What the fuck are atheists even on Yas Forums for?

This is the secular world. This is what you fought for. GO ENJOY IT user. Go enjoy your ruined whore women, go enjoy your blue haired dike feminists, trannies, and nigger riots. This is the world that you pushed for, and you got it buddy! So why are you here bitching? Are you going to tell me that you got the world that you wanted, and now all of the sudden you think everything is.....Degenerate? But why would being a fag be degenerate user? There is only ONE book where you can derive those kind of morals. You made your nigger bed, now NIGGER SLEEP IN IT ATHEIST NIGGER.

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Other urls found in this thread:

biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Mark 7:21-23&version=KJV
biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1 Corinthians 6:9-10&version=KJV
biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John 8:1-11&version=KJV

suck motherfucking dick you motherfucking pirce of shjit yo yo whitey is dead god is dead yo yo nigger uh uh yeah fuck nigfgers fuck spics and fuck loving motherfucking blacksmith yo yo uh yeah keep smashing keep punding that pussy oh oh yeah so goooooood uh uh muh muh shut up slavnigger yo uh no sweetie have sex yassss queen slay nigger BBC boiucci for nigger dick yo uh uh yeah take that fick whi*Tey yo yo uh fuck yeah

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Absolutely seething because you know I'm right. There is literally no reason atheists should be unhappy unless they concede that their beliefs are retarded and they completely ruined the world.

yo yo mama fries pancakes on my motherfuckign dick and her boyfriend eats it all up yo yo uh yeah so what huh huh yeah dance around my dingus like some motherfucking totem yeah so what yeah yo is coffee good for you sure yeah drink thta motherfcking cofee drink that BIG BLACK COFEEE uhu yeah keep drinking that keep sippin gthat yeah that FEELS GOOD shut up you duaft fucking slavnigger cunt yeah how abouy no yeah keep going muh slavnigger yo yo pimp that been there done that ma che cazzo stai dicendo sei assolutamente stupendo yo yo fuck upi fuck every single fucking retard here fuyck every single one of you yo yo uhu

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>atheists should be sleeping around

Yeah but women don't want them.

A based American poster? What timeline is this? I just woke up.

Degeneracy is degeneracy
The fact god is imaginary doesn't affect that
Dont act superior just because you fell for the sky dad meme

>degeneracy is degeneracy
LMAO, no it's not you literal nigger faggot. Degeneracy is the breaking of commandmants and straying from the teachings of God and Christ. You are Dunning Kruger embodied. Degeneracy exists because OF YOU AND PEOPLE LIKE YOU. Go play in your secular paradise user!

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Why the fuck are Jew worshiping Christcultists on here talking about subjects that go completely against their own ideology?

This is the Christian world - extreme egalitarianism, tardfarming the third world, open your country to foreigners, race mixing (so long as you're both Christian), globalism (for only heaven matters), pacifism, Zionism.

The way things are is the result of Christians and their Jewish masters.

I'm an atheist but hate niggers, faggots and the likes like most all the atheists I know. Are you perhaps Jewish?

OK, redneck. Enjoy a world controlled by some jewish cult down to the minimum details, retard.

>he must be Jewish if he’s defending Christianity using the prime example of Darwinism to refute itself!

OP has a point, you can’t fuck bitches and get money if the nuclear family is intact and grandma makes sure your girlfriend isn’t a whore. Atheism: destroying anything good whilst making everything horrible terribly efficient.

You can pretend you're correct for all eternity. You still won't be. You take the Christian dogma erroneously, or the meaning of worship.
In Christian Canon, the jews are the children of the devil, responsible for each and every single murder of a good person on Earth.

>it has to be Jewish if it’s a religion

My god the have fucked everything up for you and you have nothing left but to vote for the rights of gays! Show some free will and choose not to be retarded when you take the bait (which is unironically correct, but it’s Yas Forums so it’s just meant to piss you off really)

The only one pretending is you. Try saying the shit you do here in Church and watch yourself be ex-communicated. In the real world, Christians worship and enable Jews. They favor every war in Israel's interests.

They're fucking Zionists. You know it. Stop pretending.

You're actually making a mistake here. You are misappropriating the name of God and giving it to the Jew-god Yahweh.

