Common Core thread

Obama's common core
>~they want your kids raped and brainwashed and they think it's funny

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I never understood why they did not just teach abacus use which does what they teach without it being retarded.

this one is how you do math in your head with complex number systems.
you don't need it for 2 factors.

the problem wasn't '8+5 = ?'
It was teaching a specific method of adding that makes more complicated math easier

Isnt common core pushed my marxists to get children to concede intellectual defeat to the teacher/authority?

Like I said, it's basically abacus principles just dumber.

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>implying they already aren't retarded enough by measuring things with their feet

No, it was done to make math more complicated so white students struggle with it like niggers do with basic math. Problem is white students figure that shit out too and niggers are just as confused as before.

Absolutely this.

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Couldn't the answer just be 8+5-3=10?

It seems like they're trying to make the kid thing out of the box and interpret the question creatively.


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That's just fucking dumb

no wonder Americans are bad at math.

>specific method for making simple math complicated
Fixed that for you.

>This type of education is to subdue independent thought in children and to cultivate servitude to authoritarian commands.

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Fuck off Yvgeny. Go cybersquat somewhere else.

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Do americans really?

nothing new.
I was in school when no child left behind was enacted. Went from learning a small amount to learning literally nothing.

half of these say "NYS Common Core" (New York State)
If you ever wonder what happens to your state if it turns dark blue...

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fucking shitlibs ty to ruin education system and make niggers appear smart

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WTF is this bullshit.

imagine how much a cunt that teacher really is where she has to "correct" the kid by showing the alternate just to prove her own fucking point because she lost the last argument she had with her boyfriend.

fucking kek and saved.

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Common core exists to serve two purposes, trying to dumb things down enough that niggers can pass standardized tests, and removing any sort of accountability from teachers.

>hurdur Obama common core
Trump has had 3.5 years to fix it and hasn't.

The question is phrased terribly and everyone seems to miss the point that 8 + 5 = 10 +3 = 13
This sort of thinking is useless for trivial arithmetic but manipulations like this are common in higher mathematics
Not to defend common core, but I think it had the right idea

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This is actually clever for fast computation..

Bet they regret that now that Trump is the President.

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If you actually look at Common Core, it kind of makes sense. Now hear me out before you start freaking the fuck out.

I don't know why they're doing it, it's just how regular people do math in their head. They're trying to teach kids how to do basic math in their head, but by writing it out. My only conclusion is that niggers are way too stupid to do basic math in their head so they have to dumb down everyone by actually trying to teach this shit instead of people just coming to it by themselves.

Like actually look at Common Core, it's how you do it in your head if you don't have pen and paper. I think it's actually trying to teach niggers how to think like humans. It isn't working.

common core was made by the most kikiest group of kikes imaginable

nice flag you got there

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>Number bonds
>Skip count
>making ten or adding to the ones?
What the fuck is this nonsense?

every fucking time.
kys im not reading that

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>It literally is for stupid people. I've been fascinated by them my whole life and I can translate retard pretty well. I once helped someone learn algebra by telling her to use pictures for the variables instead of letters. The part that tripped her up was literally just using letters because for some reason she thought every letter of the alphabet had a static value that could not be changed. Using arbitrary pictures she came up with solved that. Afterwards, her math was full of kitty cat faces and stars, but it was good math.
>Niggers in particular are not even capable of that. They do not have abstract thought. Anything you can't physically see or touch does not exist to them. No future, no past, no consequences, religion seems to work on them by convincing them god really exists and is always watching, but then they can't conceptualize omniscience and think that they can outsmart God and keep being criminals anyway.
>When a nigger says "I dindu nuffins" upon being arrested, what he means is "I am not actively committing a crime right this moment, so I am innocent." It's not that he thinks he got off scot-free because he left the crime scene without a cop seeing him, it's that he literally cannot conceptualize the past. There is only now. He doesn't understand how he could be punished for something that isn't happening right now. When his mother says "he a good boy he dindu nuffin," she meant that he is being a good boy at this specific moment in time, which is the only moment that exists for niggers.

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What the fuck is the point. Your just adding needless steps to complicate a simple equation you can actually do in your head in like 5 seconds by just glancing at it.



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>reddit spacing
Just read what the fuck I said you stupid faggot slav.
>every fucking time
You probably just got to this website last week with your faggot meme shit, shut the fuck up.

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I understand that this will drag white students down to a level closer to the niggers, but surely the niggers also must have a harder time with this than regular math?
Like, I'm not an asian or anything but I have a basic grasp of mathematics, and that shit seems like the most confusing way possible to solve that problem.

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The kid was right lmao

Thanks, I thought I was the only one who could not understand this gibberish.

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>Common core is just the mental tricks that high IQ people use to do math in their heads really fast, but they're trying to teach them to niggers which doesn't work, and the language they use to describe the trick is insufficient and stupid, because the books were written by someone low IQ. And nobody who used those tricks in the first place needed to be taught them.
>You either have problem solving skills or you don't. You can't train a shitskin's mudhut-building brain to become smart and conceptualize real architecture.

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For large complex math, it's not bad, for simple math it is unecessary.

It relies on you being able to understand basic math and addition on the fly to get to values of 10.

Instead of adding two simple numbers, you are doing math to get a ten (an addition problem) using the result to figure the difference in another small number (subtraction problem) then substituting the new numbers and performing another addition problem.

Or you could just do one addition problem.

No idea what common core is, but I don't get the hate for this. It's teaching kids to think outside the box and to break math down into multiple parts to come to the solution easier. I've always done math like this in my head anyways say something like 97x2 and in my mind I make it 200-6


I can't follow this math. They are picking numbers out of their ass to complicate a simple equation. Where the fuck did the 13 come from

Th... this is scary...

