/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2946

► Detected: 1,213,194 (+11,741) ► Died: 65,600 (+912) ► Day: 87 (-17:16:31)

— 4.3 billion people put under lockdown —
— 208 countries and territories infected —
— 3.5x more confirmed deaths than swine flu pandemic —
— 3,379 different strains have been sequenced —

Hong Kong enacts shutdowns as second wave hits

Town in China in lockdown again due to second wave of cases

China begins to reopen its wet markets

Biggest slums in India report first COVID casualties

Asian countries might face second wave as cases rise

Swedish government took 3 months to figure out asymptomatic transmission

Normalcy bias is the tendency to believe things will always be the same

Virus can live in the air for several hours

11 year old in Indonesia has died to coronavirus

In France, half in intensive care under 50 years old

300 die in Iran from methanol poisoning amid false cure rumors

Ecuador struggling to handle all the deaths

China industrial capacity estimated to be at 50-60%

Japan confirms China doesn't count suspected in death toll

Fed injects $1.5 trillion, fails to stop historic crash


05:44: 429 new cases and 3 new deaths in Israel
05:27: 55 new cases and 2 new deaths in Hungary
05:22: 4 new cases and 7 new deaths in Honduras
05:15: 156 new cases and 5 new deaths in Pakistan
05:12: 302 new cases in India
05:01: 252 new cases and 33 new deaths in Italy


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Other urls found in this thread:


PROOF that cannabis cures prevents coronavirus and LET ME TELL YOU WHY:

When you smoke marijuana on a regular basis it inhibits REM sleep and dreaming. Now when your body has entered this state, it triggers the immune system to release cytokines.
NOW, patients infected with coronavirus experience a cytokine storm, which damages organs via an over active immune system
So smoking marijuana every night before sleep, inhibits regular sleep patterns, blocking excessive cytokine production, leading to being able to fight off the virus.

Attached: weed.jpg (944x1000, 48.99K)

>Dead: 65,559
lol, still only 65,559.
How many days has it been stuck at 65,559? Four days? Five days?

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What a nothingbueger.
Didnt your schizo estimates said that by now we'd all be infected three times over? Get fucked idiots, not even half a percent got it. It is over. Happening cancelled, schizos.
Everything will be normal by May, screencap this.

How do I buy this website so I can finally move all cvg posts to /bant/ or Yas Forums ?

very close to 3000th now!

Get in here


>yfw you realise the mods are Coronachan cultists

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based Gary

>gypsy subhuman posts new thread when the real one is only halfway through.


>Pakis promised N95s from China get chink masks made out of underwear instead
>Chinese still want money for it

So, um, with the breakdown with 3M's supply lines the last couple days.

What's the off chance there literally are no N95 masks left unclaimed or actually being manufactured?

Attached: Underwearfull.png (1054x1754, 647.76K)

why? those are two accurate pictures of a yellow nigger and a sub-Saharan nigger

>earlier today
>"It's below the red line it's levelled off"

Attached: corona-graph-mine-deaths-us.png (720x720, 63.55K)

>,smoking while your lungs are being raped is a good idea

K fucking genius

this was ok:


>an hour later

Attached: corona-graph-mine-deaths-us.png (720x720, 63.63K)

I remember when Gary was posting only a couple hundred :-/


>Most ""advanced, powerful, #1 country"" in the world

>had weeks, months to prepare for covid 19

>now swamped in a medical disaster with numbers exceeding everywhere else

>cant even manufacture their own masks and ventilators

press S to spit on america

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Thanks Gary~!

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youre just mad burgers are #1 as usual

Stay inside btw

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Your happening is over

The death tolls is going down in all countries right now.

Why are you still making these threads?

>Everything will be normal by May, screencap this
what is your rationale?
lets assume the virus isnt just a flu, but entirely fabricated and the world powers are fully aware of this
>nearly every government has unified in shutting down the global economy for at least the next several months
why are they doing this? whatever the reason, it is NOT in the interest of the people. this is the biggest happening of both the last 70 years and the next 100. things are NOT going back to normal any time soon.
who’s paying you to shit up every thread, tzatzikinigger?

You're very welcome. Keep in mind that if you have any problems, talk to me and I will help you.
You're welcome. Now how about something you can really get into with a fork, like cheesecake?

