Just some things I noticed about COVID-19: >Politicians Get It >Musicians Get it >Washed up Irrelevant Actors Get It >News Reporters especially Liberal Ones Get It Supposedly, tons of people are dying from COVID-19, and here is the proof: >Look at this room full of coffins >Look at this room full of body boxes >Look at how many body bags we ordered Eventually someone opens one of these boxes to see what's inside, and it's EMPTY. Eventually someone goes inside of one of these truck refrigerator trailers to see all the bodies, and it's just filled with food. Of course these videos are eventually removed and brushed under the rug, but whatever, don't worry about that.
The only thing I know about this whole fucking thing at the moment, is what I see on the internet, and what the news says. I have a sister who works in the healthcare field, and she says they're not overwhelmed at all. They have had 0 COVID admissions, but they are all wearing protective gear as a precuation, so if the news were to film a regular day there with no COVID patients, it would look like a quarantine out of a movie.
Wow you have caught up to where the board was at months ago. Next you're gonna tell us Epstein didn't kill himself.
Kevin Bailey
I have a large family, 6 siblings. All of them have social media, even my idiot parents. So between them, and the people they know online, and the friends of THEIR friends, that's a lot of people. Would you like to know how many people any of them know of that have been diagnosed with COVID? > ZERO 0
Not a single person. Whenever I drive by the hospital, or Urgent care facilities, it's almost entirely empty. But, I assure you a JIDF/ CIA fag with a Proxy VPN flag is waiting to tell you how it's empty to preserve resources and will soon be overwhelmed.
Aaron Moore
Dude.. Your glowing. I just thought you should know.
Whoa check out this oldfag he even heard of the CIA. You should Google the dark web on Wikipedia for real hard hitting news.
Zachary Reed
Dude havent you heard? You gotta wait two weeks! Just wait another two weeks!
Mason Ortiz
You dont have to believe me or whatever but I have a friend who is a copper and hes a genuine good dude, ex army, pretty based, and he said he has seen a care home full of covid19 patients all brought into one big common room all on ventilators and all absolutely fucked... I think it probably is real
If covid were real there would be politicians dropping like flies instead of passing trillions and trillions of dollars to bail out the big companies and markets.
>>Look at how many body bags we ordered Eventually someone opens one of these boxes to see what's inside, and it's EMPTY. Eventually someone goes inside of one of these truck refrigerator trailers to see all the bodies, and it's just filled with food.
Never heard of this happening. Anyone have a link?
It's just like the global warming we're all gonna die in 5 years dommsday scam they keep pulling. Except now it's every 2 weeks. In 6 months, we'll all forget that they said we were all gonna die 45 times already.
Benjamin Brown
As Dr Wolfgang Wodarg says, the way this works is, first you manufacture a contrived pandemic by intentionally testing everybody who is ill for coronaviruses. Then you inflict absolute tyranny on the general public, who, owing to media panic-mongering, actually beg for it. Finally, like Italy and China, you stop doing the tests, and claim that your authoritarian measures have solved a problem which you created. And you permanently keep those measures.
The coronavirus is also masking the 2020 economic crash, which Austrian economists knew was coming this year.
The mantra of "We must flatten the curve" is like "Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction" or "Assad is gassing his own people" or "most of the world is going to be underwater soon."
What's a scarier thought 1.) That it's a real pandemic 2.) That it's a fake pandemic
I think 2
Angel Kelly
It's only hitting major population centers, I can't speak for anywhere else but NYC is absolutely fucked and the surrounding areas are too. Stay at home orders and to avoid hospitals, no visitation, elective surgery cancelled, non essential staff told to stay home, etc are why they look empty on the outside.
But on the medical floors they have multiple covid wings, one for those on isolation until a negative result (which can take 2 days but used to take like a week) was produced, and then the critical care wards for the ones who had to be intubated and put on ventilators.
Now, even in a population of millions you're only talking about like 50-60 beds that are old people with pre existing conditions, and in a population of millions it seems inconsequential. But just those small numbers are enough to fuck up these hospitals and hospital systems since the patients aren't easy to transfer.
Is it an apocalypse pandemic? Probably not, but it does seem deadly to some people, official numbers are like 5% but who knows. Once they figure out how to treat it hopefully all this shit stops.
Ian Reyes
Not all of us. Just 20% or so.