Lies. Secular humanism is anti-Christian.

Look at the absolute complete fucking seething. You are like a child rolling around on the floor and crying in a walmart when mommy didn't buy you the new video games or a bunch of candy bars. Absolutely fucking pathetic.
>this is the Christian world
The bible says to bash faggots over the head with a rock, and to stone women who aren't virgins on their wedding night. The bible says that women should be silent in church (that's in the NT mind you). But why would I even pretend for a second that you have the slightest idea of scripture? Go ahead and attempt to back up your arguments with quotations from the bible, we both know you can't do it.

The bible tells you to marry a virgin women of YOUR OWN KIND. You know absolutely nothing of the bible.

Based pole shitposting on Yas Forums

Yeah, no. Christians believe that the NT overrides the OT. The OT is for Jews.

Without biblical morals, you have absolutely no morals to base your hate of homosexuality off of. This is the secular world user, it's what your kind fought for. Enjoy it! No bible? No reason to hate fags.

Evangelists and limp wristed priests do not represent the tenants of faith they espouse, it’s possible to preach the word and not understand a single fucking word of it dude. Besides, at one point you would of said Christianity was okay, it’s this simple admittance that proves Christianity doesn’t cause shit to collapse and it is infact slow kike subversion that erodes cultures.

>not even an attempt at arguing, just literal crying
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I'm gonna post this thread every day. This is it, atheists are done on Yas Forums forever.

>n-no true Christian
You're a tiny minority. You've lost. And Christianity is replete with verses supporting egalitarianism. Jesus was a pacifist cuck.


>text says things in explicit context
>n-no true Scotsman

Dude just read the fucking book you blowhard atheists are the laziest fuckers on this board, they try hard in the sciences but fail in philosophy and language.

Read George Stanley Faber. All Pagan idolatry is just bizarre misunderstandings of the story of Noah. Mount Meru, Mount Olympus, Mount Ararat. The Floating Island, The floating Egg, The Crescent moon, The calfs horns, The floating coffin, The ark. Anu, Manu, Vishnu, Nu, NOAH. Ida, Elysium, EDEN.
Pagans are stupid niggers who confused Noah and his family for gods.

>You've lost.

He imagines the game is over.

You read it. I've had these arguments too many times. Jesus was a pacifist, he led the life of a childless pacifist, he died a pacifist. And he was a Jew... And 90% of the retards on this board won't admit it - even though almost every major Church agrees with what I just said.

>This is the secular world.
I see religiotards, so no.
>This is what you fought for.
we didn’t. it was religiotards who had to agree to disagree and install a centuries-long ceasefire because of their predilection to burn europe to the ground in attempts to eradicate each other. it is a stalemate of christian sects coupled with the well-founded fear that any one of them might be labeled atheist by the others that led to secularism.

>didn't quote scripture
You have already lost the debate.
I'm sorry, I don't have any idea what that means. I do however (as a theologen) undersand terminology such as Eastern Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant, Armenian, Calvinist, Baptist, 7th day Adventist, Mormon, Jehovas Witness, so on and so fourth. Do you know what a denomination is, or are you so retarded that you are about to walk headfirst into traffic at any given moment and need your mommy to change your diaper ever three seconds?

They don't even do anything decent in science either.

>muh vaccines
>muh global warming

They are just cattle for the null-god.




fucking based
this is the world on atheism and fake religion and now they're crying

OK if you want to go fix Christianity stop arguing with me and go argue with your churches. All of this bullshit is coming from your churches.

The Atheist organization of America or some other secularists aren't the reason there are Somalian niggers living in my area breaking into homes. The fucking Lutheran church brought them here.

>Christianity is replete with verses supporting egalitarianism
>isn't posting any of the verses
Go ahead and back it up user. Let's see the verses.

>There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Every time we go through this game I quote Jesus directly and you niggers either quote Jesus out of context or quote the Torah.

>still not citing any verses
If your next post doesn't contain citation from the bible, then you objectively lose the debate.

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Christians are fucking delusional. I'd rather live under pagan Rome than anything Christians have ever built. The meek shall inherit the earth. Yeah, thanks for that you fucking crypto-kikes. Go back to the Asian desert where you belong.

