you're working from home or unemployed, you really only need to wear a mask once a week when you do your shopping, so you could very easily reuse a single mask for quite a while. the kikes hoarding thousands of masks are kikes, but honestly I can't hate them too much since the medical industry in america is full of kikes price gouging every fucking day

All the Muslim and communist scum are on this board today. This thread is just one of them.

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I really don't fucking care

bet you wish you had one of mine

to bad you didnt plan ahead

Me too

Sometimes I run over them with my lawnmower

I read a Qanon thread that said they make great fertilizer for my yard


Then wear P100 .. even better than N95, and doctors don't wear them.

>My local hospital didn't stockpile for an emergency so it's everyone else's fault who did

Not gonna make it nigger

Look this thread again
>the like MSM is now saying u SHOULD be wearing a mask after telling us we didn't need them.

Dont be dipshits everyone OP is obviously a chink commie shill or a glow nigger


I went grocery shopping yesterday and two old people yelled at me for not wearing a mask telling me I was going to contaminate them. I virtue signaled and told them that I donated all of mine because I wanted to help out the medical professionals. Jokes on them though, I'm just not wearing my stash out because I do want to contaminate people.

Keep fighting the good fight, brother. If we can keep up this kind of social pressure then hopefully people will turn in their N95s to people who actually need them.

The way I see it is doctors are using them to save multiple lives. That matters far more than some random person's life wearing an N95 to go to the store.

That mask should be handed over to the proper authoritites. If you just stay at home then you'd have no need for a mask.

Actually I donated all of my N95s to a non-profit here that was taking up donations for the hospitals near me. I've been wearing a bandanna instead if I have to go out.

Yes this. By a factor of so much.

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Most people don’t know how to secure them properly at first and once they learn.. they don’t adjust well to their on co2. They might as well use a bandana.

>Here's the mask that you ordered bro
>That'll be 19.99 plus tip

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Fuckin spics and their whole families wearing masks at the store

If you’re not 1st you’re last. You clearly didn’t even start the race OP

P100 but only 4 filters. I guess when they deteriorate they'll be about as effective as a n95

Someones jelly.

I bought 250 N95 mask and other respirators for worse case scenario. You guys know what I did with my mask? I sent them to my family members who work in medical fields to use. I’m sorry Hospitals have been around for the longest and they don’t have a stockpile of masks.. seems like a failure on their behalf but their failure isn’t going to hurt my family member because I was smart and went out and hoarded the masks from my local Home Depot’s and Lowe’s the 1st week of January. So maybe the problem isn’t the hoarding it’s the hospital industry who clearly doesn’t care enough about its workers to prepare for a pandemic when everyone knew it was a matter of time. Thank you and I’ll continue to wear my P100 full face respirator to the grocery store or anywhere I please.

Most people who aren't retarded bought one for themselves years ago predicting something like this would happen. Are you having fun yelling at an old lady for not being as autistic as you? I guess it's easier to assume she has 50 boxes of N95 in her house instead of just one for personal use. Your brother has no mask because of your governments fault for not having prepared better, not a random grandma's

Who else is paying off their 2nf house in Minecraft thanks to that sweet sweet 'Rona?

My wife and I have exactly two N95 masks that we disinfect and reuse, we have one box of gloves, and we buy our hand sanitizer at a pharmacy.

I don't see how we are doing anything wrong. By taking reasonable precautions to avoid getting sick, we are helping to prevent the overburden of the healthcare system which is as much of a problem, if not more, than supply shortages.

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Some people posting here want white people to die by not protecting themselves.

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stay mad Pajeet

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>only useful for people already sick
>still believing this media lie
23.6% of nurses who wore surgical masks got the flu vs 22.9% of nurses who wore n95 masks
surgical masks on average provided a 6 fold reduction in exposure to aerosolized viral particles, with the best providing a 55 fold reduction. you may think "oh, they're not that great on average then", but reducing the infective dose will help your body fight the disease
meta-analysis of many studies finds surgical masks are just as effective as n95 masks

i meaaaan the cdc reccomends it now bro

>Is there anything scummier than wearing an N95 or medical mask in public when doctors are dying right now because of shortages?

Yes, the jews that have stolen billions from the healthcare sector while being too greedy to invest into even a basic stockpile and affordability of medicine.

Yes, the Chinese that bought out all the stores for profit and sent it back to China, only now to sell back to the US for inflated prices or even sending fake ones.

Fuck the Chinks
Fuck the Jews

Reclaim our land now.

US defense budget 718 billion
Number of masks/respirators sotred for pandemic 0

If someone donates their stockpile except for one mask for each member of their family, or even just 1 and they recycle it, then why is that your fucking business you obnoxious all-assuming cunt? You don't know one fucking thing about who is and is not hoarding but you'll keep assuming to save face like the cunt that you are.

