Politics completely aside, with this pandemic what are the odds American president Trump will be re-elected?

Politics completely aside, with this pandemic what are the odds American president Trump will be re-elected?

Are Americans approving of the job he's doing overall?

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At this point, it doesn't matter what he does or how well he does it.
No one wants anything the Dems are selling.
Trump will always have a strong fanbase, but no one cares about Biden.

no, what're the odds joe biden doesn't step down?

1st debate Biden loses all support from undecided and independents.

100% chance Trump will be re-elected

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Heard alot about Biden, but do Americans actually approve of trump? Like if you asked an everyday citizen what do you think his answer is?

Since Hillary won the popular vote the first time and she was unpopular.

Do more Americans approve of trump now?

It's like taxes, we don't like him but it's what we have to have.

Considering he has no one to fight, pretty high?

All-time high tbqh.

Everyone just plays it safe where I'm at (west coast), it's always "I don't like him but....". Most people I talk to generally approve of the job he's done and also think the news media is bullshit the way they go after him for literally anything and everything.

Polls aren’t that reliable, but Trumps approval ratings (in general and for the pandemic) have been decent last I saw. He’ll probably see a dip in approval around the peak of deaths and a spike when the UBI thing is sent out. Assuming the general trend holds, he has a solid shot at winning. If average voters see the condition Biden is in and he isn’t replaced he has a very good chance of winning. I don’t think replacing Biden will be as easy and risk free for the dems as some others.


Probably like 85%. Political junkies obsessed with the news think everybody is, but for the most part, people don't really give a fuck. They know Democrats absolutely detest Trump with every ounce of their beings, and they've lost all credibility as a result. Even with the pandemic, there's an argument to be made that the CDC under Trump botched the whole testing thing, and the delay made things a whole lot worse, but as soon as they smelled blood in the water they went batshit crazy attacking him with doomsaying about how Trump's killed us all and that millions and millions of people will die, all because he blew it. And great, if the election had been near the end of March, might've gotten him, but the problem is that if you go around telling everyone all that crap, then if it's anything other than a worst case scenario, it looks like Trump did a great job. 100,000, 200,000 dead Americans isn't great, unless you were expecting 2.2 million. Then it's fantastic.

Trump looks good. Most of the people who like him absolutely fucking love him and can't wait to vote for him, and he does seem to be pretty on top of shit. He stands in front of the press and just takes questions, and he can talk about anything they want to talk about, something that Obama might've done three times, maybe. They ask about Americans trapped overseas, he knows where, how many, how they're going to get out. He can talk about where different states are with what they need and what they've gotten. Compared to Joe Biden talking about "N1H1" and an enthusiasm rate of 24% or so, it's hard to see how he loses. Go around asking people what Trump's done, they'll probably all say he closed the border early. People remember he did that, and people remember him getting slammed for it.

He's done for

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Against Biden? Trump will win easy, he would have won easy vs Biden even in 2016.

The assumption is that Biden will be switched out for a different candidate in the eleventh hour, most likely candidate being Andrew Cuomo of NY. Media is already pushing some narrative of him being a real leader, despite his shit decisions in the past being why NY is in such a bad spot in the first place.

His CNN anchor brother Chris claiming to have COVID-19 and having a highly publicized account of his 'suffering' (the symptoms he describes are too Hollywood to take seriously) can be seen as a way to give Andrew Cuomo a way to relate with the suffering masses.

All the lockdowns and media panic and online concern trolls makes it really tough to get a clear read on all of this though, social distancing and stay at home orders are causing shills to have more impact than they normally would at this time of year (when everyone would instead be out vacationing or socializing).

If all this is just conspiracy and the candidate is Biden? Again, easy Trump win. Trump hasn't done anything that would lose his base, and the DNC ran into the same issue they did in 2016 where Sanders support caused the DNC base to be divided.

just like how he "didnt have a chance" back in 2016 lol

Ok memeflaggit

the memeflaggit has a point user

keep your distance she's gonna blow and uuuh he's gonna ERUPT!!!!!!

imma C00M right here bruhs ;)

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>with this pandemic what are the odds American president Trump will be re-elected?

Trump is a wartime president now.

The pandemic response is being presented in the same way as a response to a biological attack.

Globalism has been black-swanned. Trusting global supply chains has resulted in a deadly pandemic killing grandma and tanking our economy.

Trump has become conspicuously boring, non-partisan, conciliatory, and deferred entirely to medical and FEMA experts who pre-date his administration.

This has left anyone trying to oppose him looking like assholes rooting against the country and for your death.

Latest media attack angles?

- Spread FUD trying to discredit a cheap, ubiquitous drug, in trials world-wide, has reduced hospitalization from late-corona cytokine storm to nothing when administered early.

