Political compass path thread
Political compass path thread
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That's not a political path user, that's a spiral into drug addiction.
wtf I have exactly the opposite, leftist cuck
>be a dumb kid who doesn't understand politics
>learn a bit and just want to be left alone
>one day some feminist bitch unsuccessfully tries to ruin my livelihood because I like video games
>realize I can't be left alone if people like that are allowed to have any form of power and that some people shouldn't be allowed to vote
>realize that everyone who pushes shit like not leaving people like me alone are jewish
Now I’m here.
You went FROM anarchism to capitalism? Were your parents anarchists or something?
So that's
1. Brainwashed sheep capitalist
2. Slightly awakened Ron Paul supporter
3. Misguided anarchist
4. Anarchist
Template for you plebs who need it
Why does antisemitism automatically make you a Nazi?
Communism has antisemitism in its ideology as well.
What convinced you of the viability of fascism?
why fascist and not nazi?
Why libertarianism to fascism? Explain pls
Were you born into a Muslim family?
Why fascism to liberalism? lol
No I was just edgy. I'm still for monarchy, with ''extreme'' views, but the test now puts me on that spot.
Why monarchy?
best possible outcome
can you guys stop calling everyone a nigger in the political compass memes subreddit, thanks.
-The mod team
also yes fuck Reddit
From flip flopper to tankie
So you all started slowly losing faith in the majority of humanity?
Marxist-Leninists still haven't achieved what anarchists achieved in Catalonia during the Spanish civil war. Full communism. Your turn tankie.
More like i started caring about my own people and not wanting the abyss to claim us all.
don't even need to post my path cause you posted mine already
Quick, call everyone a nigger
There's no such thing as libertarian left. What kind of dumb fucking idiot thought that up?
It's as stupid as saying aNaRcHo CoMmUnIsT
made one
Why does wanting to protect your own people necessitate wanting a hierarchical society? Why is hierarchy more desirable than other forms of organization?
Communism as an idea of classless society is anarchism. What you get in practise is a "transition" stage.
Environmental Ancapism.
do it, come full circle, go left my friend
Why is feudalism authoritarian left, it's literally private land owners controlling everything. Pretty much a lolbert wet dream.
an economy built bottom up, worker owned, does not require a state
tankies have lied to you
Wouldn't Pinochet be considered as Auth Right?
Libertarianism is just jewish brainwashing. No goy, it's okay to be a pedo, it's okay to be gay. They are not "Hertin" anyone, goy.
Degeneracy leads to the destruction of society and the weakness in men. Take your balls out of your mothers, girlfriends, or wifes purse and be a man.
The word "libertarian" was used by anarchists (the first type of communists, btw) to avoid prosecution from the state, and they used the term a hundred years before the term was co-opted by the recent alternative right-wing movements and figures like Ron Paul and Milton Friedman.
Ex: en.wikipedia.org
At this point I'm just mad. Started off mostly progressive and then entered the flip-flop area. Cruising around the top right left me disheartened, I don't trust the top left, I don't think the bottom left has any idea what it's doing and I don't trust the far bottom. Anti-socialist it is.
how does relying on big brother and daddy state make you a man?
you want to be a man? pick up your own arms and do something.
oh sorry but daddy govvy doesn't want you to have guns do they?
Because it's literally inherent to the order of nature, as ambiguous as that sounds. Everything eventually organizes itself in this way when left to their natural devices. The animal kingdom, businesses, nature, tribes to empires, etc...
You forgot the part where you make a single argument.
hello comrade, can i light your molotov for you?
the idea that being a libertarian is weak is literally the dumbest shit i've ever heard
wanting the government to clean the filth for you instead of doing it yourself is the weakest position you could hold
memeflags: the thread
Well done comrade
What convinced you that ancoms were more viable than ancapism?
(the ideologies with that black ball are the ones that i were)
forgot picture
communism is kike shit
I'm something between Nazbol and Fash with Finno-Ugric/Imperial Japan characteristics
anarchism is the destruction of unjust hierarchies
i realized capitalism is an unjust hierarchy that should be destroyed
i asked myself the question,
"why is it that i live in a country that celebrates democracy yet the workplace is ran like an authoritarian sate"
and the rest is history
Just stay out of my way, and we'll be right as rain, ya here?
Shitty template, where are my futurist options
So you're shit at investing
A single twig breaks, but the bundle of twigs is strong. The more hierarchical the society is the stronger it is from internal and external threats.
this is also true
The USSR lasted 70 years, became one of the two world superpowers, spread marxist thought worldwide, won the largest conflict in history, and sent the first person to space.
Anarchist projects last about 3-5 months on average and crumble at the first confrontation.
Everything in American "political compass" is messed up. Originally libertarianism was left movement, Marx ideas are not far from what left libertarians believed (Marx wasn't Marxist as Christ wasn't Christian). It's still mostly left movement in Europe. In Europe "liberal" is something near "fascist".
Also ecofascist characteristics
Yes, but then 90% of the population end up in some kind of serf/slave role and that's just shitty for everyone who isn't a slave master.
referenced the wrong person, meant this based sentence
If you change your worldviews this easily, it means that you're a npc who can't figure out shit on your own
you should kys larping like some big commie jew. i would say your forefathers would be embarrassed but judging by that image they were found cowering in the woods and shot dead by the white guard
traitorous piece of nigger shit
this is for you too. brainwashed jewish marxist waste.
or you know, learning more about politics as you mature
but tomaeto tomahto
As if the current wage slave society is better or communist work mentality is better. The third way is way better in this regard.
who else /flip flopper/ here?
I was, memeflag. But then I realized I couldn't wait for the retards in charge to decide for me.
Of course people change their views over time but the path followed by OP would suggest that he was never serious about any of the 'right wing' beliefs he had in the first place.
>pirate flag
you should be cowboy, cmon now