Atheists are basically retarded

Atheists are basically retarded.
It takes almost no thought to prove a creator exists, yet losers pretend god doesn’t exist because they already know which god does;
A1a: we live in a causal universe
A1b: every effect has a cause
A2a: if we follow that chain back far enough we reach “the beginning of our universe”
A2b: If an in-universe cause preceded this, it is not “the beginning of our universe”
Therefore our universe began with an external cause;

B1: premise A1 is foundational to discerning truth through science
B2: premise A2 is a tautology.
Therefore arguing against A requires you to argue against the validity of the foundation of using science to discern knowledge.

And just for funsies:
C1: if an argument against A or B could be made by an intelligent respondent, it would be made directly
C2: should A or B be incorrect or poorly formed, such an argument would be readily apparent to any intelligent dissenters, and swiftly provided
Therefore any “arguments” not directly addressing A or B are tacit admission of A; an external creator of our universe; otherwise they are an admission the respondent is not intelligent.

>nb4 an atheist gets so fucking butthurt they can’t make it past the first axiom

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Simulation theory is their new copium. Take theism or deisim, strip out theology and dogmatic crap and put a sci fi spin on it so they think it's cool, and you have simulation theory. Eastern religions figured God out aeons ago.

Off topic, but simulation theory is probably the peak of coping addiction.

Imagine thinking anything is fundamentally possible except for that one thing you really really hate.

A2b doesn't imply creation by anything sapient or external, but just another cause. There is no "external to the universe", because "the universe" is absolutely everything. If this is a simulation, "universe" would include the machine, the software, its programmer, etc... We'll be engaged in this exploratory process of unraveling causality for eternity.

> C1, C2
These seem incogent with your primary argument.

t. Agnostic.

Let's change the theme to "factional extremists are retarded cancer", because they are.

>Believing in axioms

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If god made us, what made god?
You don't have an answer so, boom, Christian god disproven.

>things cause things so a wizard done it

Why do you embarrass yourself by pretending to be smart?

get into vedism

Religion is the biggest kys and you will see ever

It has been proven that matter + antimatter can appear from nothing.

Anyway, who created god? It has the same problem

if you can believe in a god then why do you think there has to be a beginning of the universe and it cant just be infinite?

what was before "The Creator" then? Nothing.
This thing you call the universe is really nothing. Nothing exists. What's so hard to understand? None of it is real.

at A2a: Couldn't there possibly not be any begining at all? Just an infinite timeline where the Universe just exists?

Also: Using the word creator implies some form of motivation. There could be an out of our Universe cause, for the creation of ours, that is not even able to have Motivation.

Grow up OP. Stop believing in your imaginary friend in the sky

>I’m too retarded to have this discussion
I can work with that.

While A2b doesn’t necessitate a sapient being, it absolutely require an external being.
I believe it is entirely fair too accept the external creator as agentially impotent.

That is, that “god” had no choice but to create our universe. It makes sense that he had no semblance of choice until he granted it upon ourselves. This was the origin of opposition..

More importantly, we can not justify the existence of choice before opposition. God had to create opposition for choice to exist. Without opposition choice can not exist,

I grow spice in all my fields

Ok faggot, prove it. I wanna see 100% proof that god exist, go on show me.

Bible is bullshit tho how can you even cut a sea? And what about other gods is there a possibility that there's multiple gods?

Yes. Since knowledge, discipline and virtue require the concept of transcendence, they seem really obnoxious to those committed to material standards or their pecker. And lets just be honest that atheists are just homosexuals, most admit it, bit many are in the closet since they didn't have a postive father figure, like the know-it-all nigger on the down low there really isn't much difference. It why you will NEVER EVER meet any atheists who is of the masculine acrhtype or has any other manly hobbies. It's one big closet fag club, and I say this as a total agnoistic that has the balls to admit he doesn't know everything but I do know atheists are a laughable Hollywood wannabe. I'd rather them be dead than anyone who actually has some kind of passion for life.

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I sincerely hope you are pretending to be retarded.
I assume this is the case since you felt the need to respond but couldn’t bring an argument without taking a shit on B which violates your ability to take a position.
I reccomend you don’t respond because it will just make you seem more retard3d.