- Openly root for the Chinese.

Biden's response:

Rambling, barely-lucid rants about Trump signing each individual check to each American, and demanding (days later) that Trump do what he has already done.

Trump's personal response:

Direct millions from his campaign war-chest to anonymous catering buys from local restaurants to local hospitals nation-wide.

Accept blatantly unconstitutional conditions in the stimulus bill which basically fuck his hotel empire out of loan access every OTHER hotel chain will get: The Trump family now faces the very real prospect of complete financial ruin, all for the sake of ending Democrat blockade of checks to millions of struggling Americans.

Check and mate: anyone after him now looks like a totally unhinged, anti-science, anti-American asshole.

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this board under-estimates biden's support really hard. biden got way more support in the primaries than hillary did and he appeals to people in the rust belt. i would actually give the slight edge to biden in the election

>Trump is a wartime president now.
Y-you don't change horses mid uuuh *tries harder* uuugh...

google.com/search?q=georgie bush fuck up quotes shame on me&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS877US878&oq=georgie bush fuck up quotes shame on me&aqs=chrome..69i57.18678j1j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

“There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.”

― George W. Bush
tags: bushism, dumb, foolishness, fools
>inB4 source: goodreads.com/quotes/6436-there-s-an-old-saying-in-tennessee-i-know-it-s#_=_

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it's cool bruh I saw it on tellie
sumptin' sumptin' "Simpsons predicted it I think"


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Dubya was re-elected, and this is an event of the same magnitude is 9/11

Take your meds schizo

You mean (you) this board has IDs

He will probably get re elected. Pro-Trump enthusiasm is bigger than anti-Trump enthusiasm. He might actually win the popular vote this time.

Jews vote almost 80% democrat.
>she was unpopular.
She had a 51% favoribility rating going into the election. Trump was at 33%

uuugh como en espanol amen, aaah esta bien, gracias!
"Hurrr Duuur ChristCuck"
G-d: uuugh I gtg the kitchen is on fire
G-D:Amen, uugh "English, do you SPEAK it motherfucker??!"
"Hurr Duurr" uuugh spanish is sub-human and SHEEEIT
G-D: oh Tiamat then, you will need a few more turns around the sun and the rest of the natives who innerstand, they go to fuck till you sleep and have breakfast and nap and fuck a whole lot more planet...forever
Hurr-day-Durr Planet We got Technology and SHEEEIT
G-d: Y-yeah *pats head* you sure do *cautious smile* buuuh BYE now
Hurr Durr "I felt pleasant for a nano second" but now I want to kill something valuable with muh machine gun and a baseball cap
G-d: try our bestestest Technology! CS:GO
aaaaaaHH Durr: "I feel complete and SHEEEEIT" .."who was I talkin' to??!"

*echoes in da distance heard but not ackchtually acknoledged*
I keIILL hurr durr sub-humuuns"

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It’s dangerous to say you like him. The hate for trump by those who don’t approve is extremely disproportionate to what deserves to be hated on. With that president, many people who were on the fence about him now have a mindset of “well is he really as bad as they say he is?”

Funny Trump's approval rating in the Jewish community is about 80%

>The president changes his mind based on new facts

Why is the DNC making a big deal about this?

>New facts
I knew it was a pandemic back in January, why didn't the leader of the Free world?

>Why is a broken clock right twice a day?

Trump was wrong about it just like every other country in the world.

I'm doing whatever Rogan says, and he said he's voting Trump.


In times of panic, people yearn for stability.
A regime change is the last thing people want. Moderates, even those who aren't huge fans of trump, will likely still vote for him due to the stimulus checks and to keep things stable going into the next year.
He's going to win, guaranteed.

>just like every other country in the world.
no first world country on this planet called it a hoax, tho and also didn't play it down like Trump or told its citizens to pray to god.
Trump literally called himself the "cheerleader of the country", he's an incompetent fucking joke and can be glad if the death toll stops at a million.

He formed a task force to dig deeper and assess the situation in January. Democrats called him a racist for not trusting China, and for trying to shut down travel from China.

they need a l-laugh just leik the rest of us
*Putin eats popcorn.jpg*

Trump will win.

Pandemic has delivered the nations brains almost 100% into the hands of globalist jewish mass media.

If jews want trump again, he will win again - otherwise he wont. Just like the first time. Only morons think he 'won' and wasnt selected to be allowed to win. Not the same thing.

>just like every other country in the world.
What other country told people masks don't work?

Oh he monitored the situation classic

uuugh two things
"Things work until they don't"
"best layed plans of mice and men...White Powah Men"
also this
"R-reverend, I just took a three hour shit and I'm bleeding from the asshole" -Georgie Carlin

>will win
t-the "Hawt Dawg" slurping contest of Jizz and anal penetration??
kewl story bruh

I see a lot of the opposite. Boomers and young people alike who fly into a incoherant rage when he comes up. There is like 50 fake-scandals for them to select from, so they have lots of rabbit holes to take refuge in to defend their particular problem with him.

