Hungary is the first corona virus establish dictatorship in Europe, as I watch how things are going in the Balkans, many new dictatorships will be born.
Hungarybros how is living under dictatorship?
Anons, I think we are 1984 now.........
Hungary the newest dictatorship in Europe
You are retarded, Orban doesn't have any extra powers, he had constitutional majority for 10 years now. All he did was that there is no wasting time on putting up shits for a vote.
Also, he's a zionist, so he should be shot.
It depends on how based is the dictator
Who cares about Hungary, another Mexico of Europe, right after Poland.
Technically Zioniam can be based. Send all jews to desert and wall them up.
>Alfahír reader
Některej Mad'ar taky za to nemůže, že je Mad'ar.
>Orban doesn't have any extra powers,
>he declared unlimited state of emergency.
>manege the country with decrees.
>can suspend any law he wants.
And I am the retard?
Based Hungary
Hard times create strong men.
u wot m9?
Her hip to chest ratio is insane.
It started in 1984, still happening
>Hungary stopped paying to the IMF
the post
in the oven u go Törk
It's really amazing that Yas Forums anons are brainwashed with the mainstream media too.
You guys believe everything.
How many of you actually read law ?
Yas Forumsacks are ridiculous wet noodles, who deep in heart like liberalism.
Coming in hot to say "you are retarded if you think this translates into being a dictatorship, OP"
1st Hungary is not in the Balkans
>he's a zionist, so he should be shot.
Imagine believing that a dictator is something bad.
Mutt your democracy isnt as great as you thing.
Why are you sh*tting on the board again ? Begone freaks
good news
>parliament hasn't been dissolved it's STILL IN SESSION.
>The law does NOT cancel all elections (it cancels by-elections during the pandemic).
>It does NOT allow the PM to rule by decree.Decrees as part of the extraordinary measures apply only to efforts to defend against the virus. Those laws were not passed under the extraordinary measures b/c parliament IS STILL IN SESSION.
>It is not indefinite; it lasts only as long as the pandemic or when parliament lifts it.
>Government won 2/3 supermajority at the last election
>Democracy saved
the only good thing that has happened is the iranian students with the virus were deported.
Are Hung-Aryans the master race of Europe?
Noooo you cant just stay a majority in your own country thatz nazi
Liberate Transylvania from the gypsies when?
It's just OPTICS, so the kikes would leave us in peace
Ah I see, I knew it was some sort of a 5D chess but couldn't figure out what type. Ty Ákos
Based image. Definitely the ideal borders of Hungary.
When the pandemic is over they will all continue with parliamentary rule, so i don't see the (probably commie invented) panic
Based Bartosposter.
Yes, he still have less power than the french president
Bartos the future King of Hungary, desdended from noble Arbad dynasty and goes all the way back to Attila the Hun
So what mr memeflag?
French president having absolute and uncontrolled power dont change anything if people elect traitors, nothing improve.
Zionism is nationalism.
The problem (at least when you're not a sandnigger) aren't Jews having their own country, but those LARPing as "fellow white people" one moment and as "holocaust survivors" in the next.
why does every conservative politician LOVE israel and the jewish people? american president and brazilian president are the prime examples of this
The issue is having a whole group of politician that are more hardcore zionist than defenders of their own country, its ridiculous.
nice try kike but you gave yourself away.
Ô notre France est belle!
It's signalling: "See, I love those jews, so I can't be an evil Nahhtzeee."
Who’s that gyppo btw?
Borisz Dzsonszon elrepült a házam fölött!
>Anons, I think we are 1984 now.........
Watch your wallet.
They are stealing from country and people while we're distracted.
The currencies already turned to shit. People were robbed of their savings.
Democracy is fucking gay these days
>Hungary is the first corona virus establish dictatorship in Europe
They arent though.
What are the chances Austria-Hungary happens again? Or at least an actual V4 union?
Yes, this is why you have the "inevitable" president Hillary, right? Moron.
even though he is based as fuck, the EU is so useless. Some guy just flat outs becomes a dictator and they do literally nothing. NIGGA??? What's the point of the EU
Exactly, Democracy is a popularity contest or a numbers game. The more dumb, ill informed and easily manipulated bastards there are, the easier it is for a manipulator like the Democrat party to win
Thank God for the electoral college otherwise NYC, LA, and Chicago would decide every election
Currency dumping for Germany and robbing money from western EU to send it in eastern EU or africa.
He is not a dictator anyway
he banned fucking elections and rules through decrees. yeah, no power gained at all. the absolute state of mongols.