Nicholas Evans
Hahaha retard
Daniel Rivera
Retard I have family members who have it I’m in the health care field you’re a retard
Dylan Miller
There was one, but it has since been removed. I actually saw it on here. The one guy out of Philly goes to the back of one of the trailers, opens it up expecting to see bodies, and surprise, it's just food. Apparently because the food supplies are getting shorter throughout the US, the hospital thought it best to order their food supplies in advance. The second was also on here, out of Italy. Some user posted a video of a room full of coffins, walked up to the one them expecting to see a body inside, and nothing. Empty.
Jackson Bailey
Well someone keeps calling the ambulances that have stopped on my block twice in the past three days.
Nathan Sanders
Post the videos or fuckoff shizo
Blake Flores
This but unironically, two weeks ago we were at less than half the deaths we are at now.
Brandon Gomez
And in the week since that picture was made the deaths have tripled lmao
Nathan Adams
See, this is the shit I'm talking about. Right here. RIGHT FUCKING HERE.
Every once in a while, a fucking JIDF or CIA glow nigger comes on here, and says >well derpdy derp, I have family members who have it, I'm in the health care field you're a retard
Yeah.. That's great. Problem is, so do I Schlomo. And guess what. She doesn't have it. Nobody at any of the hospitals she knows of has it. No patients admitted within the past 2 months to any of the 4 hospitals within our area have it. None of them. But, if you were to listen to the News, you would believe that not only does every hospital in my area have an entire Ward Dedicated specifically for COVID patients, but you would also believe they are overwhelmed as well. >Zero CORONA patients anywhere in my area in NOVA >Not overwhelmed >Hospitals almost entirely empty as they have suspended all elective and non emergency medical treatment
Please, try shilling harder next time. You have to come up with something better than >Your wrong >Muh family in the health care >They have it >your retarded
Lucas Lewis
"I have just discovered that the Jedi are infected with COVID-10. Execute Order 66 and wipe out the Jedi. All of them"
Of course you don’t know anyone that has it. You’re a fucking shut in NEET loser with no friends, job or semblance of a life connected to the outside world.
Take it easy fren. The agent provocateurs want to break us one at a time. So that they can create a sense of moral imperative to take us down. Nothing frightens them more than cool headed operators who don't fall for their shit. That's why they are oozing out of the woodwork.
>People are not in the hospital near me so the virus doesnt exist! Okay shizo
Hudson Collins
Shit.. Your right... Well, I guess because I don't currently have the video, that means it didn't happen. I think from now on, unless someone can immediately produce a high quality video right away upon command, I'm going to just chalk it up to bullshit
Landon Nguyen
Thats what you schizos did for the last two months asking where all the bodies were from chink-flu.
Carter Hughes
>Zero CORONA patients anywhere in my area in NOVA That's because there are only 2,407 cases in your entire state. It's not complicated user, the disease just hasn't taken off in your area yet, give it time.
Alexander Moore
Popular JIDF & CIA Nigger lingo, to shut down and invalidate arguments, or any questioning of the narrative they've created >Your a loser >Your just a NEET >Ok Schizo >Ok Boomer >Take Your Meds >No your the jew
Easton Bell
at most 1%...3% of US population is infected at the moment. That´s not a lot and I´m not at all surprised that it hasn´t hit your trailer park yet.
Hudson Howard
Don't validate their existence by responding. Just call them a glownigger and move on.
Jace Jenkins
Not sure if bait. My local hospital went from 40% corona Patients to 60% in less than five days. You don't have to believe me as I know I've given no proof and i don't plan to but do some research. This shit is real. Be safe user
Ryder Bennett
Darwin will know his own.
Connor Lopez
from NY and i know multiple people there that have it. don’t know what to tell u otherwise but coordinating all the funeral homes being booked up and the morgues being full and italy, if you’re saying it’s all 100% theater idk man
Ethan King
explain to me how this hoax work and who are the beneficiaries. You keep saying CIA. OK, how does that work, how do they benefit? How did they manage to get the Chinese, Russians, Iranians etc on board.
Nolan Williams
>Whenever I drive by the hospital, or Urgent care facilities, it's almost entirely empty. Can also verify in Orange County, California
Julian Baker
its a variation of the normal flu, loads of elderly together = lots of elderly sick.
its a hoax & but few want to face the reality of it. they are committed to the lie.
Chase Harris
Jesus Christ man get a fucking grip. Pol is full of people who like getting morons like you riled up. You think you’re so unique making threads and proclamations like “bUt iM tHe oNlY oNe thAt kNowS!”. You ARE a retard and you can’t stand that anyone could disagree with your fatalist theory, so you’re insulating yourself from criticism by point fingers anywhere but yourself.
