Coronavirus: 'We're on our knees' says nurse

Why do nurses go to tears whenever they have a workload which would be considered typical in any other industry?

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they can stop fucking attentionwhoring all the time, it gets annoying as shit

I don't think she has a loicence for this video. She will probably get arrested.

You expect me to watch a video? Give me an article on pastebin or gtfo

the medical community had to have known one of these pandemics was due for a long time. i mean that literally comes up as a reminder once in a while, "hey guys, we're due for another plague, don't forget!" and they're still breaking down. it's not even a humanity ending pathogen. it won't even make us break even for the amount of humans still coming into the world.
time to take your opamox and put your nose to the grindstone, you didn't become a nurse to sit around and fiddle your twat.


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On her knees...
Not for the first time I bet..

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Even if they didn't, I'm a half-retarded American on Yas Forums and started prepping in late February. Now these cunts have the balls to say I'm supposed to donate my n95 masks because they were too stupid to watch the news? I don't think so

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shes coming to collect her earned virtue points

Nurses get paid so much due to unions and politicisation, I am glad that they finally have to earn their money.

Cry me a river, cope

They're making fools of themselves. They think this gets them more respect, but it's making me respect them less. Just do the fucking job.

i want to get down on my knees and start pleasing jesus

Im so sick of this attention seeking by medical staff and NHS worship. You signed up for a job, fucking do it.

The NHS is utter dog shit the rest of the time why should I be sympathetic now those fat arse nurses actually have to do something.

>'We're on our knees'
Damn, even in times of crisis, nurses still service the doctors sexual needs

It's so fucking embarrassing

Its American levels of "thank me for my service"

I cant believe the NHS is letting their nurses create a public shitshow on social media... like do they not have any policy or are they happy for the nurses to fear monger the whole population?

>no one clapped for me today
cue the waterworks

It's really fucking retarded.
Most medical personal have delusions of grandeur, and when an actual even arises, where the delusions end and grandeur begins, they cry

The only asshole military personal that want thanks, aren't or never were in a combat position

It's only the female nurses really - they're incredibly incompetent under pressure it seems. But the public attention will most likely lead to some nice bonus payments, so I guess I don't have a problem with the attentionwhoring.

t. male nurse

Bad acting

Maybe if western countries weren't so obsessed with extending the lifespan of near-zombie like seniors to extreme lengths this wouldn't be an issue.

I mean why are we even bothering to expend so much resources to save 80+ year olds with 3+ pre-existing conditions? Even if they survive the pneumonia they'll be dead in 6 months anyway.

deserters will be shoot whore

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Fuck off.

The NHS is one of the best things about the UK and their is a reason "NHS Health Tourism" is a thing.

Their workloads go far beyond the "average job" you divisive kike

>on our knees
Nurses were made for the BVC aka BIG VIRAL COATING

Are germans doing this too?
Does it annoy you and other nurses?

>woman is hysterical after 10 hours of hard work

Tee hee, what are you? A nurse or something?

>Why do nurses go to tears whenever they have a workload which would be considered typical in any other industry?
Because they're women.


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Agreed, they do a good job...
But do you not find it very distasteful to see them having public melt downs and filming it and posting it online?
Does this help or hinder an already stressful situation?
Is it attention seeking or a genuine plea?

I've been to hospital. I've seen them sitting around on their phones for hours on end when patients have being asking for basic things like water, only to have their pleas ignored. I've seen people bleeding profusely, falling from their beds, only to have the nurses sitting on their fat arses and not checking on patients.

>Their workloads go far beyond the "average job" you divisive kike
That's what makes it a specialized position that requires years of training though , if they don't like it, that's their fucking fault

>a workload
i think it's more to do with all the people they have to watch dying, of course an autistic tard like yourself wouldn't get that

Meanwhile American healthcare workers are figuring out how best to spend their cash windfall

Fuck it must suck living in EU

Pretty soon we will have to clap when nurses get onto and off an airplane . They will get priority boarding etc .

Red traffic lights will not apply to nurses . They will be able to fly through red lights and crash into people . After the accident we will have to clap. And say omg so brave so brave fuck this cringeworthy bullshit


Worked at a big hospital before. Nurses were always fawning over doctors, meeting their EVERY need. Most of those doctors already had wives and kids, but they never see them, all they see is disease and death for 18 hours a day.

They need an outlet and there is an endless congo line of cute young women coming out of nursing school.



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Hello Brother im male nurse as well and what you said is truth. How does it look in your hospital right now? I work at cardiopulmonary department 1/2 of beds are empty now. I did some swab tests lately and all were negative for now. Also we can use respirators only when dealing with positive patients so we dont run out of them in less than 1 week. I have some my own so i put them to use.

this. the only people who whine more than nurses are school teachers. both get fantastic work benefits the average person does not, in America anyways

Fucking crisis actors.

