>watch American History X because Yas Forums said it was baste
>feel like actual shit
Why do Nazis like this movie? All I feel is dread and guilt
>watch American History X because Yas Forums said it was baste
>feel like actual shit
Why do Nazis like this movie? All I feel is dread and guilt
You're watching it wrong. Take off your goy goggles and try again.
>movie hurt my fee-fees
true nazis watch anime!
>Reformed neo nazi
You're weak and have a pathologically overdeveloped sense of empathy that allows your outgroups to easily destroy you.
that movies only good for about the first half hour. once Norton gets out of jail it's a fag fest
Every popular movie with nazis in it is always dog shit
you have to watch it backwards.
>i now love niggers because i was buttfucked in the ass by nazis for calling them out on dealing drugs with spics
Just in real life.
While it stops being a feelgood movie halfway in, the tragedy that ensues is what you can learn something from. After seeing whites act like common niggers Derek falls for the meme that we're all the same, he forsakes his brothers and beliefs and embraces globohomo, only for the movie to end with proving he was right all along.
Only a few good scenes.
Bleaching the chink market was a good one too.
the everday language of jesus was hebrew; therefore whatever you're talking about is something good
they like it because they see it as a foothold into mainstream culture, not that i agree with such a conclusion
I agree, it's a bit of a dreadful movie. It has some really good scenes and the overall narrative is good but it just feels bad.
>give up being a nazi
>still get killed by niggers cuz ur white
I never got why did such an ending to this movie that should be anti-white supremcacy. When i watched this movie as i kid it really made me hate niggers and was also a giant redpill like Menace 2 Society.
IIRC the actor refused to do the role unless the character ultimately refused Nazism, the original draft had him returning to it
but that was info I got from a chanpost and never followed up on so who fucking knows the truth
Basically the moral of the story is that because there are at least some black people who won't beat and rape you right away, white nationalism is evil.
Also I'm pretty sure it wss written, directed and produced by Jews.
What the movie shows is that no matter what you do and how you act, a nigger is still going to be a nigger and do nigger shit to you.
Rule 1.
Did you see the end of the movie?
I actually just watched it yesterday. I havent seen it since the 90s, and I really didnt get any deep message out of it when I saw it then. As a teenager it appeared to be 'somewhat realistic, but irrelevant to me'.
Now I watched it as an aging ex-leftist. What I see is totally pragmatic, common sense 'right wing' critiques of immigration and minority crime being put in the mouth of neo-nazis - conflating a perfectly reasonable political position with 'far right hate'. AHX also was, to me, above all, a hallmark family special style moralistic play. It attempted to see things through the eyes of the neo-nazis, and I do think for the people involved in making AHX, they did as good as possible in that regard. What they didnt do was describe anything realistic about true far-right extremist ideology.
To me the main takeaway for 'normies' who see AHX would be that 'any criticism at all of urban issues or immigration is the same as being a neo-nazi'. I strongly reject that idea.
3/10 movie for the acting, which isnt perfect, but was pretty good. Also, I am not a nazi, but if I was, I imagine I would have loved this movie as a youth and hated it as an adult.
Because it actually puts forward honest right wing opinions instead of the usual hollyjew BTFOing "Nazi" strawmen.
One more note. The idea of regular middle class boomers (instead of the neo nazis) attacking grocery stores full of obvious illegal immigrants working fully out in the open warms my heart.
That is what the labor rights movement looks like, and we desperately need a new labor rights movement that protects worker rights in a global sense, because the old labor movement wins are quickly being undone in the face of sneering lolbert globalist ideology.
>Hood rat skinhead with tats
Choose one
You just don’t understand the film
Act 1: This is why you become Nazi
Act 2: Nazi bad! Niggers good! (((Jew subversion)))
Act 3: Nazi right all along
The book actually makes sense. They kiked it up for hollywood
Directed by an Orthodox Jew
That's the face of Neo-Nazism according to the general public.
At least that film with Harry Potter showed that there are actually people who are intelligent that sympathize, even if it was through a majorly cucked lens.
>Act 3: Nazi right all along
I think the end is supposed to let both sides get what they want.
To nazis they get to claim 'SEE WE WERE RIGHT!'
to criminal-minded black people and their uncritical allies, the end was whiteboy getting what he has coming.
I mean - duh? It is like the video of some frail old lady at Popeyes saying the N, and then young men body slamming her in the parking lot. Black twitter was full of perfectly reasonable middle-class looking black people saying 'dumb white bitch got what she has coming'.
This. So much this.
