Who are Belarusians?

They look like balts, LARP as true Lithuanians (Litvins) and speak gibberish version of Polish instead of an Slavic language so other Slavs can barely understand them
>Źmicier, voś ja - sapraŭdny lićvin. Ja nienavidžu maskalioŭ, našy braty - ukraincy, paliaki j habrei ŭ baraćbie suprać maskalioŭ. Litoŭcy - heta bielarusy, a sučasnyja "litoŭcy" - heta žmudź i dzikuny. Žyvie Bielaruś, Slava Ŭkrainie, Chvaŭa Vielkoj Poĺście. Teĺ chaj, braty! My budziem častkaj Eŭraźviaza j NATO, my sapraŭdnyja eŭrapejcy, a ruśnia - heta azijaty j manholy. My pavažajem pravy LGBT, transhienderaŭ i padtrymlivajem feminizm!

Who are they? Lithuanians? Poles? Polonized Russians?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Polonized Russians
you wish

>našy braty habrei
>Teĺ chaj, braty!
Lmao. Typical zmagar prokladon.

Dont care, didnt ask. Feel free to annex.

yup, Russified Poles.

Attached: 1543344769391.png (1274x1920, 611.48K)

Listen Ivan, ill give you a one dose of krokodil to fuck off, ok?

Nah, polonized true Ruthenians


Real Answer they are nothing but in need of genocide for living space for the Master Germanic-Baltic Race

You have to go back Źmicier

Neither. they are WE WUZ of europe

We've seen this type of threads so many times Ivan.
Just shut the fuck up.
Fucking Ivans

They are more Slavic than you. You have Mongolian DNA Ruski.

Lithuanians are the we wuz of europe actually most of the Lithuanian population should be genocided for Germanic living space including (((YOU)))

slavs are slavs because they were slaves of mongols, so all slavs have mongol blood.


okay Ivan Marekazwawic

They're jews just like you, many jews living in muttopia have belarus ancestry.

And you have spic & nigger DNA mutt. So what?

that is not an argument faggot! I am Germanic not Russian you faggot! off to the gas chamber you fucking jew! I am half German half Lithuanian and I am not a poorfag like you! Also I own 3 Porsches so fuck off poorfag!

take your meds, degenerate

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Why are you so worried about slav or germanic or whatever? Brothers should stand in unity, let us squabble with eachother after we have removed the knife from our guts.

>Also I own 3 Porsches so fuck off poorfag
Consoomer spotted, you have to leave now

Polonized and Russified balts.

you will be gassed for Germanic living space Petras

It is called owning Germanic made product you poorfag Pole you probably own a fucking Kia


Its called being a retarded consoomer who finances international corporation and trought that littelary finances white genocide. And also faggots like you destroy nature, why would anyone need 3 cars for his personal use? Buy fucking ammuniton not cars.

who says I don't have ammunition I have both and they are not as international as you think it is. German brands are way less international then say Amerimutt brands

Fake meme nation created by soviets

No we dont


any bel fag knows a 2.59 will kill the economy of there's

cкopo бyдeтe жpaть тoлькo дpяники c caлoм и хoдить в лaптях))

Attached: Untitled13.jpg (1080x1107, 195.86K)

stfu mutt

Whatever they are they are currently leaving you and your mongoloid putler and start opening economy for EU and US. Mongol ruskies in face of low oil prices instead of making a deal as always threatens belarus of cutting off oil so recently US and Poland declared they are ready to deliver energy instead of depending 100% on russians. In next years belarus will take strong western turn in face of falling economy of russia

>Mongol ruskies
Says the half jew

They have some top tier women. I like their flag too.

Agree. Ornament on right looks cool

>speak gibberish version of Polish instead of an Slavic language

If you were an actual russian you would know that Belarus is irl almost entirely russian speaking, shill

Attached: EUsKkwtX0AECzhj.jpg (900x1250, 137.93K)

> Who are Belarusians?
Belarusians are belarusians, retard

Attached: 1585619280601m.jpg (831x1024, 140.09K)

Baгнepoвeц, ты oхyeл? A нy иди мoгилизиpyйcя

oбычнo я ждaл тaкoгo пocтa oт хoхлa a нeт oт pyccкoгo...

Иди нa двaч, либepaльнaя пидopaшкa. Baм тyт нe paды.

Who are "belarusians"?

