Has anybody realized that modern society is such a joke that you can't even go outdoors other than in designated areas...

Has anybody realized that modern society is such a joke that you can't even go outdoors other than in designated areas? You can't just "go up a mountain", you have to "stay on the tracks". There are so many people, that if everybody just wandered around the mountain, the plants and trees would be destroyed.

The same goes for swimming between the flags and everything else. Does anybody else realise how absolutely fucked up this is? The implications and so on? We can't really even enjoy nature. Exploring nature isn't even a thing. You just have your designated path. It is like a tourist attraction rather than nature now. We can't even experience this basic thing about life. Our lives are completely, absolutely, fucked.

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Whenever you see some giant "national park", people aren't really allowed to experience that park. It is that 0.00001% track part that you can experience. This whole "we have all this natural area around us", it is a lie. It is an illusion.

>You can't just "go up a mountain", you have to "stay on the tracks".
not in america.
as long as it's not private property you can walk wherever you want.

I just walk into the woods with a pistol and rifle where I live, lots of trails but they are not state designated, just shared property trails, ATV trails and snowmobile trails.

I see what you're describing not a result of socialism, but dysgenics brought. Both "stay on the tracks" and "swim between the flags" protect those who are too careless to fend for themselves.

the alternative as you say is the entire planet is trampled on by humans and even these nature theme parks are gone. don't know how we get there but a solution is

It’s worse here.
We have some ancient national trails and rights of way that are free for the public to use but they mostly skirt round the outside of farm lands and cut through villages.
Unless you want to live in the Scottish Higlands your pretty much allowed on the paths and in the shopping centres.

Not really. In the US you can get off-trail passes in most of the major national parks and you also all the national forests are 99% unrestricted where you go you just have to deal with some logging areas.

There’s a wild camping culture that’s tolerated but not legal in the Lake District National park but ultimately you couldn’t forge a life out there.

>oi you got planning permission for that tent?

For most people, staying on the trail is a good idea. There's a reason we're taxed for rescues of idiots who even with trails still get lost and trapped and need help.

But idk, if you're a good outdoorsman, why not? is there some trail police following you somewhere? How police statey is it down there?

That’s why I’m rooting for coronachan
Such a shame the death toll won’t get anywhere near the necessary ~6billion or so

It’s usually ignored so long as you don’t take more than two tents, stay one night and only use gas stoves so you don’t leave any trace. It’s fair enough I suppose but there should be more free land for people to live on.

You’re not required to follow the path or swim between the flags, people die at beaches and retards get lost in national parks all the time, you can make the choice, you’re a big boy.

Sounds like some fucking gay shit. Most trails here in the US are kinda just for comfort or for people who don’t know what they’re doing. If you know the land and area then park rangers will just let you explore as long as you’re following the rules and not setting shit on fire or anything. You’re not their responsibility once you decide to leave the trail.

the notion of buying a piece of remote land and living on it has no legality in this country. you can (and I know people who do) blag it and hide but you're always one nimby away from ratting you out to the council.
we'll live in our deanoboxes and we'll like it.
it's hell.

I go to north wales a lot and thats pretty free roaming, and beautiful

Now, do you realize why the georgia guidestones make sense? Do you realize that the idea of healthcare for all, the idea of protecting those with weak immune systems, the idea of unnaturally keeping those who should die alive, is bad?

This world will self police a population of around 100 million individuals without (jewish) interference.

What would you rather have? Mega cities, or land to call your own?
$6000000000000 companies?
Or a society that values you for you as a unique individual?

Embrace the extinction pill, most humans need to die

Don't worry. That will all also turn to suburbs or megacity extensions soon enough.

Sure you can expierience nature. There's millions of acres of forests all around. I don't know how the laws are in Austrailia but in the US we can go anywhere that is not posted.

>You just have your designated path. It is like a tourist attraction rather than nature now
Yeah, because you are literally visiting the tourist attraction, the places that get so many visitors that paths are needed so people don't fuck everything up. There are still plenty of areas where you can go off path without any harm done because not enough people visit (or go off path if they do.

And i really doubt any one will give a shit if you go of path, unless you are a loud obnoxious asshole that throw beer cans on the ground, start fires on the ground and shit without covering it up.

Did babby take the tedpill?

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Why are you following the rules? It’s easy not to get caught, or just say you weren’t aware and go on your way. Park rangers can’t arrest you.