>covid 19
it's Chinese Virus, user; alternatively, feel free to use any of the names below instead of the CCP-shill WHO nomenclature
>Wu Flu
>Kung Flu
>Justa Flu
>WHO Flu
>Gook Flu
>WuHu Flu
>Red Plague
>Yellow Lung
>Canton Coof
>Xi Jinplague
>Wu-Tang Flu
>Flu Man Chu
>Flu-Tang Clan
>Boomer Remover
>Geezer Wheezer
>Airborne AIDS
>Bat-Man Virus
>Winnie the Flu
>Bat Soup Croup
>Lung Pao Sicken
>Wu-Ping Cough
>Wubonic Plague
>Hong Kong Fluey
>Shanghai Shivers
>Chink Flying AIDS
>Pangolin Pandemic
>Wuhan Coronavirus
>Mandate of Heaving
>The Shaolin Sneeze
>Wet Market Surprise
>Sweet and Sour Sicken
>Communist Lung Herpes
>China's One Corpse Policy
>SARS-CoV-2: Alveolar Boogaloo
>Experimental Bioweapon CW-19
>The Commie Cold
>Mandate of Sniffles
>Fug Yu Lung
>Spring-fected roll
>Asian Contagion
>Wubonic Plague
>Flu Yung Hai
>Great Cough Forward
>The Yellow Death
>Ping Pong Pandemic
>Year of the Bat
>the Wungaloo
>The yellow flu ching-demic
>Breaking Bat

What is the difference betwwen logarythmic and normal graphs?

Remember when the news reported fake news? Pepridge farm remembers.

I know you can be asymptomatic, can you have corona and just get the sore throat and a mild cough, or is it an Either/Or type situation where you either swerve the symptoms, or you have a really bad flu?

every line is ten times more than the previous line

meanwhile Sweden has no propofol anymore same for Netherlands you can use the death are lowering cope today and tomorrow enjoy while it lasts Sven
>your happening
this is everyone's happening including yours

Lmao thx goodness
You would not be lying right-right?

Sure I'll have one

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What happened to Rand Paul. He caught this shit, any word from him?

can this shit just go away already i wanna crush punani

if the lockdown is lifted too early, its all back to start you idiot
Its an exercise in human greed at this point

Corona suit edit plz

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Woman in 30s got re-infected again in Hokkaido prefecture Japan


what to invest in, now and after coronavirus?

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this just shows how vulnerable the usa actually is, a little coof that started in the middle of china, been known for months is enough to cripple their entire country, economy and military, imagine if someone actually used a bioweapon and started spreading it in the usa
>muh cia
>muh healthcare
>muh army
lmao didn't amount to much did they

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>these replies

It's not a happening in Sweden and never will be

We only got 400 deaths. That's fucking nothing.


Vaporizers, bitch.

I smoke myself but you seem to be to far gone user, maybe its time to slow down with the weed

Bull shit

>When you smoke marijuana on a regular basis it inhibits REM sleep and dreaming.
I can attest to that
>t. been smoking copious amounts of weed for about a decade and the only time I actually dream is when I take T-breaks

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Watch your fucking mouth

>corona virus never goes away.
how does the world look?

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Chinese Virus General, the perfect place to start talking about things like Charles Lieber's Wuhan connections, Xi Jinping's daughter attending Harvard, Billion dollars to Biden... insidious connections from these leech countries that must be taken care of in order to stabilize globe.


Gary I was scared when you left. Don’t do that again.

>half the world on lockdown
>EU at each others throats again
>unemployment and national debts worldwide skyrocketing

guys its not a happening because MY Grandma still lives and I MYSELF still have a job

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That is unlikely to be a reinfection, says she was confirmed March 26, in hospital for a week then even before discharge she was positive again on a third test.


>As more and more covid patients have become so ill that they must be anesthetized, there is now an acute shortage of the anesthetic Propofol in the entire Stockholm region.So shows internal e-mails from one of the county's major hospitals that SVT News has taken part of. The data is also confirmed by a source. "we are doing war-time medical treatment right now," the source told SVT News.

