>>The US is the most wretchedly villainous state of all times. Anyone aware of global issues can easily imagine how vast the hatred for the United States - a corrupted, swollen, paralysing and suffocating political entity - must be across the Third World - and among the thinking minority of the West too.
>What to do, when a ship carrying a hundred passengers suddenly capsizes and there is only one lifeboat? When the lifeboat is full, those who hate life will try to load it with more people and sink the lot. Those who love and respect life will take the ship's axe and sever the extra hands that cling to the sides.
>How can anyone think so insanely that the human life has the same value and mankind, the same morality, independent of numbers? It is lucid to me that everytime a new child is born, the value of every human in world decreases slightly. It is obvious to me that the morality of the population explosion is wholly unlike than when man was a sparse, noble species in its beginning.
>On a global scale, the main problem is not the inflation of human life, but its ever-increasing, mindless over-valuation. Emphasis on the inalienable right to life of foetuses, premature infants and the brain-dead has become a kind of collective mental illness.
Pentti Linkola has died
Other urls found in this thread:
>Those who died in the attack [9/11] were not simply humans: they were Americans; and not ordinary Americans, either, but the priests and priestesses of the supreme God of this age: the Dollar. The passengers of the domestic flights are not a valid sample of humanity either, but a wealthy, busy, environmentally damaging and world-devouring portion of mankind.
>we have too many children
>breed two himself
Yeah, anybody else should stop valuing life, right? At least Ted had REAL solutions unlike "just fuck the (other peoples) unborn". Especially consodering how he nevr mentioned th third world at fault for that. Instead of stopping the valuing of life, we should also accept natural death. When your child is unable to cope with birth and natural life, you should be able to say your far well instead of keeping it alive with modern medicine. Same goes for medical condition from a shitty lifestyle.
rest in peace
>a happy occasion for the planet.... If there were a button I could press, I would sacrifice myself without hesitating, if it meant millions of people would die.
He's a tremendous faggot, that he lived to die an old man renders his words meaningless
Don't talk shit about America faggot. MAGA PEDE here.
Your kind is a parasite upon this world. Disgusting fucking creatures.
No one even knows who that old nigger is, OP. Go chink out somewhere else. You're jelly because you live in a 3rd world country. I get it, but chill.
This. What a hypocritical piece of shit.
Funny looking literal who old guy who rants at 'Murica is dead, oh no, many such cases how will we ever recover, I dont know if we can go on without his sagely advice, the future is so uncertain, who ever shall bear the torch to lead the way, the ship is rocking, there is a storm a brewing, we lost a real trail blazer, how can they ever recover from the loss of such a natural treasure, I cant believe hes gone, I'm literally crying, there's a snake in my boot, Corona has ready taken so many, how can we go on, our hearts and minds go to his family, how can we ever recover, he was a thinker like no one before, for me it's the Mcchicken, he will be remembered forever as the greatest ranter about america, the best most qualified person to get upset at things that dont even know who you are
Any philosophy that doesnt involve killing niggers and kikes is too low tier for me
how else will whites exist?
he said that births should be licensed
you realize that means niggers and chinks
having families gets made illegal, right?
He also wanted to lower earth's population big time which meant piles of dead niggers
Muttcope par excellence
Kys and do the world a favor
Right but Finns are superior beings from the rest of humans so it's fine
corona chan was his big moment, excellent he died during this as it serves to remind people of him while they are thinking about their lives and how and why they are living them
He isn't an anti-natalist. Did you even read the quotes posted ITT? Nothing hypocritical about it.
Retarded drumpf turd
When you cough out your lungs before you slowly drown in them, when you forfeit your worthless mutt life as your bully state fades into eternity just know that your cultural armpit of a country never deserved to last as long it did.
You are so braindead
He is not calling for everyone to stop reproducing, he says what he says because he doesnt want humanity to go extinct, and you do that by reducing the population of retards, not by stooping all reproduction
And 2 kids from 2 parents is not increasing the population, it is just maintaining it
But go live in Africa if you prefer niggers having 10 kids instead
>it means niggers not getting kids
Quite the contrary, as soon as the state has a say in who breeds, it's the intelligent and "problematic" which will go, you full blown mongoloid.
good thing the faggot died and fullfilled his own prophecies the useless cunt LUL
hope his wife and kids die too
What you muh stte niggers never get is that the state will never eefit the people and more state is always worse thn less state. What we need are less rules and laws, which only benefit the useless majority of people, with shit like gibs. Even ONLY scratching social welfare we would eliminate more than enought useless people. But no, retards will claim that people above starvation weight are dangerous and that the fuckings JEWS should decide who gets to fucking reproduce. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST CAN THIS BOARD GET ANY MORE RETARDED?
