/sg/ Syria General - Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba Edition



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>Syria Mar 21
>Afghanistan Mar 21
>Iraq Mar 21
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Devs Apr 3
Military build-ups belonging to the National Defense Militia and groups of Hezbollah militia and Fatimion militia members at dawn today, Friday, in the city of Mayadin after news of the ISIS attack on their positions in the Badiyat Badia.
Usbat al-Tishrin, an offshoot of the Iran-backed Shia militias, release drone footage of the US Embassy compound in Baghdad saying that the compound is the target of their missiles/rockets.
GNA bombard the residential neighborhood near the Al-Kahili Mosque in the Ain-Zara area with mortars
LNA took new positions on Abu Salim Axis
Egypt- ISIS claim IED attack targeting a tank near Bir al-Abd, North Sinai Yet again reiterating what at this point is no longer increasing presence near Bir al-Abd, but a well established AO there
World Bank approves $40 million loan to Lebanon to strengthen govt response against coronavirus outbreak; country under equipped,limited resources; health sector already strained &setting back efforts in fight against poverty;concerns poor and refugees will be hit; needs immense
Hadi forces attempt to restore Mavqdth, clashing with Houthi Yemen on the Axis of Mount Hailan
Marib operations continue
Afghan National Security Council's spokesman rejects reports 100 Taliban prisoners will be released today


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Al-Nujaba movement publishes this image on its website shortly before it says "Our eyes are flying over your sites" in reference to the militia monitoring the US embassy and its affiliated sites .. @no_itsmyturn @OIRSpox

Iraqi Popular Mobilization Units (PMU), better known by their Arabic name Hashd al-Sha'abi, have blasted the US forces based in their country as "occupiers", pledging to bring the occupation of the Arab country to an end.

In a joint statement on Saturday, Hashd al-Sha’abi groups said from now on the US troops in the Arab country will be dealt with as "occupation forces".

The statement cited the US refusal to withdraw its forces from Iraq and its “continued aggression” against the country as the reasons for their decision.

“You have proven to everyone that you are occupation forces and that you only respect the language of force; on these bases you will be dealt with as occupiers," the statement reads.

It also said that the Iraqi resistance forces' military operations are a basic response to the US aggression.

"Be aware that all operations which have been carried out against you so far were only a minor response to your aggressions as the decision to carry out operations [against US forces] had not been taken back then,” it added.

They stressed that the recent US threats to target the resistance forces are aimed at covering up their own failures.

The statement was signed by Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq, Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba, Kata’ib Sayyid al-Shuhada, Kata’ib al-Imam Ali, Harakat al-Awfiy’a, Saraya Ashura, Harakat Jund al-Imam, and Saraya al-Khurasani.

In late March, the other PMU group Kata'ib Hezbollah blew the lid off a plot by the US military to carry out massive aerial operations — backed by ground troops – against bases of the elite anti-terror force, which is currently busy helping the government in the fight against a new coronavirus pandemic.

The PMU statement was concluded with a message to the Iraqi people, in which the resistance groups vowed that they will not let the US occupy the country and rob its resources.

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LNA twitter has updated their Libyan map; not much GNA/SNA left, many positions surrounded

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unlike everyone, i don't think the PMU is strongly backed by iran anymore, they have joined the ISF few days ago officially and with zurfi as a president supporting them i think they are 70-80% loyal to Iraq, it's a good move to remove the americans, it reminds me of abd al kareem qassim when he removed all the British influence outside.

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Zuwarah airbase is under heavy bombardment

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Is there a way to confirm their claim that they have killed over 600 syrian terrorists? Other than them refusing to go to Libya.

LNA lists the types of factions they're encountering on the front

I read an article recently where it was assumed about 70% of Sistani-backed factions were not going to go along with the Resistance factions; even hinting that Sistani himself could feel this way, but that is pure conjecture.

