Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Clown World Edition

>Corona Live Ticker

>Election analysis 2014-2019

>Meme Collections

>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta

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Create Memes, spread Memes, attack the narrative.
Join AfD or IB or Einprozent; counter subversion.
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>English language analysis
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>Laut Gedacht
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>Andreijs Aporje

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>AfD TV (german)


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>Join AfD
Great idea, AfD could use a few grünlinksversivte Gutmenchen like me. We will turn them hard left :D



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Martin Sellners youtube kanal fehlt im OP
solide zusammenfassung des geschehens in österreich, aber auch deutschland und europa insgesamt

>Schwarz-Grün incoming
honestly I don't think so. People don't give so much about muh climate change when they are unemployed and poor.

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Servus, frens!
Exactly this. Existencial problems will push away fake and pseudoproblems like muh climate change away.
On the other hands, how do you think the Energiewende will go on? Some changes on horizon? See, I expect something like great depression and without stable flow of electricity, I doubt it will get better. You know, shortages of electrical energy really don't help to recovering industry or business...
Also, what do you think that your car industry sharks are planning? Green european deal will technically make them go bankrupt and with economical crisis already sticking dick in dry, there will be no chance for recovery. Please remind my, how many people are directly involved in car industry in Germany? 3M? 6M? I am not sarcastic, I lost track and I want to know more.

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>Kinnert wuchs in Wuppertal als Tochter eines schlesischen Spätaussiedlers und einer !!!!!!!!!!philippinischen Migrantin!!!!!!!!!!! auf und studierte Politikwissenschaft und Philosophie

>Seit 2016 ist Kinnert unternehmerisch aktiv. So ist sie Geschäftsführerin der newsgreen GmbH, einer Nachrichtenplattform für „grüne Innovationen und Technologien“, und der Globalo News Publishing GmbH, einer Medienproduktionsfirma, die u. a. politische Dokumentationen produziert.

Und lesbisch ist sie obendrein noch, was macht sowas in der CDU?


Dieses Vieh war auch mal bei der CDU.

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>She was chair of the Junge Union, the youth organization of the CDU (Conservative Party), in Wilnsdorf in Central Germany.

>She came to prominence when she founded the German branch of the feminist protest group FEMEN in 2012, and was involved in a number of topless protests against sexual exploitation. One high-profile protest involved invading the stage of Heidi Klum's television casting show Germany's Next Topmodel during the finale of cycle 8 sporting the slogan "Heidi horror picture show" as a critique of the beauty ideal propagated by the fashion industry. In another, the group appeared on the street in Hamburg's red-light district (the Reeperbahn), with Ramadani wearing the slogan "Destroy the Sex Industry!".

Um Gottes Willen!!!!

ah, conservatives, gotta love 'em

ein linkes U-Boot

Und, wie läuft die Quarantäne für euch??? Ich geniesse es und fühle mich Spitze.

They bet on being rare in such an environment and be used as a token minority. Low risk, low effort, high potential gain. Some make it to Staatssekretärin and similar well-paid jobs.

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Faszinierend, wie sowas in westlichen Ländern durchgeht (ich meine auch solche Artikel). Der westliche Mann lässt sich von Frauen (die gerade mal ein Drittel der Wirtschaftsleistung erbringen) auf der Nase, im Namen der Gleichheit, herumtanzen lässt. Diese Frauen haben nun mehr seit bestimmt 20 Jahren die Deutungshoheit im nichtexistierenten Diskurs.

Gute Zeiten für Femdom Liebhaber wie mich.

>Claudia Becker

Die schreibt gleichzeitig in 'Der Welt' und für die 'EMMA'. Es wird immer mysteriöser.

its just an internal cope of how u deal with actually hating women

Bruh…..You are not taking any prisoners today.

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It's fashionable. The decades before that men told women how to behave, since some years we see the opposite (the man as a dummy, strong women etc.). And this will change again. Have to see where it goes.

A fellow fetishist. Though one should limit it to the bedroom and keep it out of politics or business.

Independent author who sells her articles to whoever buys them I guess. Welt has some "modern" editors esp. when lifestyle, family, or women are concerned and they buy this zeitgeisty shit. Just look at this useless eater (and she eats a lot):

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Holy shit. This is not funny anymore. You Germans have to teach your sandniggers a lesson finally.

>#Crash2020 - Werdet aktiv!