Oh look another ecofascist that wants to kill people rather than work towards solutions. Fuck him.
Maybe killing people is a solution. You don't have any competing model. Nigger.
What's the solution? Throw condoms all over Africa and India?
Why are amerimutts so incredibly petty and asshurt all the time?
Amerakkilaiset ovat kyllä niin vitun oksettavaa saastaa. Ei kunniaa, ainoastaan ahneutta ja pahantahtoisuutta.
>he fullfilled the prophecy that he'll die one day
So this is the power of burger IQ...
talk shit get hit with that corona
he was probably hooked up to a ventilator, choking on his own fluids begging for life. Very fitting way for peice of shit to die. Only hope he infected all his love ones before he went.
There's a large mixed-race middle class that basically knows they're already way above their station and this is as good as it's going to get for them so they have to jealously guard all their consumer goods and market advantages the US neoliberal world order provides, or go right back to mud hut favela society. So they get really upset when that global benefactor is criticized.
coof coof amerimutt, its time to expire.
Absolutely based
>Pentti Linkola
Is a female to male transgender like all internet celebs.
By the way I got reported by the janitor and temp banned for posting about this.
There's also a recent alliance between low-iQmers and investor-class neoconservatives in the "just the flu" "die for the economy" narratives of getting neoliberalism back up and running at all costs, and that any criticism is part of the deep state to undermine the Trump presidency, so a lot of this sentiment could very well be PTG bleedover.
“What to do, when a ship carrying a hundred passengers suddenly capsizes and there is only one lifeboat? When the lifeboat is full, those who hate life will try to load it with more people and sink the lot. Those who love and respect life will take the ship's axe and sever the extra hands that cling to the sides.”
― Pentti Linkola
nah, I just know nihilists are the biggest pussies ever. talk a real tough game till they are staring death in the face
>The US is the most wretchedly villainous state of all times
What is China during The Great Leap foward?
>lifeboat analogy
Not true. We can save everyone by making a boat of Pentti's bloated corpse.
and I'd add that this isn't historically aberrant. It's by design. The lumpenprole is the eternal ally of the usurious, cosmopolitan ruling class.
How many times do you people have to use the same quote? He's basically saying that the first people in the boats should urvive instead of the strongest and most inert will will to power. Just like he kvetches about people above fucking 60kg (133kbs).
Basically the the richest and fattest jews which would be in first class would get into the boat, while the properly strong and healthy second class people had to die letting them sail for HUMANITARIAN REASONS. He's a honorary kike at best, No wonder he gets memed inplace of Ted.
Another pseudointellectual that tries to use the abstract concept of "value" to prop up his own agenda.
Chad af
Well, Linkola definitely was not a nihilist. The only actual nihilists I've known have been the American middle class. I don't think I've ever met one who wasn't, in fact.
If you hate nihilists you'd probably like people like Pentti Linkola, Ted Kaczynski, and really just any environmental or political extremist writer or philosopher. You should look into this.
Isnt he right tho? Equal does not exist in nature
Value does not exist in nature either. It's just defining his own point of view about value and trying to use it for his own agenda.
>Emphasis on the inalienable right to life of foetuses, premature infants and the brain-dead has become a kind of collective mental illness.
thats gonna be based from me
Any retard who thinks the US is the most villainous state rather than the most gregarious state in history is insufferably stupid.
Fuck off commie scum.
Can two living things ever be equal? I don't believe so. I'm hesitant to say anything is better or worse overall barring the obvious but in almost every situation one thing or person will be better suited to it than another. Which respects no absolute or golden mean imo, but anyone who tries to ignore difference and material conditions in favor of scale at all costs is needs to be tap danced on until they shut up.
Yet in human populations you need those with less and with more value. Someone has to clean public restrooms, someone has to find fun in calculating shit. Thinking that only high IQ people should reproduce is anti-natalist because the higehr the iQ the less the individual is lickely to burden itself with procreation. Why do you think they try to educate muds and nigger women down there? They clearly state this as their goal.
The true big brain si to accept the differences and actually ambrace it.
>I'd better say communist to show I have no clue what I'm talking about.