America is Evil

Why is America so evil? I thought they were the good guys?

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Didnt Germany just outbid italy for masks and then told them to go fuck themselves over coronabonds?

Private citizens can’t buy masks online anymore so he’s specifically talking about getting them to healthcare workers. You can’t even buy masks for stuff like chemical cleanup right now on Amazon

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>all this amerimutt cope

>That flag
>I thought they were the good guys?
Turn the vpn off, mate.

Its almost as if it was a bad idea for the 1st world to outsource its manufacturing to its 3rd world enemy.

isn't that just a dust mask ?

trump sent masks to fucking china and some other irrelevant third world shit holes
fucking lying hypocrite

Fake news. Your government just misplaced them, literally put them down in the wrong place.

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fuck off fag

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They did, but just as the italian form of government and culture, Germany is the result of the retarded hegemonic "Western" american dream of "cultural" hegemony through chaos, divide/conquer, and wide ideological left-right puppet games for soulless interests.

We all became assholes. Because we were made into being you with an even more invasive form of cultural marxism.

>and then told them to go fuck themselves over coronabonds?
So? Fuck Shitalians. Southern EU countries try to pull this bond shit for years while having significant better living conditions than the average German (earlier and higher pensions, higher financial assets than us and so on). Basically the gibmedats of Europe.

Yes motherfucker we are so fucking evil that nobody should immigrate to this country
all new arrivals better fucking leave before you become an evil American and start buying a gun in every caliber and having a shrine to George Washington, start drinking PBR, Yuengling or Sam Adams and listen to bluegrass and jazz
Be very scared of us

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Why doesn't white people have any sense of self preservation?

>Why is America so evil?

The only reason why modern Germany is so successful is because of America. After WW2 America took the responsibility to protect global trade (thus making it accessible for you with no effort) and opening our markets. Your country has had easy and guaranteed free flow of trade all because of the US and unprecedented piece for about 70 years. But nowadays the US is getting less interested in providing this service, and as we withdrawal from the world, Germany is going to be one of the hardest hit as your country relies very hard on easy trade. Your country is going to be in for some hard times.

All you guys do is bitch, bitch and bitch despite the fact that America has given you unprecedented prosperity. So shut the fuck up. We are the most benevolent superpower in the history of mankind. We "occupy" your country yet still allow you complete freedom in your governance. The entitlement of Germans is truly astonishing.

america first u faggot

It's fake news. 3M already put out a statement the city of Berlin never ordered any masks at them and there was no act of piracy. It's the same shit like the "Trump tries to steal vaccine" newspaper article three weeks ago which was completely made up. They tell us lies.

It's not our job to sacrifice for you. Why don't you use your muslim migrants as slave labor mask makers.


In another time the US would have amazed the world with its production of safety equipment.

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Do you have a source for that? I only read about how we stopped Export for a while, but that was solved pretty fast. When did we seize masks meant for Italy?

Ok Amerimutt

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However Germany provided italy hundreds if ICU beds and ventilators and flew in dozens if Italian Corona patients (which is wrong imo).

Make your own masks.
What part of "America First" is unclear?

>It's fake news. 3M already put out a statement
link ?

Literally every country is doing this though.
There is some solidarity within Europe but other than that the newly infected countries are all instituting strict export bans even for drug ingredients that could be effective.

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You thought America was good? Were you born yesterday? Do you not remember what the US did in Libya or Yugoslavia or Iraq? You are sub 60 iq.

>we didnt steal it from a German government agency that ordered it from China
>we stole it from a Germanvendor that ordered it from China on behalf of the German government agency
>so piracy is okay and Amerimutts didndu nuthing
>actually everyone is doing this didnt we tell you how this one time Germany inspected exports from their own country and then let them go on?
>source: amerimutt propaganda

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The rest of the world begs for us to save them when they need it and shits on us when they dont.


>Believing fake news
He backtracked in saying the masks were ordered by a German firm and not 3M. He still stressed out that the statement that the USA took them still holds true.

These Amerimutt shills are in every thread posting blatant /ptg/ lies and completely made up propaganda.

The order was already under way on the regular route to Germany over Thailand. You dont send packages to Europe for orders you never received. If Amerimutts had actually ordered them first the would directly carry them over from China like all other Amerimutt orders.

Remember the same thing happend to various other countries at the same time all over the world.

M3 is now just playing dumb under pressure of the US government after everything was already exposed.

Why would that stress him out?

Keep seething, embarrassed-to-show-you-country

Your partly right. Germany profits from you protecting the global trade.
BUT in return global trade is done with the US dollar. The high demand for US dollar is the only reason the federal reserve can practically print money to give it to the state. Without that everyone wanting your currency, it would be worthless and the US government wouldn't be able to operate on any level.

So if the US decides to leave global trade on its own, another player i.e. China will most likely step up and protect it. In return everyone will have to use their currency.

tl;dr The US protects global trade, so everyone will use dollar, so they can keep printing it and buying stuff with it.

You mean the rest of the world tells you to fuck off or at least clean up your own shit which you always refuse so the rest of the world has to clean up after you and then asks you to fuck off when you backstab them on top of that?

This. G-d bless Israel!

>Hhur yeah! Yay! Leik with the first joak but olny *America* is dummest! H-hurr yeah!

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Google translate from Germany to English by your fellow proud-to-show-his-proxy-Amerimutt shill friend

back to work wagies. Deserters will be shot!

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Tbf they're getting fucked hard.

It must really be humiliating.
Canada, right?

What part of america first did you not understand?

sowwy OwO
kiss my ass uwu

Look, another one of those adorable little plus-sign countries!
Can you get me a deal on kippered herring?

That's why i like Poles more than Meds because they are honest.

You and France have both stolen PPE, hand sanitizers and masks so be quiet.

No. He means the rest of the world cries out for the US to save them when they need it and shit on the US the rest of the time.

100% chance this was taken out of context in a very dishonest fashion

>Media: trump said crazy thing!
>check it out
>turns out they were lying
Every time

Genius question. While you're at it, ask, "Why are humans evil?" or why is life "evil"? Why is existence "evil"? Idiot.

Stay Hungry Hungary we know you want our burgers.

No wonder the Chinamen so easily resort to shifting blame - it is an easy solution in itself. Yes, I'm sure you can rattle off about everything you blame the US for (many things that are no doubt valid, I don't intend to contest), but at the end of it, it is you that tolerated these changes coming to pass, and if not you then your forebears, and this blame game is a symptom of your weakness. If you want to escape the cannibalistic globohomo culture of our empire then take a shot and organize.

We have 230 people dead total with a flattening curve think you guys need them more.

Correction that is the political/Military complex. The average American doesn't give a fuck about the world around us. We want to focus on our own country but all the people of old money who end up in congress because they learned how to manipulate all the idiots into voting for them want you all to suffer. So lets band to together and annihilate the ruling class as a problem. Then we can rebuild our countries/Counties into the visions we wanted to see. Seriously once people get past 30,000 thousand they stop giving a fuck overall. So tired of paying for Communists, Sex changes and baby maker Shaniqua's five niglets because she couldn't keep her legs closed until she found a real man and made more money on her back. Time to treat the problems at the source and not just the symptoms.

How has no one started a mask company? Retards.
Stop acting like they don't have a good reason.
Fuck you Hans.

>be America
>China releases bioweapon
>dont have enough masks
>tell your makers of masks not to export masks
I dont see an issue here.

so now dumb fucks are hoarding masks when they're not needed on a global scale? well let the fun ensue!