
>Hong Kong hotel owner started putting sex dolls in her hotel rooms
>Very interested in converting entire hotel into sex doll brothel
>Interested into making this a business


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Will women be useless in society?

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With those flabby arms, I doubt it.

Women, seeing the danger to their sexual power over men, will fight to have them heavily restricted if not outright banned. Tradcon men will also support them.

Tradcon man here who has had his pockets drained by women his entire life. I support sex dolls fully. Anything that reduces the overvaluation of women I endorse implicitly.

That looks so boring

I understand the Whitney Cummins dill that can talk and move but a lifeless doll seems incredibly dull. Especially after the first use

Real life Eden Club When??? This is the future

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Looks healthier than most roasties, they can get dissinfected easily.

There need to be more body types. Manufacturers seem to only make the same type of "average model". Where are the variations in size and fatness?

When I think about it, imagine having a room with 5 dolls with aforementioned differences and being able to cum in them all, postioning them like you want. It's not something someone necessarily wants to have a repeated experience of but when it would cost the same or less than a regular whore it sounds like a good deal.

Umm no, this will hurt our economy. Men should be forced by buy diamonds for women. Ban this.

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what about child dolls?

They’re not real women

Whores cleaned themselves, someone is going to have to clean those dolls after each use.

Women do need to be replaced but brothels are fucking disgusting, whether it's dolls or women. Just let women degenerate themselves to that level, it increases the risk of std's for the whores and whatever pussy obsessed degenerates come to them in the first place

we can always turn you into a child doll user

Yes, this objectifies women. I'm banning it in New York State and pushing for a nationwide ban.

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There isnt a single trad man today so i think you tried to say simps

get a life you degenerate kike

Hire one of the now unemployed whores to clean them up. Still less messy than her previous work.

The sex dolls shouldn't be something worry about for females. It should be when they make them robowaifus or android gfs which are the real threat.
If I win the lottery I'm considering starting my own company solely dedicated to production of robowaifus or android gfs.

How does it even feel?
Slabbing cold hard 50kg of silicone would certainly feel like shit. No tightness, no warmness, no movement. It would be like fucking a dead chinese

Okay nobody cares.

I want a Hestia sex doll. But she needs to be the right proportions, this one is much too tall!

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The Omnissiah approves of this thread.

So what you're saying is the perfect doll would have human like skin, warmth, and moisture.
People are already developing advanced artificial skin so this is possible.

This is a bit better, the vaginas look varied, the sizes are different but why are the tits identical?
Also, why have I never seen a non-asian doll?

It's not ideal but you would think until robo waifus can be made the lifeless doll producers would put in some work and try to make some product with varied appeal. You could so easily make dolls based on specific celebrities or actresses, not all of them have jew lawyers and they do this with smaller toy dolls all the fucking time (though that might have to do with toys not being as profitable). Then when robo waifus exist the lifeless dolls would still have appeal because of higher accuracy.

I don't care much for brothels, I'm saving up for my very own doll.

Are there bbw dolls? I need some spice in my life. Along with the cunny.

>The sex dolls shouldn't be something worry about for females. It should be when they make them robowaifus or android gfs
Women will just buy the male version, which will hit the market sooner cause they just sit on the sofa watching sports ball and don’t have to talk, clean or cook or anything

You incels are hilarious. Do you honestly believe you'll be able to afford a complex human like android? You understand that the tech going into something like that doesn't even exist right? Even if it did, something like this would only exist as a novelty for the super wealthy. RIGHT NOW you have to pay 25k for what is essentially a shitty animatronic or 10k for a 120lb piece of silicone. That isn't even CLOSE to replicating a human and don't get me started on the AI involved for something like this.

If would be like if it were 1920 and you guys expect having a Tesla Model 3 by 1930. It's not going to happen in your lifetime.

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Why does pol hate women? Why is this place so degenerate and anti family? This place is more subversive than my uncle trying to sell his used car to me at passover.

