No niggers pls.
Ukraine appreciation thread
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stop making these retarded, shitty threads you moron.
>Oy damagecontrol!!!
Sir, this is just an Ukraine appreciation thread, so... I implore you to cope harder faggot
we have more ukrain hookers than polish.
but mostly romanians.
send your qts europoors!
>Implying the previous president wasnt one of ((them)
Why don’t you like the Poles friend? Pls tell me.
>Ukrainians pretending they're not bottom of the trashcan tier.
Lmaoing@ur lyf
based af
C'mon, we didn't marry the Soviet block, if anything we were raped by them.
this poland-ukraine thing is literally the other way around.
las creaturas from ukraine come to poland and work, be prostitutes, steal and live as homeless alcoholics and junkies.
every single bad thing in poland is related to balt-niggers, gypsies and especially ukrainians
Almost all hookers in Germany are ukrainian.
Your country got fucked over in a war and Poland let you people in and help you out - then you turn around and hate them.
Fuck you.
ukraine is a shit tier country. and your women are ugly as shit too
>t. RUSSIAN with a Ukrainian VPN
I like them very much, especially their women (if you know what I mean...)
holy cope!
why everybody hates ukranians
Shouldn't this be the other way around?
Says the witch-burning tax-dodging pseudo-Belgian.
Your knowledge of history came straight from my ass
ukranians literally make up 99% of all whores in the netherlands. where tf you on about
And you know this why?
I can gt germans brits or mutts shitting on us but holy shit for hohol shithole like yours to have such en ego is like mental illness. You are toilet scrubbers of toilets scrubbers and all of your women whore themselves here
>t. a nigger who doesnt know how Yas Forums works.
You change flags with VPN.
It's probably true. Everybody know that their women are the best looking.
There's plenty of people poor enough to want to go into prostitution but who would pay for an English/Dutch/Western European woman when you can fuck a model-looking Ukrainian?
TOPkek! we send the whores and the drug dealers to your country, thanks for cleaning our lands lol
The best people stay. Its like a natural selection, if youre a crappy human, go to poland. if youre noble, stay here.
Did your Polish master offend you again, hohol?
fuk off nigger, I fuck his daughter on a daily basis
You're the niggers of Poland though
The Brits are the niggers of the world so we can hardly talk
nah, they act like subhumans, overdrinking, throw bottles, scream, fuck prostitutes in the street, literal niggers, slav-wannabes.
you seem to have described your countrymen accurately
How can one nationality be so fucking based
Digits tell the truth
>changing the flags for le ebic meme
>all this division
slavs need to stick together
kek nice cope
You missed how we say prostitute in dutch : we say ukrainian.
holy cope! nice ms paint edit
>someone had to fix the "é" with another font
most are Romanian
My friend went to Russia and Ukraine a year ago. Hot ukranian women were literally begging him to marry them and get them out of your shithole. They made Russian women look like nuns in comparison
Юкpaинa aбcoлютнo бaceд ИTT, тaк дepжaть, peбятa
Пидopaшки бoмбят
oh NO NO NO!
Cope harder nigger blooded monstro!
Youre missing the femens. They originated from there too.
looks like shitting on hohols connects us yet again, ruski
stop posting that you nigger rape baby!
cry harder
also OP is a super fag
But it's more true than your edit. Sure, Europe might be filled with polish prostitutes but one thing is sure: ukrainian women go whore themselves on streets of Warsaw and there are no polish prostitutes in Kiev.
it's a corrupt bleak shithole with a gdp per capita of a zulu village, their only national "icon" was a nazi asset and they're pretty much israel-tier when it comes to their eligibility as a country.
It's true, there are tons of ukrainian whores in Poland, but the reverse is simply economically unprofitable.
Said the Polish with a shit eating grin after eating the fuck out of German employer.
Why would you argue about who has the most whores?
Whores are in every country on Earth and come from all over. The number of them would mainly be a matter of their marketability as attractive women.
Saying "Most whores come from _____", with or without any evidence, is surely an admission that this country has the most attractive women.
If you think I'm wrong, are you suggesting that there are millions of hidden Indian and African prostitutes around the West that we don't know about? Do you think they are more appealing?
But Taras...
gets me every time!
so true
When i was i warsow, 99% of prostitutes and roastie students were ukranians.
Ukraine is full of Jews though.
Stop bullying Poland.
yeah you counted them, I dont see why I shouldnt believe you user