Retards are destroying 5g towers because they are dumb. How can we prevent that?

Retards are destroying 5g towers because they are dumb. How can we prevent that?

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go back to /g/

UHF 5G is harmless, 600Mhz band. You have been bathed in UHF radiation since the 1940s because of TV broadcasts.
You do need to purchase 4G/5G filters for your TV's though, the cell signals can interfere with broadcast television, which is mainly in the 7-36 channel range, mostly UHF. Its caused by harmonics.

Why exactly do we need 5G? I've never gotten an adequate answer for this.

Medication to treat schizophrenia.

Thank you based glownigger.

Based retards. I just hope they're not poltards

Attached: 5G Dees.jpg (833x1080, 302.8K)

Im asking how can we prevent the towers from being destroyed. I want my fast Internet. I know its harmless

For torrenting pirated copies of Twilight in Blu-ray quality HD on your smartphone without wifi


>How can we prevent that?
Make a post on here from a Q style cryptic account saying that the 5g towers are secret weapons against deep underground military bases and child snatchers.

Well actually high band millimeter wavelength 5G isn't harmless. That stuff is fucking lethal.

For the Internet of Things to spy on hundreds of billions of devices.

LOL beggers can't be choosers pleb. Bill Gates doesn't care what you think.

In 1998 66 satellites turned on and gave everyone migraines, did they ask you then? SpaceX is launching 60 more satellites this year for 5g did anyone ask you if it's okay?

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when you get chipped how else are they gonna track millions in real time. not to mention handling digital wallet transactions. there is a reason bill gates gave his timetable and its not the virus. its the 5g roll out

dont bitch post data

What is the explanation for why they shouldn't? Is it "you're dumb"?

The towers come in, the virus breaks out. You can't explain that.

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Its not just the speed. Youre going on a world where everything is connected. There is no going back, we have more and more things connected. We need a better network to handle all data, current one will be outdated in a couple of years.
Plus why the low Ping and all that, not for gaming but for all the things connected that rely on near real time computation

>You have been bathed in UHF radiation since the 1940s because of TV broadcasts
No wonder why you all are autists

Who cares?
The people who did it may have been dumb but nothing of value was lost.

>we need
literal retard.

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if you are against this go back to r*ddit

Subhuman Slav trash.

What is it then? Dont tell me its to controll population and make you sick... Kys

I want to see 5G health safety tests.
So far this doesn't look safe to me.

Even 4G doesn't do this shit to trees.

>slavophobia / anti-white sentiments
>tech worship
idk why you are here

Said by tranny toothpaste flagger.
Kys. If slavs would approach you, you wold shut your little tranny mouth and that would be all of you.
Pray that slavs never unite, because if that happens, we will evaporate you.

Fuck you, Slavs are master race

i wish i had 4G and a stable cell signal

Communications engineer checking in.
5G (4.1 -5.38) was cordoned off for radar long ago due to its adverse effects on soft living tissues and plant life. It is why we pointed it at the sky. That way it doesn't effect the living.
Somehow the lobby groups have manged to convince our politicians that because we've been using it for 80 years without issues it is safe to mass deploy at ground level in our communities.... My guess is they left out the fact that pointing it at the sky is the same as pointing it at people.
Anyway the people setting those things on fire and destroying them are doing you and everyone else a favor.
We don't need those speeds unless (((they))) are making a supercomputer to track us and control everything remotely. If it was for self driving cars the AI for driving should be in the car.
Most people in the field of wireless communications that understand RF agree the 5G is very very bad. We can't really speak out because it would mean the end of our careers forever.

Attached: tower fire.jpg (600x450, 32.05K)

>We need
I don't need that at all. What I need is a clean world with no radiation and industrial pollution

romanians are master race

Israel has 4G. Where are you living?

low latency, greater device density.

are you saying this will summon other dimensional horrors through our TVs if we change it those channel ranges?

