Nightmare fuel
Nightmare fuel
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Read tibetan book of the dead, also this is why when you die Valhalla way, you are at peace with death so its not a nightmare fuel, if you die like a pussy beta male it will be.
Death is only nightmare fuel for serfs.
Free men experience spiritual life differently than subjects.
Your not aware of shit if you od on fentanyl
This always seemed intuitive to me. Your brain still has hours of chemical activity after death. Might even persist beyond the point we're capable of measuring
Elysium awaits all those that die with honor and valor
There is a certain SCP entry on this subject and it's the scariest SCP to have ever been written. I've already forgotten the number and that's a good thing, because I don't want to read it again.
Seems comfy to me.
This depends if you accept your death or not.
If you fight the experience which you are currently experiencing it will be nightmare.
I remember it but i dont remember the number, If you read carefully you will come to understand he only experienced these things because he was resurrected
What is SCP and why do words frighten you?
Not if you get your brains blown out
Its a lie. I drowned. You get this blackness that surrounds your vision and closes in until it all goes black and thats it.
you also get the same thing when you are attacked by a group of niggers, just FYI
thoughts can manifest feelings of pleasure or displeasure. This is how schizophrenics and other mental illnesses come to be.
Words project into thoughts those project into images. Images in most cases = real matter as it is created in your brain.
It is a bunch of leaked secret documents.
Low oxygen level in blood. First to go is vision and then goes higher brain functions.
top kek
We knew this shit for forever, since we've been lopping off heads that sometimes are still aware and darting eyes around and trying to talk for a brief moment before full death. The real nightmare fuel is being in a comatose state on life support for years as a vegetable while being perfectly conscious of it and unable to do anything about it.
It's a tryhard group that writes fiction made to look real, but they ruin it with Star Trek talk up the ass.
>"fuggg my browser history"
It's not the words, it's concept. I found the entry, read at your own risk:
If you don't like long reads, here's a quick synopsis:
Based ohioan
We can prove life after death but not god. Sounds like theists are BTFO'D.
>Your brain still has hours of chemical activity after death
>Your brain
>he didn't read the research paper on nanotubes in our brains acting like a receiver of sorts but even the receiving function couldn't be proven and there is practically no reason for them to exist in a first place
so our brain is literally big radio catching signal aka consicuisness.
The real nightmare fuel is you lift up your eyes in fiery torment burning in Hell if you haven't repented and believed the gospel and asked Jesus to save you.
B a s e d
Yes, yes my Murrica friend, you will probably experience same if you deep throat bbc too long.
Are you a child or woman by chance? I feel I have to make mention that I have never had a nightmare in my entire life and literally do not understand the concept of "nightmare fuel". I'll go ahead and read it but I guarantee you I will not feel whatever it is that you are.
How do you perceive darkness when you're dead?
this has always spooked me a bit, because dying naturally lets the brain slowly shut down and allows time for things like "your life flashing before your eyes", but if you get your whole dome blown off by a shotgn at point blank your brain won't process none of that shit because there won't be any fucking brain left before it could even process getting shot at all.
How is this political?
Its literally just blacking out then
Does anyone else think that most of these deaths are suicides? Seems like an easy way to go. Much better shooting yourself in the face.
what is hell when you have no body and brain to register the suffering.
that's death. and inner city living
Pretty much seems like it, and it would make sense given the scope and complexity of the multi-verse we live in, or even potential infinite simulation going on. Religions had a pretty good idea, the language used was just for the primitive inhabitants, I really wonder who brought this advanced knowledge here since there is no way some heebs in desert could come up with it. The further science advances, the more it aligns with religion.
Also LARPing 6000 years old christcucks are bunch of annoying faggots.
The last moments of your life are literally the least important ones you will ever have. Stop worrying about them so much. They will have literally no impact on your life at all
What if I am instantly vaporized
What do I feel?
another user who drowned here
basically the same
stopped being able to see, remember thinking "this is a shit way to die" and then waking up to cpr.
The last moment of life.
it's just really fucking easy to OD on.
have you ever passed out due to lack of oxygen? you’re not aware of anything
I consider destruction of the brain as the most inhumane and cruel thing anyone could ever do to someone else. It is presented as the exact opposite in the media. Even in the worst scenarios I don't think I could do that to someone or would bother doing it no matter how bad it got.