The blind can never see.
I already gave what you desired, but you couldn’t see.

That int my fault. If it was, you would have made an argument against my proof.

hey OP. If you weren't so unsure of God's existence, you would be making these threads ;)

>no, you show proof he doesn't exist

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>cannot explain anything
>Therefore God must have done it
truly neolithic

Hey dickhead, writing gibberish isnt proof.

>Atheists are homosexuals
As a former atheist I take offense.
We just hated god unjustly Because the world consumed us.

While all fags hate god, not all who hate god are fags.

Atheists hate certainty above all else. Both levels of irony escape them

Did you miss the original post?
Or are you simply coping with your inability to address it?

If my OP was gibberish, it should be easy to dismantle.
Will you?

Yeah this pretty much covers it. I have the same position.

I don't remember answering that poll, retard. Why do people put so much stock in shitty polls? They are just used to manipulate the weak minded such as you.

Arguing with atheists is like standing in a dry lake bed arguing with some asshat who doesn't believe water exists. Only worse because there is a giant dam holding back all the water and you are trying to convince him to get out of the lake before it floods but he just keeps screaming "PROVE WATER EXISTS"

In the above analogy water (God) exists generally just not within the smaller context of the dry lake bed. God (water) DID exist within that smaller context of the lake bed when he created it (earth/creation) however has since left it due to sin. God is going to return, but for now is holding back (the dam) so gaytheists have more time to repent. We try to warn the gaytheists that Gods wrath is coming but they refuse to define the context when they say "prove God exists" because what they really mean is "prove God exists within the specific context of space and time that I inhabit right now" which Is being willfully ignorant of the very meaning of the word "God".

God, by definition, does NOT exist within the confines of space time and matter - aka his creation. By definition it is separate from him - that which he created, cannot be himself because that would mean he created himself and is not eternal. This doesn't mean he cant create a version or manifestation of his higher self within his creation (us) to prove he still cares about us despite not being here. This is exactly what he did with Jesus. And they want him to come and die again for them and them only because they are such selfish narcissistic special boys.

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I dont need to dismsntle your garbage op. I told you to show me 100% proof that god exists

You are cringe

WE live in. A created causal universe.
The assumption that that which created our existence follows the same rules is pretty much the height of being retarded.
I literally already did. You were so fucking angry at the mere thought of it that you lashed out without even reading what I wrote.

Pause. Don’t read what I wrote yet.
Ask yourself why you had such a visceral reaction that you couldn’t even finish reading my post ( much less dares it)

You are exactly the person I am worried about.

Humans always used religion when their current understanding of the world failed them.

>ooga booga what is that blue beam in the sky
>I dont know so it must be a god, someone told me his name is thor and he has a magic hammer
>no one understands lightning or science so they all believe whatever story is more prevalent in their region, thor, zeus, whatever

If someone believed in a lighting god today you would say they're retarded because our knowledge has evolved and we now understand science and natural phenomena better than people thousands of years ago.

The 2 big questions humans haven't understood yet is what happens after death, and how did we and our universe come into existence, and until we do unfortunately we are stuck with religions which "provide" answers to those questions

Genetic fallacy

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You CAN’T dismantle it, that is why you are avoiding doing so.

If you could, you would. Otherwise, if you didn’t care you wouldn’t bother posting here to begin with.

But you did post here.
And you didn’t address my argument.

Big think.

I read your post op and its garbage. "Show me" as in "i want see" not read,

no creator because existence always was. the only creator here is me and you because the mind gives you purpose.

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Nigger difference between paganism and monotheism is that one blames gods for phenomena while the other is a designer who sets up the phenomenon. One is a magician the other is an architect.


It appears you have no argument.

That must mean you are undeniably correct and should stop posting.

Solipsism is the ultimate cuck.

Wew, I didn’t realize this would make atheists seethe this bad,

I thought you were supposed to be logical?

You can't prove I didn't make the universe, subhuman. That's not evidence I did. Religious people are human cattle. They deserve slavery.