So far I have not met a single person IRL who is like 'Trump is an agent of globalists!' so, the reality STILL isnt sinking in on normies - as is to be expected.

Trump's shallow, barely comprehending gibberish is a poor matchup to the expectations of the public during a pandemic. The fact trillions of dollars are being trransfered to jews right now, instead of small biz and USA infrastructure will also come back to haunt him.

Articles I've seen in last 2 weeks
>Trump sends millions of masks to israel
> 94% of DHS contractors\3rd party partners are jewish firms
> 350 million to refugees\migrants
> stimulus checks may not arrive until late summer
> stealing masks from canada while sending masks to israel
> kuchner family intrerests profiteering off this
> Chabad jews should not be part of our power structure, but now they are increasingly so due to the pandemic and trump\kuchner.
> H1Bs still being brought in mid-pandemic\layoffs
> New H5 chinese property investors being brought in during pandemic\layoffs

Trump is an agent of white genocide. He is helping destroy us.

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>Trump hasn't done anything that would lose his base

Except going back on the second amendment and building no wall

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When it comes to BULLSHIT
*stands in awe*

BTW George Carlin was the second C00Ming of Space Jebus
and is now "working" the SLEEP AND FUCK MOTEL

He already buttfucked the first ammendment.

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He’s going to lose by a landslide now.

CDC announced an emergency jan 8 and he held several rallies, went golfing for a week, and the whole time denied it. Had a closed door meeting where his senators and cabinet went and sold billions in stocks, then on March 13th finally admitted it was a pandemic for the first time.

He waited months to respond.

We have set record immigration. We did nothigg to reduce affirmative action or to set whites as a protected race for when we are not a majority. He did nothing to help us.

But he decreed Jerusalem is Israel’s new capital, he decreed that Golen Heights are part of Israel, he bombed their enemies, sanctioned their enemies, and kissed the wailing wall. He is helping them violate their armistice treaty, they could only move into the new areas with settlements after bombing the shit out if them.

And now before the election everyone feels worse off. He gave billionaires a tax cut for the 5th fucking time, while being stingy with relief checks. I am low middle class in a city but I make too much to get a check. Really? Being able to rent a 2 room place in San Diego is too rich to get a stimulus check but motherfucking GM board of executives are gonna pocket tens of millions in bonuses each? Fuck the republicans and their obsession with turning us into slaves for the rich. Obama’s bailout was shit and this was over twice as big and he wants to do it again. Good lord how much of our tax dollars need to go to Jess Bezos? Fuck this fuck him fuck the GOP.

I registered as unaffiliated. The GOP that doesn’t care about protecting our race can see what happens when fewer whites vote for them. When our parents die and we are being flooded with mexicans. They have no long term plan, they are just pillaging the public coffers.

No he didnt you retard

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He is a Chabad jew. It is a fucking nightmare. Now we know why he was selected over Clinton. If we look at Trump's families history with zionism we will quickly realize Trump's family is overt zionists.

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You're right, trying to get a handle on the situation and figure out what exactly, if anything, he should do is stupid. You knew something bad was happening based on a few shitposts on a tibetan tantra timeshare, and that should have been enough for him to spring into action too.

The big early step you take in this kind of situation is shut down travel while you figure out what to do next, and Trump attempted to do just that. He shut it down from China, he got shrieking cries of "RACIST!", and then the virus got here anyway because Eurocucks wouldn't follow suit and close their own Chinese travel and it came here through them.

Why do you Eurofags care? I don’t get the OBSESSION with everything we do.

Why even take the time to respond with something so stupid? Do you not understand that this is a political discussion forum? For fucks sake - what are your feelings on the reelection of Trudeau? Or the election of Orban, or Macron?

If you have no opinion, you are on the wrong board, and should go find an animal crossing usergroup or something.

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>formulating your political opinion based on headlines
Lmao get a load of this retard

Yes he did, moron.

Not an argument douche bag.

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It is because headlines are designed for getting attention of the masses. They can completely contradict themselves in the article itself.
But you seem like a knowledgeable guy. I'm sure you read every single article for these headlines. Can you summarize every single article in detail? I mean, after all, you aren't just using headlines for your political opinion, right? You're not THAT braindead, right?

Your cope couldnt be more pathetic.

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If they vote 80% dem....and her favorability was higher...how exactly did she lose?

>continues to post more headlines
Lmao are you a legitimate NPC?

Keep taking it goy. (((trump))) will save you!

