Redpill me on this

What is so special about this comet?

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It's cometing at us!

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It's gonna make all the machines come alive and kill us all.

When your mom's dildo goes nuts and electrocutes her, you'll know it's happening.

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Its a spaceship full of aliens that kill normies for fun

It's size. Apparently bigger than Jupiter

Its over 11 trillion football fields long.

it's fucking huge

So it’s really a planet

>44 bastard

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Wut? No fucking way.

>comet bigger than jupiter

ok retards. were all going to die then because this big ass mega comet with gravitational fields the size of the sun is going to fuck all our orbits out the ass

The earth project is complete.

Planet X is a crazy conspiracy theory, schizo. Get some sleep.

No it isn't, it's atmosphere is, likely due to it being heated as it gets closer to our sun. I believe that's also the cause for its distinctive color.

wayne rides dirtbikes too?
could you be any more perfect?

if you ever come to melbournistan we should ride at mt disappointment.

I think the green is caused by cyanide in the nucleus. Theres also the blue tail comets develop which is called an ion tail. I don't know a ton just enough to sound smart to people that aren't into astronomy lol

To OP theres nothing really special about it in the grand scheme of things it just happens to be passing by at a eerie time and also is on a perfect orbit to put on a show. Estimates at least from theskylive's little light curve graph show at the end of May its brightness reaching -5.9(I think) which is brighter than Venus.

Fingers crossed it makes it and doesn't break up before it can give us a nice lightshow.

Also estimates show the actual comet itself, the nucleus to be a few miles at most across.

For comparison Hale-Bopp was around 25 miles across

Checked. Normie doom confirmed as ays lmao

This user gets it.

Here's hoping for a light show.

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>wayne rides dirtbikes too?
>could you be any more perfect?
>if you ever come to melbournistan we should ride at mt disappointment.

Awesome, that might be fun, thank you. I'm intermediate skills. I have about 4 years riding experience. I love this thing and ride almost each day.

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Nothing. You retards fall for every clickbait article you can find.

Yesterday I got my full moto outfit.

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the future is lamb... LAMBright!

And travels with a speed of 6 million school shootings.

>the future is lamb... LAMBright!
Thank you.

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Nothing. It’s just space dirt.

It’s just a flew bro

Very close to sun and exits practically into our orbit.
Being so close to sun it can break up and we will be showered with the remains.

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when you hear tails of aquatic animals beaching and birds falling from the sky the electromagnetic effects are present.
Pets will turn on you, wild animals become friendly.
Same for humans, some people will turn insane and crazy people will become sane.
Look at the proliferation of insane asylums in the usa after the quakes of 1811/12 which followed the great comet of 1811

There's a UFO hiding in the comet's tail. Only humans that are ready for the next evolutionary stage can get on it. We currently have an away team preparing for the journey. The Hale-bopp away team must have succeeded their mission and returning with a new craft.

>We currently have an away team preparing for the journey.

Keep in touch!

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There isn't a single astronomer, astrophysicist, or mathematician alive that doesn't believe planet 10 aka planet 9 is real. The second thing they all agree on is that it has incredible mass. The third thing they all agree on is that they have no idea what it is. Some theories include gas giant, micro black hole, and, considering its weight, the crimes of the jews. NASA has been funneling cash into trying to figure out what it is since 2015.

t. NASAfag in Hawaii

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the other half of our binary star?

i like the primordial black hole theory.

it would be a stepping stone into the future like the moon.
we would be able to send a craft tomorrow with current day technology to perform ultra high energy particle experiments.

our race would instantly advance 10,000 years overnight.

In Frank Waters's writings on Hopi mythology, the Blue Star Kachina or Saquasohuh, is a kachina or spirit, that will signify the coming of the beginning of the new world by appearing in the form of a blue star. The Blue Star Kachina is said to be the ninth and final sign before the "Day of Purification", described as a apocalypse or a "world engulfing cataclysm" that will lead to the Annihilation of planet Earth.[1] Author Jason Colavito investigated this prophecy and found no reference to it before the late twentieth century.[2]

Space is fake.

This desu

>trillions and trillions of square kilometers of unoccupied land just above our heads
>our race has PROVEN that we are capable of reaching and colonizing it
>no galactic federation in sight... we could be the first
>our ethnostate could literally be the whole universe
>some anons still deny it exists

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Two rocks are in the tail with our fucking name on them. North Atlantic and China.

Boom. Boom.

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What am I looking at?

skizzo posting thinking that is somehow divine that 2 rocks spinning can make shapes

Earth and Mars? Venus and Earth? Idk

Imagine being a leaf faggot

Why do you take so many pictures of yourself Waynita?

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Won't it still give a good show if it turns into buckshot instead of a slug?

I honestly thought it was drawing an ass hole

no, same thing happened with comet Elenin. It was supposed to put on an amazing show but broke up into pieces and was forgotten. Seriously all the conspiritards were going apeshit over it and it turned into a dud.

>Why do you take so many pictures of yourself Waynita?

I'm a professional photographer, its what I do. I have a Nikon d2h and lots of glass.

It’s gravitational influence as it nears earth will trigger the yellowstone eruption. Check em.

I was thinking the increased surface area would've heated more and melted/sublimated more. Unless it's a pressure thing and it spurts out hard to cause a bigger tail.

You need to kys you disgusting tripfag

It looks like uranus

>I'm a photographer
Maybe take more pictures of trees or something dude, you're not very photogenic. I mean I'm not trying to be a dick, I'm no spring chicken either but I also don't have thousands of selfies.

more like earth and venus

Space is a reflection of our inner collective. Everyone knows whats going to happen its how they interpret the event. This comet will be visible with the naked eye in daylight. With a halo like ring. Respect the sign from the heavens that this to shall pass, revealing the true beauty of nature.

The joke - - - (you) - - - - >

it's interference with the 5G network will lobotomize everyone
it's a well known prophecy

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>lots of glass
oh hay whatup
I like meth too lmao

Er..... it's a long way lad how do we get there, how do we convince others it makes sense to go there? Who is stopping us (((going)))?

it's outgassing farther than saturn, when it shouldn't.

Almost always MMUUURRKKNNNNNs, what happened to you lot?

You'd think, but no. It's remnants of a memory passed down genetically. There was a Planet X, a Niburu. It has long since passed though, but it was so devastating that it still remains in our genetic memory even today.