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#GNA militia losses to
Dead :
AbuGrian 28 dead
Tripoli: 11 dead
Injured :
AbuGrian: 9
Tripoli: 17.
2 #TB2 UAV’s downed
1 reconnaissance UAV downed
Armed vehicles 23 destroyed.
#LNA :
Martyrs: 4
Injured: 9
2 Armed vehicles destroyed

600 is far too high; they are likely in the range of 200-300 SNA dead, 200-300 SNA fleeing directly to Europe through ferries in Tripoli/Misurata. Of the deployed factions in Libya, HTS is following orders more closely than many of the Turkish-created factions

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>Dr. Pavel

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What the alas didst thee just fucking sayeth about me, thee dram wench? i'll has't thee knoweth i graduat'd top of mine own class in the navy seals, and i've been involv'd in num'rous secret raids on al-quaeda, and i has't ov'r 300 confirm'd kills. I am did train in g'rilla warfare and i'm the top snip'r in the entire us cap-a-pe f'rces. Thou art nothing to me but just anoth'r targeteth. I shall wipeth thee the alas out with precision the likes of which hast nev'r been seen bef're on this earth, marketh mine own fucking w'rds. Thee bethink thee can receiveth hence with declaring yond the horror to me ov'r the int'rnet? bethink again, alas'r. As we speaketh i am contacting mine own secret netw'rk of spies across the usa and thy ip is being trac'd even but now so thee bett'r prepareth f'r the st'rm, maggot. The st'rm yond wipes out the pathetic dram thing thee calleth thy life. Thou art fucking dead, peat. I can beest anywh're, anytime, and i can killeth thee in ov'r seven hundr'd ways, and yond's just with mine own bareth hands. Not only am i extensively did train in unarm'd combat, but i has't access to the entire arsenal of the unit'd states marine c'rps and i shall useth t to its full extent to wipeth thy mis'rable rampallian off the visage of the continent, thee dram the horror. If 't be true only thee couldst has't known what unholy retribution thy dram "clev'r" comment wast about to bringeth down upon thee, haply thee wouldst has't did hold thy fucking tongue. But thee couldn't, thee didn't, and user thou art paying the price, thee goddamn clotpole. I shall the horror fury all ov'r thee and thee shall drowneth in t. Thou art fucking dead, kiddo

mmm i sensing a civil war

>HTS is following orders more closely than many of the Turkish-created factions
I think the reason behind it is that they are getting paid because turks have less control over them than their own creations. Turks are afraid that if they don't pay them shit might hit the fan, but with SNA apes they have ways to keep them in line even if they refuse to pay them.

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LNA Mi-35 over the Libyan coast

It's clear Zurfi's history indicated a crack down on the resistance factions was coming; but when Corona-chan happened instead the US forces started shrinking instead. It's still likely that Iraqi CTS will be used against KH/Usbat al-Thairen, but under these circumstances no one wants to take military operations during an anti-viral quarantine. Zurfi can now have more freedom to act independently to both contain the virus, contain the US, and contain the resistance factions. Reducing the myriad political influences within the army factions is doubtless a major goal for him. Though people want more combativeness from Sistani, it's just not in his nature - but the militias raised in his name need their own voice too. A gap between the two could be exploited by a military leader simply.

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Continuing Iraq updates

2 hours ago
Kurdistan's Health Ministry reports 18 new Coronavirus cases in Erbil

16 hours ago
8 Hashd al-Shaabi factions issue a joint statement: 1- US only understands the language of force. Iraqi soil and air will be hell for them. 2- Adnan Zufi is "CIA candidate" for PM. MPs should withhold their support to "the agent". 3- We will not allow US continue its occupation

16 hours ago
Iraqi security forces assume full command of of Al-Habbaniyah air base in Anbar, After the withdrawal of the @CJTFOIR , The ceremonial held in presence of a number of officers from @modmiliq

a day ago
Adnan Al-Zarfi for Sky News Arabia: Iraq is going through a disaster and the government may not be able to secure all salaries

a day ago
Iraqi security forces spokesman says that they have carried out controlled explosion of ISIS leftover explosion device west of Baghdad

2 days ago
Two soldiers killed, three wounded in explosion near Makhmour

2 days ago
These are the first commercial flights allowed out of Erbil since the Iraqi Civil Aviation Authority issued a ban on March 17 in an attempt to curb the spread of coronavirus

2 days ago
Iraq announces 9 new COVID19 infections in Najaf

3 days ago
Usbat al-Tishrin, an offshoot of the Iran-backed Shia militias, release drone footage of the US Embassy compound in Baghdad saying that the compound is the target of their missiles/rockets.

