/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2948

► Detected: 1,218,087 (+16,634) ► Died: 65,833 (+1,145) ► Day: 87 (-14:00:00)

— 4.3 billion people put under lockdown —
— 208 countries and territories infected —
— 3.5x more confirmed deaths than swine flu pandemic —
— 3,379 different strains have been sequenced —

Hong Kong enacts shutdowns as second wave hits

Town in China in lockdown again due to second wave of cases

China begins to reopen its wet markets

Biggest slums in India report first COVID casualties

Asian countries might face second wave as cases rise

Swedish government took 3 months to figure out asymptomatic transmission

Normalcy bias is the tendency to believe things will always be the same

Virus can live in the air for several hours

11 year old in Indonesia has died to coronavirus

In France, half in intensive care under 50 years old

300 die in Iran from methanol poisoning amid false cure rumors

Ecuador struggling to handle all the deaths

China industrial capacity estimated to be at 50-60%

Japan confirms China doesn't count suspected in death toll

Fed injects $1.5 trillion, fails to stop historic crash


05:44: 429 new cases and 3 new deaths in Israel
05:27: 55 new cases and 2 new deaths in Hungary
05:22: 4 new cases and 7 new deaths in Honduras
05:15: 156 new cases and 5 new deaths in Pakistan
05:12: 302 new cases in India
05:01: 252 new cases and 33 new deaths in Italy


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Other urls found in this thread:


How far fetched is this as cause?


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D-did we do it Austriabros?

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And roll nice digits for her. Waifus love digits.

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Godspeed Corona chan!

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I think we did it

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t. chink

Based, I now have hope for us too.

Americans: Is this worse than 9/11?

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No, and read the article.

It's the same facility that does all the covid testing in Russia.


extremely unless you're retarded.

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Nooo I wanted to stay at home until may

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covid-19 doesn't originate from russia

>muhh pandemic

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You will


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Reminder that this is purely the wrath of god, yeshua, the choir of angels and all spirits who have been angered by the CCP's attempt to re-write scared texts of both the western and eastern world while leaving the son's of satan at bay.

Revelation 22:18-19
" I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book, and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book"

Acknowladge the fact to the divine that you are merly a dumb human and to be spared by them, surrender your pride, repent and we will live to see the new age together brothers.

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yup. that'll do
now on to the paranoia-phase and increasing testing even more

define worse?
will Covid19 kill more people? and have possible long term effects on the country? yes

but nothing will compare to the shock of being physically attacked by another nation.. so no i would say its not worse

Sauce for that image?

>n-nothingburger haha
well, we're heading into a global depression. where are you guys now?

bet you're all feeling pretty dumb now that it's officially a nothingburger

Russia had a massive pneumonia epidemic in late 2019, many schools were closed etc.

It's worth looking into it.

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9/11 was already comparable to the first hour of New York quarantine, that's how irrelevant it was for their economy.


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>AZT + Ciprofloxacine
combination of these two shows chloroquine-like effect in vitro on epithelial cells

Say it with me:

[spoiler]fuck the ccp[/spoiler]

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>loosens screening regulation
Someone really wants the shit to hit the fan.

>btfo fever Q
>made Whiple's disease his bitch
>all with dirt cheap medicine
>comes up a protocol for corona that is followed by countries that aren't completely run by conflict of interest/ideology
>treats people that come in his institute as fucking patients instead of some labotary rats with a drug that was in use for so long even spanish conquistadors ate it
>gets called names by braindead journalists and people that discovered scientific methodology and apply it mindlessly as if medicine was just about double blind studies
>most doctors that trash him work for Gilead
>the european study WILL NOT test Raoult's protocol

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As for my country, it can't get any worse than it is

Never any good news

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Better, besides China the one's to really blame for shit getting out of hand are local/state/federal officials that encouraged travel and large gatherings in February because virus was fake news and racist.
The death toll will hit inner-city niggers/spics the hardest with jews as a bonus.

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Thank you user.

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Shill is even using his own source wrong

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Real shit


Is burger land kill?

>Remind them
I already did all that, my mother kept interrupting me midway through what I was saying to complain about how I'm being "very disrespectful" to them, then telling me to "stop yelling" even though that's what she was doing all along.

