How different will the world be after the pandemic?

What long-term affects do you think the corona pandemic will have on global politics?
What do you think will change in your country?

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The pandemic is a scam that governments use to gain more control of the population.

war with china. all the conservatives are playing it up.

>What do you think will change in your country?
Every country will continue to be run like this one. Welcome to Hell.

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Why do you think that's true?

War with china sounds based, don't you think they deserve to be punished?

back to normal in June
corona virus will be forgotten in no time
happeningfags will an hero

>What long-term affects do you think the corona pandemic will have on global politics?
I think that corona will hopefully make people more consented about public health and stuff. And I hope it will also make people fly less which is good for the environment too which I like!
>What do you think will change in your country?
I hope that it will make Sweden take public health crisis more seriously in the future since we don’t really take this seriously which is really worrying me :|

No effect. China will continue rising to #1 as the rest of the civilzed world continue getting blacked into 3rd world tier.

Typical swedish faggotry.

>How different will the world be after the pandemic?
The winter of 2022 about a billion chinks will begin to starve. Other than that? Not much.

The intent beheind the war matters. Its wouldn't be war to restore european supremacy (even if it was, it would be retarded to think it could work in our current state). No, It would be a last desperate attempt war to maintain anglozio supremacy.

Are you Greta?
Ok chang

Notice how the news has NO good news whatsoever about this virus, only reporting deaths and new cases no matter how minute? They never say anything positive about treatments or recoveries, its all "death death and more death". They want to scare people as much as possible. 100 hospitals running fine and not overflowing with bodies? Nah that's not what the people need to see. That one hospital thats always at capacity in a major city under normal circumstances now has 10% more dead people? BETTER GET READY TO DIE.

I think people are going to hate the media even more after this

Yes, I’m Greta!
That’s easy to say when you don’t live in the country that wants its people to get infected as quickly as possible...

More people are going to die from the economic fallout. She's never going to be the same user.

New law enforcement agencies created to enforce “public health”. Some kind of legislation equivalent to the patriot act. It won’t be jarring and most will accept it even if 90% has nothing to do with disease prevention.

>That’s easy to say when you don’t live in the country that wants its people to get infected as quickly as possible...
You mean you live in a country that isn't trying to obliterate its economy.

The media is always sensationalist, I don't think you should doubt the corona virus because of that.
We could make some ground during a war
This, I think the real happening is the economic impact this will have

Well we are reliant on exports so it’s literally not going to many and difference since even if we produce stuff we won’t be able to sell things.

I don’t think that’s true.

>I don't think you should doubt the corona virus because of that.
I don't doubt it but i sure as hell am taking it a lot less seriously thanks to their fear-mongering

The economy is gonna be fucked mate
20s levels

literally nothing changes

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Maybe that's what (((they))) want you to do

From my own observations of the masses... People are learning to be healthier with regular working out which should lead to more right wing sympathy. People are learning to cook and many sourcing their food from local farms as opposed to super markets; this not only leads to better health but also is a huge financial boon to local national producers. Increased time with family and children having their brainwashing disrupted will also increase a nativist perspective and diminish the power of degenerates.

Laws and authorities might seek to screw us all, but the lockdown itself has helped a lot of people to see the world clearly and to get their priorities straight. I think it will be a very beneficial thing.

Everyone, look and laugh at the retard.

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I don’t think that will happen and I don’t want to start worrying about the economy too.

Globalism is pretty fucked. China is going to find itself in dire economic straights as more and more countries tell them their services are no longer required. EU is fucked, nobody is willing to pay into a "union" that failed every test under crisis and showed itself to be a fair weather system.

All in all, bretty gud.

Hopefully more furry porn

Things I’d like to see:
>less travelling Country to country
>more localised industry
>harder borders
>less multinational corps doing whatever the fuck they want
>tighter community, more of a collective mindset and less identity politics b.s

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You're a disappointing lumposter

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You don’t understand what’s going on but I’m going to sleep for a few hours so it looks like you’re not going to learn much.
There is no ‘after’. Don’t you know what a corona virus is? It’s a common cold.

Jews and their puppets taking over governments and pushing all their retarded fetishes, they also accumulated lots of shekels in financial scams, "nationalized" businesses and will buy the whole planet for cheap as soon as the dust settles.
Basically Silverstein's Inferno.

Your retarded if you dont think the media and the people who own the media outlets don't want us scared

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Maybe so, but i don't care anymore. I want to live my life, and I'm not doing that shut indoors being told basically i'm grounded for a month. Fuck them/

You will have to get mandatory vaccine and get chipped by that jew Bill Gates.

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Fucking gay. It will be like the years after 2008 but even worse. Shitty wages and shitty jobs for a long time to come.

The Spanish flu pandemic didn't last forever you mong

David icke’s D.icke site is where most of you should play out

>the media wants us to be scared, that's why we should be scared

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The best part of that is when everybody doesn't die, Trump will take credit for saving everyone and win the election.

