@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

VISIT Coronavirus.gov
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

ARCHIVED LINKS pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool: publicpool.kinja.com/

>Give People Hope 3/31/20
>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 4/4/20
>American Heroes ONLINE! 4/4/20
>LabSec Scalia on F&F 4/4/20
>EnSec Brouillette on JudgeJeanine 4/4/20
>AsstHHSSec4Health Adm Giroir on JudgeJeanine 4/4/20
>FDACommr Hahn on WattersWorld 4/4/20
>NORAD&NORTHCOM Comdr AFGen O'Shaughnessy on WattersWorld 4/4/20
>TrumpTV Real News Insights w/Jerry Falwell (Lara) 4/4/20
>TrumpTV Real News Insights w/Candace Owens (Lara) 4/4/20
>TrumpTweet: Paycheck Protection Program 4/3/20
>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 4/3/20
>Pres Trump meets w/Energy Sector CEOs 4/3/20
>Team Trump ONLINE! 4/3/20
>2ndLady Karen on Suicide Prevention 4/3/20
>Lara Trump on DailyCaller 4/3/20
>Trump2020PressSec McEnany on America 1st w/Gorka 4/3/20

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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She didn't even tested positive, it was only "mentioned in her death certificate" [1]

> On Friday 27 March 2020, the Guardian published an article seeking to explain why the death of Chloe Middleton, a 21-year-old woman from High Wycombe, appeared not to be included in official government numbers for deaths from Covid-19, despite her family having been told that this was the cause.
> The article was at the time not able to clarify that a death certificate recorded her cause of death as Covid-19.
> This has now been confirmed by both the family and in a statement on behalf of the Berkshire coroner’s office. We are pleased to clarify this matter and apologise to the family for any confusion and distress caused.
Here is the punchline
> Since the article was published, statistics were this week released by the Office for National Statistics, which include all deaths where Covid-19 *** was mentioned on a death certificate ***,
> whereas previous government figures counted only those deaths where the patient *** had a positive test result ***.

> Ms Middleton’s case ***should*** therefore be in ONS figures for coronavirus.

Some user posted the NIH (or CDC, I don't recall) guidelines to include every death with a positive COVID test (or even suspected cases) as a COVID death and it seems to have been changed in the UK to match that as well.
Only the Lord knows what killed that young lady but sure as hell doesn't seem to be Coronachan.

[1] theguardian.com/news/2020/apr/03/corrections-and-clarifications1

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I did not people have gasmax before this and lots of emergency food

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you don't need those masks, goy

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>I did not
*Why did not

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pls utilize masks

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Please provide source for these very specific numbers because surely you have one

I bought N95’s for my family in January. They were hard to find then because the chinks were buying out all the stores

>I did not people have gasmax before this and lots of emergency food
Do you have a single fact to back that up?

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so why do people hate celebrities when they start going outside there bubble. seems weird. i even hate them for some reason?

Those are nice but gasmasks and industrial are more versitile for other threats

People are panicking to get masks so I'm assuming they have none but I have more than none

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exactly. and why are they poor and cant lock themselves for years in their mansion or just be white?

Lol you can’t buy them unless you are a doctor. They aren’t selling them to the general public dumbass

nuke niggers

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No one has to do any such thing, the rich people are chilling outside a lot, from who I've been talking to.

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>People are panicking to get masks so I'm assuming they have none but I have more than none
Anyone panicking isn't white, since of course we all know whites do not need masks unless of course they're wanting for to make people care who they were before they put them on.

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Because they’re whores. Their very existence is predicated on whether or not they entertain me. They are the court jesters of the modern age. Why the fuck should we listen to their opinion, or even care that they have one?

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This is complete and total hearsay, but I had dinner with my older sister tonight. Somehow, her boyfriend has ended up on a listserv with a lot of people who claim to be in intelligence positions in the government. In the past they have leaked accurate information onto the listerv a few weeks before it hit the press, so at least some of what they say is legit. Here's a rough summary of what she passed on to me:

1. Trump helped Gary Coleman fake his death and this has been entirely blown wide open by CBS News.
2. Ben Carson is being charged for murdering Dana Plato.
3. Chelsea Clinton is going to jail.
4. Kushner is going to buy Greenland himself and then sell it to China as an economic Trojan Horse, he will then go to jail.
5. 6ix9ine is going to jail.
6. While Anthony Fauci won't testify about this publicly, he will tell the Senate privately that both Trump and Kushner attempted to bribe him. He will then go to jail, for shoplifting, the video exists and has funny commentary over it by "Gas Station Encounters"

I can say with 100% certainty not all of these are true, but I wouldn't be surprised if over half of them are.