>after brain function stops, your brain function continues
my biggest fear is getting shot in the head
Sounds like the close out to a looney tune show.
no shit you are aware...
>called to judgement before God
>oh shit i am not alive on earth anymoar
>if I am instantly vaporized
>What do I feel?
All warm and fuzzy I would assume.
Nah, it's people getting so stung out they don't care if every dose is like playing Russian roulette. Things didn't get really bad until Fent hit the streets, and junkies aren't gonna stop getting high because the addiction is so strong. Some are in a place so low they don't care if they OD, so it's like an unintentional suicide.
>t. ex-heroin junkie
Scios BTFO. Religios you go easily into heaven
a website some /x/fags set up to collect creepypastas in the style of seekrit reports of a men-in-black organization collecting creepypasta subjects and artifacts
There must be some sort of intermediate time period for some people, where brain activity slowly ramps down.
how many drownies here ?
You would know
don't worry frens
this man has a 90-94% accuracy rating on his predictions
the afterlife is gonna be guuuuud.
That's because there's an afterlife.
It’s called Purgatory.
>Imagine being scared of dying
Dying is a part of life of every living organism, it's inevitable. We will all die at some point, whether we like it or not.
Accept it, user. Embrace it when it comes, it is the best what will happen to you in life.
Post the link to the article you fucking nigger
Damn you beat me to it. Get fucked atheist faggots!
That's because you are an NPC without a high functioning brain
this x100000 of course the (((media))) portrays it differently and the ((((hospitals)))) drug you to oblivion before death
there was a short story I read on Yas Forums a while back where a guy gets hit by a truck and goes to the afterlife, only to find out that there is only one soul in the entire universe - his own - and that all humans who have ever lived share this single soul in a non-linear kind of way
the "god" tells him that this cycle will continue until all lives possible have been lived and the 'universe-egg' hatches and then reincarnates him as a chinese peasant girl in the 7th century
Hey fartdwellers. Look up death bed visions.
Steve Job's last words right before he died:
R.I.P. my sides.
I am an NPC because I am not powerless to external stimuli? That's some palpable cope right there pal
What is the CIA Gateway Experience?
I used to be afraid of dying, and knew that when i did eventually die I'd want it to be instant, quick,and painless, like being shot in the head.
Over the yesrs my feelings have changed, when i do experience death I want to fully experience death, the world fading away, the free DMT trip that comes with death, any potential afterlife.
Destroying the brain feels as thougheverything would just cut to black, and the end of life is just the end of sopranos.
I am a level headed and rational person but I knew this kid that was friends with my younger brother. My brother use to talk about imaginary friends and whatnot growing up but we all wrote it off because he was an eccentric little fuck. However, this friend of his was with us at my grandmas it was just him, my cousin,bro and I chilling in the living room. I am 15 at the time and they're 9-10, T.V is on and it's super late me and my cousin are on the two couches bro and friend laying on the floor. I'm not sure anyone else is awake at this point and all of a sudden my cousin asks "you guys feel that?", now i've felt anxious and un easy for awhile now but didn't wanna say anything.
>what are you talking about I reply
>that draft, its cold and I feel weird
>I laugh at her and make ghost noises
My brothers awake and blurts out (friend) has a spirit following him.
The hairs on my neck stood up and I felt weird as fuck but I wasn't buying this shit because I had a couple instances when I was younger but rationalized that it was overstimulation of fear in my brain.
So i tell him he's full of shit and its in his brain, he denies it, my cousin chimes in and after a min of this I notice his friend is awake but hasn't said a word. So I mock him and ask him what his friends name is and laugh it off, nobody says anything for 10 seconds or so and I was about to say "thats what I thought" before that fuckin kid got drug across the floor a good 2 feet.
I'm a former lifeguard, does that count?
All of us. Yas Forums is afterlife for drownies. And downies.
>Religions had a pretty good idea, the language used was just for the primitive inhabitants, I really wonder who brought this advanced knowledge here since there is no way some heebs in desert could come up with it.
Based dialectic.
maybe, maybe not. It is too complex to comprenhend such things with human mind. He is understanding this existence with human mind which is limited as fuck. So his understanding was just scratch of surface or he didnt even touch surface and was just making shit up.
Thoughts = limit, words = limit, images = limit. Limit = suffering, fear, sadness.
Mutt's law.
Worse than the Jacobs Ladder shitshow i'm already living?