Romanians are white

neck yourself abdul, your whore women love big slavic cock and will destroy all the soi towers to get it

So yes, they are master race too

only the big cities, i live in the suburbs
some areas dont even have reception in israel
can confirm
am white romanian

as soon as you used those brackets, your credibility just fell through.

Ohh shut up, I am a researcher, I am not from telecomunitions, I am from eletronics, but we have a couple of telecom eng. Guys and shut up, stop spreading fear and pretending to be someone who has some "authority" just to spread fear

>UHF 5G is harmless
It's not UHF 600 though. The 5G that they want to use is the section cordoned off for radar use.
Where are you getting your information from?
>Sees american flag

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>Most people in the field of wireless communications that understand RF agree the 5G is very very bad. We can't really speak out because it would mean the end of our careers forever.
the standards are open standards, anyone can review them

They were destroyed because they're chinkshit 5g towers. The media is putting spin on it to avoid racism.

lol sure thing

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>Pray that slavs never unite
Now that I think about it, that would be pretty fucking scary. Like Reich kind of scary, but without a shred of mercy for anything or anyone. And no commie bullshit.
Maybe this is why we're all disarmed and prevented from organizing in any fashion whatsoever.

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we don't need faster degeneracy

>destroying towers made in China for their quest of world domination

they are not good for your health

So you are a settler. GTFO
Free Palestine!
Also 1 4G BTS tower has the range of 70Kms. idk where you are hiding. Israel can only have like 50 towers to cover the whole country.

see you at world church user

Why prevent anything? Kill yourself and let the world burn.

>We can't really speak out because it would mean the end of our careers forever.
Full on bullshit

If it is as bad as you make out, then it means the same.

Well if all the "anti fascist" fascists are against 5G then so be it, then I guess you will be successful in burning down all the 5G antennas.

>Implying I wouldn't shank you to death. Not every Western man is a cuck.

Barely anyone is using radar frequencies though?
Almost all 5G transmitters are 600/700MHz, the higher bands are there for boost capacity in specific usecases (e.g. extra transmitters in a stadium with 50k people) because the signals don't travel as far.

Expert here, I suggest you wrap your home in copper netting

Attached: copper-hexagonal-mesh-manufacture.jpg (400x300, 51.63K)

It's just a conspiracy goy, you're not burning them down to get back at China!

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-05 5g tower - Google Search.png (683x300, 180.93K)

Can someone explain to me why we need 5G?
I have never, ever once in my life felt that my 4G service has been inadequate, and I even had 4G based home wifi once. It was the best wifi I've ever had and I was annoyed when I couldn't get it in the area I have since moved to.
Who are these people developing and deploying these expensive technologies no one asked for?

destroy retards
this but also 4k porn on smartphone
then there's also really wet dreams by israeli, american and basically everyone tech involved security shit on all the IOT possibilities if everyone is trackable through live internet and all the data that can be derived from meta data about it

Nice amps, the stupid fucking monkey nigger climber probably didn't turn off the array first lol.
Die of bone cancer within 25 years, screenshot this.

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old docu

Yas Forums wins again

So your new toaster is linked up to your wants at all times with zero ping and makes your perfect toast at the exact second your want of a toast happens.

based and Kaczynski pilled

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>Can someone explain to me why we need 5G?
Read this

we all need a faraday cage home :)

I don't mind them doing it. When we are told we ARE getting 5g, like it or not, it really motivates my mind.

Mobile networks need another new thing to sell to retards or they won't upgrade their phones.
Also, it has industrial use for mass connectivity due to the 1000x higher number of connections the standards can allow. Add in 10-100x lower latency too.

Like a faraday Cage... That is really smart if we ignore the fact that the net with wholes like that will still let the sinal pass. Anyways not using it i want 5g everywhere i go

Because, user, (((we))) need to be able to send, download, and analyze data as fast as possible to protect us from goy.....the enemy

We don't. Fuck mobile towers.

Yeah, this guy sounds very credible as well