>blah blah weed bad blah blah ban marijuana etc. etc.
>*takes a drag off a lit Camel before washing it down with some whiskey*
What makes drinking booze and smoking tobacco any less degenerate/harmful than consuming pot?
>t. sipped a moscato earlier tonight
Blah blah weed bad blah blah ban marijuana etc. etc
is that what black people's hearts look like?
weed is better for you.
they don't want you better.
A glass of whiskey puts hair on your balls, any more than that is degenerate
>Smoking cigarettes
Terrible for you, it doesn't even do anything why bother?
>Smoking weed
Drug addicted cock sucking queer.
People don’t need to smoke weed, that’s what pisses me off. Just fucking eat it.
Also, smokers are scum of the earth.
cig smokers KNOW they addicts and its bad for you.
the Dope head denies everything, they do everything BETTER when HIGH, it cured my asthma,
drugies are all the fucking same.
Pure Denial.
but cant say why.
and I'm sure not addicted.
That's a horrible justification for using drugs. Just because something is objectively less harmful doesn't mean it isn't still harmful. Use your head, dude.
Who is "they," exactly? Because all I see is blue, Democrat-run, Jewish-owned states like California, Colorado, and Washington legalizing drugs like pot and mushrooms and telling people drug-use is a positive thing. Another horrible irrational justification for using weed would be arguing that because something is illegal in most parts of the world it must therefore be good for you.
Alcohol actually would reduce the hair on your balls. It lowers testosterone, and is not very redpilled.
Habitual marijuana users lungs look the same, so... hmm. Habitually breathing in any sort of burnt plant matter will causes COPD and cancer.
I don't drink nor do I smoke. Weed is degenerated and stoners should be executed
It's a different effect
>stoners should be executed
Disappointed. Should have said stoners should be stoned.
Complete sobriety, a healthy diet, and a productive lifestyle are the keys to happiness! I hope other anons take note.
>smokers are scum of the earth.
True words
Yeah, but smoking is disgusting, so it’s not a compromise.
Drinking liquor and using nicotine raises your testosterone levels while marijuana lowers them.
>hits blunt
>takes shot
>vapes huge cloud
That is the extent of my argument. Take it as you will.
may be the acid, but that looks like cgi.
they're all bad. alcohol is addictive (withdrawal is even deadly) harmful to your body, and is extremely intoxicating. if alcohol wasn't so culturally accepted everywhere, we would consider it on par with meth and cocaine based on its effects alone.
cigarettes are obviously bad, everyone understands this now. highly addictive, heart disease, cancer.
stoners love to pretend weed is somehow healthier than smoking cigarettes, but that's absolutely nonsense. smoking weed and smoking cigarettes have the exact same effect on your lungs. there's even much more tar per weight of plant matter. seen the inside of your pipe? nicotine is likely more carcinogenic, but im not sure if that would offset the carcinogenic effects of more tar.
i smoked weed, cigarettes, and drank for 13 years. did heroin for 3 years. have tried several psychedelics, stimulants, disassociatives, various pharmaceutical narcotics. the only well known drug i haven't tried is meth. and even then I've probably had meth inside pressed ecstasy pills that were going around 10 years ago. so im not some mormon virgin.
>alcohol lowers testosterone
No it doesn't. You're thinking of beer. Liquor raises you testosterone levels.
British American Tobacco have a vaccine for coronvirus kek
This thread:
>alcohol/cig defending boomers that don't know any better
>moral crusaders that are secretly gay faggots
>non-whites who have not figured out how to make a tincture out of alcohol & cannabis thus stripping both the negative sides
>defectives who let any substance control their lives
Its degenerate if you do it excessively, I dont think there is anything wrong with smoking a joint sometimes
That thing is black, because it is dead. Not because of "smoke" or something.
Only 50% of smokers develop lung cancer. But "oh yeah, smoking is definitely carcinogenic." Let's just call it deterministic research, as to make everyone happy.
Pic related.
And then we have the guy who makes tinctures.
I have never seen a smoker telling me it's good for him. That's cause smoking don't fuck your brains, just your lungs.
Plenty of drunks and potheads make their respective addiction seem healthy. Probably cause it goes straight to your brains.
Alcohol and Nicotine don't effect you several days after consumption. Only a pothead feels fine.
Are you defending cigarettes?
I use weed for my insomnia and at parties. People who hate weed were never invited to smoke w/ friends
They’re all bad fuckwit. Stop being a loser
>muh pot is bad
That's why in my aerobic days I could run mile under 6 minutes and in my swole days I could bench 315. Because the tons of weed I smoked was bad for me.
Look, here's a study, in which non of the animals exposed to cigarette smoke, developed lung cancer.
Counter that.
But oh yeah, smoking -> lung cancer.
I don't think it's even as high as 50 percent.
Smokers rarely talk about their cigs. Even severe alcoholics are rarely talking about their habit outside of trying to get you to join them.Stoners however at some point only talk about weed. DUDE YESTERDAY MY DEALER BROUGHT ME GOOD POT MAAAAAAAAN. DUUUUUDE I WAS SMOKING POT AT WORK AND ALMOST GOT CAUGHT. MAN WEEK AGO I WAS BAKED AS FUCK AND SAW THIS GUY MAAAAN DUUUUDE.
