Why are men doing this? How did this become socially acceptable?

Why are men doing this? How did this become socially acceptable?

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People pay for it.

I always get a bit tinfoil hat with this stuff, but I honestly think the vast majority of these large donations are just a friend of the whore or the whore herself just sending the money in order to build up hype and get spoken about. Yeah, there's loads of desperate beta cucks willing to waste a few quid a month on some random slag but not so many that are willing to hand over larger sums for no reason. I'd even wager that those that do send over hefty amounts of cash are doing so knowing that they're going to get nudes or some other hidden perk.

>socially acceptable
it really isn't though

>paying a months salary for some nudes
Whew, do Brits really?

Very likely. God I hate e-celebs so much!
They manage to gain people's money by wasting their time and neither do they teach them something of worth or even produce anything of value.

Sorry bro but men legit have the idea that they'll get laid if they donate enough money to a camwhore if what you said was the case male streamers would be getting their friends along for the ride, there was also the 30 yr old coomer who donated 200k of his parents money to a camslut and then killed them cause he didnt want his parents exposing him as poor

Never underestimate a desperate male they'll go through great lengths to cuck their honor for some coochie

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Idubbz is Dabbing on these simps

The west is doing Japanese idols but not following all of the rules.

>a months salary
I think the point of is that (hopefully) for most of them this is peanuts. If you're some fugly guy with autism but a top job, you'll never get a woman apart from whores, so why not spend some for social stuff like this. Might be the equivalent of a few twenties a month for normal people.

>some have more than others
Gee what a fuckin concept.

They don't just donate to women. Look at Tim Pool who's making $150k a month and retards STILL donate to him. It's like a homeless person donating to Brad Pitt...but at least Brad Pitt doesn't beg for it.

Don't act like this isn't prevalent in Yank 'culture' also. I'm also just guessing when I say nudes...I just think that these people must be getting some kind of perk that they keep secret. Wouldn't be shocked to find out that these sluts offer private webcam or flat out prostitution to regular high-level donations.

Oh yeah, there's certainly some utterly irremediable cucks out there that will squander away everything they have in an attempt to get laid, I just think that there's also a large portion of fake donations to just build hype and get people talking. Males tend to show off a particular lifestyle to get famous, women just ride off of the naturally occurring betas that show up in her life and then try to pit them into donation wars by inventing a fictitious viewer that always drops £1000+ donations.

I have a normal income and I wouldn’t pay a couple of twenties a month for someone to come to my house personally and give me a blow job. Let alone pay for some god damn naked pictures. Simps get the rope

Only white men do this

>the raw austism at the end
there can't be this many spergs though, who the fuck are these donators?

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These aren't men.

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you do realize she is paying people to pay her, right? To create the fomo effect...

those big donations are probably the same couple thousand dollars being recycled through different users that are in on the scam...

The divorce rate is over 60% for wypipo...single mothers raised those boys

1500 dollar. Months salary.

Wait what? That's like half a months salary I can't just pay my mortgage with that

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P-p-p-p-please c-c-c-c-can I have a crumb of pussy? B-b-b-but I donated 1500$ you stupid fucking whore! You're ugly anyway! I don't want your stupid nudes!

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Imagine the combination of mental illness, loneliness and never having female attention combined with money and internet access
It's a recipe for disaster.
I mean fuck man I haven't had much female attention in my life but I know better than to do donate to whores

Is that the one that threw her cat?

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Simps need to be savagely executed. Ripped apart by dogs.

Thank god Finns aren't white.

El Ogre de las Americas

This guy mentalists.

Probably some escorting money laundering going on, what a good cover to deposit Ill gotten gains into your bank without easing questions.

the simp problem is like the disgusting rashes that occur with late stage syphilis. you can try all you like to apply topical treatments to make it look better, but the problem will never alleviate until you remove the underlying (((disease)))

>tfw I'll never be a roastie making my months pay in an instant for just existing
Suicide=right around the corner

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Hey Walmart user hows Corona treating your job?

This picture makes me sad :(


Why would she escort when she is already getting a shit tonne of money from retards?

simps are everywhere

At last you still have your job, user. Keep your chin up.

society doesn't shame them for it
and by society I mean us
you don't care about this even to make 1 general, and yet corona or trump have thousands
so stop this virtueflagging and go back to leafpastacockhumorthread

On sex webcams they have moderators who routinely "tip" to encourage real tipping.

Fucking busy. Non-stop busy. Cops at the doors for the first time outside black friday to manage the egress and ingres with the walmart associates tasked to do so.

Me too, man. Me too.... I haven't seen the woman in that photograph in some time. Only god can save her now.

Nothing short of nuclear annihilation will close this place.

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Nice pic walmart user

Yeah my job may be shit too but at least I have one
I should be able to afford some new guns by May

Man I wish we had that level of security at my job, thankfully now we close at 9pm instead of being 24 hours
so say if I have to work until 10 or 11pm that means I get two hours of peace and quiet along with music which is nice despite the shit pay

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Are we sure that guy isn't an alien?

