Nearly 30% of all Indian Corona cases originated from a single mass muslim event conducted in Delhi against the lockdown protocols. Also, mudslimes are going on tiktok calling others to spread the virus by sneezing and spitting on currency, fruits, vegetables etc. What do bros?

Attached: muds.png (735x581, 340.32K)

Other urls found in this thread:


God I thought the happening would never come.

Avoid all goat fuckers. I don't think the virus survives very long on objects, so I wouldn't worry about it.

There has been some irregularities about the time scales, yes. When it is gonna hit here? is it yet in australia?

3 days is plenty long

Ads seem different in India.

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>mudslimes are going on tiktok calling others to spread the virus by sneezing and spitting on currency, fruit
Is it honestly real or propaganda tho? Do the majority support this shit or just some edgelords? Muslims are scum but they like cleanliness n shiet

>Also, mudslimes are going on tiktok calling others to spread the virus by sneezing and spitting on currency, fruits, vegetables etc.
No source or proof. Fuck off

>mudslimes are going on tiktok calling others to spread the virus by sneezing and spitting on currency, fruits, vegetables etc.

Thats absolutely horrible. How can someone even think like that? Sick fucks. hope this muslim problem gets solved by the end of happening!

Calm down

They think they'll be immune because Allah will save them, but by spreading it to infidels they'll die unless they convert. It's biological jihad.
So yes, they probably support this.

the majority of them that do this are failures who feel disenfranchised, they're mostly young and male and have wet dreams about the second mia khalifa

that's a popular command by quite a few priests that publicly said they can't get sick, got sick and now need a good reason why they got sick
god commanded them to spread it infidels

Pretty sure in pooland the mudslimes look like everyone else though. Better nuke them all to be safe.

The majority of muslims believe in sharia law, not only that, the majority of muslims in every country, even america believe in sharia law.
Look into sharia law if you aren't familiar and I think you'll answer your own question.

I wouldn't say majority but something is brewing. There have been plenty of videos circulating showing muds spitting on food parcels, currency, vessels. Also, they still continue to gather in mosques despite lockdown. Multiple incidents of cops being beaten to pulp for asking these sub humans to disperse for their own safety, beating up and splitting on doctors who take them to their quarantine. Its pretty messed up. I will try to upload some videos here.

Anyways i don't believe that muzzies are the onesspreading disease in a country where they drink cow piss and drink water from a river where they also throw corpses to

>by spreading it to infidels they'll die unless they convert.
>it is as numerals confirm
Freedom of choice, who needs it. Westeners just don't get it.

do God's work poobro you maybe infected already so try to take down as many of them before getting crowned

they're spreading it among themselves
the people you refer to do it on their own too obviously, at least I fully agree with you
it's also not all muslims everywhere, it's just similar archaic and insular autists as in new york, parts of britain and israel
people who never lived as part of a modern state
most groups keep to themselves beside some metropolitan admixture

4 hours on copper 3 days on plastic/cardboard

I've seen one video of a Muslim mob chasing cops. Everyone else is taking their whacking and running away for the most part. Videos involving Muslims let's you know they WILL NOT stay at home. I feel like there is bound to be a shooting that eventually takes place as they beef up their Muslim area patrols.

there won't be, even if they start pillaging and raping, cologne wasn't a germany exclusive event
it happened all over europe, while some countries took measures after refugees who disagreed with the whatsapp/facebook conceived plans, only few countries chose to believe them that something like that would happen, Finnland is one and prevented a lot in Helsinki
in Germany alone it was over 130 different cities and all coordinated through whatsapp groups that came into existence during the arab spring and consequently the migration movements afterwards
recently there was another event in cologne, just local
where a group of over 500 muslims organized and planned to assault people all through carnival and racked up hundreds of assault victims, while the police didn't do much

you should check out Paris, Marseille to see how the police will not even do things when shot at, has grenades thrown their way or everything starts to burn around them, nor even if people with guns assault a police station while trying to free refugees who were apprehended for theft.

Or in Berlin Gesundbrunnen and around it, they don't even try to apprehend people anymore without Einsatzhunderschaft (100+ police officers) because in groups smaller, they will get assaulted within seconds by dozens to hundreds of people and this is far from a singular event.

>People who wipe their ass with their hand and have a culture that views fucking goats as fine are clean



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Vlad, the current party in power is pro hindu. This doesn't sit well with muslims and obvious propaganda from oppositions. Adding to this, there were CAA protests (propaganda) going on nationwide just before COVID. So, there is communal tensions already and this is just adding more fuel to it.


Fpbp and checked

Didn't we just have a thread about the masses of your temp workers gathering and bussing out of the cities?
I don't think you need conspiracies to explain the spread.