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Fake and gay

why waste so much time to type it out

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wrong idiot

Post the photoshopped ones the virgin made

How much is the USA's CO2 output expected to drop, and how can President Trump take credit for it?

Why in the name of god is trump playing along with this complete farce?
I didn't watch the last presser, i can only take so many muuh ventalatah questions before I throw remote.

>how can President Trump take credit for it?
he shouldnt even mention it ever. its more fuel for his opponents like AOC with her retarded green new deal to prove she was right.

Probably not that much, most of our CO2 reduction has come from the switch to natgas from coal. I'm sure there will be some, but I suspect it's localized in places like LA with poor air quality.

>salsa: dude trust me lmao

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> Why in the name of god is trump playing along with this complete farce?
Because it is a zero risk move and the damage is already done for the economy, in great part because the federal executive has very little say in how states conduct their own businesses.


The best you can do is call me a virgin? What are you, a woman?

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>Why in the name of god is trump playing along with this complete farce?

Three reasons that I can see:

1. He’s reorganizing the way America responds to a biological threat. This is out in the open, but nuanced and difficult to see.

2. He’s using it to push even harder his border policies. Average time between capture at the border and deportation is under 96 hours now.

3. He’s exposing the need for restoring manufacturing of critical industries.

Bonus. People will stop shaking hands like autistic euros.

You are a virgin tho.

Lmao You will really have to do better than that

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Not really.
It must be sad knowing you're gonna get the coof before the cunt

So its state governor's (whom are largely anti trump) fucking everything?
So what? We should bow like nips?

So this pandemic was considered a hoax until niggers and kikes died. Now the president is causing hyperinflation to bankrupt whites and save the niggers and kikes. Why do white people get fucked at every possible opportunity by the trump administration?

So there's a new cunt on the news from Virginia. We all know Virginia is part of the false flag to start a civil war. Some real gangsta shit went down in February. Thing is, who is this new count from Virginia and why is she talking shit? I know Will Smith has something to do with starting the civil war. What's going on with this cunt on the news provoking civil war and talking about shit she heard. Why is this news allowing her to talk trash under her breath? Is she doing it with or without fox's knowledge. Either way, what is she doing talking underground street business on the national news. If you don't have a file on this bitch yet, you better start one. I don't know how long they are going to let this bitch operate before they catch on to her.

Video Message Related:


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Will our economy bounce back?
He needs to shit can this fuci idiot that keeps shitting on hcq.
More and more doctors are using it with amazing results.

Gold. Keep it up virgin.

>So what? We should bow like nips?

Nah. But, the only thing I hated about working in Europe was the need to shake everyone’s hand every time we met. Took me 20 minutes just to get in the building in the morning. Annoying as fuck.


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Trump lied
Americans died

Yes. There are still Americans who are making money and have nowhere to spend it.

If more trade is being cut off from China over virus fears, or if people refuse to buy Chinese products anyway, then they have to buy American.

This fucking hairline lmao

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This gets better and better.

Hire a hooker before your coof gets too bad m8

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>Bush was an oil guy and under him gas prices skyrocketed
>Obama was a 'community organizer' and under him we got race riots
>Trump was a germaphobe and under him we're dealing with an over reaction to a pandemic
It's weird how this keeps happening

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>Knights of Malta are still around

Based and Deus Vultpilled

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Pay extra and and ass fuck your prostitute when you get your neet bucks

Okay so gaymers, out of 10 how much shit will I catch for running around in a milspec gasmask? I don't want to deal with the bullshit of being an infectednigger

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>it's a hoax
>I always knew it was a pandemic
>democrats made it up to stop the economy
>15 cases will soon be zero
>we would be lucky to only have 200k deaths
>it will be gone by April
>everything will reopen in 2 weeks
>maybe the NFL will start in September
>not my responsibility
>I'm a medical natural

Yikes my prayers are with the Americans who didn't join president flipflops cult. The rest of you have blood on your hands and have dug your own graves.

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Oh and some of you probably haven't had to shave in like a month right? Pls tell us how it is if that's true for those who can not

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So many virgin betas will die.
This is gold. Keep it up virgin


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This is a pretty typical experience of the shitshow going on in Amerika right now F

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Corona-chan's design kinda reminds me of the Handmaid from Homestuck. A servant of death.

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Yeah but at least it means there will be far far less Americans this time next year.

>tfw fuck drumpf

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Tpw when you're an ugly virgin who's getting the coof

Most Americans who die will be citycucks.
Jew York is probably gonna be the hardest hit city in the world, at least outside of China.
But then it's no surprise when the mayor is giving advice like this:

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Can the world as a whole decide to gas the CCP once this all blows over?

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