Moved to /bant/

The fuck is going on here?

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meds are produced in china and people are running out

Where shit threads go to die.


But the "what the fuck is his problem?" threads stay, go figure.

Fucking crybaby jannies and mods, Q is more about politics than corona and 70% of the other garbage ass threads that have ZERO to do with politics yet they don't ban or move any of those threads, why? Because those threads serve their agendas. This place is seriously nothing more than a fkn pathetic joke anymore.

Disguise your Q threads, post em as another corona thread or something and lead it into Q dicussion, make them bitches work for it lol

Finally jannies get something right

Two of them having nothing to do with Q. The fuck are the moderators doing? I don't see the BBC threads getting purged to /bant/ to avoid them archiving on Yas Forums.

Q runs this board now
Qchads have overtaken board culture

>>>Finally the jannies got something's right

Doesn't realize they know he was screaming gas all the chinks a couple threads ago. Keep gobbling that yellow knob though, don't forget to jiggle the balls

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ok Qoomer

It's only a certain shift that does it. I've seen other Q threads get hundreds of replies without getting archived, nuked, or moved.

I'll personally report every Q thread as well myself if nothing happens by the end of the month, you Q boomers have run amok for too long it's our board we were here long before you and will be here long after you get bored of Qs bullshit so tick tock boomers better get back to trusting the plan...kek

fuck niggers
And fuck jannies

Q fags should be permabanned, mods are being way too soft

brave and stunning.

Q threads don't belong on /bant/ they belong on /x/

You haven’t figured out yet that Yas Forums jannies are glowniggers?

Q boomers are unironically more subhuman than niggers, you should culled like rabid mongrels running rampant. Thank God mods clean this shit up, I'm actually immeasurably thankful for this, thank you.

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Plot twist, Q is nobody and schizophrenia is the peak redpill



bad move #1431193

I've been warned for posting a Q thread on /x/. Q is POLITICAL.

You fucking Q Schizos are being moved to your PROPER containment zones.

Funny thing is I'm really not, I don't use 8kun, I do read the drops though and I do support their idea, who wouldn't? They're talking about taking down peddophiles and human trafficking, that's a bad thing in your mind? The way I see it only pedophiles and human traffickers should feel this threatened by Q and what it aims to do. Either that or most of you guys just hate Q because Q supports Trump. I bet if Q was anti trump you'd all have your tongues up his ass. Hating by proxy

CIA mods

Nope/ ALL you Q Tards deserve to be IP banned from Yas Forums. You're fucking Shizo cancer.

And that should give you enough to see that something is very legit about Q

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>muh Q
Sticking your dick in sand is political too. Drinking water is political. Boiling eggs is political. Fucking your dog is political.

Being an unfettered schizo loon is political.

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>And that should give you enough to see that something is very legit about Q

Nope. We're tired of you Schizo fucks and you're being placed in your proper Schizo containment zones. FUCK OFF OF Yas Forums

HQ reply. Chapeau!

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I legit pray that that all Q Tards are IP banned. PLEASE!!

based & rp mods

holy shit did the jannies actually just do something based?

checked and heil'd
redditniggers btfo

the avarage Yas Forums user opinion is that if you are not shitposting or posting bait thread you are not using this board properly

Kurwa mać, all of you are so fucking retarded you deserve to be lobotomized en masse. FUCK OFF, go spread your cancer and schizophrenia on reddit on facebook or reddit, share your recipes for favorite schizo drug cocktails there. No one gives about some fucking LARPer fellating the orange fuck in charge, fuck off you daft cunt.

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Mods are kikes

why was /dug/ moved??? thats not fucking Q related and was normal FUCK THE MODS AND FUCK JANNIES

Q user threads ARE shitposting. Q Tards are faggots and should be treated as pariahs. You all should legit kill yourselves.

Because it is larp tier bullshit

discuss your corona related shit here:
that is until mods move or prune this thread as well

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you'll find out soon nigger faggot Qtards get the rope

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/bant/ most based board on Yas Forums with the exception of Qthreads


They belong on /x/.

>thinking jannies are cool
i fucking hate Q shit but you can go fuck yourself, DUMBS is political their gay Q shit is too, better than what this board has fucking become.

This is what I really care about. The Q shit is just icing.

You don't move a fucking thread like that to /bant/ apart from the obvious shill reasons.

As long as Q Tards are kicked off of Yas Forums I'm happy. All Q threads should be pruned and shitcanned though,to be honest.

The shit is pretty much rephrased crap that's taken from this board/elsewhere and posted in a more boomer friendly space, all by some mysterious faggot that people magically believe is some sort of prophet/secretly Trump.
And this board have been doing God's work of fucking up pedophiles, traffickers, terrorists and what the fuck not well before this Q nonsense so don't try to act like its some sort of special thing.
But then again, Qoomers have fruitfly tier IQ akin to those morons not long ago who would masturbate over some mysterious site for months that had a countdown. Fucking embarrassing.

you have no arguments except

>muh schizo
>muh boomers
>muh rednecks

soon the day of the rope

You're just as bad as the faggots on Yas Forums that petition against Wojak or Yas Forums posters that want Bane gone.

Do not forget to always bump Q threads on /bant/

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i dont care if the Q shit is there it can be political still, but i want my fucking DUMBS THATS ACTUALLY IMPORTANT.

I just hope /ptg/ goes with it. Memeing Trunp into office was fun, but now hes played out. This board has been shat up by tgeir room temperature pro status wou posts far too long.

ALL Q user believers should be IP banned for LIFE. You should also all get AIDS and Covid-19 and Ebola all at once and die from blood pouring out of your eyes.

Die you fucking SCUM

Maybe you'll start to get the message

Shitposting or posting baits is preferable to being a fucking inbred fucktard with a temperature high IQ, falling for a half-assed larp tailored to schizophrenic boomers and thinking some super hyper secretive insider spills the beans on social media because that's totally the thing he'd do.

You intellectual niggers are merely reluctant to come to terms with the reality of the political situation, so you buy into some flimsy, tenuous fantasy reminiscent of a kitschy spy novel to justify your orange fuck in charge's actions and to prop up whatever juvenile vision of politics you happen to entertain.

Fuck. Off. Already.

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fuck off thats an actual general thats been around longer than you plebbit fuck, can't get rid of a general thats actually about a president.