The real reason for these pointless lock downs

Herd immunity was legitimate solution with the least economic damage. In fact it was an ideal solution.

It only depended don baby boomers(and those with complications) staying at home for 12 weeks, with government support and temporary infrastructure the entire time. With a still working young not at risk population, these systems would have been even easier to set up to support them.

What happened? these selfish narcissistic baby boomers refused to stay at home. Before the forced quarantines were in place, bars were full of 60+ retards hitting up happy hour and all kinds of other degenerate shit. They couldn't to told to stop because they were selfish and didn't want to miss out on their fun if others were still doing it. I saw this with my own eyes every day.
So these selfish, slow witted, spoiled fucks are taking us all down with them so they don't have to feel like they're missing out. Just when we were finally crawling out of the ashes they created for us and getting financially established, they fuck us again.

The boomers are the only people to be blamed.

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Other urls found in this thread:

These restrictions are a tax on the healthy, another infringement on sovereignty, another worthless hag strapped to the back of the young.

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Yeah, it was boomers on the beach at spring break and boomers in the clubs...
You are an idiot.

>herd immunity

did you even read the OP?
those kids were largely not going to get very sick. they would catch it, and become immune, and would no longer be able to spread it to old people(who would have all been indoors at the time, if they did what they were told) and by the time they emerged most would be immune and incapable of spreading it to them by which point.

the UK government literally proposed this idea till boomers wouldn't comply with it idiot. It was the official strategy.

You're missing the point onions. Those people are the ones we need to get herd immunity.

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That was post-quarantine, regardless.
Millenials going out is no problem since they are not high risk.
Before quarantine, casinos and bars were still packed with old-fucks that didn't want to take a hint.
"Why should I stay home if the kids are out?" they said.
Now we're all fucked.

Don't even try, these fucking like shill faggots don't even understand basic facts

>everybody should get it
>boomers need to stop spreading it
not sure if roastie or low t

The thing is, these old fucks do not have to deal with the consequence and they know it. pure selfishness.
If the economy tanks and many young people have their futures off to a much rougher start or compromised, the boomers are already retired and can see themselves out comfortably enough anyway.

Herd immunity, they've found multiple strains of CCP Virus.An don't forget it's a virus, as is the common flu.
No such thing as herd immunity for something that mutates so fast.

the post
were your mommy and daddy parasites because it sounds like they raised you to blame everyone else for your short comings
don’t be a jew user

Old people are 30% of voters, though.
Doesn't matter if you collapse the economy. The important thing for policy makers is getting reelected.
The glory of democracy.

Liberalism also did its part.
>muh equality
You can't just single out old people you bigoted shit lord, reality or facts don't matter.

>young not at risk population
young people are dying from it

So what is the alternative?

all of society is cooped up for 18 months till vaccines are available? do you realise how fucking disastrous and needless that is?
Even if only boomers were cooped up for 18 months it would be better for society and the world economy, but they would never stay at home without dragging everyone else in with them.

Young people can often have other health complications.

So quarantine is even more pointless.
Why stay inside so less old people die if old people don't care about young lives?
Let's coof on the elderly and accelerate.
Why is everyone acting like normie cucks and actually staying inside?

>The boomers are the only people to be blamed.
you sound like a bitter little twat trying to drum up hatred for old people, how pathetic

Social shaming by people who actually like their elders. I like my dad but I can't disagree that artificially the life of all these old people is good for anybody really

Artificially extending*

>muh young people good
>muh old people bad

I presented this question to my boomer father - would he prefer just the at-risk groups to say at home or everyone - and he said "everyone". I asked why and his response is he's worried for himself because he's old. Even though it makes no difference to him, because in both scenarios he's isolated at home.

Old people are selfish in general. They are already a very selfish generation so this only compounds.

>herd immunity
The only solution that actually makes sense. Just let them die if they don't want to hide out. Other people's health is not your responsibility.

Sure, like 1 in 100 victims is under 40 or 50.
Oh the humanity.

We have no alternative.

People catching it multiple times, high rates of hospitalisation (even among young people),You can spread it WITHOUT symptoms.

>we're fucked.

Funny thing is it is the old people still coming in for their lottery, newspaper, or smokes with the essential business only orders here.

Less than that. A lot more people have had it than they have the capacity to test.

That's a fact of life though.
Old people have much lower value than young ones.
If you're old you did you part, had your fun. Time to close your eyes and pass away, grandpa.