For me personally I like how more people are buying a fuckload of guns which is good because we need more people to exercise their second amendment rights
But unfortunately we also have a potential recession coming which is going to fuck everything up harder than 2008

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Over the course of this epidemic, a new state is emerging which is beginning to function with new rules. It is very likely that in the process of the state of emergency there will be a shift of power from formal rulers to technical and technological functionaries, e.g., the military, epidemiologists, and institutions especially created for such extreme circumstances. The physical threat which the virus poses to leaders is forcing them to be placed in special conditions that are not always compatible with full control over situations. As legal norms are suspended, new algorithms of behavior and new practices are beginning to be deployed. Thus is born the dictatorial state, which, unlike the liberal-democratic state, has completely different goals, foundations, principles and axioms. In this case, the "world government" is dissolved, because any supranational strategy loses all meaning. Power is rapidly moving to an ever lower level - but not to society and not to citizens, but to the military-technological and medical-sanitary level. A radically new rationality is gaining force - not the rationale of democracy, freedom, the market and individualism, but that of pure survival, for which responsibility is assumed by a subject combining direct power and the possession of technical, technological, and medical logistics. Moreover, in the network society, such is based on a system of total surveillance excluding any kind of privacy.

You’re a genius. You know lots of stuff. Take a bow

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Telling wokists to fuck off immediately before any engagement with their fantasies is going to be a thing

things will go back but slowly. people will get bored for a couple of months. government will spend shot ton of money to restore the economy. nothing will change except country debt will increase significantly thus lowering our quality of life again. so you can say goodbye to your
dreams of boomerr house and lifestyle.

I know the corona virus isn't going away, but we're not going to be locked down for eternity

try a pool cleaner vacuum while underwater, especially with a heated pool, it will give you the best orgasm of your entire life. the fans rapidly but gently smack the head of your dick while giving really strong suction. obviously stick your fingers in first to make sure it's safe, not every pool vacuum is the same. I've had blowjobs from 3 different women and 4 different men, I've used vacuums, cock-pumps, fleshlights, vibrators... and NOTHING compares to the pool cleaner. I'm not even fucking kidding right now, if you get the chance, try it. the only thing that is even remotely close to how good that pool vacuum felt was straight up vaginal sex with this fat chick who had a really warm snatch, it was like sticking my dick into a wet loaf of banana bread straight out of the oven, and yes this fucking pool cleaner vacuum was better than that. I don't own a pool or else I'd be doing it every day. unfortunately the owner of the pool caught me doing it so I'm not allowed to be within 1000 feet of his house anymore but it was so fucking worth it, I'm telling you that fucking pool vacuum is like heaven. honestly the only reason I even want to get rich is so I can afford my own house with a heated pool and of course a pool vacuum. I can't wait to buy a dozen different brands and styles of pool cleaners and fuck them all. I live for that day to come.

Is.. is this the first time you've tuned into the news? They never report good news, hadn't seen feel good news since I was a kid

That's not what I said, now is it? I said they WANT us scared. We should be cautious, wash our hands, and not stick our fingers in our mouth after shakeing hands. Not scared.

Is that Lum's sexface?

You honestly did this to yourself because you have shit reading comprehension.

No, this is

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1. Most jobs can be done from home.
2. UBI.
3. Closed borders are better.
4. Each country needs to have its own supply of essential goods.

Hell no

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Increasingly wholesome

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Too late faggot, this is the future after Corona-chan has played with the world

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C'mon, the jannies will 404 us

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What anime is this character from?

Did what to myself? Be misunderstood by a random user and correct him? Fuck, do I have to kill myself now?

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government gets full access to the data stored by your phone provider
when you travel or go to an event, you will require to use QR code as proof that you are vaccinated or that you werent in a danger zone
somewhere on the way, once its safe enough, cash will become fully digitalized and you will be forced to use your phone to make transactions
once this becomes a norm, and the cattle is already used to it, they will force the microchip on us for "convenience"

Urusei yatsura

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Urusei Yatsura

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Don't worry, a powerful force protects us

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>Be misunderstood by a random user
reread all my comments in this thread then reread our interaction

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Why are you guys spamming that cartoon girl?

I miss anime that do this loony tunes style humor. We had a lot of it in the mid early 2000s and now not so much anymore.

Thank you my fellow weebs. Been admiring the art style.

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Why aren't you spamming this "cartoon girl"?

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Cause we're spastics

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Oh I'm sorry should they be spamming BBC instead?
I know you would enjoy that

Idk, maybe I should start doing that too then!
No, please don’t and it’s always really really weird to me that the first thing that a ton of Americans think of is black dicks...

You would unironically become my favourite poster if you start posting lums

then shut the fuck up normalfag

>maybe I should start doing that too then
Join us.

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they always sprinkle in hope in between normaly, they dont it this time, thats whats weird.

And im from Germany, if this really gets out of hand we will dominate europe after this, hard.

Lol, I might start doing that then! I’m saving the pics from this thread :)
Nej, I want you to shut up and stop obsessing over black dicks.


When this is all over I’m going to fly twice as much. NWO wants us all to stay put because it would make us easier to control. Not happening.