3 days ago
Total number of Coronavirus cases in Kurdistan region raises to 201

3 days ago
Kata'ib Hezbollah published a statement today warning the U.S. against "being involved in any aggressive action against our people." The statement comes after weeks of warnings from Shiite militias against possible U.S. military action in Iraq

3 days ago
U.S. military says air defense systems including Patriot surface-to-air missiles moved into Iraq following attacks on American and coalition troops

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3 days ago
Chief of Staff of Iraqi Armed Forces meets with PM nominee Adnan Zurfi. Discussed importance of training from International Coalition. Armed Forces have no Corona cases. Zurfi emphasizes need for equipment from international power nations

3 days ago
10 new coronavirus infections were recorded in Najaf

3 days ago
WHO expects Iraq's coronavirus cases to rise sharply within 10 days as country increases testing capacity from only a 100 a day to 4,500 per day

Usbat al-Thairen releases drone footage of US embassy and warns it will be a target if occupation continues

AQ has always billed itself as something of the antifa wing of Ikhwanis; there's a good likelihood that even without the Turks they would have had members in Libya; but with the Turks they are able to move their weathered staff from Idlib to the front, and get paid lira/citizenship for surviving a year doing it. The two organizations, TAF and HTS, are preserving the ikhwani power structures just as they've done in Syria, and these two will surely not be the last theatre they try it in.

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A threadly reminder the Shia are the ONLY good guys

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Southfront Apr 4

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>Reducing the myriad political influences within the army factions is doubtless a major goal for him.
zurfi was obviously the best choice, he has tweeted recently a vid of himself signing papers and saying #Iraq_first which i think represents his will of reducing that influence, for who? why? how? i have no idea, but i don't think sisstani would give that much of a fuck, the guy seeks for peace and you can take his announcements calling the security forces to protect the protest as a proof.
I'm really hyped for zurfi, he might be a main character in the middle east shitshow soon.


It's especially telling that Usbat al Thairen, for all the talk, is still divided into Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq, Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba, Kata’ib Sayyid al-Shuhada, Kata’ib al-Imam Ali, Harakat al-Awfiy’a, Saraya Ashura, Harakat Jund al-Imam, and Saraya al-Khurasani. They have the same problem the Iraqi Army does; easy to raise an army, difficult to ever remove a commander. Even among all of these, there are not many leaders, no real 'Sadr'. Even with the Fatah coalition, it is subdivided. Though Abu Azrael is in the Imam Ali brigades.

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There's certainly no shortage of claimants, but who will succeed in the struggle to replace Muhandis?

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And though Qaani is no Soleimani, plenty of groups are taking the opportunity to make a name for themselves now. The stability over seen by him is gone; and though the quarantine shows a temporal containment, when it is over - and maybe before it is over - new leaders will be rising

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Clashes east of the residential city of Al-Saleh in Hudaydah

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Kurdish Asayish convoy ignores a government checkpoint in Qamishli and attempt to move the security barrier without being checked, leading to one Kurd being shot and killed

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all of these militias mentioned nearly share the same ideology still they are devided, fatah is corrupt as hell which will cause of them to whether end up miserably or unite with Bina' coalition,
abd alwahaab alsaidi, hadi al amri, even muqtada might be taken as an option.
i can accept whatever comes with open hands, i just don't want them to disband the PMU, few people might be realizing it but we need for the balance of this country militarily.

i'm going to sleep.

Hadi forces are attempting a three-pronged counter attack on Mount Hailan to counter the siege of Marib; high attrition exchange continues

Abdul Jabbar is a former Iraqi colonel who served in Saddam's army who was laid off in 2003 as part of the occupation of Iraq

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I always wonder what equipment and army concentration Saudis must have in order to hold almost open fields next to the city.

This is so fucking dumb, but then again US puppet SDF doesn't do shit about turks infesting their lands so fuck 'em.

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Yeah no, the guy is a wild gun who the iranians don't trust a single bit.

Hmmm... I don't see Houthis successfully approach Marib without all land in the north and west of Marib gets liberated. Also people call this a siege when Houthis havent even approached Marib from one side.

>all of these militias mentioned nearly share the same ideology still they are devided, fatah is corrupt as hell which will cause of them to whether end up miserably or unite with Bina' coalition
All this because Maliki could not make a solid political foundation through State of Law; and was further undermined by Obama, leading to increased division from leaderless groups.

