You believe in a higher power because you demand to be controlled. You lack purpose in life, so you pretend there is a divine one for all life. You are weak and small and you cannot come to grips with the fact that you will die one day and become nothing. There is no god. There is no jesus. The universe was never created it just always was. The only purpose is that which spawns from the mind.

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the universe created itself and in turn, all things in it.
therefore, the universe is God.

creation only exists within existence. existence was never created, because nothing exists outside of existence to create something.

how do you make sense of the fine tuning of the universe

>fine tuning

Nigger, have you looked at the universe? It's totally fucked up.

God does exist. He just gone mad, lad.

You say God doesn't exist yet list valid reasons for why there is a God

>The universe was never created

No, one particle of one proton out of place and carbon doesn't exist, ergo you don't exist. It is finely t7ned


Nigger youre retarded and dont have an argument against faith like all atheists

textbook circular reasoning

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In fact i'd postulate that the odds of everything lining up at random to create sentient beings is
astronomical ( pun intended)


Ask for proof from God if you wish to know if He's real or not.

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You have never had the fire of the holy spirit. I pray you will soon, but regardless you will kneel in the end. Everyone will. God bless you user.


God is coming soon I promise. He has been sleeping for a while.

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This is now a brother in the risen Christ post. Soon is all I get, a week, month, year, 50 years he won't say. Any other brothers get this message?

If there is chaos ad infinitum, there is a god.

Noice didn't see this when I posted, I guess this answers my question

Your knee will bow and you will confess that Jesus is Lord.


Humans evolve from bacteria. They then evolved into dumb animals. They then evolved into humans. More and more conscious. More and more powerful. More and more domesticated, empathetic & aware.

Guess what, los faggotos, this evolution continues. All the way into Crystalline/Angelic Forms of Divinity Incarnate. And even further from there, until the Crystalline Homogeneousity of Post-Humans Becomes Merged, Into One Ultra-Divine Entity. Guess what you call this entity? Go on, little peepee brain. Take a guess.

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He also hasn't given me a definitive time but I am hoping by Easter.

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Sure thing schlomo

It exists, jews created this egregore to use the goyim to do their sandnigger plans.

You’re weak

Brother no man knows the time, it will come like a thief in the night. I'm not admonishing you and can feel the faith but see that thou are not decieved, also where two are gathered so He is

>bro if you don't follow our doctrine like a weak minded person you are weak

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neckbeards will neckbeard
nice projection oprah

Evolution is only possible if God wins, otherwise there will be only de-evolution.

I'm going to refer to the laws of Thermodynamics which govern the movement of heat between different bodies. The second law of Thermodynamics states that heat travels from hot bodies to cooler bodies and not the opposite. Let us take the example of a hot oven that is placed in a cold room. The oven will warm the room, this is because heat will be transferred from the hot oven to the cold room. Never will the amount of heat originally in the room cause the oven to get hotter. This transfer of heat between the oven and the room will continue until the oven has used up all its fuel source (e.g. a gas cylinder). When that point is reached the oven will start to cool until such a point when the temperatures of both the oven and the room become equal.To calculate the amount of time during which the oven will continue to warm the room we need to know two things:

1- The amount of gas left in the cylinder.
2- The rate at which gas is consumed.

If for example there is 5000 c.c. (cubic centimetres) of gas left in the cylinder and the oven uses up 100 c.c. every hour, then the oven will continue to warm the room for 50 hours (5000 divided by 100). We will call this stage (A). After 50 hours the oven would have used up all the gas in the cylinder and will thus start to cool until a point is reached where the temperatures of the oven and the room become equal. We will call this stage (B).


The tongue is full of death dealing poison, it is not what goes into a man that defiles him but what comes out. Slander, hatred, envy/rumors etc.

You are right but poltards are scared religious bitches.

