Imagine being a cumbrain in this modern day and age.
Imagine being a cumbrain in this modern day and age
>watching porn
that shit was over a decade ago
Fucking disgusting. I want to feel good, not vomit from the sight of a dumb 3D whore.
Get on with the times, boomer. Watch hentai.
It's such a waste of your own personal potential as well
Thing about porn is that you need to find new ways to manage stress in a different way.
>intentionally using false images of meth brain
>gives a solid foundation to discredit legitimate concern to any coombrain on pretense of false image
Hello Schlomo.
It's the final jew i have yet to conquer
Very high test levels = extremely high sex drive, i try to not fap/look at lewds but it's insanely hard
>healthy brain
marry a roastie, she divorce rapes you
>porn brain
free to do whatever you want
seems pretty clear which is better
Kys purity spiral attention seeking cunts
>Jews run porn industry
porn ilegal in Israel
>inb4 the porn posting German coomer
i fap daily should i stop
World record is ~40 in one go, see if you can't do better before dehydration gets ya.
Vanity of vanities ,says the preacher
Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.
Our greatest ally is right.
I was the worlds worst with porn addiction but I managed to leech myself off it. If I can do it then anyone can.
The coomer is the final redpill.
I mean probably
>not being a cuck
imagine being a memeflag
imagine not primarily watching pov
imagine not self-inserting
i hope you self insert as the girl
i watch amateur in hope it happens to me one day.
tfw used to have a qt3.14... not anymore
Based kike
The porn I watch doesn't involve men at all, faggot.
>Imagine coping this hard
>Imagine not having discipline
>Imagine celebrating disconnection from reality
Gosh you’re such a faggot. Why not just suck Jewish cock and go right to the source?
They don’t drink their own poison
>marriage and cooming are the only options
You goyim would only benefit from our reign tbqh
Adding to what you said, if you jerk it too much sometimes you can actually get scabs on your dick from doing it all the time
Remove maymayflag my friend.
hentai is unironically the best kind of porn since there no human beings
the brain doesnt rewires in a bad way
The opposite. You’re wiring your brain to cartoons.
Can you source that image Paddy. Not that I don't somewhat believe you, but I seriously doubt it's anywhere near that drastic
come on user the incest comicpill is good for you
Would people in early human history, 200,000+ years ago, have been naked all the time? Seeing each other naked constantly? Having sex whenever they wanted? What is the difference between that and porn?
>the incest comicpill
>incest porn is booming everywhere
This world needed the virus.
Who is the porn whore in the image?
The porn brain scan is from below and the health from above.
Trannies still count as men
isnt this actually better?
since no one will fuck a cartoon irl and no human gets harmed in the making
Don't be like that, is only fine in 2D (nothing real)
Lesbian anal fisting and ass eating? Love that stuff
>extremely high sex drive
I hear this all the time from coomers, the fact is you don't. You have an amplified urge to coom because you're stimulating your mind with porn, probably edging and daydreaming about porn, and coom frequently so your brain has become addicted to orgasm fueled dopamine spikes.
You don't have a high sex drive, you're a coomer. Your brain only produces a certain amount of dopamine everyday, by frequent porn and fapping your brain will adjust to your lifestyle, meaning you'll feel like you have a high sex drive but in reality you're just an addict.
there is literally nothing wrong with fapping
Found it
Kamehasutra slappyfrog version
just hold on, nofap WILL help u get a gf
>Trannies still counts as male
Not men, that implies humanity
They weren’t talking 10 dicks at a time
>falling for the visual jew
Guilty, luckily I realized in time what a fucking spiral of perdition p*rn is
I see how porn is bad, but how is jacking off not as bad?
I now watch porn at least 5 times a day because I have nothing else to do while sitting home all day every day. I know it's bad, but holy shit how bored am I.
I wanted to make a break so I grabbed a book and it's very tough because I haven't been reading books for years. Played some videogames but got bored of that too.
I want to go outside and make a fire, meet some friends and drink beer.
Yes perms naked. No not the same because they would be seeing short, lean and sun-tanned bodies of at most 50 to 60 other tribe members. No huge asses and tits because fat reserves would be at a minimum for survival.
And imagine having like 15 reproduction age females (all very similar looking and who you actually have to interact with, that’s 15 different interpersonal relationships) in your tribe of 60 - sixty being the magic average tribe size number. One hour with porn and you can expose yourself to 100 random, fake bodies naked women who all look very very different. No user, not the same at all
Women hate competition.
