Is coronavirus like HIV and it sticks with you forever, fucks your immune system, and kills you at some point?
Or it's just a dangerous respiratory flu?
Is coronavirus like HIV and it sticks with you forever, fucks your immune system, and kills you at some point?
Other urls found in this thread:
>american education
airborne aids
There's AT LEAST permanent lung damage.
But yeah, those ACE2 receptors are in a lot of other parts of the body, and people suspect it crawls up the nerve ending in your brain.
As far as I know it just attacks through the same receptors as HIV
It is just a bad ass flu. It might give you honeycomb lungs and fuck you up that way, but odds are high you will just get kinda sick for about two weeks then be fine.
Read up on the human immune system, and not just from anti-gay propaganda this time.
The body remembers what removed the virus after it's eliminated. This is a small part in a very complicated system. Covid is basically contact-pneumonia . Hit the books pal
Also, why would you risk it?
>muh economy
Won't matter if the hospitals collapse.
>It might give you honeycomb lungs
just a flu
>just the flu
Because I'm 99.9% sure I caught it and could finally say I'm almost recovered
Really felt like I was going to die and was prepared to finally see the other side
My breathing and lungs were fucked but I never had a cough, congested nose, or fever outside of sweating the last two days
>sticks with you forever
It doesn't embed itself in your DNA, permanently changing the genome of the cells it infects, like HIV, at least
10-20% of Europeans are immune to HIV.
HIV is a retrovirus that inserts DNA into YOUR DNA and it stays there forever.
I dont think corona does this...? As far as I know its not a retrovirus. It just BTFO cells with high ACE2.
Just dont forget also there is the well-known seasonal flu which comes with the spring. So you dont really know what you caught without test.
It's reduced lung function that is treatable with physiotherapy
You're a bona-fide faggot Nigger
But did you get tested?
And how is your lung function after "recovering?"
No one knows how this thing behaves.
It's all speculation til the aftermath.
I'm not risking it.
>But did you get tested?
No but the respiratory symptoms are on par with what this is
>And how is your lung function after "recovering?"
Not fully recovered, still having some trouble with breathing
>1 post by this ID
We're not even 4 months into this, so I don't even know how you'd verify this.
You fucked up chang, and the world is gonna fuck your ass so hard you'll be breathing through your large intestine instead of your lungs. Which are probably fried anyways.
no, its pretty well known how it operates. it fucks up your lungs if you have moderate or higher symptoms, everyone else gets a mild cold with regular flaring of symptoms.
>all caps
>title is a question
fuck these niggerfaggots all the way to hell, kiked fucking mongs
>still have some trouble breathing
What was the time frame for your infection? 1-2 weeks?
Lets jerk each other off, Hansi.
>We're not even 4 months into this, so I don't even know how you'd verify this.
lots of respiratory illness that cause lung damage are treated with lung exercises to help improve tissue health, and increase function.
Well I'm also 90% sure I caught it walking into a medical building for an appointment right when I opened the front doors and breathed in the warm air without a mask.
But it didn't get bad till about 3 days later. Would say say it's been a week so far
>1 post by this ID
Fucking chink shills...
Why are you encouraging people not to take this seriously?
Do you WANT them to catch it?
I dunno, good question.
My husband is trying to kill me with munchausens by proxy and he gaslights me with this kind of trash. I just roll with it. It's not in my specialty, so why do I need to know?
Sometimes I get fixated on specific elements of medical causality, but I can only bust out of the vortex of enslaved liars when it's unexpected, so I've been utterly marginal in coming up with insights about Coronavirus. It's too central. I can't usefully stir it, or at least not with much biological insight.
Some people abuse others and then get simply shocked when victimized people are unproductive. It's like... if anyone has evidence better than mine, dump it, and my life's conditions will change in a way that regularizes my output more.
Part of why the fully reciprocal ethic tries to rehabilitate people is that science advances more readily when we don't have to enforce that some people get gaslighting instead of honesty.
What about the kidney and testicular damage?
I'm sure I can do physical therapy to de-castrate myself, right?
Bitch I had this shit.
The fucking muscle aches, phlegm and fever could kill you if you aren't on top of that shit. Lung function went down but it's back to normal now. I don't rely on motherfuckers who never went through it to tell me my prognosis. You fucking Nigger.
>my husband
You're a faggot/tits or gtfo.
Also, fix the reddit spacing.
You probably don't have it, but why wouldn't you take steps to prevent catching it?
All the digits in this thread with shill posts makes me thinks CCP has script kiddies doing damage control.
My kidneys still work fine and my nuts are tip top you cock and balls obsessed kike.
Im pointing out how your youtube channel you are shilling in every thread is just alarmist clickbait
your some faggot soishit nigger trying to get a few shekels from some easy fearmongering
shut your kiked mouth and go castrate yourself, none of these youtube niggers are taking it seriously either
they will be taking selfies next to the dead bodies in a few weeks with prayer hands and false solidarity for moral points
lutenizing hormone converts to testosterone for men, you could just take a testosterone supplement under medical advisement if you are that worried.
You sure you're not just paranoid there bud? Fuck chinks.
What a retard, never post again
Corona virus is flu mutated by Ozone. Please look up "Ozone Poisoning" and compare it to the symptoms of Covid19.