Evening, Mr Gates :^)
I mostly hike alone in SEQ and have no qualms about bush bashing. If im with a couple of mates i wont do it.
Track signs and beach flags are only suggestions, mate. Much like traffic lights and work start times. Hope this helps.

I think you can do whatever you want in taiga. Don't get lost though, you'll die

i think op is getting more at the absurdity of it on a societal level not how much we as individuals are sticklers for rules.

After the Paki rape gangs have had their fill of underage girls in town, where do they ride their horse to and pitch their tents for the night?

I'm confused by how fishing and hunting is prohibited to stop spread of the virus but bushwalking in the same area is totally fine

Around here (Oregon) off-trail bushwhacking is allowed anywhere on-trail hiking is allowed. The actual problem is permits being required that have quotas so very few people are allowed to enter the area at all, and if you are allowed in, you had to apply for a permit months in advance.

In terms of the law, I don't think it is illegal.There are signs everywhere and campaigns saying to stick to the trails. The rules are referred to as "guidelines", so I don't know if they are really enforceable.

People are advised to stay on trail so they don't get lost and die. It happens a lot, people are too retarded to even exist outside of towns and cities these days. It's not a legal requirement though, unless there's bizarre hiking laws in Aus

No one's stopping you from nicking off up a hill m8, just don't come whining when you're out of water on a 40 degree day and a taipan nips you in the ankle and you're lost and you die, retard

Those places are an hour drive away minimum. Not something I can do on a regular basis.

I'm confined to free roam 1.1 million acres of national forest right outside my door, unless I want to drive somewhere. I warn citidiots about the dangers of going outside at every opportunity so they'll stay in the safety of nigger infested cities. Two stupid bitches from NYC actually thought that a yellow Labrador dog was a mountain lion.

I hiked on the paths for 40 years until an obese non hiker friend said why are you staying on the path. And then I spiralled out of control lost my job wife kids house and purpose in life. Now I'm a hermit.

Big scary nature, don't go out, stay inside and play virtual reality.

I live 10 Km away from PIC related. Need to pay the equivalent 30 US Dollars just to see it from a balcony. Cant touch the river or step on the rocks. I only went to see it once in my life. This was found by a spanish men in 1542, the city next to it (where I live) didn't existed 80 years ago..

Forgot PIC.

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Only if a small number of people do it. As soon as more people do it, that particular area will get closed for rejuvination.

because your dumb ass straying from the established safe path will end up in a ditch somewhere with broken legs
then for MY taxpayer money they'll have to send a bunch of rescuers or even a helicopter to get your stupid dumb ass out of that ditch

wanna "explore" nature? Go to the amazonian forests, you fucking pussy, there's no supervision or tracks in major areas there. Except no one is going to save your dumb explorer ass

>There are so many people, that if everybody just wandered around the mountain, the plants and trees would be destroyed.

Not completely true because most people are so soft they think the track is actually nature and wouldn't ever dream of venturing off. Certainly not far enough or for long enough to leave a lasting impression. I've camped in the complete wilderness for weeks at a time and I've heard plenty of bush stories from mates and older lads at the bar. The tiny minority of people who actually want to go and experience nature aren't enough to destroy the land's integrity. Maybe it's different in Australia but it's so massive I have a hard time believing that would be true.

This is kind of like going to a museum and saying "man this is the only way to experience all this stuff" when archaeologists, treasure hunters, and adventurers are excavating and discovering new shit every day.

Yes. Hence the need for depopulation.

In West Virginia we have a multitude of wilderness areas with thousands of acres. These areas are essentially free game to roam, provided you're not being a dick.

>Those places are an hour drive away minimum
An hour a drive away from what? Major population centers? Yeah no shit you are going to more problems with people when you live close to more people.

But most people don't do it because most people aren't so inclined. It's not rules and regulations keeping people from do it (because as user is saying there aren't really any), it's laziness and disinterest. I really think you're trying a bit hard to find something to be angry and frustrated about here that really doesn't exist OP

I agree with this statement entirely. The only reason these restrictions are put in place is because there are some "humans" who just don't appreciate shit and must destroy.

This is how brainwashed people are. They think the outside is dangerous. They will actually want to keep all the coronvirus restrictions.

you can fucking go where you want.. you can swim outside the flags and you can make your own path, but why the fuck would i swim outside the flags, and fuck making my own path...