>Propofol is the drug used primarily for anesthesia for acute illness. It is an important drug in the healthcare effort for those affected by covid-19. When a patient's breathing needs to be supported by a respirator, patients may sometimes need to be anesthetized and kept anesthetized with the help of Propofol.

>In the first e-mail entitled "Propofol deficiency!" it appears that the region's lack of the drug is so acute that the hospital's operating department will use the alternative anesthetic Pento.

>The alternative medicine, Pento, is, according to the email, "unfortunately much more often associated with laryngospasm", which is a temporary spasm that occurs in the larynx passage and which further complicates the patient's breathing.

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That's what the US said LOL, and you only have a population of 8 million. OH NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO

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With no one going to restaurants, now is a great time to get a reservation at Dorcia.

>just ate that first apple after water fasting for 7 days

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Guys I did 2 weeks of nofap & noporn and discovered I’m actually addicted due to loneliness. Even though I never felt lonely consciously it apparently is holding me hostage subconsciously.

The idea of simply fapping dry and fast with no porn etc. after 2 weeks in order to reset because my horniness was too high legit terrifies me. It was like I missed seeing the girls in porn and hearing their voices.

What the actual fuck man.

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what's it matter, fatty?
people still smoke, people still eat copious amounts of food, people still drive fast
nothing fucking changes

You're a sad pathetic loser

we are manufacturing our own masks and ventillators. Other countries buy them from us and are getting outbid by us

Attached: europoors-btfo.png (642x193, 7.88K)

>death toll going down in all countries guys
>United States on April 3rd: 1045 deaths
>United States on April 4th: 1331 deaths
>United Kingdom on April 3rd: 684 deaths
>United Kingdom on April 4th: 708 deaths

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Fake hospitals

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12:09 Tagesschau gogo krauts check it out!

>doomfaggotry squad has arrived

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There have been mutiple and multiple accounts of people testing positive again after "recovering" and looks like there will be more and more. Also pic related

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Fake deaths

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what? a swede has an opinion?
stop the presses!
a SWEDE has an opinion!

Same here in NL, they are now using propofol only approved for veterinary use. We're the herd after all

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There's been a Propofol shortage since last summer. We switched to Brevital because of that.

>we make our own masks
>that's why we buy them from china for 3 times the price and steal shit

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Fake tests

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baguette nigger, your country just pulled a "whoops, here's 20k infected we forgot to count" 2 days ago" stunt, you have no right to give lip to other anons here

>Death toll is going down

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you're underreporting about 50% ref aftonbladet eariler today

no mass gatherings of any kind.
common for people to just die.
most things are delivered.
classrooms become a thing of the past.
rarely meet new people irl.
the sick are immediately isolated.
other changes?

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Antibody testing is going to start in binland after easter.

More fake deaths

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I agree but it's too soon to tell even for Wuhan (some SARS antibodies depleted after six months) and that particular case definitely wasn't one.

>more infected each day
>more shills each day
>more nothingburgers each day
Really gets the tencent rolling

>memeflag faggotry never left
jej, using a 2-minute country as a flag, that's double homosex

We should used Spanish Flu as a milestone

Every day is 9/11 in america holy fucking shit.
The fuck is happening up north? I thought you fuckers had all figured out.
And lets not even mention the international fight for scraps of medical supplies, rofl

Google normalacy bias. Even if it literally stops this very second the happening has already happened, and the current modernist social fabric is crumbling more and more

No u

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it's always some memeflag too, they're most certainly the disinformation campaign of some country

I like a little variety when I memeflag, user
have you taken your HCQ today?

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That goes for the entire world dude. In teo months time only a fraction of any nations militaries will be operational and on the ready, no one eould be able to fight a sustainable conventional war with a pandemic killing people left and right.

Now imagine how fucking easy it would be for an extra terrestrial threat to take out humanity/enslave us all. A simple virus, no bullets, no lasers, just a simple novel virus would be needed.

there's probably a shortage here as well we're double fucked if propofol is manufactured in India or we need chemicals from there

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How ironic that the slovenian doomfag is telling me that

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Once coronachan ravages India, will they get mad?

who is this slut?

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She's the equalizer

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Big cities explode, people in small towns with a bit of land to start gardens on become new independent chads.

It's going to be a civil war, anti-muslim sentiment was already at a peak and now this obscure islamic mass movement has infected the entire country

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