>abd alwahaab alsaidi, hadi al amri, even muqtada might be taken as an option.
abu azrael is literally a sadrist so that would work, though i think muqtada enjoys speaking of responsibilities as much as he likes avoiding assuming any major position himself. amri would also work, but not without finishing badr's confrontation with the other factions. Abd al Wahaab al Saidi would be ironic, considering he was pushed as deputy of Iraqi CTS by its commander on the left, Talib Shaghati, who just reeks of glowie, and Iraqi CTS seems to clash with PMUs the most - by design, likely, as they are foreign trained, and the PMUs are wholly Iraqi-borne.
>i can accept whatever comes with open hands, i just don't want them to disband the PMU, few people might be realizing it but we need for the balance of this country militarily.
I think the resistance factions see this, and that is the point some are making by leaving the PMUs to join Ausbat al Thairen. The People's Mobilization Units are a pillar of Iraq itself, militias raised to defend the capital, and their opposition - IS - is not gone, but only dormant. Now there is new additional opposition. Doubtless some future coupist in Iraq will descend from Iraqi CTS.

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What is their actual reason for doing this shit aside from just being pricks.
Did this kind of thing ever happen during the allied occupation of Germany? What does it achieve aside from stirring the pot.

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Qamishli is like DeZ surrounded by hordes, and just as before the hordes are not superior.

It's more of an approaching salient. Saudi air power in the region is considerable; the Houthi are likely prioritizing the highland regions - but outside of those highland regions, will find it difficult to take land. The clash on Mount Hailan favors them - the lands beyond it, free of cover and concealment, do not

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Please let this lead to a Haftar ran Pinochet-esque junta, or at least Saif al Islam Gaddafi taking rightful power.

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Sooner or later they will clash, and sooner or later Turkey will bomb them(kurds).

desu, Houthis should just do lowland and dessert tactics that ISIS did with fast and mobile infantry shock attacks.

Like Germany, they are trying to carve out spheres of influence for future maps, and most immediately are probably trying to prevent anyone seeing those oil wells or displacing them from it

All Haftar has to do is decide if he wants to run in the presidential election after Tripoli victory. If he does, he is likely to win; but he has given hints at being more interested in a ministry of defense role. His commander, Abdul Fatah Younis, was assassinated for making contact with Saif Al Islam at the close of the conflict - if Saif al Islam returns to power, the Libyan National Army will be an institution uniquely designed to destroy any future attempts of 'Libyan Revolution' - even the culture of the revolution in Tripoli is under siege, and I think the two, Saif with Haftar's LNA, could lead Libya very strongly in the international sphere.

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>that road in Tel Brak
just a few kilomemes to connection

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They are doing something like this in Saudi Arabia; the fast moving RPG-Sniper units backed by Tochkas. The Fateer-1 can make 1-2 Saudi planes withdraw, but on a front like this they are dealing with whole wings. However, if Hadi keeps up these war of attrition tactics in the highlands, he's going to run out of Islah members. Once they're gone, Zubaidi is in control of the South and Socotra

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It'd be such a cock slap to the face of NATO and Qatar if Gaddafi manages to claw back power at the end of this, and I really hope it happens, it'd be a story book ending and I could easily see the LNA team up with Assad after to finish off HTS and Turkish influence.

During the mutual confrontations with Turkey, it became clear it is possible for Erdogan to be spread too thin. For all that talk in Syria, he did not achieve the Sochi objectives he began with, just as he yielded to secondary objectives in Rojava, while losing land constantly in Libya. LNA and SAA are modernizing rapidly to cope with Turkish drone attacks, and as a result, are becoming some of the most experienced and advanced military forces in the MENA region. Saif al Islam is on schedule to achieve power at the fall of Misurata, a place his father could not conquer, with his place in the history books alongside Haftar unmistakable, so Libya's victory will not be Haftar's alone

LNA captured GNA equipment at AbuGrian axis - one member wearing a green flag

Armed forces LNA has successfully repaired an attack by terrorist militia and mercenaries loyal to Turkey and GNA At the axis of the Wadi Alrabi Tripoli
Militias incurred losses in equipment & lives,destroyed a number of vehicles,and disable 2 tanks

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Might be wishful thinking that the two would 100% team up and tag team lead Libya following the end of the war. But what other options are there really. Heres to hoping Sarraj is arrested along with all the other NATO plants.