By the way, do early life check on people created that propaganda.
It’s been portrayed by ((them)). What’s the point of watching? It may have some moments but they put them in to lure you in
Truth. The original script ended with him shaving his head at the very end
>kills a nigger being a nigger
>goes to jail
>learns that wow, an individual can be a decent person and someone who shares your political philosophy can be a bad person
>brother gets killed by a nigger being a nigger
Seems pretty accurate to me
>dread and guilt
I get dread, it's a dark movie
but why guilt? you haven't done anything in the movie
>Why do Nazis like this movie?
Because he's a blue collar loser just like them
>nazi, anglo, slav, monkey, mutt, jew
>NatSoc, white
Interesting, who was this film directed by?
Yes. It is jewish agitprop at the end of the day. Designed to inflame tensions between black and white people, while making money.
Yeah cause saying nigger in a Popeye’s justifies physical assault, and blowing smoke in a niggers face justifies the nigger shooting you in the school bathroom days after the fact!
Bringing down the ZOG machine Jew by Jew by Jew.
>Yeah cause saying nigger in a Popeye’s justifies physical assault, and blowing smoke in a niggers face justifies the nigger shooting you in the school bathroom days after the fact!
Unfortunately what we are seeing is each of these type of events being used to further justify future attacks of a similar nature on white people.
The moral of 'serves em right!' has begun to apply to simply BEING WHITE and EXISTING. You barely have to even 'do anything' anymore. The old white lady in popeyes only said the N word after being subjected to a bunch of people calling her a cracker and making physically threatening gestures. She should have left, of course. And because she could have left, that, in 21st century urban ethics, means it is ok to bodyslam her for saying a naughty word.
I didnt say it was justified. I said films like AHX are what normalized this behavior. As much as rap music or anything else did.
Jewish agitprop in the form of movies and music has really destroyed both black and white america.
imagine actually thinking this lmao, jesus was king incel cuck killed by jews and you worship him for his jew cum and want to cut your childs penis skin off to give thanks to some desert religion that has nothing to do with your own race of people
Total Hollywood jew garbage. Stupid fake and gay.
I can't watch it because of its inconsistency. They tried to paint his nigger friend in jail as an innocent victim of unfair police treatment, but the nigger stole the TV and the cop wouldn't have the broken foot if the nigger hadn't been there in the first place stealing a TV.
Lol. I had trouble continuing to watch past the basketball game. Talk about absurd\unrealistic. It was like west side story, set to some soaring choir soundtrack. It sucked. Lol.
Are you trolling lol?
>listen goy. some neonazis are bad, therefore you should become normie-wageslave for mr. Shekelberg and desert from race war
>inflame tensions
>All I feel is dread and guilt
Feel your purpose, feel your hate, elevate your mental state.
Funny thing is, those types of basketball games happen in every day Life when you think about it. Just remove the basketball game and replace it with anything with an influx of POCs. The white group is instantly the Nazi group.
Moral of the story is "Around blacks, don't relax"
One more thing: nigguh principal has armed black gangs in his school but is more concerned about white guy who has written essay about Mein Kamph.
By the way, every murican film/game has a smart nigguh, often smart nigguh principal.
Yes, Edward norton was supposed to return to pol on the end
You should try romper stomper
You’ll feel dread and guilt from that too
Exactly. The last time I had a discussion about this movie I brought that up. The other person brought up an absurd claim about white nationalists killing more than black gangs.
This movie is leftist propaganda
>Guy takes dick in ass
>Becomes beta nigger loving race traitor
>This. So much this.
Why are you redditposting?
It's a story where "love wins" why would anyone associate it with ethno-nationalists?
See, btw if you see the movie in that way you’re already a cuck and go kill yourself
the movie clearly redpills on issues with nogs and other minorities fucking up society. at the end the message is that being full of hatred doesn't make your life better, but they're soldiers, their goal is not to have better lives but it is to make the others have better lives.
>often smart nigguh principal.
Or any other position of authority or power or reverence. I noticed as a kid even every single cartoon or show has a nigger as a world leader or other smart or important person. Or a woman. Never a white man.
whats a good movie with nazis in it
It's a really poorly edited movie
>Never a white man.
Artists of all types have long ago realized that in order to get their work on mainstream media platforms, they must constantly appeal to the jews by attacking the west\whiteness\western society.
From music to needlepoint craft fairs - anti-american, anti-western ideology is the only accepted 'outsider position' anymore. Outsider positions traditionally have each represented an arts&crafts closet industry. No longer. The only industry allowed anymore is anti-white.