>assuming all universes aren't causal
>assuming our universe isn't be acausal

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My argument is in the OP.
it has not been addressed yet.
Because you can’t.
You lack the ability.

imagine thinking that the Kalam hasn't been refuted before

I don’t even know which drug to accuse you of being on for comedic effect.

Would you like to try to show an error in my logic or deny an axiom I used instead of embarassing yourself?

the smart people aren't arguing that there is no God they're arguing christianity, the bible and most religions are wrong you stupid fuck shit. maybe try to form original thoughts.

>linking snopes as an argument
How fucking new can you possibly be?

Do so then.

Nigger if their is no god free will doesn’t exist.

what are you talking about? The Kalam cosmological argument has been refuted by philosophers for quite some time now. Is this babby's first apologetics or something?

>every effect has a cause
Except god of course. He doesn't need a cause because reasons and stuff.

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You dumb nigger. You have to define what you mean by literally every word in your retarded double-nigger logical fallacy of "prove God exists". What is proof to you? What is God to you? What is existence to you? If you actually used the brain he gave you to ponder on those 3 conclusions truthfully you would reach the conclusion you have been willfully ignorant of the truth your entire life. You cant "prove God exists" without lowering the definitions of any of those 3 words to meet your standards.

If I sent you a picture of God right now would you believe it was God? Of course not because you cant take a picture of God. Why would God exist within his own creation? If he was actually God why would he want to take on a flesh and blood body? If you wrote a book or made a video game you would want to be in it just to fulfill your own narcissistic ego-larp. If you could write a book knowing you could literally live as a character in it you would make it all about yourself and form every aspect of it to make your character look and feel good. God did this and yet chose to be beaten, tortured, shamed and humiliated and killed so YOUR ungrateful little ass might have a chance at redemption. Grow up. This isn't about you you little cunt.

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If you're going to be the obtuse in your skepticism first show me 100% proof that you exist

Everything within our space time continuum needs a cause. God exists outside. He’s eternal. No time as we understand it.

Most atheists believe that they live on a spinning ball that has a pressurized atmosphere despite bordering the infinite vastness of space. They're kind of retarded to begin with.

>a few dozen responses
>ZERO adressmemt of the validity of axioms or fallacy of logic
>still several atheists

QED. Atheists are literally fucking retarded.
Don’t take it personally, I was atheist for an while.
Just be serious enough to realize you are being retarded on purpose.
Then stop being retarded on purpose.

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>god doesn't need a cause because reasons and stuff

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How do you know your God is the correct one? That your religious group's specific set of rules is the correct way to live and go to heaven? What makes you so sure that you're correct when so many others think differently and are just as certain about their convictions?

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Religious people should be gassed. Change my mind. Protip: you can't.

>Arguing with atheists is like standing in a dry lake bed arguing with some asshat who doesn't believe water exists. Only worse because there is a giant dam holding back all the water and you are trying to convince him to get out of the lake before it floods but he just keeps screaming "PROVE WATER EXISTS"
You could always bring him a bottle of water

Now prove god

What caused the first cause then ?

That’s how it is. He exists outside of what we know as time. He’s not bound by our laws.

Fake quote lol

>Noooo me need sky daddy to live mi life
Kill yourself hristcuck and also take down as much philosophyfags down with you as possible, we don't need them shitting up this planet with their stupid word games and thoughts.

>Therefore our universe began with an external cause;
>therefor god

>God can't exist because I don't like religious people
>God can't exist and my beliefs are not beliefs and require no proof because I say so
>God can't exist and my beliefs require no proof because of made up rules of logic (you "can't prove a negative")
>I believe that science has disproven God even though there isn't a single scientific experiment that demonstrates this
>I believe that criticising the bible and Christianity proves that God cannot exist, even though the existence of God is not contingent on the truth or falsehood of any single religion
>God can't exist because a good thing happened to someone that I don't like
>God can't exist because a bad thing happened to someone that I do like
>God can't exist because the universe is different to how I, personally, would have designed it

Did I miss any?

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How do other Christians cope with that majority of mankind will burn for all eternity in hell? Apperently even some christians will burn.

