Along with Alt-Hype/Ryan Faulk, is JF the last respectable member of the Alt-Right?
Along with Alt-Hype/Ryan Faulk, is JF the last respectable member of the Alt-Right?
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Murdoch Murdoch is beautiful.
Murdoch Murdoch is based.
>sexually abuses retards
Not based.
>alt right
I'm a nicker now.
Are there any respectable members? I'll watch Morgoth and Woes, and agree with what Collett proposes but as a group, the alt right are a bunch of retards.
Jf is a total faggot.
And he is not Alt-Right. He is just has a show that sometimes interacts with people who are Alt-Right.
national socialism is alt-left
Nick the Spic is pretty much as Alt-Right as Gay-rapey.
Are you talking about JF "If they ain't got Downs, I ain't down" Gariepy?
I'm not calling myself that.
Don't ever post that again.
>Fucks actual retards
>Google lawyer
Sorry, but no.
>member of the Alt-Righ
do you have the membership card?
how is this guy any different from the alt-right ideologically?
real national socialism is but the NSDAP were not socialist at all.
Didn't this guy took millions of dollars from Jeffrey Epstein?
>ideology influenced by Mussolini
>Mussolini notes that fascism is socialism
>call yourself national socialist german workers party
>not socialist.
try harder pseud.
>the last respectable member of the Alt-Right?
Add an 'e' to last and you'll have it
I think he’s talking about old Macdonald, the owner of the potato farm down the road
Yep he actually admitted that in a discussion with the other faggot richard spencer
>is JF the last respectable member of the Alt-Right?
JF respectable
IDK, maybe if I was a 4 foot 9 manlet i would need to take a mentally retarded wife too...
I guess I can respect that.
As for alt right Mollymeme is top notch, watch him own JF on jewtube.
JF kept going back to his fictional dream world in another reality.... Big waste of time that was.
Based as fuck
Nick is gay though.
That booger eating kid we all looked at and laughed at in school.
>the NSDAP were not socialist at all
>French Canadian
Get your facts right.
There are no respectable members of the "Alt-Right". All of them are all nigger lover wannna-be blue checkmarks on Twitter.
Against abortion for nonwhites
Against eugenics
Against ethic cleansing
Supports repealing the 19th amendment
Supports a ban on prostitution and porn
Supports a ban on marijuana and vaping
Supports banning women from politics and the military
You mean the NSDAP that had socialised housing and goods, the same NSDAP that had 0% unemployment because any excess of workforce was used for national projects?
>Against abortion for nonwhites
>Against eugenics
>Against ethic cleansing
You're right, that doesn't solve the issues.
>Supports a ban on marijuana
Also can't agree with him on that.
That tax rate....
Are you crazy. He is moust cucked and worst Alt Right faggot ever.
I like watching this guy called Steve Franssen. Did a very good video on idubbbz recently.
Its good to see some representation of the community.booger eaters are normal people and have rights too.
like that one time he assraped stefan
Neither are alt-right
This and also JF should stick to genetics.
Hitler purged all the real socialists from the party. He abolished trade unions and still had private property lmao. Only a retard would think Hitler was a socialist just look at his talks with Strasser
sounds like some traditionalist civnat faggot then
hes a sexual predator
Then explain the programs I outlined. Germany under the NSDAP was one of the most leftwing and socialist states in the world during the time.
This dude gets like 50 views on his YouTube lmao
Nicky boy pulls in 6,000 live viewers on AVERAGE and that's on DLive.
That, and I can understand what Nick's saying because he doesn't have a gay accent.
Doesn't he literally fuck a bunch of handicap girls?
Sean Last, AltHype, Morgoth, Penrowe. All of which upload only sporadically so take that for what it's worth.
Spudfucker and the rest of the meme team have lost a lot of their relevance.
Imagine actually respecting any of these retards.
For as much as this guy talks about evolution, he's failed to mention the evolutionary reason as to why manlets such as himself are so hated.
Pro Tip: Manlets had to behave to lie, cheat steal, and rape in order to survive in ancient times, leading to an EXTREME hatred towards manlets.
Pol is dead and you faggots killed it
JF is a complete joke on any topic relating to psychology or philosophy and even when talking about evolution you've got to wonder what the fuck he's doing boning a sub-nigger iq woman barely able to speak.
he is a soft, obese , gay , balding , midget.
and he is very boring too.