You must be a fatty. This isn't a usual Straya shitpost. Go for a walk fatty.

>Does anybody else realise how absolutely fucked up this is?
That we choose to not arrogantly overrun and pollute a non-renewable resource? Yea thats fucked as shit. Water bottles everywhere!

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I went to FNQ once and swam outside the croc nets for a bit. Odds of getting chomped are kinda like getting struck by lightning but it still gave me a rush

>You can't just "go up a mountain", you have to "stay on the tracks".
The tracks are there for your safety.
Nobody wants to clean up your disgusting corpse which is like 50% fat

You are just guessing. Governments run campaigns all the time to try to shape human behaviour. That is why you see posters in here thinking they will die if they leave the track.

The US used to be free. However affer the dust settles from this dystopian nightmare, city fags are going to flee to rural states and destroy them even more. Humans are such useless parasites

I don't care, and if you do care just break the fucking rules. Who the fuck cares? Nothing will happen if you go off trails, and are sneaky, and smart about it. Stop being a pussy. Rules are just meant to keep the sheep in line. Breaking them is for men.

No, that is a necessity, which is part of my argument. We don't want to destroy everything. The only way to do that with large population sizes is to live more and more in authoritarian states. It explains why China is authoritarian. They don't even have a choice with that many people.

Same in Oregon, this eagle cap wilderness is 550 sq miles and no one goes because it's too rugged

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Thats why winter mountaineering is best

>actually dangerous
>the path is the best way up, not some faggy trail
>virtually noone else there unless other serious climbers
>basically have to be a chad to actually do it.

Read Meditations on the Peaks by Evola.

Was gonna comment this. In the US there are huge areas where you can go off trail and camp. Not just in Alaska either

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if you are interested in off trail back country hiking, there's lots of it in the Snowy mountains or you could do some State forests but I agree with you.

I should mention the main point
>noone there to even tell you where to go or what you can and can't do

Just dont die and inconvenience everyone else.

In Finland you can go anywhere without permission. Even most private properties like forests are open to everyone. Finland is also an eu country so we can croiss borders whenever we want. Expect russia kek.

Are you seriously this low IQ?

The trails are designated so you don't get lost you monkey. Same for the flags in the sea - swimming beyond them would mean you are putting your ass in danger of drowning.

When I was young my brother and I got lost at night in Colorado after wondering in the mountains too long. It got dark and we honestly thought we were going to die. We heard weird noises and started to feel scared until eventually I recognized a particular rock I stepped over when leaving camp. We made it back and told no one, they were already asleep. I guess they assumed we were already in our tents, but after that day I've always been really cautious about going off trail. I still do it but now I know why trails exist in some national parks.

When was the last time you saw a "government campaign" to keep people on the track? It's just signs and shit and most people just obey signs. Beyond that, they truly are not interested. You really think the average apathetic cubicle slave is so inclined to delve into the deep wilderness for a holiday? No. They save up for their once a year paid holiday to the pre-ordained vacation spots and take photos of the locals and the wildlife and go home happy. They are NPCs. They don't destroy nature and you could still enjoy it if you would just say fuck the signs and explore off the beaten path.

dumbasses already die while following the trail, imagine if they did not

Stay on that path goyim.
Don't camp outside of that campsite goyim.
Don't bring weapons into the woods without special permits goyim.
Don't build things without permits goyim.
Don't ride horses here goyim.
Don't go outside

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In america you can camp on federal forest land for like 2 weeks anywhere you want (but then you have to move and go somewhere else squating is illegal)

I've done outdoor visitor space management, It's a nightmare
People are fucking retarded, who will absolutely fuck themselves up in every imaginable way. You see a rock with a slight edge on it? 2 people will cut themselves on it and require butterfly stitches
You see a branch hanging over a 10ft drop? Some 12 year olds will try swinging on it until it collapses and land on their neck
etc etc
and then you sometimes have 20,000 retards come through on a good weekend, and God can only hope they are all wearing working shoes

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Dude get out of the city

You sound like me about five years ago until I upped sticks and moved to Hobart

>beaches aren’t full of cunts
>head an hour out of town and the beaches are actually empty
>too much forest everywhere, explore to your own leisure

Am much happier than I used to be, and ironically earn more than I did on the mainland

Everyone except OP can get fucked though, your single bedroom gulag is perfect

That only applies to popular tracks, like the shit around Brisbane that you posted. Go to Tasmania or any mountain that normies don't visit and you literally must make your own path

Britbongs know it better than us Americans and Australians. Their entire country is pretty much private farm, suburbia or city with very little else. The few natural reserves are fully regulated and guarded.

