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check out this larp

based and redpilled

Because you can't be expected to make good decisions. So you are told what you are needed to know. There's nothing you can do about that.

Will someone just fucking delete /x/ off Yas Forums? PLEASE! At least them all coming here would give me the strength I need to stop looking at this board. FUCK SAKE, FUCK MODS FUCK JANNIES



given the almost complete lack of testing this might ironically be true, and covid is just covering for it.

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holy shit

That's actually a very interesting video

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what is with all the copslock posters lately?
and why are they almost always shills?

I don't understand why people believe this. unless it's some kind of flat earth disinfo campaign. it's killing people in areas with no 5G.

How is this technology a good decision? The NSA already knows everything about everyone, watches their moves, predicts their movements, and builds personality profiles for everyone. This makes no sense and is unnecessary.

>Areas with no 5G
oh man, you poor blue-pilled bastard.

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They don't know as much as you think. The NSA of 2000 is not the NSA of 2020 and they outsource.

So who in the fuck is running shit around here?

Its gona kill us with constant music.
North Korea style.
5G are audio speakers


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How else are they going to control everyone's vehicles things and all the drones to enslave us? The need a big fast network

None of that is necessary, humans are quite susceptible to manipulaiton and they already have the tools in place to keep everyone in control if they were to use them properly. More moving parts is setting this up for failure.

we dont have 5g in brazil yet and people are dying of covid
what is your explanation for this?

we ARE enslaved
so are they
Its just the fucking script doesnt stop

PSA: How to spot inorganic conspiracy theories like "5G causes coronavirus"

Here is the original conspiracy theory:
5G has a small but significant adverse effect on humans.
It is believable as there have been no long term tests of 5G safety.
A few weeks ago, anons started noticing that when you compare places with similar population densities, the average mortality rate is higher in 5G areas, particularly with higher frequency bands.

>5G causes coronavirus!!!
>5G is a killgrid, burn it down!!!

Q. Why would these ridiculous conspiracy theories spread when there was already a far more plausible conspiracy theory about the small but negative side effects of 5G?
A. They didn't 'spread' they were pushed, hard.

By manufacturing silly conspiracy theories that are obviously flawed, the media can easily debunk these theories without having to mention the real concerns or actual statistics.

They need people to burn 5G antennas. Now it's super easy to shut down any evidence or discussion on the negative effects of 5G: Sorry goy, I'm going to have to censor that, you are encouraging idiots to burn down 5G antennas.
In fact, I may be wrong, but has anyone actually seen any 5G antennas being torched? I've only seen the aftermath. I wouldn't be surprised if they are all false flag attacks.

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it might come as a surprise to you, but there is a thing called "flu". there's also a shitton of pulmonary diseases.

They released a virus as cover for the dangers of the 5G systems.

In Wuhan they turned on the 5G smart city systems and people started to fall ill.

Radiation pneumonitis

The virus is a literal nothingburger. You know what's worse than COVID ? Racism


Explain japan.

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Here's what's fucked up for me, after I watched that I made this search and Google is almost in instant denial mode.

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Radiation poisoning is not contagious, so for your theory to hold water, we would only see corona virus cases happening in close proximity to 5G towers. Which simply isn’t the case.

True, if a global pandemic arrives I'm not educated enough to effectively prepare myself

The problem with schizos is that they believe the world is controllable

Japan is barely doing any tests as up until now they were in full damage control mode for the Olympics.

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i'm not talking about people who died because of influenza (flu). i'm talking about people who died because of sars-cov-2.

This conspiracy is a psyop to discredit my conspiracy: cooming causes coronavirus, and the faster internet allows higher coom density, causing more coronavirus

Few cases Beijing, few cases Shanghai

…...a few cans of gasoline and matches.

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Go blather about your electroalergies and aerosol sprayens aeroplanes somewhere else schizzo

>what are physicks?
>science are black magic voodoo

>implying they're not classifying anyone dying from flu as covid

The matter of the fact is: In Germany they don't even do autopsies anymore, because they physician could get infected.

Now you tell me how utterly unreasonable that logic is.

But it gets better. Yesterday in the news, in all seriousness, they argued that, because of the economic impact, it might be advised to loosen the restriction in order to induce "herd immunity", blatantly putting up with the subsequent increased death toll, according to their own view on the matter.