Herd immunity is literally the white genocide plan.

There are three numbers that prove this:
Herd immunity follows an 80/20 rule, where 80% have to be exposed and experience the full course of a disease and then become immune rather than die. That's two numbers.

The other is the virus's kill rate, which is 42% and falling in Italy.

Herd Immunity in the UK would subject its 60 million people to a 42% death rate, killing tens of millions of its people for the big boomer line.

Cope list:
>real kill rate is 0.00000000000000000001%
Cool story bro that's why all the governments in the world with access to much higher quality of information than you decided to do lockdowns and some politicians have killed themselves after seeing information about what the aftermath of this pandemic is going to be anyway.
>nooo you can't just factor kill rate by only looking at the people who have experienced the full course of the heckin diseaserino
Dividing deaths by cases is completely illegitimate and dishonest practice. You can only measure people who have experienced the full course of the disease. Deaths and recoveries are the only data points that matter.
>its a hoax the virus is a crisis actor
kys schizo.
>big boomer line must go up, this is the brise of breedom :DDD
Big boomer line doesn't mean anything. No one loses money as long as they don't sell. Losing half your population is a loss of trillions of dollars of human capital and means losing a good 50 million white people in USA alone. If you're on board with that I'm on board with inoculating you with the wuflu so you can find out how much of a hoax it really is.

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The problem is people haven't had to deal with a worldwide threat in a long time, including boomers. "Some people will have to die" is an unacceptable cognitive dissonance for most people who have grown up in such a comfortable atmosphere

>young people die
Ok, boomer

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>The other is the virus's kill rate, which is 42% and falling in Italy.
>Herd Immunity in the UK would subject its 60 million people to a 42% death rate, killing tens of millions of its people for the big boomer line.

not sure if retarded or trolling

In this case boomers never did their part, treated their parents and kids like garbage and act like they're God's gift to the world and fully intend to implode society if they can't take it with them. Cancer generation.

We're going to wreck the world economy and plunge it into a depression over something that is mild in 95% of cases to protect those who already have one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel, brilliant.

Here in the States, we've had 10 million unemployment claims in the past two weeks, which is about 10x the total number of reported Kung Flu cases.It now takes three weeks to process a claim in my state. These effects will linger long after the virus.

More like 0.42%

It isn't even worth trying to explain simple concepts to brainlets anymore. If people can't understand why letting young people get herd immunity is a good idea (granted it won't' be perfect) then i'm just like fuck it let it all burn.

Don't do the crime if you can' t do the time.

This. Also:
>one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel
kek, very poetic.

Op is a Muslim
Op is a complete prick
Op is wrong

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There are >1 mil. cases and the death of people younger than 40 is so rear it makes world wide news every time it happens.

Nah, the joomers and their pawns provoked this economy crash.
It could use lots of escalating measures before going full retards and crash the economy to transfer wealth for the jews.
People with the flu should stay at home, everybody could avoid going to agglomerations unnecessarily (like music events, bars, ...), encourage delivery services, online learning and home office, wait until many severe and confirmed cases occur to enforce harder restrictions...

Basically jews took over your economy and enforce their retarded political shit over a seasonal flu because you are completely beyond fucking stupid.

We can't deny they paid their taxes and stuff, but they have a misplaced sense of entitlement.
They didn't put society into a position to finance their pensions as they planned, so naturally it's them who should pay the price for that, not younger generations.

Also if you are too retarded to understand and follow simple rules, you need to die.
The planet is too stupid as it is.

Governments know it, too afraid to lose votes in todays social climate.

This is what leads to the downfall of nations, sadly. There is a certain underlying level of progress which needs to continue for long term prosperity.
We can make arguments that the west survives despite this climate not because of it maybe innovations come in automation etc, due to realisations about people not having to work, which boosts productivity. However, that is an accident and despite the weakness shown here, not because of the culture of regressing to save the most usefulness members of society. Yes, that is extremely cold, but i am only talking from pure objectivity, as we would about nations of the past.
What happens when weakness like this is practiced routinely is a more ruthless nation that doesn't really mind the proposition of crushing a few eggs to bake a cake, will overtake the one that is too afraid to break any eggs anymore.