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kid is a genius.
i'm sure they have him on pills by now.

in my experience theres a 95% chance that you're a faggot double nigger shill
>ust read what the fuck I s
no thank you

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It's how people who are bad at math do it in their head.

I got a good one.

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Yeah, Metric is better and more logical. But, fuck it...looks like the world will have to deal with us.

This is how you teach a kid to add fast. Making tens.

This I can understand because you're kind of "factoring" numbers to make the addition easier. They just explain it in a super gay way.

>Adding 26+17 is hard
>But if we take 4 from 17 and add it to 26, that makes 30
>Add the remainder of 17 - 4 (13) to 30 and we get 43

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>retarded shit
why would anyone need to 'make 10' while adding 8 & 3 ?

Nah, science says wealthy and prosperous societies with good nutrition and non polluted water and living environments makes for higher IQs.

Is right.
I feel like this was approved by those retardeds who failed math, then when shown these methods they said:
>Why didn't they teach this in school, it's so much easier than [Basic math].
>Let's make obligatory to teach these tricks.
They don't really realize what "intuitive" means, this tricks only works in small numbers or when you really don't want to writte. Teaching these now will just make impossible to get used to regular calculations.
Also I feel like the "coloring" one is straight out of a 1800s school.

The question is worded poorly. It should be "modify the following equation so that it equals 10. 8 + 5." I get what the negro teacher was trying to do.

Common core was invented to make it difficult for parents to help teach their own kids. It's yet another way to dismantle traditions and links to the past.

Listen man, the american education system has to teach NIGGERS math, do you know how hard that is? The jews won't allow for whites to get ahead, so how to they make everything equal? They use "tricks" and "tips" which make it so a drone-like can read/interpret it easily, however actual humans (who care more for the right answer, rather than following the instructions) have to deal with more and more rules, since the only methodology they learned was those sweet "tips" and "tricks"

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man that fuckery is so bad i want to shoot who wrote that shit.

This is clearly just a way to make future generations more stupid. It has worked.

>If you're halfway decent with arithmetic you do these tricks in your head automatically, without thinking about it and certainly without ever having been taught it. Forcing kids to learn these tricks in school is about trying to make everyone good at math. It's not gonna happen.

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Difference between book smart and intelligent people in a nutsheel.

When I lived in the us when I was 7 I did 32รท8 in my head and the teacher was so surprised she took me around the office telling other teachers im a prodigy. Like wtf?

Love you Russian user, keep making these threads and shitting on mutts

Funny thing is i've been using this technique all my life (self developed) and it has helped me doing mental calculations all they way into university.

this shit is more retarded than anything ive ever seen. take 2 away from 5? nigga have you ever done any of this shit in real life? its addition, not some made up bullshit witchcraft magic. if my kid gets taught common core im going to supernova out my asshole

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That must be a joke

This pointless Orwellian faggotry from leftists irritates the ever loving fuck out of me. Fucking faggots, just use the proper words and thoughts. Why do you need to nigger language constantly thereby confusing it and making it dumber?

They been doing that shit since the 90s. If your kid is a oddball and comes up with unorthodox solutions to problems idgaf how bratty they are. You be a god damn parent and protect them from big brother. Do not take them to (((therapy)))

>For example if you want to solve 121-93 quickly, you add seven to both giving you 128-100=28 which is much quicker to calculate. (or into 120-92=28)
>A kid that is talented at math would intuitively simplify 121-93 into that automatically inside his head. Common Core is a bad attempt at trying to transfer this ability into the heads of black children. Common Core tries to teach them things that they do not understand.

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Anyone who doesn't just see the number and know the correct answer should skip right to the gulag.

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If you read what I said you'll see that I agree with you, you stupid faggot.

>bad at math
Like, everyone?

Can you fucking assholes stop acting like I'm defending common core. I am in no way defending this shit, I'm just explaining the "logic" behind it.

I think common core is fucking retarded. I'm just trying to explain their reasoning for it. Stop acting like I'm shilling for the shit, I'm not, and I'm not going to defend it. Fuck you faggots for acting like I'm championing this shit just for explaining their reasoning.

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indians do it without an abacus, just using their fingers.

This will happen to the entire country if the Democrat party takes over
But they can't because of guns

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This is actually the worse example you can use to be against common core, because that statement is objectively correct (though it's poorly phrased).

The issue with common core is it's attempting to teach the same intuition that autist use; This cannot be done for the general population and will always result in some weird, counter intuitive shit when correct, or objectively ass-backwards bullshit when false.

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>friendly numbers
The absolute state of burger education.

Common core isn't retarded, but the way it is taught is monumentally stupid. The key thing to understand about it is that CC skips the basic foundational math we all learned and dumps kids right into the fucking shortcuts we all learned as we grew older. However, since we learned it intuitively, we've all pretty much got our own method of parsing it out; where Common Core fucked up was trying to standardize a way for kids to learn the shortcuts without needing to teach the foundational math.

If I'm subtracting 69 from 47 I can subtract 60 and 40 in my head, then subtract 9 from 7 and add the two left over from that to get 22. That takes all of two seconds to do in your head, but since Common Core wants to cut out brainlet-tier hard subtraction, it confuses the shit out of people who are used to seeing the hard math and having to parse it into the shortform they use on a daily basis. If you're not a brainlet you use common core on a daily basis, except it's not common core in your head, it's just the shortcuts you taught yourself to do math quicker/easier.

tl;dr - Common Core is retarded because it's teach kids the shortcuts of math without teaching them the basic math first.

This is known as "Exploding Dot" math. It should -not- be taught outside of college.

TL;DR: niggers are genetically inferior
they can't do math

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