A family member of mine is an NHS matron. After 2 weeks of Corona-chan, she decided she had to self-isolate for 3 months lol.

Nurses are only good for making sure the actual doctor has his cock sucked and his stress taken care of. Fucking useless, all of them.

If these idiots had actual work to and the intelligence to do it, they'd be called doctors.

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it's about time a woman knew her place

You dont have to put people down, maybe?

Male nurse here. It is an easy profession with good pay. I never cry or get overwhelmed.

They do - they're not as dramatic as Americans, but who in the world is really.
Most annoying to me is the level of agitation among many nurses - they stress themselves even about absolutely normal stuff and that leads to them working less efficient, which again increases their stress levels. So in the end they break down after a shift of rushed sloppy work and feel like they saved 100 lives. It's annoying.

I work many different types of medical/care institutions - I get hired to fill shifts they can't fill with regular staff. So far I haven't seen anything even remotely close to the picture that's painted in the media of places like Spain or Italy here.

What's worrying is the state of nursing homes - they largely just wait paralyzed for the first confirmed cases in the house and delay action until then, which is of course too late. Doctors increasingly direct contact with patients there and nobody gets tested. Not looking forward to working shifts in homes with 10 poor grandmas coofing themselves to death with no chance of being admitted to a hospital. Same goes for psych units, poor fucks.

> Male nurse here
> I never cry or get overwhelmed

I see a pattern emerging....

My girlfriend is a nurse. They don't get paid much. What are you talking about?

Pffft Women... amirite?

Women don't because they're shit at negotiating and work fewer hours. That's not news really.

In a good month I make close to 4k net.

I hate the state mandated worship of RNHS. My ex works for the NHS and she's a dummy.


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I hope you remembered to clap this hour.

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Don't forget to apply early for your 'Clap Loisence'.

Thursday 8pm is clap time.

Fucking bullshit if you ask me, scared the shit out of my cat.

I seriously hope no one is sleeping on nasty hospital floors in their scrubs. Ew.

Are you gay though?

>Tfw my mother actually called out to someone in scrubs walking their dog to thank them for helping (working) in hospitals.
I'm sorry, Papa Britain.

It doesn't even make sense - nurses aren't the ones with this flu/ pneumonia; all they're doing is sticking in drips and doing check ups. And getting paid £20,000 over the average salary - with extremely good benefits.
I fucking hate the NHS. It is a fucking cult with cult worship, like some medieval priestclass that do nothing but demand society panders to their bullshit knowledge.

on their knees?
they better are, so I can stick my BBC in her face and cum my load in her tired eyes

>tfw they hook you up to the BRAAAPilator as a test subject

Even if it's uneffective - I'd take that bullet for all of you. Please clap

I see nurses walking around Tesco's and waiting for taxis in fucking scrubs... If a chef wore whites in public the kitchen would be shut down.

The first time it happened 2 weeks ago, I didn't know what it was, it was creepy as fuck. Fucking zombie population. Fuck them all.

fucking hell

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In America nurses are overweight single moms with secret addiction issues and propensity to mud sharking. Unfuckable mostly

We've got to clap for the kids at 3 this afternoon lad, don't forget that bullshit.

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I used to work at a hospital. They would sit at their little stations for hours on end. Bring in food and snacks, eat, gossip, and talk shit about patients. They’d complain when they would have to get up and go do something. So, im sure now that they have to work for their whole shift, most of them are saying “i DiDnT SiGn Up FoR ThIs!”

Its not like the military, they can quit anytime

maybe if you don't want to see people dying, you shouldn't work as a nurse in a hospital...

Yup. Was in a COD lobby and catflap rattled... went to greet house tiger and thought he was having a Nam flashback, could hear something outside and everyone was at thier front doors clapping and wooping.

Fucking idiots.

incelposting:the return

"they're incredibly incompetent under pressure"
Then what are nurses for?

Is this clapping event real?

>getting paid £20,000 over the average salary
Not true. Standard nurses get £20-£30k.

I thought you were kidding.

No. You were not.

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the NHS didn't give a single fuck about this at the beginning of March

And ofc you're posting from the uk


This. I'm getting paid $30/hr right out of college and my benefits are amazing. I've noticed that 80% of nurses are daddy's little girl who wanted to start nursing to be a superhero, and 20% come from working class backgrounds and realize that the ROI on this career is fantastic.

We have become the burgers.

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Wtf is this ableist bullshit??? Has everyone forgotten that we only do jazz hands now? This little flu is NO EXCUSE to negate the progress in inclusivity made by the LGBTPQ+ community in the past years!!! Fuck you Trump!!

Yeah maybe that's true for Get Shanked for Being Outside land