Mandatory masks:boiling the frog

Governments are now talking about introducing mandatory masks. This is the next stage of making you used to these regulations. It won't be the last, next will be mandatory testing. The end stage of course will be mandatory vaccinations, digital ID, chipping, cashless currency and total surveillance. Remember that this is a global coup by elites under the cover of slightly more virulent flu to imprison us all to them.

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Other urls found in this thread: id


The virus is real though?
also that chick is perfect, well not really but overall she is has enough pluses to make her negatives negligible.

My question is where the fuck can you even get masks now? Like toilet paper, all the stores are out of them and ordering them online is next to impossible

What we are witnessing is a global coup by elites to implement a new world order where they will rule unopposed. While Coronavirus exists it affects mostly only elderly and is a bit more virulent form of flu.The hysteria blown by the mass media and social media agents served to justify extreme measures like lockdown which will NEVER be revoked and will stay with us. The end effect will be a prison society with no dissent possible.

Further measures will include:

Compulsory vaccinations-said vaccines will lower test among certain groups and lead to sterilisation. Scientists will decree that it was a price worth paying and white people were violent anyway.

Digital currency-all your money will stored online and controlled by authorities. As will your expenses and where you are spending money.

Digital ID-to use internet you will need to use a digital id confirming your real life identity. Anonymous posting and usage of internet will be banned in name of fight against "fake news about coronavirus". Without record of your vaccinations in the digital id employers won't hire you and you will be banned from travelling and public spaces. All non-state and non-corporate crypto currencies will be banned.

Carbon Tax-it will be used to stop you from eating meat such as beef to prevent you from having strong body and mind

Ban on growing your own food-in order to make you dependant on toxic shit you will be only be able to buy online.

Ban on free speech-speaking about or doubting coronavirus pandemic hoax will be punishable by prison and cutoff from public services. We already see people posting truth about coronavirus scare being censored on Twitter and Facebook(Bolsonaro)

Spread the word, look behind motives. Do not believe what media tell you.

It's on purpose
You can't buy mask, you can't go outside, you have to stay in your cage

pic related

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damn she is build for BBC

I'm surprised criminals haven't exploited the "everyone's wearing masks" thing yet.

Sure fat greasy monkey.

Want my theory about mandatory masks? It will be put into place in Western countries only. They know that most people will wear it, so the idiots that defy the order will be easier to spot and marked. When they roll out the goychip the ones who refused to wear the mask will be the first to be disappeared.


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it is a fact that wearing a mask stops people talking to each other, many chinks wear one to stop people from talking to them.
looks like the gov doesn't want anyone intermingling at all.


May death come for you and your shitty family you niggerkike retard subhuman.

The elites have been working on facial recognition tech for years while gradually deploying the cameras and internet infrastructure needed to support it ubiquitously. Now I'm supposed to believe they want us wearing masks after they seriously damaged their own credibility by spending the last month lying about masks being ineffective?
>inb4 gait recognition makes facial recognition obsolete
fuck off

Governments can talk about doing this and that, but they forget all the shit they talk about doing depends on a productive workforce being able to deliver the funds they need to implement any of the bullshit they pull out of their ass.

Cant dictate anything if you cant pay the troops or provide them with the lifestyle they demand.

Sucks to be a western leader under the thumb of the demanding, unrealistic, out of touch kike these days.

cowfefe seems good oh yes m'lady yes *pluuuuuuupppp* *aaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh* lemme... lemme do this again my sweetheart *lip lip lip PLUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPPPP* ahhh... that was nice yeah yeah... mmmm.. yesss...

I don't say this often, but this time sincerely, I do belive this female has an appearance destined to please the negro kind

>wtf am i reading

Hello, pants-shitting crazy person.

Yep. They forget the Soviet Union didn't fall because of Ronald Reagan and Star Wars. It fell because the slavs didn't want to be slaves and shirked as much as possible.

Literally all those things exist all ready

>Governments are now talking about introducing mandatory masks.

>But there aren't enough N95's for every American to wear them every day.

>Tell 'Murricans to find their own


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Its certainly not because of the 'skyrocketing' pneumonia rate.