The thing that pissed me off the most though:
>stocked up on some supplies before all this went down
>my family did not even bother buying anything, only went crazy when the actual lockdowns started happening
>they started running out of food and the markets were also out of supplies for a short while, so they couldn't get anything
>they burst into my room and DEMAND that i give them something to eat from my supply
I don't know how they found about about me having one, they didn't pay attention when I first went out to pile up on food but now suddenly, they remember it, and they didn't even come to ask nicely or whatever, just straight up yelling at me and demanding I give them to eat.

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Daily cases are going down
Daily deaths are going down
Stocks are up
Argiebro is dead
Italy plateau'd 2 weeks ago
Most of the cases in the US are in NYC
Only 45000 deaths in Wuhan, the Great Leap Forward was waaaaaay worse

It's over, I'm sorry.

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>but nothing will compare to the shock of being physically attacked by another nation
>He doesnt know
>Comparing sandniggers with a nation with nukes

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>Stocks are up


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Cities yes, rual america ( real america ) no.

I feel so fucking alive for the first time in decades bros. Anyone else feeling the same? I never realized i was a doomer. I even wanted to stop the happening from happening for a while, but i realized theres no point in saving this fucking clown system and the people that cheer for it. Let it all burn to the fucking ground, start over, full reset. My only wish is to survive long enough to see the collapse of modern society as we know it.

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Yes they are wrong, but they are also your family you nog. Give them food. I don't know what 3rd world country you are from because I'm American and I don't recognize your flag but here in Texas we take care of family no matter what.

Of course. This is bigger than 9/11 in every way.

The whole nation is suffering from Corona, as opposed to just new york on 9/11. To say nothing of the economic fallout, potential legislative and executive expansions, death toll, cultural impact, etc, etc.

Plus you could potentially label this a chinese attack on technicality, and one nearly every other nation has suffered from.

Omoara-ti parintii si fute cadavrul mamei tale. Ai incredere in mine, asta iti este destinul.

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I too hope so. But please remember: China fucked us over. Do NOT believe Chinese numbers or news. Do NOT believe anything that comes out of China

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>some countrys numbers for both deaths and infections are starting to flatten slowly

> ----- DAILY REMINDER ----- express.co.uk/news/world/1265224/coronavirus-china-original-wuhan-laboratory-leak-bioweapon-military-grade-china-scientist

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You fucking burgers. We could have a nuke attack that wipes out half the population, and it still wouldn't be worse than muh 9/11 for you

I feel this too. It it time to join the its over burgers?

I want it to continue both for the disruption of daily life and for the changes I hope occur if this ever ends.

>2 more weeks
2 more weeks
>2 more weeks

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they were out partying on spring break while europe was in quarantine, retarded shit


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>but they are also your family
soon enough they won't be anymore, i'm disowning them as soon as i'm moving out

>Real shit
A medium post from literally who. Thanks user.

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I think it’ll take more than two weeks to peak, don’t you?

long term relationship cold

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That didn't last long, kek.
Hopefully this virus shatters any faith these fucking morons have in elected officials in taking care of them.

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turbo-virgin doomfags hate him, here's why

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Just two more weeks bro and its over bro

Well its worthless now

> Attacked by another nation
> 9/11 was an inside job
Choose one


>based druid

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>nothingburgerfags still exist


1 months ago

>mandatory mask usage is being considered
>AzN countries where people wear masks have it more or less under control

how much of a dumb fucking nigger does our surgeon general look like right now?

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What does your surgeon general actually do?

You come from snowland, you have evolved to bunker down and laugh at other people dying in the snow from not having prepped

it's a nigger

Those fuckers.
If you can, hide as much supplies you can without raising suspicions and then share what you can't hide when they demand it.
I'm not psychologist, but they don't seem to be a type of people who reflect over situation, they're basically nigger-tier, if you ask me, but maybe I'm just harsh.

Shit hasn't hit the fan here yet, but my parents seems to slowly start taking it seriously, father even scolded me when I got too close to out neighbor who was working near people in food industry until she was laid off.
They still pissed me off with bragging to her that I bought supplies in advance. Who knows what she might do if she gets desperate for food or something.

none of these people will lose their jobs

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at some point they have to open their government and accept all boomers are going to die

Amen brother.