Hy мoжeшь зaпиcaть мeня в хoхлы или жиды, чтoбы нeпpиятнo нe былo
Ho я нe либepaл и нe пидopaшкa. Haпpoтив, я cчитaю, чтo пидopaшкa - ты, paз тeбe нpaвитcя, чтo твoи нoлoги тpaтятcя нa пoдзaлyпныe жидoвcкиe кpиптoвoйны ceчинa в чypкocтaнaх. Пoшeл нaхyй.

They're really good programmers. I'll take them for offshore work any day. Fuck Poos.


All their "culture" was invented by soviets in 1920

Nice people. Filthy russians and hohols are subhumans comparing to them.

Belarussians are just Russians who were owned by Lithuania.

All these “who is white” threads are jewish divide and conquer” attempts. Surprised so many people fall into the trap.

Belarus should be split by Lithuania, Poland and Russia whether you like it or not

They're way whiter/European than Russians (less mongol, asian, kazakh, uzbek blood), they also have some kind of identity compared to Russians who are completely rootless peasants packed in commieblocks during the USSR.

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>Who are Belarusians?
Jewish offsprings, just like Poles and Ukrainians. Used to be Russians who were owned by Balts.
The less you know them the more nicer they seems, am I right? That's always the thing. People usually hate countries that actually do something in their history and love ones that doesn't did anything of worth.

>They're way whiter/European than Russians (less mongol, asian, kazakh, uzbek blood)
Keks, in case with Belarusians it's jewish, baltic, ugro-finnish and slavic blood.

>Belarus should be split by Lithuania, Poland and Russia whether you like it or not
With Russia and Poland maybe. But Lithuania is way too irrelevant nowadays to even consider.

>They look like balts
Like all Northern slavs, or rather Balts look like Slavs.
>LARP as true Lithuanians (Litvins)
Considering the fact that GDL elites ruthenised in like 50 years, and old-belarussian was official language, it's not more of a LARP than Ruskies larping as soviets.
> speak gibberish version of Polish instead of an Slavic language so other Slavs can barely understand them
I understood it. Sounds more slavic than Russian. That transliteration sucked tho, use Łacinka next time.
>Who are they?
Tutejsi. They are thier own nation and if they want to be it, let them. Seriously, are your outlook on other people so much behind Paulus Vladimiri? It's been 600 years already.

they're one of the lost tribes of Romania

>in case with Belarusians it's jewish

Not that much, during the commonwealth jews lived in their shtetls. Ukranians are the real ashkenazi jews though.

Like 1 in 5 Ukrainians have jew in them, they're very intermixed. There were 3 million jews in Ukraine.

Many 'Rusian' billionaires tend to be of Ukrainian jew origin I've noticed.

Attached: ukraine run by jews.jpg (1127x864, 315.24K)

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>Not that much, during the commonwealth jews lived in their shtetls
And during Russian Empire even more Jews were moved out of Russian core lands to the so-called "Pale of Settlement". It's really bad to be borderlads of the Russian Empire. Poles, Ukrainians, Belarusians, they're all tainted by Jewish blood.


Then why they have so many middle eastern haplo Just like ukrainians. Also, half Belarus diaspora here have stereotipical jewish surnames

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Also Moldovans

Literally all the butthurtbelters are Jewish offsprings. Well, except Balts and Finns. Not much of a surprise though, Jews have claimed these lands as their own.

Attached: Pale_of_Settlement.png (608x578, 11.35K)

>more Jews were moved out of Russian core lands to the so-called "Pale of Settlement"

>so other Slavs can barely understand them
What a load of bullshit. It's perfectly understandable and mutually intelligible with Ukrainian.

Only roosian mongols can't understand it.

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Says the crimean tatar offspring

>It's perfectly understandable and mutually intelligible with Ukrainian.
Ofc it is. Both was invented by soviets

I already said that jews at that time didn't mix with natives, it was rare, expect maybe in some parts of Ukraine and Belarus... Just look at Ben Shapiro, he is 100% ashkenazi jew.. The same probably with Jared Kushner whos family is from Belarus.

>giving any importance whatsoever to haploshits

I'm descendant of varangians, true rulers of Kievan Rus'.

Unlike you, filthy muscovite golden horde mongol.

>invented by soviets
>banned in 1876


Cope. If your country have 40% middle eastern haplo thats mean you have shit ton of middle eastern genetics. Its pretty simple

Yeah yeah all that varangians with j1, j2 and Q haplos so well known

Many of them look like this though. So there is no way of knowing how he looks unless he posts pics. I've seen Ukrainians with black hair (straight) and black eyes, they're like arabs or something.

Generally they are still purer/European than a Russian from for from example Krasnoyasrk.

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