What should be done about the fedoracucks and muslim growth on this board?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Yas Forums is a semitic board
Huge news

Yas Forums is secular, fjordnigger

>Yas Forums is 80% Jewish
>Jewish isn't even an option in the poll
Where did you run this poll, your discord? Your mossad app?

secularism was a jewish invention

it was run on Yas Forums around 3 months back

Either nothing because free speech board, or cunnyposting because that scares off shitters.

>/pol is one person
Is that this legendary superior neckbeard logic?

As a newfag I wonder if Yas Forums suddenly ruled the world... I realize anyone used the board, it's like a living encyclopedia, however it seems intelligent and honest on a good day or at least half the time. Would you guys have some offical views and rules/laws? Are some of you like legit leaders? Could you be a selfless King, prevent/punish evil doers, help the virtueous poor, provide work/goods/services, etc etc?
Christianity is in a bad way... They lock themselves into this unverifiable belief, then everything that causes them doubt is seen as the Devil or from the Devil, since as soon as they doubt they are lost and condemned. This is like covering oneself in fools gold and pretending oneself is gold. Wake the fuck up Christians, wtf!

Meh they have been here for a while.
Yeah they have only come on here in the past year shilling their cult. With corona threads it's gone down a bit, but before there was a literal chop off your foreskin and fuck a goat thread daily.

Yas Forums was made not many years ago to contain double iq sperglords, larping white-nonwhite social rejects, neckbeards, honeypot for newfags and slaves under 5eyes


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The correct answer.
is not shown.

Either way loli is based

No Moshe, it was to stop other boards getting flooded with Ron Paul threads


Sure thing zoomie

Real "faith" or "believing" is resolving to act right and meaning it, but also the work of a lifetime. Only then can one have the real confidence. There is one verse that says to speak ones trust out loud, while about 2000 verses warning of not quite making the cut. Stop fucking being so arrogant and condemning others you dont even know. You decode to be good then go about lying as your religious work! Most of you are not even very learned either. Many Christians are the laughing stock of Satan.

My man

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Yas Forums is a

your country was literally founded by the templars. youre forever in debt to the pope. now go join the swiss guard, cuck


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No option for Talos

Hurry off to communal prayers and a mass coughing session afterwards.

I could write pages more for this polemic against Christianity. You've taken this forgiveness notion and twisted it all up, like a jew would defile a good idea in a movie or advertisement. You use it an an excuse to do evil! Forgiveness has a pary in a religious life for sure. When it's given to someone actually sorry, who acknowledges thier mistake and resolves to not repeat it. And towards those with much tribulation. There is much more than just forgiveness when fighting the good fight. Take you, for caring, being good matters.

Sorry, this is full of typos, fuck, this really triggered me damn it.

change the name to 4pork.

christians and muslims should be forced to fight it out, to our amusement.

sounds like something a kike would say

Average amount of people who identify as Christian in:

America: 65%
Europe: 76%

Average amount of people who identify as Pagan in:


there was a fuckton of pagans on here back in 2015. I saw varg threads 24/7 and norse pagan threads everywhere. now theres almost nothing. the few pagans left seem to have jumped over to roman/greek paganism

Maybe Varg going full retard, even showing lower than an American education when it comes to race and genetics, calling muslims and arabs his brothers larping on colours helped
The only thing he knows something about are music and paganism

Also imagine thinking most regular posters here aren't baiters and newfags

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Look, this doesnt discredit my argument, if board is a Christian board, then it should be a lot more Christian then it is now, 60% is very little, compared to the average European nation.

On the other hand Yas Forums has a sizeable pagan minority, far bigger then you would find on average. Therefor for all intents and purposes, the religion of Yas Forums is paganism.

Attached: christian_map_europe.jpg (525x803, 139.81K)

>Identify as Christian
Not hard since nearly everyone is assigned to it at birth, and baptized to not be treated like an outcast
Nearly nobody actually cares, except poor people, lowly educated ones, and some double digit iq npcs who literally couldn't hold any basic debate about it or why they are

its important to realize that a "far right" forum doesnt really represent the average demographics of a european nation. I dont know anywhere else you'd find a sizeable pagan minority anywhere else than on Yas Forums

>I dont know anywhere else you'd find a sizeable pagan minority anywhere else than on Yas Forums
Basically nowhere
At most some Alpine valleys kept most of their pagan customs, half chsitianized

>Nearly nobody actually cares
speak for yourself

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Whats your point, how does this discredit my argument?

>I dont know anywhere else you'd find a sizeable pagan minority anywhere else than on Yas Forums
My point exactly, why would the standard religion of an average Western nation dictate the religion of this board and not a very small minority thats just very very large on here.

Even if 1% here is pagan, thats still a lot and OP image shows it is or was at one time 10%.

Baiting votes is caring?

Try reading it again
Most of the values you posted as an "argument" in that pic should be way lower if you only considered actual christians

I can even take this further, if 60% Christains makes Yas Forums a Christians board, then that would make modern Western society also Christian and all the modern problems are the fault of Christianity.

So this is a pagan board because pagans are overrepresented compared to the world?

okay but it's kinda idiotic isn't it?
you can be secular and still be a christian, or does "secularity" mean something else in english?

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>okay but it's kinda idiotic isn't it?
Check the board you are posting on

Wheres the link faggot?

>Most of the values you posted as an "argument" in that pic should be way lower if you only considered actual christians
That would be your own subjective interpretation of what Christian should or should not be.

Any definition of Christianity should be one, most people would agree on, that is not your definition.....

i.... you ...
fair enough.