I sometimes wish we had some muzzie hooligans in Silesia. Infighting with polish or czech bydlo after football matches gets so boring and if our neonazis didnt have gypsies There would be infighting as well.

Attached: dr-zakir-naik5.png (482x584, 616.8K)

>What do bros?
corona chan mostly removes old people, so maybe you should be grateful

Be safe Pajeetbro, almost sounds like a plan of action

>t.Muhammad the cultural marxist

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Unlike west, we don't hate our parents. In fact I'm more worried about my parents. So it doesn't help at all.

thanks & u too bro. Considering the mudslime population there you should be worried too.

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We have it but we caught it early apparently.

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based muslims cleansing the poo loos


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just wash your hands and try not to lick currency banknotes.

fight on mountains again

You need to shill to as many people as possible. Stirr up emotions, make them hate the muslims, share videos if them doing it. Make hindus avsolutely hate them, blame the outbreak on them especially if it gets bad. Then start prosecuting and genociding every muslim left that didmt flee to pakistan

>No source or proof. Fuck off

mo ha MAD

The hilarious part about this was the entire left wing press from TheWire, ThePrint, and NDTV were shilling the idea that this is a mass conspiracy against Muslims spread by Hindu extremists.

Now the official health ministry numbers are up, and they're on cope mode writing articles like the government is communalizing the virus and shouldn't have mentioned the religion involved.

What a joke.

The British invented "Hinduism".

The pagan religion of the Indians is here to exist whether you Muslims like or not.

Funny isn't it, how a made up ideology is causing Muslims from Turkey to Pakistan seethe worldwide.

You mean the 20,000 religions?

Typical of Indians to always put the blame on someone else. This is a worldwide disease, nearly every major country has it and it’s crippling them, your country would have caught it, Muslim terror group or not, especially since you’re fucking bordering China and your entire infrastructure is garbage, especially healthcare. Enjoy your fucking shithole collapsing when the densely populated slums start getting infected

Things change, Muhammad. It may have been 20,000 200 years ago, but today, even the Dalits voted pro Hindu Nationalist in 2019. I would go as far to say Hinduism became a legit ideology only around 60-70 years ago with Savarkar's "Who is a Hindu?".

We're only starting to take back our country from its fallen state. The Islamic destruction of art, culture and history across India has not been forgotten. Never will.

Seething mudshit

At least the virus has stopped the pogrom against the Muslims. They can choose massacred by street shitters who wash their hands in cow shit or keep virus around so that the street shitters are sick. Seems like the based Muslims found a way to survive.

Daily reminder Islam is a Luciferian religion worshipping the Anti-Christ. The Moon and Star literally represent Ishtar who is Lucifer, the Saturnian Black Cube Kaaba pilgrimage in Mecca represents the Anti-Christ and when a Muslim dies in jihad he will meet "72 virgins" in the afterlife who are in actuality the 72 demons of King Solomon loar found in the Lesser Key of Solomon goetic texts. Islam means to "submit", it is 100% Satanic brainwashing and another tentacle of Globalist enslavement akin to Communism. I hope India wipes out all Muslim scum and the Hindus in Bali do the same for Indonesia. Fuck Muslims, godspeed based Hindu brothers.

Shut up, Jew
You're retarded. You're economy was plundered thoroughly by the ruling families and it's all about finding a scapegoat.
It's the same here, just a different scapegoat - China.

>Scaninavian flag
>Defending Mudshits

Its like pottery. Go fuck yourself Mohammed. You have no allies here.

>Bordering China
Zero cases in India have come from China. I don't know if it's American education or you're being intentionally malicious but the Indo-Chinese border has no use. The tallest mountain range in the planet separates India and China.
>Garbage infrastructure, health care
Agreed, that's the reason we went on aggressive 21 day total lockdown. The situation was in control. Before we came across this violation where 2,000 Muslims attended a congregation and spread the virus. The last 3 days we've reported 500+ cases per day because now we are contact tracing everybody that came in contact with those who attended the gathering.

And the worst part is, something like 500 or so of them were non-Indian Muslims, Indonesians, Arabs, Persians. The 6 Indonesians who escaped to Bangalore are now all dead because of the virus.

>muh scapegoats
>Muslims good
>China good

Fuck off back to plebbit you fucking faggot. Matter of fact get the fuck out of the US and fuck off back to whatever third world shithole you immigrated from. Your posts are Boomer-tier cancer.

This is a great excuse to remove them all. Do something instead of shitting in the streets. The media in the west might post a few sob stories if you do, but with the virus around, nobody is going to stop you.

Your posts are 2016 normalfag tier. Get the fuck off my board, you muppet.

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