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>Continues to deny the issues raised in the headlines
>Focuses solely on the strawman he has created regarding headlines validity as a source of information.

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look at me...but only certain non-creeps that I cherry pick on a whim the size of a Goldfish's memory or was it a slug, idk but hey at least I'm beautiful and shit and I take FULL ADVANTAGE of this rite naw because I am powerful... sort of, I mean if I didn't persistently and relentlessly reminding everyone that the specific conglomeration of molecules, bacteria, virii and umm cells and shit (WTF are cells and why do they act in unison and actually last 7 years, albeit in the case of neurons (WTF do I have those or am I an NPC in a game??? so confusing), and somehow it all works in unison so I can umm *snaps fingers constantly and tries her bestest to realise something that she is not getting yet, she has a ways to go. be patient.* here's some help lady, you ackchually mean "there are vast miracles, there's some low level shit happening at the same time that some dead serious high level shit is raining down upon EVERYTHING" so you can vidya yourself walking down a sandy beach/river edge or lake and feel "spaeaeacial this second" so yeah pretty powerful stuff. and I don't know how you feel about all this but, umm "You're not that important, but. Important nonetheless"
take care and stuff

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>If they vote 80% dem....and her favorability was higher...how exactly did she lose?
Globalist finance jews are the real power, the media jews and academia jews just do whatever their grant money\salary is for.

Globalist jews selected trump because he has been a Chabad jew\zionist for years, just like his father.

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Define what a strawman is.
You're literally just posting headlines. I'm attacking retards like you who do so. Are you legitimately paid to do this or are you volunteering?

>set whites as a protected race
man I got shit to do today

>more headlines

>>posts headlines, article excerpts, tweets, graphs

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Breathe for a moment, I know you absolutely hate the orange man because he doesnt have a vagina and thats okay. but dont think for a moment i dont see through your ignorance. No this isnt an argument, no this isnt constructive, i know, I'm not trying to argue, you're being stupid and need to hear it.

He's done the best he's can. Why he is getting blamed for the shortcomings of local government, I do not know. But after the whole shitshow the dems have done these last couple months? Yeah I'll be voting for him again.


Anyone who has looked at the numbers understands legal immigration [white genocide] has been the primary tool used to replace us. Over a million a year pouring in decade after decade since the 1980s. They have already replaced us. Our children are under 50% of the students under 18 now. We have quite literally already been genocided and it is now a slow decline, managed by opportunist psychopaths such as obama or trump. It is over. We lost. More legal immigration is just nails in the coffin.

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>keeps posting headlines with very few variation sprinkled in
Rofl. Bro. Lurkers will see this. They will see you vs me. They will see you just spamming headlines mindlessly while I counter your arguments and call you out for being an NPC. Why die on this retarded hill built up on the attention grabbing opinions of soiboys?


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it's getting really really difficult but I'll squeeze out a lmao for good ole fucks sake
tired tho of so much laughing

>he keeps posting headlines
>he doesn't know headlines can completely contradict the article itself
Lmfao keep going, little npc. This is great.

Whatever, globalist.

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>tibetan tantra timeshare
literally whut?

Trump is taking care of his base, rich Jews and Israel, so Sheldon Adelson will probably let him be re-elected.

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Do you actually have an argument or are you going to keep regurgitating what your handlers are feeding you?

>shifts headlines to tweets from literal nobodies
Holy lol the fucking cope
I think I broke him Haha

You're just posting memes at this point with no basis or sources. Of course you're gonna be criticized for it you crescent fresh roody poo.

My argument is that trump is a zionist traitor to america.

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Lol. Youre a shill.

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umm dood hate to break it to you but these "subber"-human flesh BOTS called amerilards only think about wiping their pink butthole and jerk off on a Puritan piece of cloth in church for umm
the shitz and giggles for the rest of us...
I mean they ran away from europe to be literal dudes who "quaked" and called themselves quakers and ate oatmeal fed to a horse and loved the taste of "them apples"
look it gets reeeally fucking wierd so i'll drop it

Nah. Your argument is "Spam the same headlines over and over again because the trannies in discord told me to."
Either give me an argument in your own words or die choking on my dick.

Nope. I'm the opposite. I'm the slayer of shills. You have no argument. You're just spamming images because you have no argument. Just headlines lol

Trump is ruthless in debates, biden can't even string together a sentence he will be obliterated in the debates

>Twitter contains enough info to find discussion. Discussion is still online

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If he runs against Biden, it will be a walk in the park
Trump is the more "socialist" candidate, and the American people, whether they realize it or not, want socialism


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>he keeps posting headlines
Rofl keep an eye on this user, lurkers. Watch. He has no argument. Only headlines. Remember that.

You're literally just spamming headlines you goon rofl
Define strawman, bitch.