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>So this is a pagan board because pagans are overrepresented compared to the world?
Yes, literally, its clearly this board is far less Christian, Seculiar or Islamic then the average Western country or other territories.

It is far and far more pagan then any country outside of a few rare examples, therefor Yas Forums clearly prefers pagans to any other religion.

>you can take stance against religion and be a part of a religion

>Any definition of Christianity should be one, most people would agree on, that is not your definition.....
Ah well, didn't realize that basically everyone is Christian then
Glad to see your subjective interpretation of it is superior to the reality people live, at least here
I lost the argument

all modern problems stems from the idea of liberalism and secularism, which now exists as the major ideologies in basically every western nation.

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>11% muslim

you are dumb

Society is Christian, but the rulers are majority satanists since the communist revolution swept the west in the interwar period.

>Ah well, didn't realize that basically everyone is Christian then
Yes, thats literally true....

What did you accept me to say or think otherwise, our society is still primarily Christian.

>all modern problems stems from the idea of liberalism and secularism, which now exists as the major ideologies in basically every western nation.
Then why is it the Christiandemocrats who are the heaviest promotors of massimmigration in Europe?

so i checked it and maybe, in german "secular" has another meaning but it's commonly used to describe that "The Church" (or Religioun) and the Gouvernment should be separated.
so you can be Part of a State / Country and still believe in a certain Religion.
it's like you can dislike Apples but that doesn't influence your attitude towards basejumping tigers.

do you have another point of view what secularism might mean? Elaborate.

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>Society is Christian, but the rulers are majority satanists since the communist revolution swept the west in the interwar period.
Nope, you are creating your own definition of Christianity again, the largest political block in the EU is still Christiandemocratism.

absolutely retarded logic. norway is then a sami nation because we have more samis than anyone else. you are still a minority, and you have to realize that christians on this board are deeply more religious than normie christians.(not speaking for everyone of course)

if some globalist kikes decide to put "christian" in their party it doesnt really mean much.
only statistics say anything about what christians support. and by virtually any statistic, christians are the only ones even remotely voting right wing anymore, both in europe and america.

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>absolutely retarded logic. norway is then a sami nation because we have more samis than anyone else. you are still a minority, and you have to realize that christians on this board are deeply more religious than normie christians.(not speaking for everyone of course)
Nope, because an ethnic groups is not a religion, people are born Saami, people are born Saami, but people choose to become Pagan.

Most people here are Christian because they where born Christian, still more of them leave it then stay in it, by a small margin but still.

People on the other hand choose to be pagan, its a choice they make. What this means is when a Yas Forumslack has the freedom to make a choice, he clearly chooses paganism.

What the hell are you talking about, Christians outnumbers Jews in the entire West by an enormous margin, its Christians using Jews to create a mixed race Christian state, not the other way around.

Look at the Pope or at Merkel!

>christians are the only ones even remotely voting right wing anymore, both in europe and america.

Then why does a highly seculiar nation like the Netherlands have such an old and large rightwing movement?

i guess that would be "secularism", but secularity is distance from religion

>Most people here are Christian because they where born Christian
both my parents are militant atheist.
>still more of them leave it then stay in it, by a small margin but still.
pic-related is a poll from 2 days ago which proves that statement quite wrong.
>People on the other hand choose to be pagan, its a choice they make
ive literally never even seen a pagan on herewho even believe in any gods. all of them seem to just be atheists who "venetrate nature" or some other greta thunberg-tier bs

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>371 votes means this is an accurate representation on pol
When did this happen, in a buried christian thread?

aha. So ... more like "atheist" then? I see.
learned something.

>both my parents are militant atheist.
I wrote down "most".....

>pic-related is a poll from 2 days ago which proves that statement quite wrong.
This proves me right.

>ive literally never even seen a pagan on herewho even believe in any gods. all of them seem to just be atheists who "venetrate nature" or some other greta thunberg-tier bs
The state of modern Western civilization, proves this is more true of Christianity.

>Then why does a highly seculiar nation like the Netherlands have such an old and large rightwing movement?
give me a poll of the religious demographics of people voting in your nation and im sure it would look more or less like pic-related, which is from france.

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then why is Yas Forums 11% pagan? and what does it matter if they are born into a religion? as you say, almost noone identifies as christian in the west, because noone cares about religion, which means Yas Forumsacks must have made up their mind. with all the propaganda here a normie surely would doubt christianity.

>give me a poll of the religious demographics of people voting in your nation and im sure it would look more or less like pic-related, which is from france.
Thats trickery, it ignores a category of people who are non-Christian and rightwing, by lumping them all together.

The most rightwing in a nation are not churchgoing Christians, but Nationalists....

>then why is Yas Forums 11% pagan?
Because paganism is a rightwing belief system about ancestor worship.

> almost noone identifies as christian in the west
Wrong, the majority identify as Christian.

>with all the propaganda here a normie surely would doubt christianity.
Implying Yas Forums isnt a bunch of normalfags.

Pol is a Jewish board. There are few of (((us))) but we control you zerglings.

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>I wrote down "most".....
no you just talk out your ass
>This proves me right.
it literally proves you wrong though
>The state of modern Western civilization, proves this is more true of Christianity.
so you admit the degenerate state of western civilization is because of the lack of belief in Jesus, good.
>The most rightwing in a nation are not churchgoing Christians, but Nationalists....
... and the only ones who are still nationalists are christians.

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pretty much, but atheism has become almost a religion desu.

>atheism has become almost a religion
According to what, exactly?