I think Haftar already had his Stalingrad moment when Sirte was recaptured, being the city Gaddafi was killed in and the place this shitshow really started at.

>Special: Planned $ 1 billion US aid cut to fund Afghan security force: Source

>US (Mark Esper and Mike Pompeo) determined to go ahead with withdrawal from the Open Skies Treaty despite coronavirus

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Saudis are thirsty

>Special: Planned $ 1 billion US aid cut to fund Afghan security force: Source
>oust a terrorist government
>20 years later do everything to get them back to power
Muttbrains at work

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>, and as a result, are becoming some of the most experienced and advanced military forces in the MENA region.
In the land of the blind...

Really proved him otherwise.

Muammar Gaddafi interviewed before the revolution

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You have to remember that the only libyan source used here is the most biased, one-sided twitter source out there.

Of course in their view the guys, who are stalled for a whole year around Tripoli despite overwhelming material and numerical advantages and until recently complete control of the open skies (in a war that is still fought outside urban areas and in the desert) is somehow the ' most experienced and advanced military forces in the MENA'

And I'm not here to shill for the GNA islamists, I just dont think it useful to build ones understanding of an unter-reported conflict on literary saudi propaganda.

The same people who rightfully ridicule saudi claims in Yemen, somehow blindly believe them in Libya.

t. 0rk

Saudi has little to no role in Libya and the UAE by far keeps Haftar equipped with Pantsirs, Wing Loong drones, and new vehicles. However, Haftar predates these foreign powers and was entirely a force within Libya when it was clashing with Islamists in Benghazi and Derna. He may have Javelin missiles and Mi-35s, but Haftar's strength is due to the constant mistakes of the Tripoli militias. The very formation of these militias was provoked by Al Jazeera nearly a decade ago, and from that time to now they have not shown any sense of professionalism whatsoever. The war in Libya contains much more than the battle of Tripoli, so using that as a barometer would only give you a superficial view of the forces at work.

Tripoli is not an empty city. And Haftar's only claim is the destruction of ikhwani-affiliated military formations within his home nation of Libya. If Haftar has any equivalent in Yemen, it's STC, with its targeted assassination strikes against Islah. Islamism in the Mahgreb is an old evil. Algeria saw all these same types of battles during the times of the FLN, and there was no Turkey selling drones to ikhwanis then. Reacting to Turkish expansion is not equivalent to the expansion itself; all these ikhwani expansions are just methods of undermining the national states for Turkish military action and exploitation. Haftar is ahead of the game in this respect, not agreeing to Erdogan-Putin ceasefires, and not relenting in his campaign to remove the militias from controlling a city they barely understand.

Turkey is not in the MENA region, so it is perfectly understandable for Haftar to have trouble taking a Turkish-run and occupied city - the same as Bashar al Assad and Afringhastan. Haftar has already defeated the Islamists who were not using foreign donations to sustain themselves, now he has arrived at the true face of the enemy - non-Libyans

At no point has Khalifa Haftar had complete control of the open skies - GNA's air wing is veteran mercs

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>balkan iq

>diaspoopra IQ

I wasn't trying to prove the pirate wrong, i was mocking MENA armies for being absolutely fucking terrible but this is somehow way beyond your reading comprehension
>hurr durr diaspora
Sorry but i'm not one of these nu-/sg/ shitskin posters

t. rigered

That's why I grade them on a scale. MENA armies would be in much higher quality if they weren't D&Ced to shit. Still, within the divisions, there are worse things than the armies.

>The one eyed man is king
Literally the story of the dajjal

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>according to liveuamap, haftar's libya does not border niger, chad or sudan

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>Sorry but i'm not one of these nu-/sg/ shitskin posters
How is that when you are both a newfag and a shitskin?

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>*tactically rolls in your path*
Abu hajaars adventures are somehow one of the more memorable things in this conflict
Which MENA army would you consider the most competent?
imagine being this new

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E. #Syria: today a #NDF fighter was killed in area of Bishri Mounts, an #ISIS stronghold between Sukhnah a #DeirEzzor-city.

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