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Oh no, not my Muslim immigranterinos. They might spread it among their friends and extended families with diabetes, obesity and other comorbidities that are known to kill together with COVID-19. :(

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I rather , you schwöblis would chimp out again. :D

Don't worry, y'all still have me.

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I have a juicy banana for you. :D

>1 like
A mass movement in the making.

What kind of picture is this? Are you a 14 y/o girl?

daily reminder:

greentards need to get welk!

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>öffentlicher muezzinruf
Das Signal für die allerdümmsten, dass man endlich wegziehen muss.

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cringey IB shit?

unironically based muselmans!
we should all literally walk around through the streets in every city, they cant apprehend us all

>seine heimat dem islam kapitulieren
so weit sind wir schon

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Berlin können Sie haben, müssen wir nur ne Mauer ringsrum bauen.

die kriegen einen scheiß. außer einen arschtritt zurück in die wüste

Was wird die neue Hauptstadt??? Wehe du sagst München du Sack.


>zweite weimarer republik

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Bananas aren't juicy. Your degeneracy is showing again Swisscuck.

No, it's out of my blackpill folder. It's blackpill Sunday after all. I mostly make *we are all doomed* posts on Sundays.

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Is there a way to circumvent using a telephone number for Telegram? I don't even care at this point if they have my number, because I waited so long and all those teases are promising me more thoughtcrime content on Telegram. Is it an alternative to YouTube or Twitter or what is it exactly?

>A mass movement in the making.
I like subverting the mass indoctrination.

>cringey IB shit?
It's even worse then you might think...

>Konsequent Frei ist die größte libertäre Jugendbewegung im deutschsprachigen Raum. Sie setzt sich seit 2018, durch Aktivismus und Aufklärung, für ökonomische, politische und persönliche Freiheiten ein.

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I was talking about my cock.

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They could need the money for their parasitic basic income.

This. Cleaning up at home is a better response than to let it fall into wrong hands.

But I'm not doomed. C'mon, blackpill me.

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>Laut Innenminister Karl Nehammer (ÖVP) gibt es in der Alpenrepublik derzeit 137 mit Corona infizierte Polizeibeamte, rund 700 stünden in Heimquarantäne
Wenn sowas in Berlin passiert herrscht über Nacht Anarchie in Neukölln

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Which one? You are an eunuch.

Your cock is yellow and turns brown? Through what activity does it turn brown, if I may ask.

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Oildrilling. You out of all people should know.

How do you come to that conclusion???

>give this guy a medal

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>Konsequent Frei ist die größte libertäre Jugendbewegung im deutschsprachigen Raum. Sie setzt sich seit 2018, durch Aktivismus und Aufklärung, für ökonomische, politische und persönliche Freiheiten ein.

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Honestly, i am pasty as hell, yet my cock is Brown all the time. Fucking weird man.


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All your allies and yourself are basically responsible for the fall of the West and yet still continue to go that route, not admitting failure for the sake of NPCdom, laziness and continuity bias

Technology doesn't scale as fast as you would like, the Kondratiev wave didn't emerge to make an enormous push forward possible

Germans still elect bs, almost all Western countries do. The only real system facing people are a bunch of web warrior alt-righers

It's 2020 and Claudia Roth is still allowed to force-feed herself

Economic decline will crush risk-taking in the foreseeable future

Swissfag is still allowed to cuck around

Sexy ebonies aren't black inside.

Then you're officially 1% black. Apply for preferential minority treatment and cash in.

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If this is true i would have a gigantic BBC but i dont! ):

Hör auf Dich zu mästen, warum mästest Du dich?

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based corona-hot-spot

Ich seh das Problem nich?


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lads...the wall crumbles!

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>All your allies and yourself are basically responsible for the fall of the West
Who else should be responsible for it? We're our own downfall but also our own salvation.
>Technology doesn't scale as fast as you would like
Still fast enough, no worries.
The good ones will make it.
>Claudia Roth
Irrelevant. That's like pointing to poop on the street and saying you can't drive on it any longer.
>Economic decline will crush risk-taking in the foreseeable future
Quite the opposite, it's the best time to start risky businesses. Less competition, markets are flooded with money, demand for bold action exists.
Should lick and kiss his mistress' feet and be grateful.

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ok, pseudo spain.

Hey ho fren. :) Hope things are going well and Drachen feels fine.

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I agree with you good sir. :D

>The good ones will make it.

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