>he thinks shills care about durr doobs
I sure stirred up the hive.
>take testosterone supplements
>shrinks balls anyways
massive levels of retardation here.
>downplaying illness so people take more risks
It's obvious CCP shills are trying to use social engineering to get people to risk infection
China has been downplaying this from the beginning. Why would their message change now?
And of course everyone arguing with me takes that same message...
No, but they know we do.
>what is ADE
There were already human strain corona viruses. This is a different strain in the corona virus family, we get "normal" corona viruses all the time that are part of the flu cocktail of viruses.
You are a fucking asshole for spreading bullshit. The damage in the lungs is causes by spread inflammation through the immune response, you can also get that from influenza or bacteria.
Fuck you faggot
>german people
That is basically correct, corona is an rna virus , doesnt touch the nuclear dna in your cells, just hijacks the machinery so to speak.
Not really arguing
Giving you a first hand experience statement. SarsCov2 is no joke. My fever hit 105 and the chills almost convinced me I'd be dead in no time. Have fun getting more yous because you're a brain dead retard who can't troll for shit.
sounds like jews freaking out
>i have done a lot of research
it prevents your natural process that your lung uses to clear mucus and dead cells
so basically you end up having the million little tubes and spheres that make up the extreme surface area that your lungs have ...
.. covered in mucus and dead cells
>so you're basically drowning and/or have heart attack due to not breathing
>imagine inhaling a bucket of superglue or something like that
>your o2 level slowly drops over about a week until you suffocate
what to do?
>good immune system is good
>viatmin C increases oxygen
>heme increases oxygen, so have a few slices of bacon every day (not too much!)
>get fit
all virus stay with your for life... a lot of human DNA, some crazy high percentage, is past virus exposures
>but your immune system can make antibodies and heal like from the other colds and flus you have had
>most viruses travel through nervous and lymphatic system as well as respiratory and blood...
>low dosage is good, you NEED to limit exposure, a simple cloth mask you can DIY is okay, just soak it in 70% alcohol (151 proof or isypropol) for 5 minutes when you get home.
>your brain may start causing you to act impulsively, reflex spit, fever, etc... so watch your behavior and others'
>only go to doctor if you have high fever
>sit upright or incline bed head up
>may have to consciously breath
>may want to consider getting oxygen
>try to heave up mucus if you get it
>ventilators can do more harm than good
regular doctors are hacks, they are like mechanics with the power to prescribe drugs, read studies
Yes it also makes you bald
From what I have read, it is still unknown whether it is permanent or not.
stays forever, honeycomb lungs, damages heart. china chose this future for you
Post feminine penis with these trips, faggot.
Where did this word come from, OP?
More of like Coronavirus is a proxy to freak out normies and install new dystopian policies just like how HIV was used l.
>get fit
>government closes them mountain I use to increase lung capacity
You're an idiot. The reason HIV is dangerous is because it utilizes ADE to infect immune system cells, kill/hinder them and basically prevent your own immune system from responding to other infections which inevitably kill you over a long time period. There's no reason sars2 couldn't achieve this in addition to the direct respiratory effects early in the disease.
Most effective pieces of advice here are:
vitamin c, not ascorbic acid synthetic bullshit.
Spit up the phlegm and spit it out ASAP everytime.
Can i still smoke cigarettes while this crap is going on?
>not arguing
>is no joke
Sounds like you're saying exactly what I am.
Don't come near me or you'll need to be ventilated. At least until we can be sure you're not still infected.
I never had a cough or fever though
Like I coughed a total of maybe 20 times this entire week, sometimes I tasted blood though
you have the loose association posting style characteristic of the mentally ill along with a thesaurus fetish.
post tits and gtfo
>I'm not risking it.
have fun catching it at the grocery store or from your mailbox. or from someone coughing near your window.
it's like a bad flu. it's nowhere near as bad as SARS or MERS, just more infectious. and original SARS was documented as spreading from building to building because one was downwind.
you WILL be infected and you will survive and be fine with no permanent damage.
It hides behind the brain-blood barrier!
Kills later!
100% DEATH rate
Neither, really. I wouldn't say it's anymore dangerous than any other common illness you have lived with your entire life.
Was infected in late December, early January.
I'm 100 percent back and immune bitches
Finally some people making actuarial sense.
The sheer lack of proper risk assessment from the idiots on this board is exactly why I'm staying the fuck home.
This makes me happy
>option A or B?
>It's obvious CCP shills are trying to use social engineering to get people to risk infection
The amount of nothingburger-posting has ramped up significantly in the last day.
your asking pol some fucking question no one knows the answer to
You didn't have it then,
Did you get tested?
Aggressive and heavy phlegm is a telltale sign
Maybe not niggers
>vitamin c, not ascorbic acid synthetic bullshit
>water, not h2o synthetic bullshit
>t. retard
>Did you get tested?
No, but I had a HARD time breathing, still do but not as much
Even closing my mouth and breathing through my nose could get difficult
When I first realized what was happiness as I work up gasping for air I almost collapsed a few times
You mean you had a panic attack?
Any chest pain or muscle pain?
You definitely didn't fucking have it dude.
You're a fucking retard who doesn't know that ascorbic acid is just the casing of the full vitamin complex.
Fucking neck yourself brainlet.