Still belive in jewish bullshit?
We are data, part of the simulation program, running on a virtual machine.
Name one reason if I'm wrong.
Still belive in jewish bullshit?
We are data, part of the simulation program, running on a virtual machine.
Name one reason if I'm wrong.
Other urls found in this thread:
You cant belive in a misterious faggot who was born 2000 yrs ago
Accept the truh
The simulation has never crashed.
>misterious faggot
LOL 6/10 shitpost
Ofc "magic" is more interesting, such a shame it doesnt exist
what are these screenshots from encylopedia britannica solar system edition
and the dev's wouldnt just delete all memory of a crash?
weak argument
>he still thinks the earth is round
I pity your psyop brain
Could you tell whoever is running the simulation that I need a gf, also put some money into my account.
maybe it does -
why else would (((they))) go to extreme levels to poison the drinking waters with flourides, put metals in foods, metals in your deodorant etc etc
You just never knew about it. There are billions of billions of simulation snapshots, this is what they call timeline I guess. If simulation is crashed, your "selfness" in RAM is gone, and they are loading your "selfness" data from HDD
install gentoo
>playstation 4 can barely run 30 fps and games doen look real at all
>somehow someone made a game that has infinte frames per second and looks like real life and we're also in it
It depends on your view perspective.
I dunno how 4d beings see our world
>part of the simulation program
You know that if we are in a simulation then what you're doing is simulation as well, even what I'm doing.
In mechanism, there is no here, there, now or then. You can't describe anything mechanistic, it's philosophy for dummies, but Ruskie don't know philosophy.
do people think that the fact this is a simulation explains anything? That still means that there's another world that's simulating this. It literally explains nothing, nor does it change anything.Same with people thinking that God explains why the universe exists.
Simulation theory is just believing in God with different terminology thrown in.
>Perfect Simulation
>They call it "real life"
>Can't go faster than the speed of light or simulation is crashed
Who ever is play me needs to gitgud or at least use IDDQD and IDKFA
This is exactly what a Jew would say
there is no 4d. only being alive, hades, hell and heaven
What changes if we are in a simulation? It's not like we can leave it
ofcourse everything in sumulation is virtual, we are just a bunch of npcs.
>no 4d
Imagine being that retarded
Is there any evidence of God?
I'm Zoroastrian
>part of the simulation program, running on a virtual machine.
Who created the simulation? A simulation would require something else to make it.
The simulation hypothesis is just theism when you're too afraid to admit there's a God.
What made you think this way? You can create a physical body in a real world, and transfer "yourself" your data into it. Like transferring stuff from your pc to laptop
Not quite. There's a key difference. In christianity (because when you refer to god I'm going with that type) our world is very much the world we are in and depending on our actions our souls then gets to go to heaven/an afterlife.
With the simulation, there's two "theories", either we are all just programs that run until we die and we have no soul (which is essentially like saying god created the university but we have no soul, this is it for us), or we are like a video game character being controlled which implies there's a real "me" on some higher non simulation reality. The second kind would be the equivalent in christianity of my soul being in heaven the entire time I'm "alive" on earth.
We are pure consciousness. We can inhabit the vm, or the vm running the vm that's running the vm, or the vm that's running the vm that's running the vm, or the real universe that's running the vm that's running the vm that's running the vm.
The VM is just another place for us to experience.
Jesus is lord. That's all you need to know.
What is "yourself"? You're just using computer language in place of physical and/or spiritual terms without saying anything new.
Simulation doesn't mean a computer simulation.
Go learn theoretical physics.
That's not what scientists mean by simulation.
The same omnipeople who are creating virtual worlds like videogames.
You know even believing in Big Bang theory is much smarter than in a bunch of old jewish fairy tales. Do you belive in jewish god?
>Jesus is a Jew
I belive in Jewist Kikest
Explain fish!
Digits confirm
King of the Jews mind you
>The same omnipeople who are creating virtual worlds like videogames.
So you've made gods
>You know even believing in Big Bang theory is
Is something atheists opposed
>Jewish God
I'm Zoroastrian, again. Abrahamic religions are not the only ones.
The creation story from the Old Testament is Hebrew or Israelite, not jewish.
Biblical creation and simulation theory aren't mutually exclusive.
Genesis 1:27
>So God created man in his [own] image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
>2. an optical counterpart or appearance of an object, as is produced by reflection from a mirror, refraction by a lens, or the passage of luminous rays through a small aperture and their reception on a surface.
>3. a mental representation; idea; conception.
>n, An optically formed duplicate or other representative reproduction of an object, especially an optical reproduction of an object formed by a lens or mirror.
>>A mental picture of something not real or present.
>>An exact copy of data in a computer file transferred to another medium.
>n. a representation or likeness of a person or thing, esp in sculpture
>>an optically formed reproduction of an object, such as one formed by a lens or mirror
>>a person or thing that resembles another closely; double or copy
>>a mental representation or picture; idea produced by the imagination
Seems far-fetched, and I tend to believe most of the crazy theories.
What evidence are you pointing out on that page?
Atheist be like this motherboard is my ancestor.
so you think that our world cannot be virtualised?
But sure you belive in afterlife locations?
Seething fedora.
Ironic since The guy who made simulation theory was a jew
And being teleported in other dimension after your brain is dead is realistic as fuck
You are Russian, what kind of simulation does this shit?
DNA is quaternary digital information, or data
A,C,G,T are really 0,1,2,3
DNA is software with instructions to make harware.
I wish I had an abbey shapiro ai gf.
It's all he has.
Y- you follow a Jew GOD HAHAHA!
>basically is just quasi-religious but using computer-related terminology
Which guy are you thinking of, user?
Jews pulled this theory out of their asses without enough evidence.
Its funny to call beings who are just more powerful than you gods. Especially pray to them. Dont midning that all religions are created by humans
I'd say DNA is classes in oop to produce instances
That's all you've done, but you're not praying to them, yet.
>Especially pray to them.
If we assume that we are in a simulation, we can also assume that it may be possible to communicate with those who are watching or have authored this simulation.
>all religions are created by humans
>what are revealed religions
And even so, so what? That isn't an argument.
Haven't you noticed? Old religions seem to be EXTREMELY OUTDATED. They have nothing to do with the modern world full of advanced tex
Belive in magic omnibeings? Why dont we have the church of Satan Claus?
What Im proposing is not religion but a worldview model. The reason my model/religion is better cause your is very dated when people without understanding of physics belived in things like Zeus
>Old religions seem to be EXTREMELY OUTDATED.
>tech determines truth
>Belive in magic omnibeings?
Not beings.
>Why dont we have the church of Satan Claus?
Stop being silly, Vladimir.
>What Im proposing is not religion but a worldview model.
It's quasi-religion. It's theism under larping terminology.
>The reason my model/religion is better
It isn't
>your is very dated
Chronological snobbery, and an appeal to novelty. It has no impact on whether it is true or not
>when people without understanding of physics belived in things
Many physicists, past and present, were and are religious
>like Zeus
Our conception of God is nothing like that of the pagan's gods. Perhaps you should learn about what monotheists believe before you say something so silly.
do ls -a bro... you'll see behind the matrix
Ur a fag and fags are wrong.