That stupid cunt should be at home taking care of her family instead of exposing the public to her ugly oxygen tubes running into her fucking nose


Has it ever occurred to you that there are people who are rich? Not "I have a house, a very comfortable income, no debt, etc" rich, but people with millions, people who can give away 100.000$ or even a million or more and not even remotely feel it financially ever.

Then there are the kids and absolute shut-outs who bankrupt themselves because they just have no sense. Google a bit, there are tons of stories on people gutting themselves by donating several thousands to Twitch streamers.

there are people out there who have probably donated a similar amount over time to Owen Benjamin

it baffles me as well. I don't see any reason at all to give money to these leeches (streamers). They literally make thousands a month and still want more in most cases.

LOL the pic

1. Those are paid for viewers, not actual people.
2. When people donate that much legitimately, they often reverse the payment, so it's still not real.
3. These bitches still make out like mad.

There was a thread on Yas Forums yesterday where some cuck messaged a roastie to send her money. It was fascinating and sad to see how these people think. They are mentally ill

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Capitalism. Capitalism is a Jewish invented cancer that will always devolve into degenerate shit.

>Why are men doing this?
Only pure betas do this.
>How did this become socially acceptable?
I guarantee none of them talk about it irl with anyone.

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Says he makes $150000 after taxes. Half of his money goes to women for now reason. Why should any female work when pathetic men like this exist?

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You can send a random item to someone on the current server in tf2 for a whopping EIGHT cents.

You can get hundreds of people to say "Thanks user" for the price of one streamer's >you.

M4 howl is like 1000 dollars. Not saying it is worth it, paying 1000 for some pixels is fucking stupid

streaming is a cover for escorting, you cant just deposit thousands of dollars into a bank without being asked questions, specially when most of these ethots dont have a job. they get flown out by rich saudis and receive payment via twitch streams. this site illustrates what these whores do tagthesponsor.com

OMG this guy should be gassed today, went #80k to some cam whore

((males)) are nothing but slave demons to daemoette whores. God needs exterminate ((humanity)) completely and utterly. Every fucking baby is another demon that needs to be put in the gas chamber where it belongs.
God go full Hitler and genocide ((humanity)).

It's to wash drug money. While men can be simps, very few are 1200 dollars on an ethot simps. Most guys who are simps are sending 1-30 bucks off their min wage job while they live at home and Jack it to anime.

And what about you?

Is it your money? No. Then what business is it of yours how people spend THEIR money.

holly fuck that pic, it's hard to belive that amount of autismos is real

Yeah, you see it with gaming streamers too. People will donate just to hear their name spoken by someone they like. Some of the audience as just as desperate for attention as the people on camera. It also shows how much disposable income people have had, at least until now.

I'm chosen and exalted and live with God where I belong. You get gassed.

Not even a cam whore. He said he doesnt ask for anything from them, not a nude nothing. Sends them money for existing.
These people have no friends, no life. They spend money just so people acknowledge they even exist.

oh boy

Oh okay, man that suck a lot for me!
But I'm happy you are safe :).

>Buying prostitutes makes you a simp

Um hello based department?

He does look like a ayy lmao

Poor guy realized his idol gets fucked and ignored for a week like the whore she is

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LMAO get a load of this incel

sexwork moneylaundering.
now the bitch can spend that money with her creditcard no problem

It's always been like this, but it WAS for children before.
The original meaning has been lost in favor of hedonism, meaning-free sex and abortion are now the end-game of fucking.
Why is throwing meaningless numbers at a pretty painting any different?

I highly doubt that real rich men are wasting their time and money on camwhores. They can afford real luxurious whores and fuck them while doing coke. Some even pay celebs to fuck them. Katy Perry is one of these sluts who fucks rich arab oil kings.


Yeah I've been saying this for a while. It's exactly what I'd do, just donate $10,000 to myself via a trusted friend or family member. It'd be on reddit, on twitter, people would talk about it in twitch chat and tell their friends what they just saw.

And then actual simps roll in and start paying.It's like those street performers/scammers who have a plant in the crowd, they pick on that guy and do their act/trick/scam and the street performer loses, then some dumbass wants to join in on the hype and gets rinsed.

>there can't be this many spergs though
Vaccines bro, vaccines.

Sauce on Katy Perry claim?

No that one has shit-coloured eyes and massive jugs.

My friend irl told me a few months ago that he is no longer financially supporting Owen Benjamin lmao this nigga poor as me

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>I always get a bit tinfoil hat with this stuff, but I honestly think the vast majority of these large donations are just a friend of the whore or the whore herself
Same.. i don't trust anything online.

>Half of his money goes to women for now reason
Well the term is technically 'irreconcilable differences'

So, if I understand this. This guy gets burned by some e-thot, then proceeds to seek out a new e-thot? Is he dense?

>It's to wash drug money.
How does this wash drug money?, it already has to be in the system to donate it.

What benefits do they think they are getting by donating?


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80% of silicon valley money that these tech companies (big and small) report are about politics and money laundering.

And many people are paying their drug dealers or whores through twitch and many different tech service sites.

Its not tinfoil hat its "how the sausage is made". Sorry for the pun.

a significant percentage of that money goes to the publisher of the content, the big website that the streamer is on. so that would deter what you're saying

ok but what about the significant percentage that goes to the website publisher and not the performer ?