Russian sailors trafficking illegal immigrants to Europe

>Russian sailors trafficking illegal immigrants to Europe

When did you realize Russianmongols are worse than jews?

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They also bomb Syria strategically to flood and weaken Europe with Sunni refugees.

Russia will collapse within the decade

>Bix noods invade Westeren world
>Westeren men become cucks and bix noods too dumb to do anything
>Slavs invade
>Slavs control Yurop
Based Russia

Slavs really are subhuman trash.

your shithole is irrelevant slavturk nigger


Your women are built for BBC (Big Balkan cock) its why we come to West.

...says increasingly nervous man for the 30th time in the past century

>Your women are built for BBC (Big Balkan cock) its why we come to West.

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1 NATO bombing wasn't enough.

West slavs are cool.

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Lol eurocucks get rect you are made for BSD(Big Slavic Dick)

>Russian sailors trafficking illegal immigrants to Europe
Based if true. Fuck yuropoors.

But you are mongol and have nothing to do with slavs.

Ok Ahmed

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>the most cucked and second most irrelevant Slavs are cool
L m a o

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goldenhorde flowing strong through yer veins!

Said the crimean tatar / jewish mutt lmao

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Kys euro cuck degenerate

Literally every Yugo thread is a poop throwing convention.

Ever since that BUK missile killed my uncle my hate for Russians has grown exponentially.

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calm down parasjonak, we know you love to divide and conquer

T. Real mongol with 7 % Q haplo

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Man I feel sad for gay hans. They got haplogroup I in themselves just like us and yet they get cucked so hard.

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Instant mongoloid butthurt.

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This is for centuries of putting your shnoze in our business
This is for 1812
This is for supporting Turkey during the Crimean War
This is for supporting the Third Reich (the nazis wanted to exterminate us and steal all our clay)
This is for being two-faced cunts (Kosovo is okay, Crimea is not)

Fuck off European faggots. You are and always will be our biggest enemies.

sorry to hear user stay strong, together we will kill all ruskimongols !

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ohhh shut the fuck up you mongloid fuck, this is for nothing all your shithole nation has done was spread it's tumor further and further, russia has only spread the plague to smaller nations and tried to strip their nationhood away from them.

Whiter than you, sharovary turk nigger

>georgian territory

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He's right though.
Fuck euroshits.

>roosian army

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Stop bitching about us, you degenerate cucks. Leave us alone.

post pic of sailors

the second we call our Russia for it's bullshit for trying to destroy nations around them you get so defensive, it are facts, but you - a parasjonakmongolrapebaby won't understand that, your mentality is utter garbage.

"Balkans" nice word you have there for the bunch of Semitic looking Apes down there.

>stronk ookranian armi
>can't beat donetsk rebels for 6 years

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Piggies can't help themselves but to embarrace themselves even more every single day.
When half shitskins trying to talk shit about one of the purest white people on the earth even their countrymans starting to feel a little bit ashamed of themselves.

>donetsk rebels
>lies no proofs your proofs proof nothing

>Initially, President of Russia Vladimir Putin stated that the men in green were not part of Russian Armed Forces, but groups of local militia who had seized their weapons from the Ukrainian Army.

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hello RT!

>When half shitskins trying to talk shit about one of the purest white people on the earth

ohhh don't even start, ruskis are bigger goblins than mericans you're delusional

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Ok mongol

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Proofs or GTFO

this is just embarassing

No proofs at all.

>In March 2014, Putin continued to maintain that there was no pre-planned intervention,[15][16] but that "the heavily armed, tightly coordinated groups who took over Crimea's airports and ports at the start of the incursion – they were merely spontaneous 'self-defence groups' who may have acquired their Russian-looking uniforms from local [military] shops (voyentorg)".

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Last time ukranians meet russian regular army 6 russian btg raped whole ukranian army in battle of Ilovaisk without air support. STFU cuckhole

Proofs of russian army in Donetsk, drank too much steklomoy today, Taras?