It’s merely a stalling tactic to
1 make sure we don’t overrun the icu beds
2 learn more about the virus, if it has ADE or longer term neurological effects or scarred lungs, then herd immunity is an impossibility and lockdown is the only option
, the deaths/recovered ratio also needs to come down below 10% before herd immunity becomes an option

It is NOT a 42% kill rate you /cvg/ mouthbreather. That is probably the death rate of critical cases needing intensive care, most of which had pre existing conditions. And that is with supply and logistical issues along with having no idea yet how to treat this particular strain because it's so new.

>Social shaming by normies.

One would also have to be a normie to be so entangled by society as to feel the burn and stigma of the normie shame.

I was just being a sarcastic extremist for the sake of it, but I truly believe we're better quarantining the elderly 60+.

This would be best because we could then use all the corona printer money to buy (or put down payments on) young people houses who are 20+ rather than putting everyone out of work and giving $1200 a month for a few months.

If elderly are at risk with young people around, just segregate them. Simple. Destroying the First World over it is retarded.

You don't even have an argument, you just don't like the numbers. Numbers don't care about your feelings, you squeamish little girl.

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>95% ongoing cases are mild

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100% accurate.
This is one reason it's ridiculous the Americans are blaming China now.
Might be a case of plain envy.
The Chinks will do whatever it takes to keep moving forward, meanwhile the entire west grinds to a halt to try save a couple of pensioners (which essentially are leeches to begin with).

Not to mention the fact that boomers are the ones with the means to stay in indefinite quarantine. They are retired. They made their money already. They paid off their mortgages already. They can live comfortably off their 401Ks, pensions, and social security. And most importantly, since they're mostly out of the labor force already, all of them staying home wouldn't cripple entire nations.

But instead of doing the logical thing, now EVERYONE has had to be locked down. Including the younger generations in the labor force who actually need their jobs to survive. Who cannot make due with indefinite stay-at-home orders because they still need to pay mortgages/rent and put food on the table. Who aren't even at fucking risk, so all the sacrifices they're being forced to make are PURELY for the people who can already comfortably self-isolate on their own.

This whole thing has been nothing but one last selfish "fuck you" from the boomer generation.
And that's without even getting into the fact that this pandemic is completely overblown and won't amount to more than a bad flu season in terms of morbidity/mortality at the end of the day

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Im going t ocollect some data on the rich:

I conduct my questionnaire to volunteers in a woman's stitching club. I ask them if they are self made millionaires or inherited it.

My results show that 20% of millionaires are women and self made, and only 1 % of males are millionaire and self made. (only 1 guy was present at the club that entire week).

I now publish these results and use these statistic as evidence for more studies and claims.

That my friend, is how fucking retarded you are taking that data in its raw form so literally.

Is this the power of the Shanghai Shivers?

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I'm working with geriatric fucks and they STILL kvetch about how it's discriminating to say that they should stay inside and that it's all a lie that old peopl are more at risk. Can't make that shit up. We break down ociety for them, young people get fucked from the start and still every day take ublic transport to work all I see are boomers riding along without a obvious goal or even walking through te streets n a sunny day.

Honestly, the longer I work with old fucks the more I learn to hate them. Age really makes you become a jew.

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>95% of cases are new and have not been discharged yet.

If 95% of cases are so mild how come they never get discharged? Man, the number would go down so fast. Kill rate would be like 2% if they discharged them all tomorrow.

The ONLY reliable way to measure is by comparing deaths to discharges. If they've tested people, and they're still sick, then their case isn't "mild" it's "new." Mild cases become severe cases or else the kill rate would plummet like a rock. Reminder that Italy's numbers have been in the 40%s for weeks.

herd immunity is a vaxcorp myth

Pretty sure 100% of people with any critical thinking ability agree with you. But sadly the 'thinking is hard, so I just do what the government tells me to like a good goy' group is like 65% of the population. You can't expect anything more from the 65% women and cucks group than to beg to have their rights taken away while parroting government propaganda during any sizeable psyop operation.

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That's what happens if you go around hugging infected and declare every death a Corona casualty.

Are you suggesting that catching one of the nearly 3000 strains means you’ll be immune to the other 2999?

The mild cases don't require hospitalization in the first place. You can't get discharged from hospital if you were never there in the first place.

