Yas Forums will defend this

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The Pilgrims didn't break the law

I didn't know the pilgrims immigrated into native american society.

they went back

Injuns shoulda protected their borders better. Illegals devastated their society to the point of dwindling extinction.

And that ended horribly for the natives, literally no leftist likes the pilgrims so what is this arguement.

Dumb fucks are making our point for us. The pilgrims were undocumented and destroyed the civilization they entered.

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Yes, whites snuck into America and were sitting around just starving and not even knowing how to farm (because lazy Europeans never learned) and getting free everything from the Iroquois government. Pretty rich that they wanna complain now.

Neither were the native Americans

And they let them in and now natives can't recognize their country.
Do you want to learn from historical mistakes? Y/N?

>extremely porous borders
>little to no defense
>even welcomed them
>adopted their culture of guns/alcohol/shiny beads/casino gambling

native Americans were stone age savages, they didn't come to a developed nation for gibs.

The pilgrims were undocumented because father Indians didnt have a responsible government to document themselves to. And they had no concept of private property

im also undocumented
when i come on your property and just take whatever the fuck i like

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come and take it Moshe

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>pilgrims were undocumented and destroyed the civilization they entered.

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Pretty sure they where documented
Ship manifests, documents in their countries of origin etc

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The pilgrims were not the first to come here and they had lots of paperwork. You’re dumb.

Nigger i have 0 fucks like you have 0 fucks of letting Mexicans do worse to us who had nothing to do with the pilgrims.

Fuck the pilgrims.
Fuck niggers.
And fuck the jews.

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So immigration will America like the pilgrims killed natives? Kek




They were not immigrants, they were invaders. And they took prime real estate from the feathered head-dress lads.
Well done to them. Winners.

Pretty sure the pilgrims were well documented

They also killed the people who were living there, so best to put up a border wall and keep an eye on immigration

>the pilgrims killed natives?
vice versa

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It's nice to know that the idiot that made that must actually be so stupid to try to compare feuding tribes with shit like the revolutionary war, civil war, 2 world wars, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.

The pilgrims were met by natives that already spoke English.

Pilgrims improved society and didn't collect welfare from injuns. Beaners are the opposite.
Also, way to reach back to the most negative parts of history to discredit living day whites. If you're looking at the 16th century to discuss 21st century politics, sit the fuck down, because you have nothing of value to argue or add.

>idiot that made that must actually be so stupid

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Is that why there are so many descendants of natives and so little pilgrim descendants? Or maybe these stories of "native savagery" were invented by the winning side

>its another feathernigger acts like an insufferable faggot episode
So this is why we removed you. Interesting.

>America existed as a country with immigration laws back then

Why are leftoids so retarded?

>Comparing conquerors and colonists with modern immigrants
Whataboutism logic

Yes. Yes they were. And how well did that turn out to the natives then? Right now the same thing is happening to whites and we're just letting it happen sadly.

Then explain the Mayflower Charter!

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So why didn't they get detained and deported?
Sounds like you're putting the onus on the wrong side.

It existed as much as Ireland existed as a country when the English took it over. Which is why they hate the English and were able to get back their independence

Nope - they were settling in the new land they conquered.
natives btfo. suck it, bitches.

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They didn't look like that you dumb faggot

They weren't undocumented, they had colonial charters.

The Siberian Americans didn't have writing, what documents were pilgrims supposed to have?

>No officer, I'm not an undocumented Mexican. You see, I have this word doc I wrote and printed out in my room.
This is how stupid you sound

>Naked savages in the woods were just like police officers
This is how stupid you actually are.

You make a great argument. The threat of mass immigration of another race is complete annihilation of a people. That's a great reason for whites not to allow immigration, glad you're on our side user.

yes because they actually built the fucking country, not come to suck its fucking blood
they're kind of different because one produces the value, the other helps to ultimately destroy everything

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>Naked savages in the woods
Fucking mutt education...go read a book

Yes. Their slaves were undocumented too. Guess they’ll have to go back, that sucks.

Guess the native americans should've had stronger border control t󠛡bh fa󠛡m

that's because they were invaders not immigrants

You mean like the journal of Captain John Smith, where he describes the savages who shot at his boat? Dipshit. The Indians were just wildlife. No different than the birds and the racoons. The question is whether the pilgrims had documentation. They did. And there was no human authority in this land to process it except themselves.

What country did the pilgrims immigrate to?

Native Americans failed to stop immigration and they were pushed to extinction.

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>invented by the winning side


The tribes were fighting amongst each other just as much as Europeans were back home, archeological records (including mass burial pits) and oral histories from surviving tribes all support that.

I'm part feather, and the tribe I'm from assimilated with the french because fortified towns, reliable food sources (farming and livestock) and guns were a great tradeoff compared to being cannibalized and hunted accross the continent by Iroquos warbands.

The USA didn’t exist then. It wasn’t a functioning nation state, it was a land of dozens of native tribes.

and how did that work out for the indians?

It was far, far, far worse than you were told in your history class, kiddo. I suggest you research native practices yourself if you want. Burying people, ripping their eyelids off so they are forced to watch themselves get eaten by ants. Getting put in wet hide, so as it dries it literally constricts and pops you.

Yeah, cool stuff, not savage at all.

what ever it was, Roanoke didn't have it.

The Natives didn't have laws against immigrants, the us does.

didn't know carrot top got a sex change

No, the natives did for the most part killed immigrants on site. Ask the Spanish about their experience.