I could have been an engineer or a doctor in Africa, in one of the empires or republics there.
YET I am in the USA and I am none of these. Why? Instead I am none of these. Because fucking crackers, here's why
Your ancestors colonized and enslaved my ancestors. You continue to reap the benefits from this to this very day. You invaded our countries and stole our resources and destroyed our cities.
You are the reason I don't have a job. You are the reason I don't know my father. You are the reason I dropped out of school.
fuck you cracker say the n word againand i smash your face in
Nicholas Gonzalez
Reminder it's a turk posting these threads. Just ignore.
Carter Morgan
africans enslaved other africans that sold them to jews who sold them to brits.
Charles Hall
Yeah too bad your ancestors sold their fellow tribesman into slavery for their own profit. Go sulk for your whole life, waging to make your white boss rich.
Camden Ramirez
no u needle dick lol
Henry Sanders
Africa didnt even have the wheel before we came, your ancestors literally called us gods so shut the fuck up you dumb monkey!
Lucas Gonzalez
yeah those pyramids in egypt are a lie right... fucking inbred peckerwood
Samuel James
Just fucking stop crying and do something you absolute nigger.
Most African countries are longer independent now than they were ever colonized. Slavery in the US is longer illegal than it was legal.
Stop making excuses and do something. Truth is that niggers are incapable of building anything more complicated than a mud hut and societies more complex than a tribe.
You may look roughly human but you aren't and the only thing that's keeping you alive is our good will.
Aiden Campbell
Annoying larp aside, reminder for the lurkers: >Slaves were conquered tribes bought from niggers >They were the weakest niggers on the continent >their own people didnt want them there and sold them to kikes >kikes, fearing the backlash, taught the dumb nigger it was actually ebul waitey >dumb, weak, conquered niggerslaves believe filthy semites
Caleb Reyes
Nigger Nigger
Easton Ortiz
>in one of the empires or republics there yes, keep quoting the exact same 3-4 african "empires" as if it's an accomplishment your people are so dissociated from africa you don't even know what part of it you're from. that said, you're probably from the Ivory Coast, which produced absolutely nothing of value You are not an Egyptian as they are racially closer to Arabs than blacks, and you are not Ethiopian, as virtually no slaves were brought to the Americas from there. Egypt is not in Sub-Saharan Africa, where blacks come from, and Ethiopia (the only other nation in Africa to produce anything of worth) remained relatively independent throughout the slave trade. You would not have been a doctor or an engineer, you would have been a rock-breaker or at best a farmer (who would have 98% of his yield taken by the dictatorial government).
How come your kinsmen enslaved you and sold you off to merchants coming to your warlord? We Arabs didn't venture where you niggers lived in Africa yet we are the number one enslavers of niggers. How come?
I know your nigger monkey brain can't think at all. You just say what other monkies say. But I'ma try. Why is it that your ancestors didn't reach the same level of civilization at the time when White people bought your ancestors from nigger warlords, hmm?
Ethan Ramirez
>cope posting flaggot
Caleb Hernandez
Sebastian Jones
THIS IA BULLSHIT It is true that the rich 20% of the world consume 80% of the worlds resources. But what is also true, is the rich 20% PRODUCE 80% of the worlds resources. India used to be dirt poor, but once they started producing goods and services, they got wealthier. What's important to understand is India (and China) got richer without anybody else getting poorer; all they did was started producing. Now fuck of OP, you leftist economically-illiterate cocksucker.
Europe didn't even hold onto Africa for 100 years. before we came you where killing eachother with sticks, when we left you fucks started to kill eachother with car tyres
Caleb Gray
fuck you nigger
Tyler Baker
Grayson Lopez
I don't remember colonizing anything, nigger
Ethan Collins
>one of the empires or republics there name one that wasn't build on enslaving other niggers
Gavin Wright
>destroyed our cities You call your tribes’ caves cities? LMAO YA’LL WEREN’T KINGS YA’LL WERE DICKWASHERS
Carter Barnes
Sub-Saharan Africa was gifted modern civilization and threw it away. Instead of apologizing for this, they curse those that gave the railways, airport, modern medicine, written language, and nearly instant access to a body of knowledge that took westerners millennia to accumulate. Instead they cry about commodities they had no knowledge how to use or even of its existence. Sub-Saharan Africa left alone would indeed have less overall suffer but only because the population would be a tiny fraction of what it is now. The per capita suffering would be an order of magnitude larger because everyone would be suffering to eek out a meager existence of barely surviving day to day.