Why are hohols so bad at war?

>When half shitskins trying to talk shit about one of the purest white people on the earth
Lmao which part of their genetics is whiter, turkic or jewish?

are you mongols still butthurt that Ukraine has it's own culture and that you couldn't fully absorb it sinds the ogpoe days?

Honestly can't wait to immigrate from here. The mindset/quality of life here is so low that you woul not believe it. And you got literal retards defending russia when it's a literal shithole thats falling apart.

Look piggy, don't even try to pretend what you not a hohol, every single genetic test prove what i said, its just a fact.
Whatever why am i even wasting my time to talking to some random pidarashkas who still in denial about their well documented turkish ancestry? This conversation is definitely over. You're never be russians you're never even be white, tough luck on the birth roll, it happens.

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>are you mongols still butthurt that Ukraine has it's own culture
All their "culture" was invented by soviets in 1920 lmao. They even was so ashamed of their turkic national dress, so they invented them a slavic one

No proofs. All this photos and videos with destroyed roosian vehicles, roosian equipment and roosian POWs prove nothing.
There is absolutely no roosian army in Crimea, it's 'self-defence groups'.

Do you seriously think anyone would believe roosian lies second time?

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>Ukraine has it's own culture

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youre a caucasian/mongol rapebaby calm down

no it wasn't, keep b8ing harder

The Russian is a subhuman, not unlike the negro, because it has no concept of critical thinking. Its feed is pevyi kanal, and it's only argument is muh proofs.

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There is Russian army in Crimea because it's Russian territory, Taras. You really drank too much steklomoy today because I was talking about Donetsk

>invented by soviets in 1920
So how did they managed to ban Ukrainian language in 1876 then? Imebilce.

>Ever since that BUK missile killed my uncle my hate for Russians has grown exponentially.
Too bad it was just your uncle.

>There is Russian army in Crimea

But all roosian officials said there is no roosian forces in Crimea. Why are you lying? Oh, I know why. Because you are fucking roosian.

Ukraine is Russia. Keep seething kike.

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typical ruski divide & conquer, ignore it

>Soviets in 1876

Cockhole still butthurting

Hohol confuses language and culture lmao

Friend I don't think you understand how russia functions. The only thing that can make Russia collapse is running out of food. And by running out, I mean run out, so the military stops getting food.

death to america

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>invented by soviets in 1920
>banned in 1876

I didn't know whoring your women, sending your men to work as slave labour in Poland and giving up control of Government to Jews is culture

Second biggest country in Europe yet it competes with Moldova for lowest wages
Slavic France? More like Slavic Gabon XDDD

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Russia is getting cucked by China with the CCP virus. They even said it could come from Russia but Ivans don't dare contradict chinese overlords

The negro Russian likes to bully those around it, telling them to get over it and stop crying. But nothing will make Russia seethe more than the US. Just mere mention of the name will make a Russians head spin and yell.

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Ukrainians are not white

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>roosian lied so much that he is not really sure what is truth anymore

No roosian forces in Crimea. No proofs.

>The negro Russian likes to bully those around it
>says ameriburger, whose country bullies everyone on the globe.

Sure, buddy.

Muttoid's opinion doesn't count

It was invented by Habsburgs, just like Bosnians claim to be Illyirans the retarded Ukies claim to be descended from Nordic vikings
Ukraine as a nation exist as easy source of cannon fodder against Russia, see: Charles XII, Napoleon, Willy, Adolf and modern Judeo-American world order

You are about to get skullfucked by Corona, here's hoping Russia puts you failed state out of it's misery

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Oh really. So they are not the same ? Do you want examples over the last 200-300 years where you guys claimed the separate thing? The whole conflict over easter(for you western) ukraine in early XXth century/late XIXth century was starting with you flying the banner of "anything that speaks something kind of a similar to any form of any russian dialect is to be considered Imperial Russian".

Stfu mutt

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