What surprises me the most is how willingly even many Yas Forumsacks are going along with this bullshit. I've seen numerous posts over the past few days where people are literally saying "I'd shut down the entire economy and work force indefinitely if it meant saving just one grandma"

I'm not sure what these people are thinking. The indirect death and despair that will result second-hand from shutting down the entire economy will be thousands of time greater than the problems caused by the coronavirus itself. People try to dismiss this as "nooo not my heckin stockerinos! not my 401k!" but they're being completely retarded. This isn't about the stock market and pensions. This is about real people being completely out of a job with the entire economy being ground to a halt because nobody is allowed to do anything, which makes them poor, which will make them unable to buy anything, which will put even further people out of a job, and it will just cascade from there.

>Just when we were finally crawling out of the ashes they created for us and getting financially established, they fuck us again
This is so real for my entire country.

>Lowest kill rate in Europe due to oversampling
Are you ready to sacrifice 5% of your people for the boomer line? 4 million germans? 3.3 million white germans? Cool here's hoping it doesn't rise to match other european nations.

You do realize that the chinks shut down their entire country too right?
Are you going to claim that you believe China’s numbers?

they are bored zoomers who are all off school right now and are super le ironic rolling

And then there are the perma depressed neets who are fully onboard with this happening because it validates their existence

How would this work in nursing homes and assisted living facilities, where young adults work with seniors?

How would this work for the underemployed who work but don't make a lot of money and still live at home with boomer parents?

How would this work for impoverished families that have multiple generations living in one dwelling?

How would this work for young people that work at companies with boomer-age management, if the management can't always manage from a remote location?

How would this work for the tens of millions of Americans that are in less-than-optimal health, and this thing will fuck them up even if they're relatively young? The first two Florida cops to die from COVID-19 were in their 30s, and they didn't look like total fat slobs.

How would this work for cops and paramedics that have to deal with all ages of people? They get it and then respond to a call for a boomer - now boomer has it.

Self-isolating boomers still need food and medicine. Who brings that to them? Infected young people? Are you gonna create a nationalized delivery service that delivers to boomers whilst donning full PPE?

There are a billion other reasons this wouldn't work, but people far smarter than you already figured that out a long time ago.

death happens fast, discharge takes weeks with all the precautions and multiple tests, shizo.

Source: Your asshole.

If they were tested positive and then discharged, then that is a discharge. Show me one (1) source anywhere that verifies what you are saying that they are sending people who test positive home and then not counting them as discharged/recovered.

>he thinks all cases are hospitalized.
Most cases get nothing more than the sniffles, if they are not asymptomatic to begin with.

We also had no ability to get a test. We have no idea the actual number of cases. We only have a limited number of tests. For all we know, the number of cases could possibly be 20x.

not really

The chinks had to mate. It was too new of a virus, not enough data collected, and they couldn't really risk it being something catastrophic once data was collected. they were ground 0. they literally annexed an entire city.

Now, knowing what we know with all the data its obvious that kind of action is unnecessary. We just needed boomers to stay home.

Told security at Tesco to fuck off the other day. massive fucking store and they've imposed a 15 person limit, and you have to queue up in the car park 2m apart. Its getting fucking absurd. Went to M&S instead, no security, no stupid fucking distancing rules.

So for everyone who has been a CONFIRMED case between both countries, and this isn't counting many others who have/had it and were completely asymptomatic (which is likely considering how easily this is spread, especially with the airborne possibly), we're getting a 95/5 % split of mild vs. severe.

For whatever reason Germany is able to save many of their critical cases and Italy is not. Research and time will tell us what Germany did right and what Italy did wrong. I'm willing to bet the population of Germany is much younger and healthier than the population of Italy, which doesn't bode well for the United States of gluttony.

Source: your asshole.
Come up with a better method for determining mortality that isn't grossly dishonest in the other direction.

I've seen some methods proposed, like comparing deaths to how many cases were detected a week earlier. But if you're not interested in actually finding a better method then you're just a pussy who is afraid of seeking out the real data. You just want to be comforted by false security and sugar coatings.

user, some will get hospitalized still. this is the fucking point, but it will be more manageable that way and likely the only ones going in would be those few who fit these criteria, which is more than manageable.
what the fuck is wrong with you? you think there is this dream idealistic solution which sunshine and rainbows flow out of all our asses and everyone lives happily ever after?

No. there are just better ways to deal with it than the current way.

Source: your asshole. Here's your (You), faggot.

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Are you legally retarded? How would boomers reach "herd immunity" by staying home for 12 weeks and not getting infected?

He's completely right. They're not discharged despite still having mild symptoms because they're holding them on the chance that they do crash, since the virus is so new.

Many confirmed positives with mild or no symptoms are not even being hospitalized and just put on home care to keep beds open.