It was left-wing economically but it’s more socdem and not at all socialist
I hate white e-nationalists so. All whine and no spine. I got a poli sci degree and never once did any of you faggots bring up your pol talking points in class. Too scared to stand up for what you believe in because I'm not afraid to stand my 6'4 frame over a racist pos.
I have no idea who these people are.
He's Québecois so of course he is respectable.
I think he's up around 500-1200 on average, the 50 person channel is his safe one, look for his other channel.
Are you a fucking retard? Mike Enoch is respectable. Better than anyone on the Alt Lite or Charlie Kirk side of things
Atleast you weren't racist, bro.
I know those feels
t. 6 foot 5 of 100% Nazi german genetics
>Charlie Kirk
It's Charlie Kike
Start spelling it correctly. Add "Kike" to your computers dictionary if needed.
Image related, his listening to unpopular ideas = blocked
No retards, national socialism is not "alt left" or left wing at all, or even right wing for that matter, it is third position, TRUE nationalism, not your fake conservatism horse shit, the right wing is stupid beyond belief and never had any idea what they were talking about. Your left/right dichotomy is so skewed, read books that weren't written by jews and boomers who support jews, faggots.
>kike with a kike wife
>Rapes potatoes
>gets outsmarted by andy warski
>cucked by a wheel chair bound puerto rican and fat fuck colombian.
yeah im thinking hes a real chad totally based.
Lol. The only 2 German kids I have met here in America were both like 5’11 and very skinny. Could easily defeat both in a fight
I agree. Only the pure ironic anons who only shitpost as pure and worthy.
America pls
Retard. You’re probably a skinhead. Ever heard the phrase “forgive and forget”. That’s what we should do for Mike because his analysis is very good and he is spreading much needed awareness of the JQ pretty much every day
I might as well throw my hat into the ring as I've been apart of the alt-right ever since Ron Paul shit the bed in 2012 and I had no where else to go.
Wrinkled hands typed this post
There are only two people in this world, racists and those who lie about being racist because it's popular to do so. Eat shit you worthless faggot.
As a quebecer myself ... this guy is garbage ... if I ever see him I'll beat him up ... teaming with antics and fucking a retard ... its the rope , oh and the fag took Jew money ... its double rope
Maybe actual guys on the cusp of real dwarfism. "Manlet" is largely a post-1960s expression of wahmen having zero responsibility for their actions while all men are fleeced to pay for them to do whatever socially destructive shit they want. When you see thots saying "don't talk to me if ur below 6'0" when that's maybe 15% of the male population then you don't have a good evolutionary argument. Nigger.
Teaming with antifa
There are only two people in this world, racists and those who lie about being racist because it's popular to do so. Eat shit you worthless faggot.
(I tagged the wrong post the first time I posted this)
>yes oy vey my fellow white go... guys you need to forgive mike shekelstein and never forget to donate to his patreon he is the only way to save the white race!
get outta here you fucking boob.
I've met delusional leftists before. They believe what they say and think racism is the worst thing in the world.
Donate to Charlie Kirk and Paul Joseph Watson then, you fucking fool
Stop making e-celebs the main subject of what white nationalism is, white nationalism is for us what black nationalism is for niggers, except niggers get a platform that gets advertized and supported, that alone should be enough of a reason to be a white nationalist, out of rebellion, because the ones in charge basically tell the most important race in America that they must die out. You gonna sit there and take that? And then talk shit on any form of resistance? Fuck you.
There's always a financial factor to this. What? You expect these people to work the morning shift at McDonalds only to come home and play political commentator? Nope. Doesn't work that way.
If anything, you can slip some well concealed cash in a card and send it to founder Don Black. He really needs the cash as voiced on Friday's episode of Stormfront Radio.
Yeah man, it's cringe and retarded, all because they rely on celebs paid to tell them what to think.
These aren't mere "e-celebs", these are the voices of your generation.
>right wing eceleb thread
>strawmans and ad homs always outnumber any discussion
Every time
No, he isn’t, you’re lying
Just stop retard.
Nah he is a retard fucker who will happily collaborate with antifa if his fragile ego is hurt, he is also a libertarian
Its 2 skinny fags and an ugly childless girl ... they are weak
It's about getting the message out there.
The voices of my generation are varied far beyond any single idea unfortunately.
It shocks me that a message so simple would even have to get out there, it should be our nature to want to survive.
this meme slogan sucks
People shouldn't have to be told when the sky is blue, they should just be able to look directly at the situation and figure it out. It is THAT obvious at this point.
A lot of things "should" be the case, but they simply aren't. Evil is a fact of the world and we have to fight against it.