Shit is hitting the fan. The level of stupidity and incongruity of their own words is +9000. Wake the fuck up.

Their plan is actually outrageously simple: take down the economy -> get everyone in debt -> exploit. You won't believe how easy it is to get someone who is in an existential crisis to do what you want, if only you promise them that this will alleviate their situation. This is devil's work.

Exosomes (Covid 19) is a naturally occurring part of the immune system. They are used by the immune system to both sequester internally damaged cellular components (think rna damaged by radiation, an everyday occurrence) or are secreted by the cells to gobble up toxins before they reach and puncture the cell wall. They are not a virus, merely a component of a normal immune response. This is why covid 'spread' so quickly. They are merely measuring a normal immune response and saying 'look they have the virus!' Covid 19 is a stalking horse for world government, the ultimat boogeyman that is found in everyone depending on their level of health.
Video related.
Now comes for speculation: the first cities to roll out 5g infrustructure are... You guessed it, Wuhan, Lombardy Italy, Spain, New York. Trump signed an executive order on 3/23 to fast track 5g within 180 days for the USA. As the grid begins to turn on, new 'outbreaks' will occur in the cities where the infrustructure is in place, and they will claim its covid. Also look up ID 2020, a vaccine certificate given... You guessed it, via vaccine. Without this 'certification' you can't prove you are safe to travel. The list goes on. I love speculation but ultimately focus on my first part which I can prove. Covid is exosomes.

Uh i think you meant dialate

The Virus was released as a cover story for the global rollout of 5G systems.

5G radiation gives you Radiation Pneumonitis

Shut the fuck up with this 5g shit already you nigger faggot.

>get everyone in debt
everyone was already in debt before though

Gotta burn them towers YO.

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Even if this were true no one would ever believe you, so why bother causing confusion by pushing this idea?

Weak faggot, can't handle the red-pill.

I only recently started learning about this and there does seem to be something like. Infowars and Alex Jones talked about is for most of the day on Friday. Of course, you have to go direct to the website because he's been banned nearly everywhere for his point of view, despite far crazier points of view being all over social media. They ban him because he knows actual things and talks about them. He deaths threats daily because of it.

Sage, hide and report schizo threads

It tears apart DNA in areas of 5G. This tearing apart of your cells creates the virus, which is then spread to others. Not everyone near a 5G tower has their cells compromised but it only takes a few who have this 'reaction' to these strong microwaves.

Not bad, burgerbro. This is at least slightly believable.

While we're on the subject of cooming... Why is it that when all nonessential workers are told to stay at home, telecoms companies are out in force installing 5G antennas on schools and other public buildings? Is it really essential for people to have access to streaming 4K porn wherever they go?

It's primarily leftypol antagonists trying to get schizos actually from both pol and x to parrot their attempts at actual unironic politically motivated terrorism if we go by the book.

Isolation stresses the normie/socially acclimated shill. This is their mouse utopia until quarantine has ended.

Epstein didn't kill himself.

KILL YOURSELF YOU FUCKING RETARD NIGGER. stop sending retards like yourself into stupid paths disease is real.

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I wouldn't have thought anything about this but for the fact that the one thing they are doing immediately as the govt lockdowns began was start installing 5g shit everywhere in schools.
I mean, they could obviously wait until a few months pass, since the schools will be closed at least till autumn, but the fact that they are scrambling to get it all installed NOW, seems like they will play a part in getting those casualty numbers up so the WHO/CDC predictions don't look like complete dogshit.

Free Radical damage to your cells is a real threat.

Attached: Free-radical-1.jpg (1428x583, 157.43K)

5g IS actually bad but not responsible for this here nothingburger.

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shut up you fucking idiot

>Even if this were true no one would ever believe you, so why bother causing confusion by pushing this idea?
If it's true, it deserves to be shouted from the rooftops.

Notice how the shills keep saying shut up.

The fact that 5G 60Ghz is highly absorbed by oxygen lends credence to the idea that it can cause some form of cell damage without being ionizing radiation.

I think the definition of ionizing radiation they are using is that its damaging to DNA

But we are saying its creating ROS free radicals out of Oxygen which are damaging to cells via oxidative stress.

congrats, most jewish post of the day award

Notice which threads get slid the hardest:
1. skepticism of the mainstream talking points
2. doubt about coronavirus and its relation to the shutdowns
3. discussions of 5G and its dangers.