He pardons that war criminal that killed Afhgani civillians but he's ok with a Navy captain being fired just because he wrote a letter trying to save the lives of his sailors? Absolutley fine with this bozo losing this fall. If that means scum at CNN or Rick Wilson or Hollyshit gets to gloat for a couple months so be it.
And I'm fucking done with this orange clown
>trying to save lives of his sailors
The dude panicked and went outside the chain of command. There are better ways of handling it than leaking medical information to the media. If every navy captain did whatever they wanted to the military would be in shambles. We have the chain of command for a reason and this asshat deserves everything he has coming to him.
In all fairness, the chain of command rarely cares about the troops.
While true, he pushed it in a way that the message was easily intercepted so that the ccp knew we were down a carrier.
Do you know the actual reason he was dismissed?
That's horseshit officers shouldn't be punished for looking out for the well-being of enlisted. This is why everyone talks shit about your forces
Ask me how I know that you have no idea how the military works and should stay in your fucking lane.
The military has a mission and telling the enemy a ship is out of commission is not it.
>t. Rick Wilson
We're going to burn your house down with you and the wee niglet inside
>Tell the world you're down a carrier
>Get fired
In how many countries/eras do you think that would have gotten him executed? Faggot.
Leaking to the media that your ship, one of the most important assets in the American military, is fucked due to disease is giving a green light to your enemies to take advantage of the situation.
Everyone now knows a significant part of the American force projection capability is now either out of commission or considerably weaker.
Regardless if the government isn't giving this the proper attention it deserves, you DON'T announce your weakness to the world. It's like fucking lesson one in baby's first day of schooling on the dynamics of power.
He deserves to be removed and punished. Damaging to the nation on a large number of different levels.
Admiral most likely was a Trump critic/democrat and Trump saw this as an opportunity to dump him.
Its the military, its not supposed to be cub scouts.
>The military has a mission and telling the enemy a ship is out of commission is not it.
Well shit nigger, maybe drumpf shouldn’t of screwed up in his response to a potential pandemic and not dismiss it as a liberal hoax so we could’ve actually prevented this entirely.
>this asshat deserves everything he has coming to him.
Which was his entire ship cheering his name in salute as he walked off.
fuck off with your shillborn thread
He is just another deep state asset like vindmann. Sleeper cells put in positions of power and activated when called upon, he is a traitor that hates America in my opinion only.
Maybe the state governors, who are actually responsible, should have? The federal government can only get involved in relief after disaster is a fact. You can't sell all your medical equipment stockpiles and then cry for Trump to help.
Go suck the cock of your wifes boyfriend
don't vote or vote for Jacob Hornberger
you won't affect an outcome no matter what you do because having a political union of hundreds of millions of people is fucking retarded
That's it, I'm ridin with Biden now. He actually knows how to handle a military.
We are talking about a ship of war and not a single hospitalization. Dude panicked and made the Navy look weak.
Lets start by pointing out the Obvious here:
>OP is a kike, and as a kike he is trying the "lost support" meme.
>OP will always be a kike
>OP is violating FCC rules by accepting payment for political speech and expressing that the speech is paid for
Now to the topic.
The left should love leakers. But leaking has consequences. In this case someone leaked the memo (probably the capitan or someone sympathetic to him) to try to make Trump look bad.
Sucks but you wouldnt publish in your local paper that your house (along with address) had a faulty alarm and you need the alarm company to come and look at it while you are on vacay next week.
Thats in essence what the cpt. did. Alerted enemies to his tripulations status.
the navy should be abolished
Listen here, jack
How do you get the virus in the middle of nowhere?
Wtf? Did the Chinese release it into the atmosphere?
What if I told you that I'm done with everyone but the orange clown.
Trump 2020
No matter what you think, that was a very based moment. The man clearly has the respect of his soldiers for life. That counts for something
One post by this Id
Stop falling for slide threads created by cucks.
>one post by this ID
Copy paste from article. If these steps are true he's a faggot and should be court martialed
> The article tells us that Crozier’s immediate superior was on the ship, living just feet from Crozier. He did not tell him of his concerns. Instead:
>Modly said Crozier had cc’ed more than 20 people, including some outside the chain of command, over unsecured and unclassified systems, assuring the memo’s leak.
>He also said Crozier did not speak to his direct superior, carrier strike group commander Rear Adm. Stuart Baker, about his concerns before sending the memo, despite Baker being on the carrier and living within feet of Crozier.
>Modly said Crozier was not fired for expressing concerns, but the way he chose to do so.
>The chain of command doesn’t exist merely to keep order. It also exists to keep information from the public. Crozier commanded one of only ten Nimitz-class nuclear-powered aircraft carriers in the Navy. These ships are considered the backbone of America’s naval fighting force.
>By going public with his complaints, Crozier essentially sent a giant banner up into the sky announcing to America’s enemies that one of the primary weapons in America’s arsenal might be out of commission.
That is why he was relieved of his command. He is no hero.
>trusting the media
Enjoy voting for dementia patient Biden, rabbi.
I don't think you, or that captain, can appreciate how close to war with China you are right now.
Imagine being this retarded
He's a massive turd.
The administration leaked the letter themselves so they could save face and pin it on the guy. Only the suckers here would believe their story.