What if since most of society is low IQ, it can't be not degenerate unless there's belief to a god and afterlife?

I mean he has a point all this degenerate vile shit really started popping up in the late 20th century when coincidentally less people were believing in a god they have nothing to be afraid of so they practice they’re filth

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>this much coping
Fucking yikes dude. Go up to an antifa piss and shit throwing riot and ask them which denomination of Christianity they follow. We both know you don't believe what you have said in this post. Atheism is done on Yas Forums

based & underrated

Clearly didn’t read if a pacifist manages to get killed it only proves that he was innocent and that the kikes are infact devils. You call him a chuck when he underlined the exact thing that you complain about. You attack him for revealing the kike for what it really is. How the fuck do you not see that championing secularism leads to communism/socialism and the championing of non white ethnic minorities thus up to and INCLUDING kikes.

Every time a Christian offers you an alternative you faggots backtrack and NEED to insinuate that it’s Christ’s fault for the current quality of culture, it’s really just a bunch of weak men at any given time that causes this. Free will dictates you suffer even when you know the truth, so why the fuck are you blaming Christ for shit your boomer grandparents did? Quite literally every decision your grandparents made dismantled everything good about your country and made atheism more apparent, it made anti nationalism more apparent, it made minority oppression olympics more apparent. Your boomer fucking grandad had more of a negative impact on your life then Christ ever could have as your claim he did. You’re detracting from the real problems, how the fuck is a 2,000 year old man to blame if he was supposedly wrong? You’re the biggest responsibility dodging faggot on the board if that’s really your position.


Absolutely based. You think this would be a basic understanding, but atheists usually have pea brains and can't fully accept the nihilism of their 'anti - belief'. They are hedonistic cowards.

I think this is some sort of cynical ironic polish sarcasm humor thing. I think polish user is actually on OP's side and mocking atheist libtards.

I think

Where is the citation user? That's not a proper citation, sorry.

this is incoherent. for starters, just because you want atheism being associated with antifa doesn’t make it so.

CITATION NEEDED. Did you graduate the 3rd grade? Where is the citation dumb dumb?

>than anything the Christians have ever built
Then get the fuck out of my country you fucking faggot, and shut off your lights, and get rid of anything that utilizes mathematics, or anything that matters at all.

I'm a theist. I reject Abrahamism though.

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More egalitarianism:
>Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband.

>The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife.

Are you retarded? That's a verse every Christian should be familiar with. Fuck off with your citations. Paste it into google - it's Galatians 3:28.

I'm not spoonfeeding you, faggot. You should know your own Jew book.

don’t be a coward and state clearly that you don’t think this is in the bible. spoiler: it is.

>Before Christianity there were no morals
The absolute state of a Jewish golem

so? the nt still condemns faggotry and whoredom
biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Mark 7:21-23&version=KJV
biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1 Corinthians 6:9-10&version=KJV

You know for a fact that it is, just like you know for a fact that the decline of the west is directly correlated with the rise in atheism. There is no escape. This is the thread that ends atheism on Yas Forums, and I will post them every day. It's over dude, go watch starwars.

Look dude, all religion threads are D&C. What better way for (((the enemy))) to keep our movement from growing and then winning and establishing our racial state, then to divide our volk against each other via religion. Way I see it, atheists and Christians and pagans need to stand TOGETHER for our race.

Are you seriously trying to have a debate without using citation? Wow, you aren't even smart enough to talk to me.

And yet when a woman is accused of adultery instead of following the Torah and punishing her, Jesus lets her go:
John 8:1-11
biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John 8:1-11&version=KJV

I know it's in the bible, but if you aren't smart enough to cite the verse, than you aren't smart enough to talk to me.

I think the end point is theism vs athiesm. Even if my brand of theism is Catholicism I much rather have pagans back then deal with atheists.

No, every single pagan and atheist needs to be killed. This is all your fault, and you no it, and it's why you are pleading like a little bitch.

Past experiences gave people morals stories they’ would tell their children everyone even cavemen had that what do atheists have

Furthermore, when Jesus said:
>He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.
Well Jesus himself should have stoned her because HE was without sin.