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Im all for sex dolls but..
110 - 150 for a doll when hookers cost like 100 dollars never went to one but those are the quotes apperently
Make it 50 bucks and you'll get a lot of people

Prices will go down as over time, same as any other piece of tech

Kys kike but at this point it's also natural selection

If they end up fucking some plastic while niggers are raping women it's obviously natural selection

Good goyim ... fuck and clean a doll... very good goyim ! Now go play video games in VR !!

When can i get one that can feed me tendies, wash my clothes and cut the grass?

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Please move this to Yas Forums

I would hate to be the guy who has to clean those.

Call me when they have one with golden brown skin, 6'2" foot tall and with abs

>If would be like if it were 1920 and you guys expect having a Tesla Model 3 by 1930. It's not going to happen in your lifetime.
Great analogy

Who is going to clean them?
Who is willing to fuck one knowing someone else who probably doesn't give a fuck to clean them properly?


If they want the male version fine, but if they and their simp "husbands" try to stop others from wanting their own then there will be blood.

Don't get too excited it's for educational purpuses only

you have to be some weird af dude to think this is normal lmao, just get one of those asses you can fuck.

>super wealthy
>bunch of fucking Simps giving ethot streamers money all the time
Can't come soon enough.

They are better.

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Those plastic sluts are really asking for it.

Real women are fucking awful. The only way to fix them into baby raisers is to shut them off for awhile. They need to learn not to be self centered attention whores again.

Despite all those men throwing money at titty streamers it's peanuts compared to what a fully autonomous sex bot would cost.

Untrue. If the market remains niche enough while still making a considerable profit then prices will never go down. There's a reason why not every person has a Lamborghini and it has nothing to do with the tech involved.

based, sex dolls are the way to go.

already banned in spain IIRC, some greasy wog opened a doll only brothel, and roasties chimped out and had it shut down. The dolls couldn't consent, or thefact they were made to look like a real female meant it was rape

the very thought of not being in total ownership of male sexuality freaks females the fuck out.

They use inefficient 1800s construction techniques on purpose to justify the high price. Because some shitalian spent three days sanding carbon fiber to make one door means you have to pay his wages as part of the prices. Luxury cars are a scam, get an aero L29 jet, they can be bought for under $60k and can do 500mph, twice the speed of any million dollar supercar and theyre way more fun. Fouga magisters are even cheaper. I got the L29, that things like a roller coaster with no rails

And that's a good thing.

the bone tomahawk indians had the right idea. cut off their arms and legs. stab out their eyes. stitch their mouths shut. And use them as baby making logs.

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Dude, get that 20th century thinking tf outta heeeeeere

All it takes is an arduino, an autist, a 3d printer and a fuckin sex drive. It's too easy. If my own life was but a hair different, I'd be designing them myself.

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Amateur, i bet you cant even fabricate circuit boards or work machine tools. My robots are made of aluminum, not shitty plastic

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>In the 1950s Allis-Chalmers began research of fuel cell tractors. Unlike standard batteries, fuel cells do not store energy but convert chemical energy to electric energy. This tractor functioned, but was not economically practical.

>that hestia model

Look up the doble steam car, that shit was insane. Also in the 1800s 40% of cars were electric, a few were gas powered but most were steam driven.


Yep, and its in incredible condition too. I do not regret buying mine. If youre not a poorfag, scoop that thing up. The fuel costs are gonna sting but youll be glad you did

To get a legitimate human like android you'd need more than a few bits of hardware and a 3d printer. Every example of homemade sex dolls look more or less like pic related mainly because we're not exactly talking about the most well adjusted individuals making them. I'd like an android gf as much as the next guy, but I don't see it happening.

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How well do they clean them

>Also, why have I never seen a non-asian doll?
Because Asian women are better.

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she ate the unicorn

This movie was rather accurate

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wtf is that thing on the top right ?

Have you looked?

Bro, why in the actual fuck, would I pay money to use a doll hundreds of other men has jizzed inside. When I can just buy my own doll? All for sex dolls but a brothel just seems like full retard business idea.