Tfw got price gouged at target and paid 4.99 for a two pack
>tfw Normies dont know how to make their own with active carbon and got an entire jar for 10 bucks at the pet store
oh no no no

you dont even need n95 it is all a meme.

>activated carbon
Nigga are you straight retarded? Its not toxic, its a virus. You need to catch particulates not neutralize a chemical reactant

kill yourself

Doctors aren't dying because the hospitals are fucking empty

Yeah, the stupid "defence" industry that doesn't even have a stockpile of masks. Use a crazy expensive F35 jet to try to stop the virus. Stupid country

Three n95 and chemical goggles

yes, you are dumb. Carbon filters are not enough. You need the n95 or better prefilters as well. That's what limits the virus getting to your charcoal. Where viruses are perfectly happy to live.

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They aren't using it to save MY life, right ? Hope all those doctors dies, I don't give a shit.

I wipe my ass with a N95 mask, rubber gloves and occasionally hand sanitizer.

End the toilet paper hoax or fuck off

I have a few N95s. Need them for work. So what if wear them? Have to wear them anyway, might as well already put one on on my way to work. I use literally the same amount as normal, just for a bit longer.

>you don't even need an N95 mask to go to the grocery store
yes i do

if less people get sick that's less people at the hospital and less people they have overwhelming the system. this argument is asinine. EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE MASKS.

I'm up the n95s I put away for my own prepping so I am expose myself and maybe keep a medical professional uninfected for what a day extra considering the viral load they are receiving anyway. I have to go out into public places too.

I have 5 N95s, 2 3M half masks and 6 filters, 4 Isreali surplus masks with 6 filters. I also have 4 bottles of hand sanitizer and 3 Mason jars full of 99% alcohol, 1000 rounds of 124 gr 9mm FMJ, 2k of CCI .22lr, and 1500 rounds of 7.62x39, more than enough to ventilate any fuckers that try to raid me. The government should have prepared and provided masks to the nurses, now they're shit out of luck. Blame the government, not the people that were smart enough to prepare, seethe harder, dip shit.


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I got 250 bull n95.
I got 100 individually wrapped and sealed n95s

I was ready in jan bc of pol were u

I believe in karma, and it's a fucking bitch!

Lol. If i hadnt bought them for my own use some chink would have to send them to chinkistan.

N95 airjordans

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You're dumb as fuck, or a tranny, a shill, but definitely a cock sucker

MSA Millennium with 7 or 8 40mm filters.

Fuck your N95 and P100, I've got total CBRN protection.

>Is there anything scummier than wearing an N95 or medical mask in public when doctors are dying right now because of shortages?
As long as niggers are allowed into medical school, I don't care about the safety of doctors.

Don't wear N95 masks. Wear pic related instead + a face shield. You will never get an air tight seal with a flimsy paper mask held in place with 2 skinny rubber bands. A face shield is a must with an N95 not only to protect your eyes, but to defect viral aerosol that would inevitably seep through the gaps around your N95 mask.

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Wahh won’t someone think of the poor doctors and hospitals who get their supplies from places the normal consumer can’t touch.

Fuck off.

So people who were prepared should be punished and those that were unprepared should have no blame? I got this shit went Ebola went around for the safety of my family.

I got 1 mask left

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I had two sealed FFP3 masks in my workshop, expired in 2015.
Why should i not use them, the gov should have stockpiled millions of masks for cases like this one.
I honestly expected the gov to have sufficient masks to hand out for every citizen and enough for hospitals.

Awww poor baby didn't prep 3 months ago.Tough shit bitch.

I got four masks for four members of my senpai. Let’s be honest tho if u saw any of us in real life u wouldn’t say shit cuz ur a cum drinking cuck boy faggot. Now shut the fuck up doctors need p100 not n95 anyways u dumb retard n95 useless in high concentration s of virus which hurrr durrr is in a hospital. Now go slit ur wrists u limp dick queer

Mom works at a hospital. Anything with a valve cannot be used for medical purposes, as the valve prevents the mask from filtering you breathing out.

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Your a fucking cringelord. Imagine thinking your noble. Wow.

Fuck you, I had a couple masks lying in my closet from sanding drywall last year, but yea I'm definitely going to take used masks all covered in paint or dust down to the nearest hospital. I'm certain they'll accept them and it wouldn't be an absolute waste of time.

The retarded doctors are the ones responsible for this mess in the first place, so they should pay the price. By the end of January, we had all the knowledge we needed to know that it would become a very bad pandemic, so those "healthcare experts" should have predicted this whole situation and called for mass mask production as well as mandatory wearing. That would have pretty much solved the crisis and would have avoided many economic problems. Instead these scum thought it was a good idea to use that to tell people that masks didn't work, that us peasents didn't need them, ...
All they did was discredit themselves as complete and utter imbeciles (of course, I suspect that this was planned) whose opinion means less than dogshit.

It's disgusting OP. I only wear n99/ffp3 when I go out

Why didn't your brother buy any protection? Why didn't you? Had to be told, huh?