Hong Kong Flooey

> that contradiction within one post

> masks don't protect, they help prevent the spread only
> but... but healthcare workers need masks to protect themselves

are those people retarded?

>but nothing will compare to the shock of being physically attacked by another nation

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Spain is in the same boat, started saying no to wear them, now recommended.

>remove quarantine
>cases go up again
I'm just realizing it now...there may as well be no end to this isn't there?

This is your daily reminder that Ted Kaczynski was right and you should read his manifesto

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Not sure of US law, can you take a private prosecution out on him for manslaughter? If not sue him for causing harm?

got any more thicc dark elves?

>ut nothing will compare to the shock of being physically attacked by another nation
>another nation
oy vey

he wasn't completely wrong because he was purposefully being obsfucating


Yes, insofar as we don’t have a specific external target/person to blame (like Osama, al-Qaida, mudslimes, etc.). Even normies we’re saying “fuck Islamic terrorism” back then; not enough people are saying “fuck China” now.

their data supports the theory that banning most social meetings works great to stop contagious diseases from spreading.
its intuitively obvious so it's good to see it bear out that way.
I love that bear.


It will be over when all the weak die and some working drug is discovered. So, after like three waves.

>bragging about buying supplies in advance to the public
Christ. If it ever got so bad to the point where the military would requisition supplies from people who hoarded them, you'd be some of the first to go thanks to your father freely sharing that information with literally everyone.

How's that even possible short of sabotage?
Loosen the regulations? WHY? Let me guess - people complained that there were too few patients or something, who knows.


Happening canceled. Cases are falling in Spain.

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I was going to say that Israel is a separate nation but then I realised they’re both the same one.

We're living in a perpetual nightmare my man. Think it's bad now? Give it some more time and it'll be hell on earth. Just stay safe for now and enjoy the somewhat normal life you have at the moment 'cause it'll be gone in the near future.

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>not hooked nose tribe with your alphabet boys
Ohhh sweet mutt child.

>global pandemic
>roastie nurses posting dance videos to tiktok
As if they already couldn't do their job and the one time to show some level of professionalism amidst hundreds to thousands of deaths by state locally in the coming weeks...not gonna make it.
These whores will help spread it by not following safety guidelines. Medical errors and other shit are primed for corona-chan to decimate our hospitals.

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>It will be over when all the weak die and some working drug is discovered. So, after like three waves.
And when will that be? I wanna go home already.

>their data supports the theory that banning most social meetings works great to stop contagious diseases from spreading.
its intuitively obvious so it's good to see it bear out that way.
Indeed, the shill was using said data to imply there never was a pandemic despite the drop only being due to heavy social distancing and lockdowns

Threw my vape away, lads

Dork elves are best elves.

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Daily reminder there's practically zero to none of laboratory confirmations that asymptomatic cases exist

says the 25 year old college drop out single mother who took the 2 week CNA class.
Statistically I'm more likely to die every day on my commute to work than I am from the beer flu.

That's fucking scary to think about. I'm not home and I don't like where I am right now. It's in the middle of fucking Manila.

Hanz post more dark elves.

Father and mother.
Not that I bought that much (we got like two months in total), but looters don't know that and they might try anyway.
They just don't consider the possibility of SHTF, even if it's minimal chance of that.

what's the point of these articles spain hasn't even released all numbers today

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beri naisu

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So why is the covid-19 live tracking site down now? Mysteriously Avast said it's a phishing site and blocked it. It was the only site that was giving the last 24 hr numbers to get a legit idea on how much things were accelerating.

Yes. The herd immunuity meme only works if you are willing to let millions die.

>Ecuador probes 'fake news' campaign criticizing coronavirus response

>Ecuador’s government is investigating thousands of social media accounts spreading what it called “fake news” aimed at destabilizing President Lenin Moreno’s administration as it struggles to contain an outbreak of the novel coronavirus.

>Interior Minister Maria Paula Romo told local radio on Wednesday evening that the social media posts — among which were images of alleged common graves for coronavirus victims — resulted from a coordinated effort by a “political group.”