Young people die from meteor strikes too, that doesn't mean I shouldn't be allowed outside

Entirely accurate.
The Chinese didn't know anything about the disease in the beginning.
Now stuff is almost back to normal on their end.
Whether 3 thousand or 21 million Chinese died doesn't matter.
Their population of old people was getting too high anyway.

Do you honestly think millennials went out and partied on spring break? Bitch my back hurts and I’m in an essential industry. Blame the fucking zoomers already.

What are you scared of, user? Serious question

holy fucking shit, we have a live one here

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>Herd Immunity in the UK would subject its 60 million people to a 42% death rate, killing tens of millions of its people for the big boomer line.

you have down syndrome, kid.
keep sucking up media panic.

Wrong. This isn't the flu. Yes many people get it and are fine, but so many people get it, and if you get it bad enough you need to get tested you have a 1/5 chance of dying. In addition to that if you survive and need a ventilator your lungs are ruined for your entire life and you need oxygen forever. This is not a good thing. That's why they're trying so hard to stop it

reminder that Italy counted every death in a hospital with corona patients as a corona death. I remember schizos like you screaming the same exact shit about chinks. Muh 50% death rate. And look at it now.

It is a test run to figure out how easily they can control us. And the test was a huge success.

Source: Your asshole
Asked for citation, gives no broofs. You're literally just lying through your teeth to make yourself feel better without any evidence that what you're saying has any basis in reality. Fucking coward.

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Well, we had some instances of whole pension homes getting infected.
They're all busy dying right now.
But what does it matter?
Sick people 70 years old or more are as good as dead anyway, just wasting healthcare funds for another couple of years before they gracelessly expire.

Imagine you are beeing so stupid that you can't understand what herd immunity means and how it works and what it is supposed to do.

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And those millenials never come into contact with non millenial?s

You are the idiot faggot

You're full of shit lol

Sure, sure let's just wait and see.
>muh world population will get decimated
Wishful thinking at best.

the reason for the lockdown was to prevent hospitals from being overwhelmed to the point of people being in the hallways.

We're all probably going to get it but we need to delay that as much as we can

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yea cool creepy pasta bro but doesn't change the fact that young and healthy people are literally save. those few horror stories that exist are nothing. we are talking about a worldwide epidemic.

Citation of what, basic hospital procedure? I work in a hospital, you can't just discharge a patient if you're not sure they're as recovered as possible.

I'm really sorry to disappoint you but this isn't a world ending bioweapon, just a new strain of SARS we don't fully understand yet.

Yep. H1N1 was the GenX and millennial killer, no closed borders, no freak out, Kang Nigger waited until we had thousands dead to even pretend to acknowledge it. Boomer virus? Better shut it down. If we have to stay gone, everyone should! Geriatrics are our political leaders, no surprise, largely ruined life for everyone trying to start one rn

ill cum on your face bro shut the fuck up

Ops point is very legit and actually proven scientifically: see report

It was 44% two days ago. It's coming down quite a lot and will continue to do so. No one has ever denied that because obviously the weak die off first and as time goes on there's fewer weaklings left.

But the problem is you shills have no interest in finding more accurate information, and you mindlessly bleat out things that make you feel better without trying to verify it as true at all.

Using other honest methods result in figures like 33% kill rate (2 week delay) or 6.34% kill rate (1 week delay)
But you have no interest in those because they're still scary.

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The 30-45yro dad that needs to feed his children has NO, NONE, ZERO responsibility to prevent boomers from catching a virus.

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>the UK government literally proposed this idea till boomers wouldn't comply with it idiot. It was the official strategy.
Read about that. Suggested staying home and distancing, boomers flock to the park like it was free pudding day

>spaces spaces

How does that invalidate anything I said? This whole situation is mass hysteria that's affecting the entire world. There's no conspiracy, and people are panicking and acting irrationally. This includes the people in charge as well as the commoners.

And you don't need to rely on chinese numbers. We can see how things are going in America, Italy, etc. Numbers are inflated due to only confirmed cases being counted even though experts admit that the vast majority have asymptomatic/cold/flu symptoms and recover on their own. They're also counting all deaths WITH coronavirus as being DUE TO coronavirus, even when they actually die of something completely unrelated. And the average age of death is fucking 80 years old and 99% of deaths are with people who have preexisting conditions.

It's fucking nothing.

I hope your parents rip nigger