Adrian Long
Ok the real question is how do I use the fear response to rape chicks? Usually normies try to shame you instead of submit like they did to fakeflu.
Cameron Sullivan
They're still low as fuck, you cornered cowardly cuck. Stop masturbating
Bentley Hall
OK Glownigger
Evan Ward
>The mantra of "We must flatten the curve" is like "Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction" Shit like that just shits on everything you say. Why do you feel the need to throw in brainfarts like that? Stupid pointless hearsay.
Liam Mitchell
Really insecure aren’t we? Shit like this is why this board has been going downhill since 2016
Jayden Baker
Anything that hasn't personally happened to your idiot parents and their children doesn't exist.
Brody Reed
No, it's called terrorism. Stste enacted terrorism. How can I use this tactic on females and cunny?
James Ward
Stop it, that's meme.
Bentley Martin
I feel bad for you man. I didn't take it seriously, thought it was a nothingburger. I've lost 5 acquaintances now, mostly teachers I knew in Hubei, my gf just lost her grandad in Shenzhen. Larping and shit is fun, but watching cities bury their dead at a distance without funerals, that'll really fuck you up. Glad I'm back in HK.
Levi Fisher
Ok fucking leaf
Ian Moore
Dude I don't want to sound like a dick but this is exactly what everyone who doesn't believe this pandemic has been asking in every thread for the last month or so. "Where are the videos of dead people?" And when people show videos it's always "I dont see the dead bodies, caskets" or "This was from the media so it's fake" or even "It's just a single dead body, this doesn't prove the whole pandemic". Like, shit, how are you supposed to film sick/dead people inside a fucking hospital/morgue? That has to be against a bunch of laws and it's not like they would ever let an outsider come in and start filming inside of the hospital anyways. Just be thankful that none of the people you know are sick. I live in a small town but here the hospital is totally fucked. My dad needed a bunch of tests and check-ups for his kidneys that normally would've taken 2-3 days and we had ti wait almost 2 weeks. A nurse told me that if right now I went the hospital with sympthoms of a hearth attack there's a decent chance they would just give me baby aspirin and tell me "Sorry, come back if you have an actual hearth attack, right now we can't admit you in the hospital just because of sympthoms, we have almost no room left"
Julian Sanders
But I'm the only one that knows
John Cooper
>"I have a sister who works in the healthcare field, and she says they're not overwhelmed at all." And then everyone clapped.
Joshua Sanchez
>but it does seem deadly to some people You mean like viruses that we got all year every year? Yeah just like Coronavirus btw, I don't have the numbers in my head but it was way higher death rates from normal corona virus. COINCIDENCE? WELL FUCK ME I GUESS
Dominic Morgan
The covid 19 pandemic is like the holocaust. It didn't happen, but it should.
Gabriel White
Also hospitals are still accepting blood donations freely and not screening for covid. That's a big red flag.
Ryan Bailey
Name, address, videos, photos? Fuck off btw
Wyatt Gomez
Do you know anyone in Italy who has it or has died?
Michael Baker
Yes to everything but something is going on. WHAT?
the virus targets mostly unproductive people who are a net drain on resources aka the elderly. Now how much sense does it make to any user, that the sociopaths in charge care so much about grandmom they're willing to nuke their own economies? The fix is in. Not ruling out this being a bio weapon, considering: >prof lieber >intl military games in wuhan >bsl4 in wuhan >ft detrick >Clade X >Event 201 >crimson contagion >congress reps selling off stocks >ceos resigning
On a side note John Hopkins Center for Health Security seems to be a central institution in the pre happening simulations, as well as providing a tracking tool found on drudge that seems to be more about presenting numbers in a scary way then anything
Liam Fisher
What makes me kek on this whole hoax is that you CAN got to work where there are like 10+ maybe even 100+ people daily. You CAN go to store. You CAN'T go to the Park, Forest, Beach. So basically you can go to the more populated places while they scream about social distancing. But you can't go to these less populated places where you can actually keep a good distance from others.
See how broken this logic is? This is something you made up on the go, people who did this whole hoax just go full retarded on it to see how retarded sheeple are.
And as you can see sheeps are dumber than expected.
>this is what everyone is asking No. It's just what you're focusing on because it's easier for you to respond to you cherry picking pastanigger. Have fun giving your corrupt government a free pass on criminal mismanagement of your healthcare system because you're too busy spit-polishing glownigger boots.