If you watch porn and fap of course nothing else is going to be interesting because you're frying your dopamine receptors.
If you abstain from fapping for long enough you will find other activities like reading, making music, vidya, etc to be enjoyable again.
There's a reason why there's that meme on Yas Forums where nobody even enjoys playing video games anymore, they're all coomers.
But I'm only watching anime girls give pleasure to other anime girls? Yuri has no men in it, men are an abomination. God's first mistake was creating the penis.
I'm curious as to ehat a Yas Forums fags brain scan looks like? Is there data/research on the effect of video games on the human brain? Is it similar to a coomer brain?
Asking for a friend
>fuck a roastie
get AIDS
>porn brain
Easy choice
Also cant you just eat your own come and avoid the nutrient loss?
>not understanding those are two views of the same brain
>implying this artistic color represents data - without a scale
literal smoothbrain
Never watch porn with a man in it unless you want a Pavlovian attraction to cock.
Fucking kek
I know this feel. Completely uninhibited I'd jerk off 5 times a day. I've been able to cut out porn in my life since the beginning of the year. It's been difficult as fuck, I was truly addicted. Still am kind of, like a recovering alcoholic I know if I let me self slip even just a little all my hard work will be for nothing and I'll immediately fall right back where i was. It sucks, there are time when it feels like the world is less.... just less without porn. Like there's a piece I'll miss forever. When I realized I thought like this I realized I was addicted.
I've been successful with separating porn and masturbation. I still masturbate 3 times a day, but I never use porn. It's incremental and small but my progress is sustainable.
Honestly friend I read about addiction online and put some of the tips into practice. I don't know if you're a religious man but I'll suggest praying for help, it sounds hokey and ridiculous but I'm fucking telling you man it seriously fucking helps.
Cheers, brother. I was the same way. I haven't watched porn in 6 or 7 months now and haven't coomed in the same time period. It feels wonderful and rejuvenating without kike porn.
All that time wasting your energy and also not doing something productive
Based jew.
But I watch porn and have a very fulfilling life
it's pretty obvious
just like you're training cardio for specific movements. So running won't necessarily will make you a more durable fighter, but fighting will.
You train what you do. Train your brain to midget ball busting and that will be the only thing that gets you off, after a while. Anyway, I don't think there's that much difference between 2D or 3D in how you train your brain, but 2D often is way more deviant.
I don't have a choice.
Getting laid in these days as an average male is also unrealistic. So fuck you nigger
unless you want a Pavlovian attraction to cock.
That's even better user
Then get married.
The most extreme method I've tried for stopping it was having a cold shower everyday until I stopped
No it won’t lol. Do nofap for a week and it raises test, do it for a few months and you act like you’re having a manic episode.
I wish it did happen.
Interesting irish idea, This is rare....
>implying I don't self insert
Is that is how plebs' brains are?
I mean I'm not saying I don't believe you, but your life could always be better. So if you get yourself off the stuff and stop watching what are essentially pixels on a screen for all that time I think you'll just feel better knowing that you've accomplished something so many other people can't give up or won't give up.
E quando avevi deciso a smettere colla tua abitudine? Sto per prendere la tua parole come consiglio.
Dio stia con te e la tua famiglia in questi tempi di malattia
Get a woman in your life and you wont have to fap. Its not thst hard man, youbcan do it. Also, stop touching your dick. What are you, some kind of faggot or something?
Found the faggot
I only watch solo girls fingering themselves.
Do you even know what that scan represents?
It's not even the porn. Ever since I was 11 I'd toss and turn in bed all night with a boner thinking about the girls in class not knowing what to do with myself. I had never watched porn at the time. I don't know if this relates to test levels or something else but I was also the first in class to grow facial hair and was the only kid in class with facial hair for like 3 years. I discovered masturbation at about age 11. I never really watched porn because of the hassle of using a vpn until years afterwards when I was about 15. My fantasies are sometimes pornographic, but the majority of the time they involve simple vanilla romance or intimacy with whatever female acquaintance I'm interacting with at the time. After 2 or 3 days of abstinence my emission is very thick so I know I'm not just imagining a stronger urge and that it has physiological factors. Furthest I've gotten was a month. Never experienced any "flatline" phase nofappers always talk about. I often have trouble washing my penis in the shower during a long period of abstinence because it gets hard and the fantasies come rushing back. I do want to quit because I have felt the primal clarity and coherence of semen retention but I'm at my wits end. This has been the situation with me for almost a year now.