On Isle of Skye lots of hostels have a newspaper printout hanged in the lobby. Some American went hiking, Scottish weather got him, and they needed to send an expensive rescue mission in extremely bad weather. He used google maps and got lost lol.

For 1 skilled person who can handle "exploring nature" there will be a 1000 who think they can, but can't, and I have to pay to rescue their dumb asses. Wildlife isn't pretty National Geographic panoramic shots of green hills. Go to the amazonian forest and "explore" or shut the fuck up and walk the established safe path.

people call NZ discount Australia but I like to think of it as premium Tasmania

No. Knowing how shitty other people are, I am a ok with people who dont get a permit or do not have the knowledge being forced to stay on the path. In a perfect world, this would never be an issue. But now you have muttmerica. I do not need a large beaner going off in the woods and throwing trash everywhere and getting bears used to being fed and all kinds of other shit beaners, blacks, and white trash do in the woods. Humanity has lost the priviledge of unregulated access when everyday humans gained the ability to permanently destroy habitts with ignorance.

I dont mean loggers of yore. I mean some redneck going off in the woods to make a meth lab that pollutes a stream and surrounding area for 50 years. Or said beaners.

They are trying to stop the idiots that go off the trail and get lost. It isn't that difficult to understand.

NZ looks gorgeous and the lifestyle is probably near perfect but I couldn’t live there because I’d just laugh at everyone’s accent and probably get bashed

>as long as it's not private property you can walk wherever you want.
Kind of. My recently retired boomer parents started volunteering with the forest service group that manages the nature trails in their area and part of what they do is give people who go off the official trails as hard a time as possible to discourage them out of it e.g. taking down unofficial trail markers and putting obstacles down in the makeshift paths people try to create themselves. It's called "trail obliteration."

>his country doesnt have an autsistic system of rights-of-way going over private land

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Yeah because its a nation smaller than fucking NZ with a population almost 15 times larger. Australia is 30 times bigger than the UK with 1/3 the population. You're freaking out over nothing.

Aside from parts of Scotland the UK was basically just a giant lawn to begin with

In some national parks yes. I moved from east coast to west to discover day passes in national parks. Pay for my wilderness? What you mean commie? Fucked my whole view on BLM land. But never have I ever once been told I couldn't be somewhere in a national park. They've never even downed my lean-to.

Yea I get pissy when I see retarded faggot cairns being made everywhere for no reason by tourists.

They've successfully turned Earth into a theme park with on-the-rails everything.

On the rails education system.
On the rails life track (school, job, marriage, kids, death).
On the rails religion (Christianity).
On the rails physical outlets (sports).
On the rails politics (choose this compromised party or that compromised party).

Basically the future that Nietzsche warned us about is now here. Everything is vapid, meaningless, and void. You go through existence thinking you're in command of everything happening around you, but you're not. You're programmed and brainwashed to think and behave a certain way from day one. So is everyone else. Therefore true change is now impossible. Humanity is screeching towards a final cultureless raceless borderless stagnancy, followed by extinction.

The problem with Amazonian forest is the absolutely massive amount of nigger animals that just wait for you to fuck your shit up, the barely legal logging camps with armed guards, the bloodthirsty untouched tribes, etc...
I'd be more spooked of being stranded in the middle of the Argentinian Pampa than in the Amazon if it weren't for the fucking nigger fauna.

we still have space. Maybe our great grandchildren will get to truly explore again. You are having many kids right user?

Have you idiots ever tried to hike cross country? Its fucking hard. People don't stay on trails because "its the rules" its because its 10 times easier. Except for national parks you can walk anywhere you want if its not propery. And even in some national parks, like Yosemite, you can walk wherever you want. And national parks like 0.00001% of all land. They are just usually set up on the "best" places and have the most infrastructure to get to.

Do non-nordics really? There's basically zero restricted land here and lots of wilderness. I can't imagine how americans or whatever live in fear of getting legally gunned down when walking in a forest