Who are Slovenians?

They look like krauts and speak gibberish instead of an Slavic language so other Slavs can barely understand them
>Janez, če pa ti jsderbou pršu? Moje name je Rok Švajger in js šprham le slovensko šprahe! To je fajn, ja? Majn furer Janša! Js šrajbam gut kitice! Fajn šrajbam! Prau za prau!

Who are they? Celts? Germans? Northern Italians?

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Stop making this thread


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Slovenia isn't real.

Can confirm
Been to Slovakia twice and never seen Slovenia anywhere around.

They have hot women they are ok

Wannabe Germans, trying to steal German historical kingdoms that were in today's "slovenia". Fake gery nation. King kekec

They are slavo-illyrians (like serbia, croatia, ect) with some latin and Germanic blood.

Wait.. you've never heard of glorious Slovardia? A place where the mountains are tall and the rivers are long?


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The nation that have chosen instead of being the greatest of Yugoslavians, to be the worst of EU germans.

Slavic-austrian-italian mutts

They are alpine Croatians

I'd take that over being a full on Balkanite anytime desu.
Also, we're pretty much just Slavs

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>Austria couldn't singlehandedly-destroy Slovenia in a week

TOP KEK SLOVENIAN PIG SHIT!!! Oh believe you me, us Austrians are ITCHING for a war with Slovenia. We will fucking ANNIHILATE your dirty country. There wouldn't be a square meter of Slovenian soil that has running water, electricity, or petrol that isn't on fire, once our airforce and navy is done bombarding your defenseless country. Then, our army boys (we'd send the turks and other mongrel races first) would swoop in, raping your women, and killing EVERY Slovenian pig shit they see. When Austria's done with you, we will have committed acts of genocide. Of course no one is gonna do shit about it

fuck off shlomo, can't wait for you to be hanged for all the white d&c

Fake meme """nation""" without history

t. Bosnian

>I'd take that over being a full on Balkanite anytime desu
Is little Janez offended that he's becoming a minority in his own country?


>german humor
I guess we really had to separate our ways. This is pathetic

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we dont exist. now please continue with sucking dick you faggot

Genetically we are pure Slavs, most dominant haploshit is Slavic R1a and Slavic I2b (the one that Ukrainian nobles had).

Genetically the most similar are Slovaks iirc.

memeflaggots need to die

sure heidi ...somehow you sound like an selfentitled serb

if we are such meme nation. why did you move here and sell your soul nanation for some more gibs. you come here, no slovenians move to bosnia. we and you both know slovenia is better.

now go back to cleaning toilets ahmetašević, smoke break is over. also go suck some more turkish cock. you are used to it, after all you sucked it for centuries


They are the most slavic nation in the balkans. Probably with some germanic influence.

t. čefur who couldn't even finish his primary eduction

Fuck your shit country. Irrelevant and small and bad at everything


then why are you in this thread. go back to your very relevant and so big and not shit country's threads

I used to date a slovene. She was an olympic class discus thrower. Biggest clit I've seen in person. She also loved it up the ass.

We're a mixed bunch. Many different nations move around here, so we get a bit of everything. Our PM wrote a (fantasy) book about Noricum kingdom, maybe you can find some clues there. Overall nice people i'd say. And everybody speaks English.

>Who are they?
so called slavenia is a province of Italy

italjan = cigan

Google genetic studies on Slovenes, you lazy memeflag shill.
Slovenes are broa, leave them alone.

irony coming from you

lolwut :D


Other nations constantly mix up our flags.

Slovenia’s flag is the one with mountains and stars.

Slovakia’s flag is the one with mountains and a cross.

Learn the difference.

italjan = slov and crorats ruler for more than 3000 years

stop larping shlomo

Imagine being so retarded that you think a language isnt slavic because you cant understand it. Do you understand polish or Ukranian or Czech? Are they not slavic either?

Also if you are wondering what we are maybe you can visit the country and then go and visit the rest of Yugoslavia. You will see that we are clean and westernized while they look like and african dump except more boring and depressing. Literally just smell the air and the difference will be apparent.

that's why we kicked fascism's ass?

I have a harem of blonde Slovene chicks craving for muh dick (also can't believe how many your girls like licking my Balkan asshole, it's glorious!). I'll enjoy it while it lasts.

6 000 000 years
Go back to Ethiopia, dwarf.


Slovenec = cuck

What does this post has to do with croatia? Obsessed about croats much? Or are only Italians that hate Croatia so much the Yas Forums incels?

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oh god its the asspained manlet again



Why are you here? Bosnian pig dog.

If you love Slovenes so much why don't you go there you Zagorje bastard

Slovenians are at least seventy times more based than hercegovna catholic S*rblets like yourself

>Learn the difference.
We should merge powers, there's barely any difference between us

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Hahah hahah haha. Says an alcohol ridden peasant. Go feed the pigs while you still can boy. Mutt

People still allowed to live only because Italy joined the fucking Pisseroupean "union"

For all the historilet: they are all a meme, their "culture" is literally bult on italian leftovers

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Incel alert. No Italian that is normal even speaks about Dalmatia and Istria anymore they know it's a Croatian clay :')

Tell me about -lets Mario. There's a high chance you're one of them

cope some more sweaty
we're "allowed" to live because we kicked your manlet assess and tossed your colonists into fojbe where they fucking belong

Imagine being so much of a fucking faggot that Jure Francetić (commander of the Black Legion, a Croatian bootleg SS) unironically sent Pavelić a letter stating that he's going to use his forces to attack Italians because they're a hundred times worse than chetnik raiders and commie faggots. You're lucky he died in a plane crash before getting to do this otherwise at least six gorrilion Italians would have been srbosjek'd in Jasenovac.

Wtf I can understand some words so stop lying

>italian leftovers
Illyrians weren't Roman. They built Dubrovnik and most other stuff .
And didn't you know Romans immigrated to Croatia in masses when nords and african hordes fucked Roman women, the ones that stayed watched. You're either a nord or African rape baby, living on Roman leftovers. I'm more "Roman" than you probably haha!!!

Funny how the lands where the "alcohol ridden peasants" live are by far the most developed economically and culturally, living on a 1st world standard of life while Dalmatinska Zagora and Hercegovina are like Africa with electricity.