1 Peter 4:18
>And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?

I can at least appreciate your directness. This has been poorly argued several time in this very thread, but I’m glad you jut asked.

The causal universe was made by something external (refer to OP) that which caused it is not subject to the same expectations.

In fact, we can only TRULY know two facts about it, that it is external and initiated our existence.

Atheists are only right about the Abrahamic god.

>god is perfect
>god still somehow acts for some reason

Perfection is to be fully whole and done and dusted, with no wants or need left over.
This also means no drives, no thoughts (because to have a thought means you want to arrive at some conclusion meaning you don't know something so that means you're not wholly whole perfection)

Being perfect and acting is as ridiculous as solving 2+2=4 any further.
You can't, it's done, it's perfectly solved, there is no next step.

A perfect being that has thought and stuff otherwise becomes 1488% inert after reaching perfection, since there is no further step.
You don't have hunger because that's a want.
You have no thought. You have nothing. You're perfect, you're done. Dusted. Over, finished.

Like a massive sentient AI that has consumed all other matter in the universe and has solved every single problem there is, and then cannot compute anything any more, making it inert, for all intents and purposes, dead.
No more calculation.

That's perfection.

The worst thing about atheists is them not being antisemitic enough.

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Using your intelligence to hide from the truth instead of confronting it will get you nowhere. See What is proof to you? What is God to you? What is existence to you? For people who claim to love logic so much it's ironic how you build your entire worldview on two logical fallacies buttfucking eachother.

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>when you disqualify yourself before the contest even begins
Impressive, but not surprising.

Your words, not mine.
Feel free to bring an argument
>you can’t
.You basically failed before you started.

So you're christian, you believe in 1 god but not in the other 11999 gods? I dont believe in 12000 gods you in 11999 gods, we're pretty similar right?

Imagine asking men to move God's hand to give you the conclusion you keep running from

People who knowingly reject Christ who is THE truth go to hell. Simple.

This is the most low IQ take I’ve ever seen
>god exists but atheists are right
I didn’t think it was possible to be those fucking retarded
But I’m guessing the rest of your post I didn’t read proves me wrong.

>not a single response
really makes you think

Christcucks are fucking brain dead, specially the ones on this board. Not only do they believe in a JEWISH God, they also believe in this horsecrap. Yet they have the audacity to call atheists retarded.

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No. We believe in an ultimate being. Most gods are pagan sub creators. Only god that’s similar to biblical god is brahmin from Hindu beliefs.

God created very powerful angels. Some of these angels rebelled against God, and got thrown out of heaven.

These fallen angels has been fooling mankind for thousands of years. Shiva, kali, buddha, all of these are fallen angels masquerading as gods.

>I see you’ve made an argument, but what if I ignore it and butcher an e-celeb quote?

Bro, address the argument or save yourself the embarrassment
>you can’t
And even worse!
>you won’t

>I can’t actually make an argument but I can call you names
>I bet you feel really silly right now
yeah. Sure.

Nah, I think I did a good job in summarising the retarded nonsense arguments that the atheists parrot.

You do know god existed before Jews right? And the Jews of today are a post Christian religion and not even the Hebrews of the Old Testament?

Read Aquinas.

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>god exists
Gods exist, just not the abrahamic one, and if it exists then everything being said about it wrong, if it's a perfect being.

If the abrahamic god is a wholly perfect being then it, by the definition of perfection, cannot act, cannot ever have acted.

Making every biblical testimony about such things pure fabrication.

Which, in turn, makes everything in the bible that builds upon that irrelevant since it is based on pure fabrication.

Making your asshurt completely unwarranted and foolish.

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>Calls us retarded
>Hur dur don't call me names! I will ignore all your points, praise Yahweh

Christcucks are dumber than niggers and spics at this point.

>Muh yahweh is much older than the Jewish people

You didn't even address his argument properly.

Well if a cause is to exist, why does it have to be a 'God' not an actual force or event, like the Big Bang


C O P E harder faggot

What happens to Christians who fornicate, get drunk etc?

Infinite regress is impossible.