Humor bread

Attached: Doge Following His Own Orders.jpg (819x784, 261.56K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: slippery_slope_stonetoss_comic.png (1140x300, 52.81K)

Bad doge.

Attached: zzzzzzz.png (750x594, 628.9K)

Everything depends on the narrative you choose

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Attached: FB_IMG_1584690977101.png (1240x1080, 748.22K)

Attached: 1582538756875.png (615x335, 292.59K)

I love these edgy doges.

Attached: 09a.png (680x326, 440.46K)

Attached: righttimeinhistory.png (375x936, 491.87K)

Attached: 257.jpg (680x679, 91.32K)

Computer, show me frodo baggins doing the 13% meme

Attached: sddefault[1].jpg (640x480, 20.24K)

Shut up you fucking faggot Anglo
It's a good doge, and it should have leveled your shitty, subversive island a long time ago

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Attached: d9d.jpg (680x739, 75.52K)

Attached: brrt_woman.png (900x550, 103.31K)

Attached: tax fraud.png (500x608, 56.66K)

Attached: drone go brr.png (680x324, 78.26K)

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Attached: maxresdefault[2].jpg (1280x720, 46.68K)

When you're not down with what's going on but there's absolutely nothing you can do about it

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Attached: isis faggots.webm (600x338, 2.84M)

Attached: green90.png (720x1417, 839.66K)

Attached: cuck2.png (568x1024, 779.01K)

Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your "pol humor" threads

Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers

Attached: pol_beer_pong.jpg (868x1120, 273.56K)

a classic

Attached: pol_contact.webm (600x250, 3M)

fucking LMFAO

Attached: zimmerman_chimp.png (1118x879, 1.57M)

Attached: corona171.png (628x680, 479.32K)

oh my god my fucking sides

Attached: 1583984285832.jpg (844x884, 50.98K)

the last great Yas Forums raid

Attached: Daren_wilson_lulz.gif (2224x9942, 3.8M)

Attached: auzzies_at_work.jpg (500x670, 69.48K)

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Attached: new_starwars_woke.jpg (800x517, 96.56K)

Attached: greta4 green.jpg (1024x860, 134.72K)

Where are the stats for these things, 115,000 times in 2018? I want to see the graphs

Attached: niggers green1.png (828x1213, 673.01K)

Attached: pol_op-ed.jpg (900x675, 136.94K)

Attached: annudda_shoah_on_kike_tv.png (1296x675, 1.43M)

Attached: thiskillsthekike.jpg (2408x1488, 553.22K)

blessed thread

Attached: 1324181066730.jpg (800x472, 62.03K)

Attached: hitler_units.png (1370x294, 116.77K)

>"I mean, it's 2016."
Based mussie bitch being able to tell what God damned year it is despite the lack of a functional brain.

Those kids don’t look half white. That’s full somali nigger

Fucking kek

Attached: stabby_mc_stab.jpg (500x375, 29.07K)

Attached: jew_tat_story.png (1268x4500, 868.28K)

I know right, bitch couldn't even bleach them a little bit. Fucking grim regardless.

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