>You continue to reap the benefits from this to this very day As do you. How many Africans do you see on here with the opportunity to whinge about whites not coddling them?
Do you know what every other people including your own have done to other people all through out history? Enslave, dominate, conquer, kill, genocide, rape, eradicate and literally eat their enemies. Civilizations and people were regularly wiped off the face of the earth throughout history. You are alive and in the position you are because one of those races decided, entirely by their own volition, to show mercy and try to genuinely raise you up, and your first instinct is to bite the hand that feeds. Why do you not be thankful, not to whites but just in general, that your fate wasn't the same as fucking every other subjugated people in history and instead just make the most of the opportunities you have. Whites don't "owe" you anything. They could have just brained every one of you but they didn't, so make the most of that and get on with life dude.
Caleb Thomas
Northern Africa used to be 100% white until the Asian & African(blacks) warlords invaded.
The only blacks involved in those pyramids where being whipped wile doing it.
Adam Carter
Fuck off nigger.
The Portuguese bought your ancestors from BLACK slavers and sold them to american settlers. It was your own people that put you in america.
Besides, your people has a median IQ that is lower than the norm, I doubt your countries would have been very advanced even if no European ship ever docked there.
And before you call me a racist cracker, Im an international student from a 3rd world shithole.
Oh, almost forgot. If your people are so smart and powerful, how come your republics and empires weren't able to fend off the invaders?
Matthew Clark
yes if by doctor you mean local shaman and by engineer you mean mud and sticks collector
Africa is still bursting with valuable natural resources, every resource except brainpower.
Brayden Howard
Oh look, Steve is LARPING as a nigger again. Come on, niggers don't read nor do they write! Get off your mother's computer STEVE! No good boy points! No chicken tendies And clean your room! Faggot
Angel Baker
that is myth. the pyramids were built by regular workers. slaves were employed (and whipped) in grain and cotton camps.
Jonathan Brown
nothing's precluding you from going back and becoming an engineer or a doctor. Heck, coming from the US you could be the first african to discover fire or the wheel.
Jonathan Brown
>YET I am in the USA and I am none of these. Tell me where to send the money for your one way trip back. Include as many friends and family as well.
Kayden Kelly
Checked and Kekd.
Elijah Nelson
Digits not being checked by new fags Under rated post
I'll crush your black face in for dreaming of being more than dirt fucking shit colored baby.
Jeremiah Clark
There was never any money in Africa. White people granted African countries infrastructure and civilization and once left up to niggers you shit all over it and drove it into the ground.
William Morales
80 iq = African medical school material
Lucas Richardson
Samuel Ortiz
>niggers Unwanted in every country
Aaron Kelly
Jackson Perez
Consider yourself lucky we didn't exterminate you. Faggot OP
Because you're a fucking moron. Because you're too fucking stupid to use the vast amount of resources at your fingertips to gain knowledge Because you need shoes and you won't be able to get them RIGHT FUCKING NOW if you spend all your time on studying and bettering yourself first You are the failure you have created You are responsible for yourself You have failed Don't blame others because you are personally no fucking use to anyone, including yourself If you don't want to put the effort in for yourself, why the fuck should anyone else just hand a reward to you because you think your skin is magical? FUCK OFF
Gavin Baker
The greatest mistake the white man ever made was interacting with Africans.
Josiah Turner
>Because fucking crackers No . Its because of your 85 IQ . Sorry , NiggerAnon .
>nobody getting poorer And this is why the west is flooded by them, saturating the job market, lowering the status and value of the everyday worker Joe. If that's not getting poorer, I don't know what is, moron.