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based magyar. tell em

they wouldn't want mandatory masks, they like being able to track population with all the biometric shit they use which obviously includes facial recognition

I know. But what can we do. How do you fight this shit when 80% of the people want to be slaves?

>would marry and have 12 kids with/10

Government milkies is the only thing I want.

give attention seeking whores any validation what so ever

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And what are you going to do about it? Nothing as always.

Mandatory masks today. Mandatory mask-less faces tmrw

money isn't real. ironically this is their greatest strength. for as long as people are willing to use fiat (formerly paper, now represented by 0s and 1s) as a store of value, governments can pay for whatever they want by borrowing from the (((central banks)))

if you want to see some serious shit, find a way of destroying the goyim's faith in fiat currency (which is what will ultimately trigger hyperinflation)

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Can coffee, good you?
>t. OP

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Beretta Cougar. Plebian choice. Made in Turkey now.

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They don't need money, lardbrain, they created the money system as a way of controlling the people. Government already has control of all the assets and they can take your shit away any time they choose. This Corona bullshit pandemic is a way to get everybody visibly obeying government diktats and policing each other. Governments all operate on the principle of propagating lies, whereby they can measue how great is their control by how much the lie is being accepted as truth among the population. What we are witnessing right now is complete tyranny masquerading as a public health emergency.
you think this is real.. why do they need to use dummies?

>This is the next stage of making you used to these regulations
Or maybe it's effective to slow down the spread.

Spread of what?

>First masks
>Then authoritarian madness
Fuck off schizo

The boiling frog is a fable describing a frog being slowly boiled alive. The premise is that if a frog is put suddenly into boiling water, it will jump out, but if the frog is put in tepid water which is then brought to a boil slowly, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death. The story is often used as a metaphor for the inability or unwillingness of people to react to or be aware of sinister threats that arise gradually rather than suddenly.

The Mark of the beast is here:

Are we cyberpunk yet?

>Sinister threats
Do you really think the common normie give a flying fuck about getting chipped? it would be much easier to just create a social stigma about people not getting chipped much like the anti vaccine people
You don't need a fucking virus that going to cost the word trillions to get people chipped, the reactions of the people will the exact fucking same whether its here or not

Good this law should of been put in place back in January

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On one hand I'm happy my gf doesn't take pic like that, so she is of a healthy mind and is going to be a great mom
on the other hand i have this genetic urge to impregnate the girl in the pic
I don't understand what's right when i see regular girls looking so seductive
maybe it's the quarantine taking it's toll, but I know it's always been like this for me
is there some gene that makes a man want to be polygamous?
I can't stop lusting over attractive women even if I know with all logic in my mind that it's pointless and ineffective
I've never done anything apart from thinking about and I very likely won't, but i just can't stop thinking of handling more than one woman
and it's since I see people who are fine with one all the time

thanks for reading blog :DDD

The day governments try to introduce mandatory chipping is the day people will revolt and the elites will lose their power. Mandatory chipping is IMPOSSIBLE. Get it through your thic skull and take your schizo meds!

post gf nudes

how are more people not replying to this? It literally means BUILT FOR BIG BLACK COCK you idiots

Listen whitey, she is BBC only.

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she doesn't take nudes, we're /g/pilled, nudes are a liability, the furthest we go are video calling via encrypted connection and undressing in call

show your flag

laff nvm

All the memeflags in this thread are probably one very scared glow nigger.

Big British Cock it is

your asian

I was responding to a nude request, we call since we live with our parents, not together, why would I take pics of her live instead of just fucking the two times a week we get alone, retard

hang yourself buddy

There are a few bitches at work that should be masked at all times id (world economic forum)

"Eventually what we’ll have to have is certificates of who’s a recovered person, who’s a vaccinated person...
So eventually there will be this digital immunity proof that will help facilitate the global reopening up.” - Bill Gates

Wake up anons there is a very dangerous game afoot here. Its like a cyberpunk anime, and we arent the protagonists.

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Built for Big Black Ovens

Yes this for nigger dick obsessed faggots

Women that dont look look this this are virtually worthless.

That shit was boring and unoriginal.
>Oh no regulation!

If it comes to this the only mask I'll wear is my plague mask

Protocols of zion
The jewish utopia
The world conquerors
The jewish strategy
Read them

U all hav problem
I hope u all fix ur problem