Literally every fucking sentence involves them being high, them trying to get weed, them getting weed etc.
the problem I see with pot and alcohol use is that it all severely fucks up the brain when used even infrequently, while cigarettes don't. I'd rather die with a sober mind, than live for 60 years barely able to grasp your own existence.
Ethanol doesn't do anything to your testosterone levels. It gets metabolized as a fat.
Hops has xenegestrogens, making Beer reduce testosterone.
Don't have anything against weed but doesn't smoking it leave a stupid amount of tar in your lungs compared to cigarettes?
Dude, getting cancer or not does not negate how detrimental cigarettes are to he human body, not to mention the effects of second and third hand smoke. 40,000 people die from causes of secondhand smoke alone.
i think the main difference is that weed makes you degenerate incel faggot school shooter, cigs do not
>stoners love to pretend weed is somehow healthier than smoking cigarettes, but that's absolutely nonsense
A pack of cigarettes is roughly equivalent to half an ounce. I can't think of any regular weed smokers who use that much daily. It's a pretty safe conclusion that they aren't damaging their lungs even 1/10th as much as a cigarette smoker.
>A pack of cigarettes is roughly equivalent to half an ounce
completely false.
Imagine caring this much about what someone chooses to do with their own body
Nicotine was used to treat constipation at one point. Now its used to kill insects.... Pot contains far more tar than cigarettes and while it has some medicinal aspects, smoking it will make your lungs hard to breathe with all that tar buildup/
It's really a fascinating phenomena.
Only different between pot and tobacco is that tobacco is a nootropic and and enhance cognitive ability.
what's the scientific explanation on why tar in weed sticks more than tar in tobacco.
since you can have clean tobacco from home grown for example or additive enhanced tobacco from tobacco industry?
> 1 post by this id
ok so we know now that this dude doesnt give a shit
THIS 100%.
Every pot head smoking faggot ever. Non-stop talk about "Weed Man". Thats the most obnoxious thing. I know people with wife , kids, pets , jobs, etc.. And only thing they talk about WEED MAN. Actully shocked they dont have pics of their best BUD MAN on their phone.
> then their shocked when wife, kids, dog hates them
Oklahoma, one of the most red states, has some of the most liberal medical marijuana laws in the nation.
Its definitely the radioactive shit in the Philip Morris cigarettes that causes cancer. Smoking organic tobacco leaf is a lot different.
Retired boomers of all parties love pot.
The worst thing about smoking weed is people talking aboit it. Its like a fucking religion for them.
I smoke weed, but i don't drink or smoke cigs. And i would really appreciate if smoking weed was a taboo topic for people. Like i get it, you smoke it but so what. Just shut up and lets talk about whatever girls, cars, guns or even you shitty job. Just shut up about weed ffs
This is your brain after only one weed
You're telling people not to talk about their hobby. Granted I grow it and dont talk about it but some people are just one dimensional. Hipsters obsess over craft beer and IPAs just the same
>Dude, getting cancer or not does not negate how detrimental cigarettes are to he human body, not to mention the effects of second and third hand smoke. 40,000 people die from causes of secondhand smoke alone.
DUDE, there it is. Where do i even start.
The Second Hand Smoke Study was bought & paid gor by the Anti-Tobacco loby. It was a total scientific scam.
CANCER... Do you know WHY they ask family history ? Because EVERYONE was poisoned way back in the day when they first started giving VACCINES , 1950's forward. There was a gigantic mistake ( so they claim) made in early genetics when they spliced in a corrupted monkey gene to create the vaccine. That gene altered EVERYONES DNA . Basically giving everyone the cancer gene thru inherited genetic poisoning.
You're either predisposed to cancer or not depending on where/when your GRANDPARENT got vaccinated.
>kills your liver
>empty calories
>lowers test
>act like a retard
>kills stomach lining
>heart problems, cancers
>no lung damage if you vape/eat it
>non addictive
>calorie free
>no body damage
>can still function just fine
>feels better than alcohol
But smoking weed is not a hobby, If you grow, then you know about gardening and can talk about it. Just smoking it is not a great hobby or in a any way interesting to people who are nonsmokers.
Here in Russia it is very illegal and can land you in jail for 5 years for 6 grams(minimal amount and minimal sentence) so i pretend that i don't do it for safety concerns. But people who are dumb enough to talk about it at parties or whatever always say shit like "You don't even understand how good. I was so high dude" etc.
>I'm inflexible because I don't like something
>Personal freedom is stupid when I don't like what they're doing
Go be british or canadian if you want that mentality taken seriously or respected.
You're here. And here, you're a manchild.
I'm not a pot head, but I completely understand this post here. It's clear that this is a form of propaganda to convince people not to do it.
Tits or gtfo
Ok well in america wine fans talk about wine, craft beer fans talk about IPAs, and weed bros talk about weed. Do you see how many people post social media pics of their dinner when they eat out as if where they get served makes them more sophisticated. Just the way it is.
Heres cancer/vaccine link
ALSO suspected the cause of AUTISM
You're such a retarded stoner cunt. Kill yourself immediately.
Heres the AUTISM link associated with the inherited cancer causing vaccine