>Ecuador has confirmed 145 deaths from the virus, one of the highest tallies in Latin America. But Moreno said on Thursday the number was “short” and authorities were collecting over 100 bodies a day, many left in relatives’ homes as strict quarantine measures prevented them from burying the dead.

>The government said the grave photos, purportedly taken at a cemetery in the city of Guayaquil, where Ecuador’s coronavirus outbreak is centered, were of a burial in Mexico in 2018. The cemetery and Guayaquil’s police both confirmed the photos were not taken there.

>The government also dismissed other images circulating that purported to show victims’ bodies being burnt, saying that they were in fact burning tires.

Source: reuters.com/article/health-coronavirus-ecuador/ecuador-probes-fake-news-campaign-criticizing-coronavirus-response-idUSL1N2BR2RG

who cares? reopen the country and cases start raising again.

Pretty normal day in a Slavic country.

Furthermore on the weekend, should be common sense that cases and deaths always drop on the weekend

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Based chyna

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The fire would kill it all, right? It's not going to spread too?

though nicotine might be effective against coronavirus
blue: non smoker
orange: ex-smokers
grey: smokers

first graph: covid in china
second graph: numbers of smokers/exsmokers/nonsmokers in china
the rest is the same but with the US

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How. What the fuck.

Tor user, how do you propose we fix the situation. Go back to work?

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Could you do that with a President or a Senator? Of course not. These people are all removed from our society and are not beholden to anything but social media PR and the people who got them the job

Yup we might be fucked. Pretty soon I might be leaving to go to the provinces soon. Thankfully, we bought some land that we can farm in bicol if SHTF

>60K deaths

reminder that Mao Zedong is raped by demon niggers in Hell (also, he lost to a FUCKING SPARROW)
Wuhan biological weapon 武汉生物武器 China manufactured Coronavirus Test kits were broken on purpose 中国制造的冠状病毒检测试剂盒被故意破坏 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-05 Paul Joseph Watson on Twitter Called it https t co IizVyiZfgx… .png (635x613, 583.33K)

More murders here as well it seems. One occurrence of a father killing his whole family.

You pathetic bootlicking retards never fail to make me laugh with your “cvg” threads and your exaggerated statistics that don’t hold up to any scientific standards stay in fear lmao

It was an explosion first.

makes battle plans for when the surgeons go to war with other doctors to remind them of the pecking order

So pretty much every scientist agrees that the pandemic will be over by June

>>Ecuador’s government is investigating thousands of social media accounts spreading what it called “fake news” aimed at destabilizing President Lenin Moreno’s administration as it struggles to contain an outbreak of the novel coronavirus.

didn't the president himself admit there are problems?

it's already over. Hydroxychloroquine is the cure.

(it's not happening)

Already on my second pack today *coof* *coof*
Atleast then I know, where the coofs come from.

they """"""mistakenly"""""" sent a couple of patients to the ship and ((((((((((forgot)))))))))) to mention they got the Chinese Virus

>Pretty soon I might be leaving to go to the provinces soon.
How do you even do that with all the lockdown and barricading happening around the country.

Listen faggots
>flu kills 250,000 a year
>Measles kills 500,000 a year
>hepatitis b kills 800,000 a year
>hiv/aids kills a million a year
>noro virus kills 50,000 a year
>ebola kills 10,000 a year
>car crashes kill two million a year
>murder and war kills 5 million a year
>coconuts kill 100,000 a year
>falling off ladders kills 40,000 a year
>DIY accidents kill 15000 a year
>Niggers murder 600,000 a year
>botched transsexual surgeries kill 500 a year
>food poisoning kills 6 million a year
>erectile dysfunction kills 20,000 a year
>lightning strikes kill 500 a year (double if it strikes twice)
>Medical malpractice in the US claims 250k lives a year alone
>diarrhea kills 1.8 million A YEAR
Total nothing burger

Fucking Chang is trying to sell bootleg medical masks over at Yas Forums

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America, you are not breeding your best

Think about it, it took two months for it to be officially discovered in Washington state for example.
September-November checks out.