Now let us apply this to the universe as a whole. We know that the total amount of energy in the universe is equal to the sum of energy in all the stars, galaxies, and all other bodies containing mass. No matter how large the observable universe is, the amount of matter in the universe is a finite amount, large as it may be. The stars in the universe will continue to radiate heat, light and other types of radiation into the vast space of the universe, in the same way in which the oven would warm the space inside the room. So if we think of all the stars and all other active bodies in the universe as the oven, and the vast space of the universe as the empty room we can deduce the following:

From what we know about the life and death of stars in modern theories of cosmology, they will continue to radiate energy until they consume all their energy supply. To be precise, when all the hydrogen that constitutes the vast majority of the mass of stars has been converted into helium and other heavier elements in what is known as nuclear fusion. After that stage, some stars explode in what is known as super novae and give birth to second generation stars, but eventually when all energy is used up, the stars collapse and end up as cold dead bodies.


You post this and make effort because you hate GOD.
People believe in aliens, reptilians and many more absurd things but you chose God and use your time to convince people that he does not exist.
You don't need to convince people that reptillians and alliens don't exist because they don't bother you because you know they aren't real but God does bother you, enough to make you creathe threads about him and discuss him.
You just yearn for someone to prove to you that God exists because you are desperate to meet him.


>You lack purpose in life, so you pretend there is a divine one for all life. You are weak and small and you cannot come to grips with the fact that you will die one day and become nothing.
I've never seen such display of projection.

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Go on good sir

This. Thankfully, the chad Serbian government banned easter gatherings, so the virgin cuckstains will have to give up their superstition.

Since the amount of matter in the universe (inside stars, nebula, and other heavenly bodies) is finite, then these energy sources will radiate energy into the universe for a finite length of time. In our example of the oven and the room we calculated that time to be 50 hours. Theoretically, and if we can calculate the total amount of energy in the universe, and also the rate of consumption of energy, we can also calculate the length of time (although obviously not as accurately as in the case of the oven) in which the stars will continue to radiate energy. For argument's sake, let us assume that the universe will continue to radiate energy for another 50 billion years. It follows that since there is still plenty of energy being radiated in the universe, we can say that we still in stage (A).

Now if we go back to our original debate, and try to decide whether the universe had a beginning or has it always been there, we can deduce that if the universe had always been there (no point of beginning), or in mathematical terms: if the age of the universe goes back to infinity, then it should have been a cold and dead place by now simply because infinity, is a larger number (if it can be called so) than 50 billion years. If the age of the universe is infinity, we should have been at stage (B) a long time ago. The accuracy of the figure 50 billion is of no importance to the end result, for whatever figure we chose to make it, it will always be less than infinity.

What that means is that the universe had a definite beginning.

>The universe was never created it just always was.

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God exists. If you deny God, then you deny truth.

What fine tuning? Yeah, you don't exist, then again why do you think you are so important that the universe was designed around you? Have you ever thought there are very specific circumstances that allow birds to exist, for example? And the better part is, those things can still change and the universe would carry on. If something catastrophic happened tomorrow and the entire human race and everything in this planet was wiped out instantly, earth would just carry on in a different manner. It's not finely tuned, it's absolute chaos trying to come into balance at all times.

We are just some ants in some particular ball that's floating out there in the universe that thinks we are so damn important some sort of immortal being that presides over the entire universe carefully designed every aspect of this planet down to a microscopic level, just for us.


Why do you think it's important to convince the purposeless ape people of this universal truth? Do you proselytize to the birds and the squirrels at the park too? What's your end game buddy?

The urantia book might appeal to you

Because they are trying to shove their rules, their cuckery and love for Israel down our throats.


Sorry. We are so busted.
Let's just go.

Come on, away, baby, let's go!!


Ha! I'm feeling a bit nostalgic, my heat transfer professor gave us an example like this (but with much more algebra) to explain why there's a possibility for God to exist. I remember he went from the first Law of TD, Kirchoff, Newton, Maxwell, nuclear physics and chemistry and other laws and theories to get to the point. Interesting stuff.

No, true Christianity is the antithesis of modern society hence it is severely hampered. Note: I said true Christianity



Check. Kek.

So close. Keep rolling.

God =

Religion works better than laws. Crimes and horrible acts are stopped before they happen. Now go back.

>the universe always was
That's just as retarded as believing someone created it. Fuck off negro.

Good gets

Where did everything come from?

>hurr ordered universe comes from and maintains itself by nothing

It was spoken into existence

>that wasn't real communism

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The answers you seek are there, not hidden, not construed, there