>1/3 of the crew infected
>everything is fine
>we dont want glorious leader Trump lose face and look weak
>please just die
The dude emailed it to everybody he knew lol...what a dumbass. Glad they sacked him
>Source: my ass
fpbp the guy was probably corrupted by the CCP
>we asked the other nicely if they never heard anything from Crozier or want to lose their job too and have some accidents too
>surprisingly they all confirmed Crozier is a bad goy
this guy gets it
They changed the rules so they don't even have to report how many of them die, and they did so right before sacking this captain.
No that's wrong faggot
Not if you're the logistics guy back at base that changes tires, nigger. The people that do the difficult shit actually care about each other.
>In all fairness, the chain of command rarely cares about the troops.
The chain of command should care about the troops to the extent that exercising such care enhances the mission.
This captain effectively took a multi-billion dollar critical defense asset out of commission because some of his sailors contracted a disease which is 0.20% fatal among their age group. AND he broadcast force readiness information to people who then leaked it to the media. He shouldn't just lose his command, he should be stripped of his rank and go to Leavenworth.
What if the commanders of ICBM forces decided to just pull their guys out of the silos because some of them got the flu? And then mass-circulated an email to that effect that got leaked to the media?
>"DAS RIGHT! DEY IS HEROES!!! It's more important to stop troops from getting the flu than it is to have a nuclear deterrent!"
You guys are such fucking morons.
We're in a war against the virus. Those guys' job is to fight things, so they have to fight the virus, okay? Better them than me.
This thread is full of bitch beta cuck kids who have no clue how any masculine environment is supposed to operate on rules. It's hilarious to me when faggots telegraph openly their faggotry.
Yes let's wait weeks for the slow ass navy to respond while potentially hundreds or thousands of sailors get sick. Good job navy man
Yeahhhh, even stalin had brainless lemmings under his payroll too
Almost as retarded as being a tripfag
I've seen these talking points before. This board truly is an echo chamber. Has it occurred to you that the Chinese military is probably suffering EVEN MORE during this pandemic and their fleet might be more out of commission then ours? Jesus christ you people are just dunce. By the way, if ANY country decides to launch a millitary strike during the outbreak of a FUCKING GLOBAL PANDEMIC they deserve everything thats coming to them including getting glassed.
>They changed the rules so they don't even have to report how many of them die
You realize, of course, that if a Chinese or Israeli national obtained information about US force readiness during a crisis - information that had specifically and purposefully been made secret - and then passed it on to China or Israel, the appropriate penalty would be death...right?
No one disagrees with the captains removal. He was objectively wrong.
Do you understand that I don't really give a fuck about your armchair general Tom Clancy bullshit, and my only thoughts are of the poor enlisted "volunteers" on that ship?
>leaked to the media
good riddance
Speak for yourself, cocksucker.
>Has it occurred to you that the Chinese military is probably suffering EVEN MORE during this pandemic and their fleet might be more out of commission then ours?
And they are doing whatever they can to keep that operational information secret.
Deceiving the enemy about our capabilities and readiness is what part of what we pay these guys to do.
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
Opposite of this.
If you cry over some afghan Muslims then you need to be expelled from this board effective immediate
all about that book deal the Democrats promised him
based and orangeniggerpilled
>whining to the media
sounds like a fag
trump doesn't like gays in the military
its the military -.-
you are a fucking retard
Trump administration leaked the letter and changed the rules so no one will find out that half of those sailors will die needlessly.
Put whatever spin on it you want.
You can say the same shit about soldier pulling trigger to kill civis. He should have listened to orders, if every soldier did what they wanted the military would be fucked too.
Fuck you and your mutt logic
>he wrote a letter trying to save the lives of his sailors
You don't write attention whoring social media posts trying to farm enough public outrage to force decisions in your favor if you're a military officer (or if you're a manager at a publicly traded corporation for that matter). Nobody appreciates people shitting on your organization instead of going through the proper non-public channels set up for addressing concerns without turning them into sensationalist news stories.
>Do you understand that I don't really give a fuck about your armchair general Tom Clancy bullshit, and my only thoughts are of the poor enlisted "volunteers" on that ship?
They have a 2 in 1000 chance of dying, if every last one of them catches the virus.
If we are going to sideline every military asset where people have a 2 in 1000 chance of dying, we're going to have a problem. The death rates in all branches from accidents and from drug or alcohol abuse are higher. The suicide rate among vets is so high than EVEN ALLOWING PEOPLE TO SERVE IN THE FIRST PLACE is more dangerous to the "poor enlisted volunteers" than this virus is.
The only question I have, how was his request up the chain being dealt with before he blew his top?
It can be argued that he was defending force readiness, and his mission, if the information was being sat on at some office.
An 0-6, a Navy Captain in command of an aircraft carrier, should know better than to publish the information he did. Just last week I had to take an OPSEC class as an Army Civilian. It is yearly mandatory training. You NEVER - but especially during a time of crisis that might involve the military - announce to the world a limitation to your capability. If anything he should have protected that information and made sure his crew protected it. Instead, he broadcast it.
Partially agree. What he should have done instead of leaking a letter to the media, since the navy chain of command was so slow, was take more control pf the situation and get more sailors off in guam.